PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

advisor: Prof.ssa Dina Nencini

Research: The curve in the composition of architectural space

Francesca Angela Guida was born in Rome in 1997 and graduated in Architecture at La Sapienza University of Rome, with a thesis “Living in the mountains, mountain hut-museum on the Stelvio” presented at The Stelvio National Park Visitors Centre in Bormio. Currently she is in the second year of the PhD in Architecture and Construction - DRACo, curriculum in Architectural and Urban Composition, at the Department of Architecture and Design of the Sapienza University of Rome. Her research interests explore how the experience of space can influence the process of invention, driven by the memory of forms that often reappear unconsciously during the creative process. Specifically, the research topic delves into the evolution of curve tracing and its meaning within the frame of the architectural space composition. Currently she is tutor in the Architectural Design Laboratory of Professor Dina Nencini.

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