PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

Rome Sapienza University PhD 'Architettura e Costruzione' Student. CNAPPC Registered Architect, member of the Ordine Architetti P.P.C. di Roma. Founding partner of the architecture firm Linee Minime Studio (LMS) and of the non-profit The Community Builders Project (TCBP).

In 2019 he achived with TCBP the full funding in the call for tenders 'Fermenti' enacted by the Italian Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento per le Politiche Giovanili e il Servizio Civile Universale. TCBP focus is on local communities and urban renovation build by Italian non-profit associations, in order to create high quality public spaces in the suburbs of Rome, built by architecture students and youngsters directly on-site. The the first project 'Torrimpietra Builders' building site is open to any interested people under 35 and it will end by June 2024.

In 2015 he founds in Rome LMS. The Studio achieved several international and Italian awards such as the 'XIII Architecture and Landscape Award' New Italian Blood, the 'Iconic Design Award' by the German Design Council and many others. He published projects such as the 'Torrimpietra New Folk Centre', 'Trestle Veranda' and Maria Paola Maino’s apartment and others on international medias such as Designboom, Domus, Monocle Konfect and many others.

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