Research: Architects Builders of Society
Rome Sapienza University PhD 'Architettura e Costruzione' Student. CNAPPC Registered Architect, member of the Ordine Architetti P.P.C. di Roma, member of the Istituto Nazionale di Architettura (INArch Lazio) and of the Advisory Council of Tor Vergata University. Founding partner of the Linee Minime Studio (LMS) and of the non-profit The Community Builders Project (TCBP), in 2013 he worked for the Architectural Association of London at Hooke Park rural campus in Dorset on the prefab and construction phases of the TSS and SL3 alongside Martin Self, Charley Brentnall and others. Architectural Intern in 2014 in Seoul (ROK) he worked for one year alongside masters such as 김중만 (Kim Jung-Man) and others until he founded LMS in Rome in 2015, he achieved several international and Italian awards such as the New Italian Blood 'XIII Architecture and Landscape Award', the 'Iconic Design Award' by the German Design Council and many others. His projects are published by international platforms and magazines such as Designboom, Domus, Monocle Konfekt and others. His academic research focuses on the relationship between architecture and third sector (ITA D.lgs. 117 del 2017). In 2019 he achieved with TCBP the full funding in the call for tenders 'Fermenti' enacted by the Italian Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento per le Politiche Giovanili e il Servizio Civile Universale. TCBP focuses on local communities and self-built urban regeneration in order to create high quality public spaces in the suburbs of Rome, self-built by NEETs, architecture and engineer students and youngsters on-site. The first project 'Torrimpietra Builders' achieved a wide participation and was completed in June 2024. TCBP attends to the main festivals of Rome such as Festival del Verde e del Paesaggio and Festival dell'Architettura (FAR), including Ilaria Venturini Fendi's Floracult.