Research: The Pre-Alpine and Alpine Settlements between the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age (1200-375 BC): a study model through the case of Como-Spina Verde (CO)
November 2023 - present: Ph.D. in Archaeology, Prehistoric curriculum, at "Sapienza" University of Rome.
Research project title: Pre-Alpine and Alpine settlements between the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age (1200-375 B.C.): a study model through the case of Como-Spina Verde (CO).
Supervisor: Prof. A. Vanzetti.
2019-2022: Master's Degree in Archaeology, Prehistoric curriculum, at "Sapienza" University of Rome.
Thesis: Protohistoric Como: digital topography and analysis of the proto-urban centre of Spina Verde (CO).
Advisor: Prof. A. Vanzetti; Co-advisors: SABAP Officer B. Grassi; Prof. A. Di Renzoni.
Final grade: 110 with honors/110.
2015-2019: Bachelor's Degree in Archaeological Sciences, Prehistoric curriculum, at "Sapienza" University of Rome.
Thesis: Surface materials from the site "Le Coazze-Le Basse" in Gazzo Veronese (VR).
Advisor: Prof. A. Vanzetti.
Final grade: 102/110.
2021; 2023: Survey campaign, geomagnetic surveys, and material studies at the protohistoric site of Como (CO). Scientific directors: Alessandro Vanzetti (Sapienza University of Rome), Prof. Carola Metzner-Nebelsik (Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich – Germany), and Prof. Louis Nebelsik (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw – Poland).
2021-2023: Excavation campaign at the protohistoric site of Stätteberg, Unterhausen – district of Neuburg on the Danube (Bavaria, Germany). Scientific directors: Prof. Carola Metzner-Nebelsik (Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich – Germany) and Prof. Louis Nebelsik (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw – Poland).
2019-2023: Excavation and material study campaign at the protohistoric site of Cannatello, Agrigento (AG). Since 2022: Sector Manager; Scientific directors: Prof. Alessandro Vanzetti (Sapienza University of Rome) and Prof. Sara T. Levi (Hunter College, NY-USA).
May 2022: Survey, 3D Metric survey, and Remote Sensing campaign: Parco Spina Verde Como Project - Team Direct 2022. Scientific directors: Prof. Antonia Spanò (Polytechnic of Turin), Prof. Andrea Lingua (Polytechnic of Turin), Prof. Fabio Giulio Tonolo (Polytechnic of Turin), Prof. Paolo Maschio (Polytechnic of Turin).
September 2020: Excavation and material study campaign at the protohistoric site of Monte Croce-Guardia, Arcevia (AN). Scientific director: Prof. Andrea Cardarelli (Sapienza University of Rome).
July-August 2018: Excavation and material study campaign at the Roman site of Peltuinum, between the municipalities of Prata d’Ansidonia and S.Pio delle Camere (AQ). Scientific director: Prof. Luisa Migliorati (Sapienza University of Rome).
April-May 2018: Study campaign of Roman Imperial period pottery, Sigillata class. Scientific director: Prof. Emanuela Borgia (Sapienza University of Rome).
December 2017: Collection and study material reconnaissance campaign at the site of Gazzo Veronese (VR); Scientific director: Prof. Alessandro Vanzetti (Sapienza University of Rome).
July 2017: Excavation campaign on the northern slopes of the Palatine, Rome (RM). Scientific director: Paolo Carafa.
May-June 2017: Training workshop for data management for the creation of an Archaeological Information System. Scientific director: Prof. Paolo Carafa (Sapienza University of Rome).
2016: Material study campaign from the site of Pyrgi, Santa Marinella (RM); Scientific director: Prof. Paola Baglione (Sapienza University of Rome).
-F. Di Maria, A. Vanzetti, B. Grassi, L.D. Nebelsick, C. Metzner-Nebelsick, F. Welc 2023, "Shaping the pre-Alpine landscape: the proto-urban site of Spina Verde, Como" – "The Alps in the 1st Millennium BC", International Conference in Innsbruck, September 29, 2023.
-F. Di Maria, B. Grassi, A. Vanzetti 2023, "What makes a site unitary? The case study of Como-Spina Verde in the Iron Age" – 29th EAA Annual Meeting in Belfast, Northern Ireland, August 30-September 2, 2023, session #230: “What Makes a Settlement? Comparative Perspectives on Settlement Structures and Patterns from Neolithic to Iron Age”, September 1, 2023.
-F. Di Maria, member of the Team of Volunteers for the 29th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists in Belfast, Northern Ireland, held hybrid on August 30 - September 2, 2023.
-F. Di Maria 2022, “The Proto-urban settlement of Como”, lecture at POLITO - Politecnico di Torino, May 23, 2022.
-F. Di Maria, A. Vanzetti, M. Bertoldo, D. Monti, L. Salzani, F. Saccoccio 2021, “Il centro protostorico di Gazzo Veronese tra Veneti, Etruschi e Celti” - 20 anni di Centro Ambientale Archeologico tra ricerca e valorizzazione, at the Centro Ambientale Archeologico Museo Civico di Legnago, December 18, 2021.
-A. Vanzetti, F. Di Maria, A. Di Renzoni, 2020, “Huts and House of the Italian Prehistory: a rough account”, lecture at LMU – Institut für vor- und frühgeschichtliche archäologie und provinzialrömische archälogie, December 16, 2020.
Participation as a structured member in the international research project From Genua to Günzburg – Como project. Years: 2021-2023. Scientific directors: Alessandro Vanzetti (Sapienza University of Rome), Prof. Carola Metzner-Nebelsik (Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich – Germany), Prof. Louis Nebelsik (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw – Poland), and G. Grassi (archaeological officer SABAP, for the provinces of CO-LC-MB-SO-VA).
May-June 2022: Renewal BBS-J 008/2022 Inserimento e ottimizzazione dati Database e GIS Grande Scavo Cannatello (AG) per il progetto di ricerca 000040_21_RS_VANZETTI_GRANDISCAVI - FONDI GRANDI SCAVI 2021 (CUP B85F21003250005).
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Vanzetti (Sapienza University of Rome).
March–April 2022: BBS-J 008/2022 Inserimento e ottimizzazione dati Database e GIS Grande Scavo Cannatello (AG) per il progetto di ricerca 000040_21_RS_VANZETTI_GRANDISCAVI - FONDI GRANDI SCAVI 2021 (CUP B85F21003250005).
Scientific supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Vanzetti (Sapienza University of Rome).
10/11/2023 – 10/12/23: SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l.; Collaborazione occasionale; Collaboratore esterno; Principali mansioni: Aggiornamento carta archeologica di Como-Spina Verde (evidenze abitato Primo Ferro) in RAPTOR (Ricerca Archivi e Pratiche per la Tutela Operativa Regionale) per la SABAP CO-LC-MB-PV-SO-VA.
01/09/2023 – 30/09/23: ISPC, Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale CNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Collaborazione occasionale; Collaboratore esterno; Principali mansioni: Documentazione grafica e fotografica dei reperti archeologici della età del Bronzo e analisi di dati archeologici di archivio relativi a siti dell’età del Bronzo nell'ambito del Progetto DUS.AD013.054 / PRIN 2020 - 2020TL4SEJ - Mobilità, integrazione sociale and cambiamento culturale nel Mediterraneo dell'età del bronzo.