Full Professor, she graduated at Sapienza University of Rome (1998) in Prehistory of the Near East, she took a post-praduate course at the University of Michigan, USA (1999). PhD at the University of Rome La Sapienza. Alexander von Humboldt fellow in 2016-18.
She Teaches prehistory of the Near East for the BA, Ma and graduate school. She is member of the Doctoral School in Archaeology and Associate Editor of the Journal “Origini”.
Field research activities: yearly, since 1993, in Europe, Central America and the Near East.
Director of the excavations at the site of Arslantepe, Turkey. She is part of the working group for the construction of a site management plan for Arslantepe and is involved in community programs for the enhancement of the knowledge on the site of Arslantepe.
Research Interests: Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in the Near East, domestication, development of complex societies, specialization of craft production, commensality as an instrument of social cohesion and/or social success, and as expression of socio-cultural identity.