PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

supervisor: Prof.ssa M. T. D'Alessio
co-supervisor: Prof. J. Bogdani

Research: Costruction and perception of sacred landscapes in Epirus between Pyrrhus and Augustus: the case of the sanctuary of Asclepius at Butrint

From 2023 she is a PhD student in Archaeology at Sapienza University of Rome. Her research proposes a study of sacred landscapes in Epirus, focusing on the relationships between man, environment and the dimension of the sacred. The main objective is the analysis of cult spaces, material evidence and religious imagery in relation to the ideological, cultural and social values of the epirote contexts, with a focus on the Hellenistic and early Imperial period.

During her studies at the University of Bologna, she oriented her research interests towards the archaeology of religion and ritual, focusing on contexts from Epirus and Hellenistic and Roman Sicily. She has also advanced the study of cult dynamics in relation to the archaeology of landscapes, developing skills in spatial analysis using GIS. As part of her research she has also gained experience in survey techniques (total station, photogrammetry, laser scanning) for the study of architecture and excavation contexts.

Since 2017 she has taken part in several archaeological campaigns in Italy (Parco Archeologico Valle dei Templi of Agrigento; Monte Rinaldo; Corinaldo; Urbisaglia; Pompei, Casa del Centenario) and in southern Albania (Phoinike; Butrint).
Since 2021 she has been a member of the Italo-Albanian archaeological team 'Butrint Project' (University of Bologna and Institute of Archaeology of Tirana; directors prof. E. Giorgi and prof. B. Muka), working in the archaeological park of Butrint as supervisor of fieldwork and topographic survey, using laser scanning and photogrammetric techniques. Within the project and starting from 2023 she is in charge of the 3D survey and data review of the sanctuary of Asclepius.

Research products

11573/1716811 - 2024 - Paesaggi d’Epiro. Studi di archeologia del paesaggio in Albania meridionale
Carbotti, Federica; D'ambola, Francesca; Rivoli, Matteo; Sigismondo, Giacomo - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1731593 - 2024 - Lorenzo Mancini, Edilizia di culto presso gli ethne dell’Epiro. Architettura e paesaggi del sacro alla periferia nord-occidentale della Grecia, Quasar, Roma 2021| Book review
D'ambola, Francesca - 01d Recensione
paper: GROMA (Bologna : Bradypus) pp. 131-136 - issn: 2531-6672 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1716847 - 2023 - Progetto Bisignano. Un contributo alla conoscenza della media valle del Crati
Aldrovandi, Letizia; Ambrogio, Bianca; Bindelli, Francesca; Borella, Carlotta; Carbotti, Federica; D'ambola, Francesca; Giubileo, Davide; Malavasi, Sara; Pellegrini, Beatrice; Pizzi, Marina; Rivoli, Matteo; Sigismondo, Giacomo; Tempera, Matteo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Landscape 3: una sintesi di elementi diacronici - Uomo e ambiente nel mondo antico: un equilibrio possibile? (Bologna-Ravenna; Italy)
book: Landscape 3: una sintesi di elementi diacronici. Uomo e ambiente nel mondo antico: un equilibrio possibile? - (9781803277011; 9781803277004)

11573/1688728 - 2023 - La ripresa degli scavi sull’acropoli di Butrinto. Considerazioni preliminari sullo scavo delle mura arcaiche
Aleotti, Nadia; Carbotti, Federica; D'ambola, Francesca; Kaca, Taip - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CRONACHE DI ARCHEOLOGIA (Roma: Edizioni Quasar, 2018-) pp. 117-142 - issn: 2612-0941 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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