Research: Campi Raudii and Vercelli in geomorphology, archaeology and history
2019 MASTER'S DEGREE cum laude in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World at Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
MA Thesis "On the identification of the battle of the Campi Raudii" in Ancient Topography, Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Pier Luigi Dall'Aglio.
2016 BACHELOR'S DEGREE cum laude in Humanities at University of Eastern Piedmont.
BA Thesis “On the identification of the Campi Raudii through the ancient sources” in Latin Literature, Thesis supervisor: Prof. Raffaella Tabacco.
AWARD: Best Graduate Student Award in Humanities
OSTRA VETERE (AN), IT July 2017 ‐ 2019, Director of the Field Excavation: Prof. Pier Luigi Dall’Aglio
Archaeological excavation and documentation in the archaeological site of the Roman city of Ostra (Ostra Vetere-AN, IT) during the month of July 2017, 2018 and 2019. 480 hours.
TORRE DEL GRECO (NA), IT October 2018, Director of the Project Vesuviana: Prof.ssa Antonella Coralini
Archaeological excavation and documentation and archaeology of architecture with analysis of Roman buildings, studying the stratigraphy of the paraments in the Roman site of Villa Sora, in Torre del Greco (NA, IT). 120 hours.
POMPEI (NA), IT September/October 2017, Director of the Project Vesuviana: Prof.ssa Antonella Coralini
Activities in Archaeology of architecture with analysis of roman buildings: identification, inventory and digitalization of the stratigraphy of the paraments of the buildings in Insulae IX 5, IX 8 e IX 9 of the Roman site of Pompei. 80 hours.
2020 Collaboration with Civic Archaeological Museum of Vercelli (VC), IT.
Collaboration for an update museum’s caption for three Regenbogenschüsselchen, Celtic golden coins of Vindelicia, found in the North-West territories of Vercelli and exhibited in the first room of the museum.
2021 Certified Training Course SIGEC-WEB
Training Course SIGEC-WEB, created by Italian Confederation of Archeologists (CIA) Friuli-Venezia-Giulia in collaboration with ICCD, Central Institute for Catalogue and Documentation.
13.12.2019 “The battle of Campi Raudii: status quaestionis” at Civic Archaeological Museum (MAC) of Vercelli (VC), IT
10.10.2020 “images, coins and relics: history of a medieval reliquary” at Museum of the Treasure of the Duomo, Vercelli (VC), IT