Full professor


Full Professor of Christian and Medieval Archaeology at Department of Antiquities of University of Rome Sapienza.
She was coordinator of the bachelor and of the master degree in Archaeology; coordinator of the PhD School in Archaeology.
She was coordinator of many archaeological excavations (church of S. Pietro in Spoleto; fornax at Viggianello – PT; medieval arx at Cervara di Roma; church of S. Giovanni Evangelista in Ravenna; castle of Sardara in Sardegna; medieval town of Leopoli-Cencelle in Latium) and now is the coordinator of the archaeological project at the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
Her scientific interests are mainly devoted to the study of evolution of urban landscape, funeral rituals, social archeology, the ways of Cristianization.
She is membership of scientific societies, of Editorial Board of journals, editorial director of Temporis Signa. She has given invited lectures and seminars at many Universities; she taken part in the organization of exhibitions and congress.
She is author of over 200 scientific publications, including monographs and excavations reports.

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