Associate professor

building: RM024
room: 318

Department of Developmental and Social Psychology
Sapienza University of Rome
Via Dei Marsi 78
00185 Rome
Current Position
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR in Social Psychology
Department of Developmental and Social Psychology
Sapienza University of Rome

3rd Feb 2020 - 2nd Feb 2023 Assistant Professor (RTD-B) in Social Psychology, Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome
Jan 2019 – Dec 2019 Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Italy). Research project: At the roots of development of human identification in youth: The role of social identification with the peer group.

Jan 2018 -Dec 2018 Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Italy). Research project: Does personal identity promote social inclusiveness? The role of identity processes on prejudice reduction.

Jan 2017 – Dec 2017 Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Italy). Research project: If I know myself, can I trust you? A longitudinal study on the effects of self-concept clarity on prejudice toward migrants.

Jan 2013 – May 2015 Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Italy). Research project: Outgroup projection: quando la minaccia aumenta la tendenza a generalizzare il pregiudizio da un outgroup all’altro [Outgroup projection: when threat enhances the tendency to generalize prejudice from one outgroup onto another one] (awarded for one year, prolonged for maternity leave).

Jan 2011 – Dec 2012 Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Department of Educational Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. Research project: La generalizzazione del pregiudizio da un outgroup all’altro [Generalisation of prejudice from one outgroup to another one].

Jan 2009 – Dec 2010 Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Department of Educational Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. Research project: Il proprio gruppo, i gruppi umani e quelli “meno” umani: Quando gli stereotipici sociali negano l’umanità degli altri [The ingroup, human groups, and “less human” groups].

2005-2008 PHD in Social, Educational, and Organizational Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy.
Dissertation: When the Others are Less Human: Dehumanization in Intergroup Relations. Advisor: Monica Rubini.

1998-2003 MSc in Psychology Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy (magna cum laude).
Dissertation: Status e potere dei gruppi: fattori di discriminazione e interdipendenza [Groups' status and power: Discrimination and interdependence factors]. Advisor: Monica Rubini.

1st Dec 2005-1st April 2006 Visiting PhD student, Catholic University of Louvain, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education – Unité de Psychologie Sociale et des Organisations - Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). Advisor: Jacques-Philippe Leyens.

1st Sep 2004-31st Dec 2004 Visiting postgraduate student, Leiden University, Department of Psychology (Division of Social and Organizational Psychology) – Leiden (The Netherlands) Advisors: Naomi Ellemers, Manuela Barreto.

1st Jan 2005-31st May 2005 Visiting PhD student, Leiden University, Department of Psychology (Division of Social and Organizational Psychology) – Leiden (The Netherlands). Advisors: Naomi Ellemers, Manuela Barreto.

12th December 2023 Italian National Scientific Habilitation (ASN, I fascia).

5th April 2019 Italian National Scientific Habilitation (ASN, II fascia).

July 2018 AIP (Italian Association of Psychology) “Internationalization grant” (travel grant)

April 2018 EASP (European Association of Social Psychology) “Seedcorn Grant” (research grant for the project: “A developmental perspective of factors affecting prejudice towards migrants and social inclusiveness in adolescence”).

July 2017 EASP (European Association of Social Psychology) “Support scheme” (travel grant).
Oct 2017–July 2016 Research grant from the Department of Psychology of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna awarded to collaborate in the Italian Ministry of University and Research FIRB 2012 Project (Protocollo RBFR128CR6_004): L’importanza di essere onesti. La moralità come dimensione fondamentale dei legami sociali [The importance of being honest. Morality as a fundamental dimension of social relations].
2008 Best Doctoral Dissertation in Social Psychology Award, Italian Association of Psychology (AIP).

Dec 2008 Research grant from the Department of Educational Sciences of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna awarded to collaborate in the Italian Ministry of University and Research PRIN 2007 (prot. prot. 2007PJYAKF) (from 12/01/2008 to 12/31/2008.

Nov 2007–Jan 2008 Research grant from the Department of Educational Sciences of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna awarded to collaborate in the Italian Ministry of University and Research PRIN 2005 Project (prot. 2005112780) (from 11/20/2007 to 01/19/2008).

Jan 2005–Dec 2007 Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna Doctoral Grant "Dottorato di Ricerca in Psicologia Sociale, dello Sviluppo, delle Organizzazioni XX Ciclo".
August 2006 Summer School of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology ( EAESP); workshop on "Social perception and cognition” (Professors: Daniel Wigboldus & Jeroen Vaes), University of Padua, Italy.
2005 Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna "Marco Polo" Travel Grant.

2004 Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna Travel Grant "Borsa di studio per la Frequenza di Corsi di Perfezionamento all'Estero" [Grant for attending training courses abroad].

2024 today
Sapienza University of Rome – Ateneo Project “Ambition and conspicuous consumption: Identifying the role of envy and normative social Influence” (Prot. RG123188AEBF32AA). Role co-investigator. PI: Antonio Pierro (€ 27,500).

2023 today
Sapienza University of Rome – Ateneo Project “Think female, think follower: The role of need for cognitive closure and implicit theories of personality” (prot. RP122181638F7A3A). Role: Principal Investigator (€ 3000)

2022 today
Sapienza University of Rome – Ateneo Project “Organizational and learning forgiveness climate and well-being: The moderating role of regulatory mode orientations” (Prot. RM12117A87276189). Role: Principal Investigator (€ 10,000)

2021 today
Sapienza University of Rome – Ateneo Project “Ecological Threat (e.g., COVID-19), Epistemic Motivations, Cultural Tight-ness Looseness, and Negative Attitudes Towards Immigrants”. (Prot. RG120172A2E1775D), Role: co-investigator. PI: Antonio Pierro (€ 30,000).

EASP Seedcorn Grant intitolato "A developmental perspective of factors affecting prejudice towards migrants and social inclusiveness in adolescence”. Role: Principal investigator. (€ 2,000)


2024 (January) – today Member of the Board of Environment and Social Psychology edited by Asia Pacific Academy of Sciences (indexed in Scopus).

2022 (October) – today Member of the Board of Psychology Hub, Edited da SUE, Roma, Italia. (indexed in Scopus).

2020 – today Member of the Board of Adolescents, edited by MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. (indexed in Scopus).

Ad hoc reviewer for national and international journals

2024 Personality and Individual Differences, edited by Elsevier, London, UK.

Adolescents, edited by MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

Journal of Language and Social Psychology, edited by SAGE, London, UK.

Psychology Hub, edited by SUE, Roma, Italia.

2023 European Journal of Social Psychology, edited by Wiley London, UK

Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, edited by SAGE, London, UK.

Psychology Hub, edited by SUE, Roma, Italia.

2022 Psychology Hub, edited by SUE, Roma, Italia.

2021 International Journal of Intercultural Relations, edited by Elsevier, London, UK.

Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, edited by SAGE, London, UK.

Frontiers. Personality and Social Psychology, edited by Frontiers, Switzerland.

2020 Journal of Ethic and Migration Studies, edited by Taylor and Francis, UK.

Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, edited by SAGE, London, UK..

2019 Child Development, edited by Wiley, London, UK..

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, edited by Wiley, London, UK.

International Journal of Psychology, edited by Wiley, London, UK.

Psicologia della Salute, edited by Il Mulino, Bologna, Italia.

Psicologia sociale, edited by Il Mulino, Bologna, Italia.

Spanish Journal of Psychology, edited by Cambridge University Press, UK.

2018 Psicologia della Salute, edited by Il Mulino, Bologna, Italia.

Child Development, edita da Wiley, London, UK.

PLOS ONE, edited by PLOS, San Francisco, CA, US.

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, edited by Elsevier, New York, NY, US.

2017 Journal of Youth Studies, edited by Taylor & Francis, London, UK.

Political Psychology, edited by Wiley, London, UK.

Psicologia Sociale, edited by Il Mulino, Bologna, Italia.

2015 Political Psychology, edited by Wiley, London, UK.

Psicologia Sociale, edited by Il Mulino, Bologna., Italia.

2014 Journal of Applied Social Psychology, edited by Wiley, London, UK.

2013 Psicologia Sociale, edited by Il Mulino, Bologna, Italia.

2011 Spanish Journal of Psychology, edited by Cambridge University Press, UK.

2010 Psicologia Sociale, edited by Il Mulino, Bologna, Italia.

2018 – today Full member of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA).

2016 – today Albo Professionale degli Psicologi (iscritta all’Ordine della Regione Emilia-Romagna, sezione A).

2011 – ad oggi Full member of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP).

2007 – oggi Socio affiliato della Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (A.I.P.) – sezione di Psicologia Sociale.

2005 – 2010 Postgraduate member of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP).


Prof. Micheal Alexander Hogg, Claremont Graduate University, USA.

Prof. Katarzyna Hamer, Polish Academy of Sciences, Polonia.

Prof. Richard Crisp, Durham University, Regno Unito.

Prof. Miles Hewstone, University of Oxford, Regno Unito.

Prof. Naomi Ellemers, Utretch University, Baesi Bassi.

Prof. Monica Rubini, Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Italia

Prof. Elisabetta Crocetti, Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Italia.

Prof. Silvia Moscatelli, Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Italia.

Prof. Michela Menegatti, Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Italia.

2021 – today Doctorate in “Psicologia sociale, dello sviluppo e della ricerca educativa” [Doctorte in social, developmental and educational researc], Dipartimento di Psicologia dei Processi di Sviluppo e Socializzazione, Sapienza Università di Roma.


2021 Ad hoc reviewer for the doctoral project by Stefano Ciaffoni (Doctorate in Psychological Sciences, Dipartimento di Psicologia, Alma Mater Studirum-Università di Bologna.


Bibliometric indexes (Scopus)
Articoli = 31
Citazioni = 587
Indice H = 15
Albarello, F., Moscatelli, S., Menegatti, M., Lucidi, F., Cavicchiolo, E., Manganelli, S., Diotaiuti, P., Chirico, A., & Alivernini, F. (2024). Social psychological determinants of prejudice. Encyclopedia doi:10.3390/socsci13010024.

Albarello, F., Moscatelli, S., Menegatti, M., Lucidi, F., Cavicchiolo, E., Manganelli, S., Diotaiuti, P., Chirico, A., & Alivernini, F. (2024). Prejudice towards immigrants: A conceptual and theoretical overview on its social psychological determinants. Social Sciences 13, 1-18, Article 24. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci13010024 [JIF = 1.70, quartile WOS: Q2]

Contu, F., Albarello, F., & Pierro, A. (2024). Motivation to avoid uncertainty, implicit person theories about the malleability of human attributes, and attitudes toward women as leaders vs. followers: a mediational analysis. Behavioral Sciences, 14, 1-11, Article 64. https://doi.org/10.3390bs14010064. [JIF = 2.60, quartile WOS: Q2]

Albarello, F., Contu, F., Baldner, C., Vecchione, R., Ellenberg, M., Kruglanski, A. W., & Pierro, A. (2023). At the roots of Allport’s “prejudice-prone personality”: The impact of need for cognitive closure on prejudice towards different outgroups and the mediating role of binding moral foundations. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 95, 1–14, Article 101885.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101885 [JIF = 2.80, quartile WOS: Q2]

Albarello, F., Mula, S., Contu, F., Baldner, C., Kruglanski, A. W., & Pierro, A. (2023). Addressing the effect of concern with Covid-19 threat on prejudice towards immigrants: The sequential mediating role of need for cognitive closure and desire for cultural tightness. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 23,1–9, Article 101755. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101755 [JIF = 2.80; quartile WOS: Q2]

Albarello, F., Crocetti, E., Golfieri, F., & Rubini, M. (2023). The language of adolescents in depicting migrants. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 42(2), 183–202. Advance online publication https://doi.org/10.1177/0261927X221139882 [JIF = 2.10; quartile WOS: Q1]

Bobba, B., Albarello, F*., Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M. (2023). Addressing ethnic prejudice in youth: Developmental trajectories and associations with educational identity. European Journal of Personality, 37(6), 756-781. https://doi.org/10.1177/08902070221123785
*Shared first authorship [JIF = 5.90; quartile WOS: Q1]

Albarello, F., Manganelli, S., Cavicchiolo, E., Lucidi, F., Chirico, A., & Alivernini, F. (2022). Addressing adolescents’ prejudice toward immigrants: The role of the classroom context. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 52, 951–966 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-022-01725-y [JIF = 4.90; quartile WOS: Q1]

Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2022). At the roots of attribution of human rights to migrants. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1–14. Article 1046616. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1046616 [JIF = 3.80, quartile WOS: Q1]

Albarello, F., Menegatti, M., & Moscatelli, S. (2022). Il pregiudizio etnico. In M. Brambilla & S. Sacchi (Eds.), Psicologia sociale del pregiudizio (pp. 145-166). Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore. EAN: 9788832854084

Crocetti, E., Albarello, F., Meeus, W., & Rubini, M. (2022). Identity: A developmental social-psychological perspective. European Review of Social Psychology, 34(1), 161-201. https://doi.org/10.1080/10463283.2022.2104987 [JIF = 7.20; quartile WOS: Q1]

Cavicchiolo, E., Lucidi, F., Diotaiuti, P., Chirico, A., Galli, F., Manganelli, S., D’Amico, M., Albarello, F., Girelli, L., Cozzolino, M., Sibilio, M., Zelli, A., Mallia, L., Germani, S., Palombi, T., Fegatelli, D., Liparoti, M., Mandolesi, L., Alivernini, F. (2022). Adolescents’ characteristics and peer relationships in class: A population study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19158907 [JIF ; quartile WOS:]

Cavicchiolo, E., Sibilio, M., Lucidi, F., Cozzolino, M., Chirico, A., Girelli, L., Manganelli, S., Giancamilli, F., Galli, F.; Diotaiuti, P., Zelli, A., Mallia, L., Palombi, T., Fegatelli, D., Albarello, F., & Alivernini, F. (2022). The psychometric properties of the Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-3): Factorial structure, invariance and validity in the Italian context. International Journal of Environmental Research and Pubic Health, 19, 1937. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19041937 [JIF = quartile WOS:]

Albarello, F., Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M. (2021). Developing identification with humanity and social well-being through identifications with peer groups in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50(6), 1157–1172. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-020-01214-0 [JIF = 5.625; quartile WOS: Q1]

Crocetti, E., Albarello, F., Prati, F., & Rubini, M. (2021). Development of prejudice against immigrants and ethnic minorities in adolescence: A systematic review with meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Developmental Review, 60, Article 100959. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dr.2021.100959 [JIF = 8.361; quartile WOS: Q1]

Albarello, F. (2020). “Sono delle bestie!”: L’animalizzazione come strumento per svilire l’umanità altrui. Minority Reports. Cultural Disability Studies, 10, 11-37. http://digital.casalini.it/5150764
Albarello, F., Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M. (2020). Prejudice and inclusiveness in adolescence: The role of multiple categorization and social dominance orientation. Child Development, 91(4), 1183-1202. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13295 [JIF = 5.899; quartile WOS: Q1]

Albarello, F., Foroni, F., Hewstone, M., & Rubini, M. (2019). “They are all alike”: When negative minority outgroups are generalized onto superordinate inclusive outgroups. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 73, 59-73. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2019.08.003 [JIF = 1.713; quartile WOS: Q2]

Albarello, F., Prati, F., Sangiorgi, L., Tremosini, M., Menegatti, M., Depolo, M., & Rubini, M. (2019). Does Hub-and-Spoke organization of healthcare system promote workers’ satisfaction? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49, 634-646. 59-73. https://doi.org/10.1111/jasp.12623 [JIF = 1.553; quartile WOS: Q3]

Moscatelli, S., Menegatti, M., Albarello, F., Pratto, F., & Rubini, M. (2019). Can we identify with a nation low in morality? The heavy weight of (im) morality in international comparison. Political Psychology, 40, 93-110. https://doi.org/10.1111/pops.12504 [JIF = 3.175; quartile WOS: Q1]

Albarello, F., Crisp, R. J., & Rubini, M. (2018). Promoting beliefs in the inalienability of human rights by attributing uniquely human emotions. Journal of Social Psychology, 158(3), 309-321. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/00224545.2017.1346581 [JIF = 1.102; quartile WOS: Q4]

Albarello, F., Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M. (2018). I and us: A longitudinal study on the interplay of personal and social identity in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47 (4), 689-702 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-017-0791-4 [JIF = 3.259; quartile WOS: Q1]

Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2018). Linguistic discrimination towards Roma: Can intergroup threat enhance bias? Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 37, 350-364. https://doi.org/10.1177/0261927X17725880 [JIF = 1.014; quartile WOS: Q2]

Albarello, F., Foroni, F., Hewstone, M., & Rubini, M. (2017). Generalisation of Roma to Romanians: Evidence of the outgroup projection effect. Psicologia sociale, Social Psychology Theory & Research, 12(2), 239-249. https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.1482/87249 [SCIMAGO Journal Rank = 0.251; quartile SJR: Q3]

Rubini, M., Roncarati, A., Ravenna, M., Albarello, F., Moscatelli, S., & Semin, G. (2017). Denying psychological properties of girls and prostitutes: The role of verbal insults. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 36, 226-240. https://doi.org/10.1177/0261927X16645835 [JIF = 1.233; quartile WOS: Q2]

Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2015). The role of reduced humanity in producing linguistic discrimination. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(2), 224-236. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167214561195 [JIF = 2.560; quartile WOS: Q1]

Moscatelli, S., Albarello, F., Prati, F., & Rubini, M. (2014). Baldly off or better than them? The impact of relative deprivation and relative gratification on intergroup relations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107, 248-264. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0036704 [JIF = 5.031; quartile WOS: Q1]

Moscatelli, S. Menegatti, M., Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2014). La negazione della moralità nel linguaggio degli insulti. In Mind, 7. http://it.in-mind.org/issue/7-2014

Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2012). Reducing dehumanisation outcomes towards Blacks: The role of multiple categorisation and human identity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42(7), 875-882. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.1902 [JIF = 1.667; quartile WOS: Q2]

Albarello, F., & Rubini, M (2012). Se sei una persona umana allora mi piaci di più. Gli effetti della ridotta umanità degli altri sulla percezione sociale [If you are human, I like you more: The effects of others reduced humanity on social perception]. Psicologia Sociale, Social Psychology Theory & Research, 7(3), 443-452. https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.1482/38444 [SCIMAGO Journal Rank = 0.187; quartile SJR: Q4]

Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2011). Outgroup projection: il caso degli stereotipi negativi attribuiti a Rom e Rumeni [Outgroup projection: The case of negative stereotypes attributed to Roma and Romanians]. Psicologia sociale, Social Psychology Theory & Research, 6(3), 353-363. https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.1482/35788 [SCIMAGO Journal Rank = 0.102; quartile SJR: Q4]

Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2011). When hate leads to devaluation of others: Denial of humanity and the “banality of evil”. In A. M. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research (Vol. 77, pp. 187-204). New York, NY: Nova Publishers.

Albarello, F., & Rubini, M (2010). Gruppi Umani e Gruppi Meno Umani: La Deumanizzazione nelle Relazioni Intergruppi [Human and less human groups: Dehumanisation in intergroup relations]. In B. M. Mazzara (Ed.), L’Incontro interculturale: Forme, processi, percorsi (pp. 63-72). Milano: Unicopli.


Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2008). Relazioni intergruppi e fenomeni di deumanizzazione [Intergroup relations and dehumanization phenomena]. Psicologia sociale, Social Psychology Theory & Research, 3(1), 67-94. https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.1482/26760 [SCIMAGO Journal Rank = 0.100; quartile SJR: Q4]

Moscatelli, S., Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2008). Linguistic discrimination in minimal groups: The impact of status differentials. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 27, 140-154. https://doi.org/10.1177/0261927X07313652 [JIF = 0.543; quartile WOS: Q3]

Moscatelli, S., Rubini, M., & Albarello, F. (2008). Aspettandosi il male minore dall’ingroup: Asimmetrie di potere e distribuzione di penalità [Expecting a smaller damage from the ingroup. Power asymmetries between groups and allocation of penalities]. Psicologia sociale, Social Psychology Theory & Research, 3(3), 425-446. https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.1482/28381 [SCIMAGO Journal Rank = 0.100; quartile SJR: Q4]


Rubini, M., Moscatelli, S., Albarello, F., & Palmonari, A. (2007). Group power as a determinant of interdependence and intergroup discrimination. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37, 1203-1221. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.391 [JIF = 1.570; quartile WOS: Q2]

Submitted Manuscripts

Albarello, F., Kenfack, C. S. K., & Pierro, A. (2023). “Think Follower, Think Female”: Need for Cognitive Closure, Followership and the Mediating Role of Congruity between Follower Prototype and Gender Stereotypes. [Submitted manuscript]. Sapienza University of Rome.

Albarello, F., Contu, F., & Pierro, A. (2023). Motivated closed-mindedness and gender bias towards women managers: The mediational role of desired cultural tightness [Submitted manuscript]. Sapienza University of Rome.

2019 Member of the Organizing Committee and of the Scientific Committee of the “EASP Intergroup Communication Meeting” (June 26th-28th, 2019), Bologna, Italy.

2018 Proponent of the Conference entitled "Accoglienza, immigrazione e declino demografico" [Reception, immigration and demographic decline] (by Flavia Albarello, Vando Borghi, Andrea Borsari, Elisabetta Crocetti, Roberto Impicciatore, Giovanni Leoni, Francesca Prati, Rosella Rettaroli, Francesco Scalone) held within the event "Game of Fears 2017-2018" at Istituto di Studi Avanzati dell'Università di Bologna (ISA) (7-02-2018), Bologna, Italy.

- Albarello, F., & Ekstein, K. (2018, September 12-15), Towards promotion of social inclusiveness and reduction of prejudice in adolescence [Symposium]. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgio.

- Crocetti, E., & Albarello, F. (2021, September 13-18). Ridurre il pregiudizio e promuovere l’integrazione: traiettorie di sviluppo e processi identitari [Symposium]. XVII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’AIP. Brescia, Italia.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2022, April 28-30). Acknowledging humanity to migrants: The role of construens and destruens factors [paper presentation]. 20 years of dehumanisation: Confronting social discourses that treat people like non-human beings. Tenerife, Spain.

- Crocetti, E., Albarello, F., Prati, F., & Rubini, M. (2022, July 12-17). Development of adolescents’ prejudice against immigrants and ethnic minorities: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. ECP20 European Conference on Personality Psychology. Madrid, Spain.


- Crocetti, E., Albarello, F., & Rubini, M . (2019, October 10-12). Enlarging social identification(s) in the transition to emerging adulthood. In E. Crocetti (Chair) [Symposium]. The 9th Conference on Emerging Adulthood. Toronto, Canada.

- Albarello, F. (2019, June). Linguistic Discrimination Towards Roma: Can Intergroup Threat Enhance Bias? Communication at EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication. Bologna, Italy.

- Crocetti, E., Albarello, F., & Golfieri, F. (2019, June). Reducing adolescents’ linguistic discrimination against migrants: A longitudinal study. Communication at EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication. Bologna, Italy.

- Crocetti, E., Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2019, May). Self-development and adolescent adjustment: A multi-dimensional longitudinal study. In K. Sugimura (Chair), The longitudinal relationship between youth identity development and multiple dimensions of adjustment. Symposium conducted at the 26th Annual Conference of the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), Naples, Italy.

- Albarello, F., Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M. (2018, September). Social Inclusiveness as affected by multiple categorization, social dominance orientation, and prejudice. Communication in symposium at 2018 European Association for Research in Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Ghent, Belgium.

- Albarello, F., Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M. (2018, September). I and Us: A longitudinal study on the interplay of personal and social identity in adolescence. Communication in symposium at 2018 European Association for Research in Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Ghent, Belgium.

- Albarello, F., & Ekstein, K. (2018, September). Towards promotion of social inclusivenss and reduction of prejudice in adolescence. Chaired symposium at 2018 European Association for Research in Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Ghent, Belgium.

- Albarello, F.(2017, July). The denial of morality, competence, and sociability through verbal insults. Blitz communication at 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2014, July). Promoting human rights of Blacks by attributing uniquely human emotions. Communication at 37th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Rome, Italy.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2014, July). Reducing dehumanization outcomes towards Blacks: The role of multiple categorization and human identity. Communication in symposium at XVII General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

- Albarello, F., Rubini, M., & Moscatelli, S. (2012, June). Relative deprivation and relative gratification as factors strengthening group bonds and discrimination. Communication at 14th Jena Workshop on Intergroup Processes, Jena, Germany.

- Rubini, M., Albarello, F., & Prati, F. (2011, May). Does multiple categorisation promote individuals’ inclusion in the human group? Communication at 2011 International Multidisciplinary Conference Organized by the PIDOP Consortium ”Engaged citizens? Political participation and civic engagement among youth, women, minorities and migrants”, Bologna, Italy.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2008, June). Dehumanisation as a factor triggering linguistic discrimination. Communication at EAESP Small Group Meeting on Dehumanisation, Kazimerz at Vistula River, Poland.

- Eyssel, F., Denson, T., Cislak, A., & Albarello, F. (2008, June). The Role of psychological closeness in infrahumanization. Communication at EAESP Small Group Meeting on Dehumanisation, Kazimerz at Vistula River, Poland.

- Moscatelli, S., Rubini, M., & Albarello, F. (2008, June). Power differentials and intergroup discrimination: The role of reciprocal expectations. Communication at XV General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Opatjia, Croatia.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2007, September).Crossed categorisations and superordinate self-categorisations as moderators of dehumanisation. Communication at European Social Cognition Network Meeting, 9th Transfer of Knowledge Conference, Brno, Czech Republic.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2007, April). If we have something in common, I consider you more human: Crossed categorisations and super-ordinate categorisations as moderators of dehumanisation. Communication at II Warsaw-Jena Workshop, Victim/perpetrator relations in a changing Europe, Warsaw, Poland.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2006, June). Relative deprivation as a factor enhancing intergroup discrimination. Communication a Kent Workshop on Linguistic Bias, Canterbury, United Kingdom.

- 2022

- Albarello, F. (2022, Settembre 27-30). Can we change high need for cognitive closure adolescents’ prejudice towards migrants? The role of class shared cognitions and in-depth exploration of educational identity [Paper presentation]. XXX Congresso Nazionale della Associazione Italiana di Psicologia AIP. Padova, Italia.

- Albarello, F. (2021, Settembre 13-18). Categorizzazione multipla, esplorazione dell’identità e identificazione umana come fattori alla base dell’inclusività sociale verso i migranti negli adolescenti e nei giovani adulti [Paper presentation]. In E. Crocetti, & F. Albarello (Chairs), Ridurre il pregiudizio e promuovere l’integrazione: traiettorie di sviluppo e processi identitari [Simposium]. XVII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’AIP. Brescia, Italia.

- Crocetti, E., & Albarello, F. (2021, Settembre 13-18). Lo sviluppo del pregiudizio contro gli immigrati e le minoranze etniche in adolescenza: una meta-analisi di studi longitudinali. [In E. Crocetti, & F. Albarello (Chairs), Ridurre il pregiudizio e promuovere l’integrazione: traiettorie di sviluppo e processi identitari [Simposium]. XVII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’AIP. Brescia, Italia.

- Crocetti, E., & Albarello, F. (2021, Settembre 13-18). Ridurre il pregiudizio e promuovere l’integrazione: traiettorie di sviluppo e processi identitari [Simposium]. XVII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’AIP. Brescia, Italia.

- Albarello, F. (2019, Dicembre 13). At the roots of development of human identification and social well-being in youth: The role of social identifications with the peer groups [Paper presentation]. 4th Postdoctoral Research Symposium 2019 of the Department of Psychology of the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italia.

- Albarello, F. & Rubini, M. (2019, September). “Loro sono tutti uguali”: Quando outgroups minoritari percepiti negativamente vengono proiettati su outgroups più inclusivi e sovraordinati. Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP), Rome, Italy.

- Crocetti, E., & Albarello, F. (2019, September). La traiettoria evolutiva dell’identificazione sociale nella transizione dall’adolescenza alla fase giovanile. Communication at the XVI Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP), Rome, Italy.

- Albarello, F. (2018, December). Reducing adolescent prejudice and enhancing inclusiveness: The role of socail dominance orientation and multiple categorization. Communication at 2018 Postdoctoral Research Symposium of the Department of Psychology of the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

- Albarello, F., & Crocetti, E. (2018, September). Dominanza sociale, categorizzazione multipla, pregiudizio verso i migranti e inclusività sociale in adolescenza. Communication in symposium at the XV Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP), Bari, Italia.

- Albarello, F., Prati, F., & Crocetti, E. (2018, Settember). Nessuna persona è un’isola [No one is an island]. Communication at 2018 European Reserarchers Night, Cesena, Italy.

- Albarello, F. (2017, November). I and us: A longitudinal study on the interplay of personal and social identity in adolescence. Communication at 2018 Postdoctoral Research Symposium of the Department of Psychology of the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

- Crocetti, E., & Albarello F. (2017, September). Dimmi chi sei e ti dirò se sei felice [Tell me who you are and I’ll tell you if you are happy]. Communication at 2017 European Researchers Night, Cesena, Italy.
- Albarello, F. (2016, September). Il ruolo della ridotta umanità nel produrre discriminazione linguistica [The role of reduced humanity in eliciting linguistic discrimination]. Communicationa at 14th Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP), Naples, Italy.

- Prati, F., & Albarello, F. (2016, settembre). Aperitivo scientifico a base di stereotipi e pregiudizi. Communication at 2016 European Researchers Night, Cesena, Italy.

- Albarello, F. (2012, September). Outgroup projection: quando la minaccia aumenta la tendenza a generalizzare il pregiudizio da un outgroup all’altro [Outgroup projection: When threat increases the tendency to generalise prejudice from one outgroup onto another one]. Communication in symposium at XI Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Chieti, Italy.

- Rubini, M., & Albarello, F. (2012, September). Furbi e disonesti! La negazione della moralità degli altri attraverso gli insulti verbali [Smart and dishonest! The denial of others morality by means of verbal insults]. Communication at XI Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Chieti, Italy.

- Rubini, M., Albarello, F., & Prati, F. (2011, September). La categorizzazione multipla degli immigrati promuove la loro inclusione nel gruppo umano? Possibili antecedenti della partecipazione sociale degli immigrati [Does multiple categorization of immigrants promote their inclusion in the human group? Eventual antecedents or social participation of immigrants]. Communication at the Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP) Meeting “Cittadinanza attiva, multiculturalità e immigrazione”, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2010, September). Outgroup projection: Il caso degli stereotipi negativi attribuiti a Rom e Rumeni [Outgroup projection: the case of negative stereotypes towards Roma and Romanians]. Communication in symposium at X Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Turin, Italy.

- Prati, F., & Albarello, F. (2010, September). Il ruolo delle categorie sociali multiple nel favorire l’inclusione nel gruppo umano. [The role of multiple social categories in promoting inclusion in the human group]. Communication at X Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Turin, Italy.

- Albarello, F., Rubini, M., & Palmonari, A. (2009, September). Quando gli altri sono meno umani: Gli effetti del prestigio sociale e della minacciosità intergruppi [When the others as less human: The effects of social prestige and intewrgroup threat]. Communication in symposium at IX Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Cagliari, Italiy.

- Albarello, F., & Melotti, G. (2009, May). Comportamenti devianti in adolescenza: Ruolo e responsabilità dei genitori [Deviant beahviours in adolescence: The role and responsibilities of parents]. Communication at the Meeting “Comportamenti violenti in adolescenza. I risultati di una ricerca nella provincia di Rimini”, Rimini, Italy.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2008, September). Non tutti gli outgroup sono “meno umani”: Status e minacciosità dei gruppi come moderatori della deumanizzazione [Not all outgroups are all the same: Status and group threat as moderator of dehumanization]. Communication at Giornate di Studio “Spazi interculturali: trame, percorsi, incontri” della Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP), Rome, Italy.

- Rubini, M., & Albarello, F. (2008, September). Categorizzazioni incrociate ed identità umana come moderatori del pregiudizio etnico [Crossed categorization and human identity as moderators of ethnic prejudice]. Communication at Giornate di Studio “Spazi interculturali: trame, percorsi, incontri” della Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP), Rome, Italiy.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2008, May). Il ruolo della riduzione di umanità dell’alter nel produrre discriminazione linguistica [The role of reduced humanity in eliciting linguistic discrimination]. Communication at Seconda Giornata dei Contributi dei Giovani Ricercatori nell’ambito della psicologia dinamica/clinica e sociale, Aosta, Italy.

- Albarello, F. (2007, September). Riduzione dell’umanità dell’alter, astrazione linguistica e severità degli insulti. Communication at VIII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Cesena, Italy.

- Rubini, M., & Albarello, F. (2007, September). Categorizzazioni incrociate, salienza dell’identità umana e de-umanizzazione. [Crossed categorizations, salience of human identity amd dehumanization]. Communication at VIII Congresso della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Cesena, Italy.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2006, September). Se abbiamo qualcosa in comune ti considero più umano: Effetti delle categorizzazioni sociali incrociate e fenomeni di de-umanizzazione [If we have something in common I consider you more human: Effects of social crossed categorisationz and dehumanization phenomena]. Communication at VII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Genova, Italy.

- Moscatelli, S., & Albarello, F. (2004, September). Il potere dei gruppi: una forma ‘potente’ di interdipendenza [Groups’ power: a “powerful” form of interdependence]. Communication at VI Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Sociale (AIP), Sciacca, Italy.

- Erentaitė, R., & Raiziene, S., Cesnuityte, V., Sondaite, J., Vosylis, R., Gabrialaviciute, I., Crocetti, E., & Rubini, M., Albarello, F., … Carrizales, A. (2018, September). Facilitating support to youth identity development in Europe: the outcomes and implications from the INSIDE project. [Poster presentation]. 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Ghent, Belgium.

- Albarello, F., Moscatelli, S., Menegatti, M., & Rubini, M. (2017, June, 22). Morality, languagem and intergroup relations. Poster presented at the Workshop on “Morality in psychology: Trends in theory and research”. University of Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy.

- Moscatelli, S., Albarello, F., Prati, F, & Rubini (2014, July). The effects of relative deprivation and relative gratification on implicit and overt intergroup discrimination. Poster presented at XVII General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2011, July). Reducing dehumanisation outcomes: The role of multiple and human categorisation and perceived similarity. Poster presented at XVI General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.

- Rubini, M., & Albarello, F. (2011, July). Denying the fundamental components of others by verbal abuse. Poster presented at XVI General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.

- Albarello, F., & Rubini, M. (2008, June). The aggravating role of dehumanisation in linguistic intergroup discrimination. Poster presented at XV General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Opatjia, Croatia.

- Albarello, F., Moscatelli, S., & Rubini, M. (2005, July). Relative deprivation as a factor enhancing intergroup discrimination. Poster presented at XIV General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Wuerzburg, Germania.

- Moscatelli, S., Rubini, M., & Albarello, F. (2005, July).Group size, group status and common fate as determinants of group interdependence and linguistic intergroup discrimination. Poster presented at XIV General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Wuerzburg, Germany.

2018 – 2020 Erasums+ KA2 Strategic Partnership Project “Peace Dialogue Campus Network: Fostering Positive Attitudes between Migrants and Youth in Hosting Societies (Peacemakers)” project numeber: 2017-1-TR01-KA203-046676) . Role: Co-Inverstigator. PI: Koc University (Turkey).

2017 – 2018 Erasums+ KA2 Strategic Partnership Project “Innovative Curriculum for Strong Identities in Diverse Europe (INSIDE)” (project number: 2016-1-LT01-KA203-023220). Role: Co-Investigator. PI: Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania).

July 2023 – today Participation in the Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale PRIN Bando 2022 (prot. 2022BXT34T) titled “The Psychology of Gender Inequality: Processes Underlying the Status Quo and Actions for Social Change”. PI: Prof.ssa Monica Rubini, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Role: co-investigator, Sapienza research unit.

1st December 2023 – today Participation in the Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale PRIN Bando 2022 PNRR (Prot. P2022TSR4H) titled “Detrimental and beneficial social factors leading to inclusive societies”. PI: Prof. Antonio Pierro, Sapienza Università di Roma. Role: co-investigator, Sapienza research unit

2017 – 2019 “AlmaIdea Junior” - University of Bologna. Title of project: “A longitudinal study on the interdependent effects of personal and social identity on well-being and social inclusiveness”. Role: Co-Investigator. PI: Prof. Elisabetta Crocetti.

2013 – 2017 “Programma Futuro in Ricerca” (FIRB 2012, prot. RBFR128CR6_004) – Italian Ministry of University and Research. Title of project: “L’importanza di essere onesti. La moralità come dimensione fondamentale delle relazioni sociali [The importance of being honest. Morality as a crucial dimension of social realtions]. Role: Co-Investigator PI: Luciana Carraro, University of Padua.

2008 – 2010 “Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale” (PRIN 2007, prot. 2007PJYAKF) – Italian Ministry of University and Research. Title of project: “Fattori di moderazione del pregiudizio sociale" [Factors moderating social prejudice]. Role: Co-Investigator. PI: Augusto Palmonari, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna.

2006 – 2008 “Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale” (PRIN 2005, prot. 2005112780) – Italian Ministry of University and Research. Title of project: “Fattori cognitivi affettivi e relazionali nella genesi del pregiudizio tra gruppi sociali: articolazione di diversi livelli di analisi" [Cognitive, affective, and relational factors leading to intergroup prejudice: An articulation of different levels of analysis]. Role: Co-Investigator. PI: Augusto Palmonari, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna.

Master Courses:
2023/2024 Work Teams and Group Processes In Organizational Contexts (M-PSI/06; 48 hours, 6 CFU), Master degree in Psychology of Communication and Marketing, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Department of Social and Developmental Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

2023/2024 Consume and Persuasion Psychology (M-PSI/06; 24 hours, 3 CFU), Master degree in Scientific Biomedical Communication, Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, Political Sciences, Sociology and Communications, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

2016-2017 Thesis’ Methods and Research Instruments (16 hours), Master degree in Work, Organization, Personnel Psychology & Services (Mundus WOP-P international curriculum), School of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Italy.

Bachelor Courses:
2023/2024 Social Psychology of Communication (M-Z division) M-Z” (M-PSI/05; 72 hours, 9 CFU), Bachelor degree in Public and Enterprise Communication, School of Social Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

2022/2023 Social Psychology of Communication (M-Z division) M-Z” (M-PSI/05; 72 hours, 9 CFU), Bachelor degree in Public and Enterprise Communication, School of Social Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

2021/2022 Social Psychology of Communication (M-Z division) M-Z” (M-PSI/05; 72 hours, 9 CFU), Bachelor degree in Public and Enterprise Communication, School of Social Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

2020/2021 Social Psychology of Communication (M-Z division) M-Z” (M-PSI/05; 72 hours, 9 CFU), Bachelor degree in Public and Enterprise Communication, School of Social Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

2019/2020 Bibliographic Search (C1) (module 3) Bachelor Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Italy.

2018-2019 Bibliographic Search (C1) (module 3) and ” Bibliographic Search (C2) (module 7)”, Bachelor Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Italy.

2016-2017 Social Psychology and Mass Communications (M-PSI/05; 60 hours, 12 CFU), Bachelor Degree in Communication Sciences and Technologies, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara, Italy.

2016-2017 Social Psychology (M-PSI/05; 30 hours, 6 CFU), Bachelor Degree in Philosophical and Educational Sciences, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara, Italy.

2015-2016 Social Psychology and Mass Communications (M-PSI/05; 60 hours, 12 CFU), Bachelor Degree in Communication Sciences and Technologies, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara, Italy (60 hours, 12 CFU).

2015-2016 Social Psychology (M-PSI/05; 30 hours, 6 CFU), Bachelor Degree in Philosophical and Educational Sciences, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara, Italy).

2014-2015 Social Psychology and Mass Communications (M-PSI/05; 60 hours, 12 CFU), Bachelor Degree in Communication Sciences and Technologies, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara, Italy.

2014-2015 Social Psychology (M-PSI/05; 30 hours, 6 CFU), Bachelor Degree in Philosophical and Educational Sciences, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara, Italy.

2013-2014 Social Psychology and Mass Communications (M-PSI/05; 60 hours, 12 CFU), Bachelor Degree in Communication Sciences and Technologies, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara, Italy.

2013-2014 Social Psychology (M-PSI/05; 30 hours, 6 CFU), Bachelor Degree in Philosophical and Educational Sciences, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara, Italy.
2010-2011 Social Psychology (M-PSI/05; 48 hours Module within the Course of “Social Psychology”, 10 CFU), Bachelor Degree in Sociology, Faculty of Political Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Italy.

2009-2010 Social Psychology (M-PSI/05; 8 hours Module within the Course of “Social Psychology”), Bachelor Degree in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces, Faculty of Medicine, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Italy.

Doctoral Courses:

2007 -“How to write a literature review” (4 hours), at Doctorate in Social, Developmental and Organizational Psychology, Department of Educational Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna.

-“From social reality to laboratory experiments”, (4 hours), at Doctorate in Social, Developmental and Organizational Psychology, Department of Educational Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna.

2006 “Literature review characteristics” (4 hours), at Doctorate in Social, Developmental and Organizational Psychology, Department of Educational Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna.

International teaching activities:

September 2019 International teaching “Generalization processes and overexclusion of migrants” (1 hour) and “Social cognitive strategies for conflict resolution” (2 hours) within the Erasums+ KA2 Strategic Partnership Project “Peace Dialogue Campus Network: Fostering Positive Attitudes between Migrants and Youth in Hosting Societies (Peacemakers; Project number: 2017-1-TR01-KA203-046676), Department of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

March 2018 International teaching “Personal and social outcomes related to youth and identity formation (module 3)” (8 hours) within the Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnerships project “Support for Youth Identities in Diverse Europe (INSIDE; Project number: 2016-1-LT01-KA203-023220), Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania.

Guest Lectures:
October 2017 Seminar entitled “Una forma aggravata di pregiudizio: la de-umanizzazione [An aggravated form of prejudice: Dehumanization] within the course of “Psychology of Group Relationships”, Bachelor Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, School of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Italy.

October 2009 Seminar entitled “La deumanizzazione nelle relazioni intergruppi” [Dehumanization in intergroup relations] (2 hours), Bachelor Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, School of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Italy.

October 2009 Seminar entitled “Il linguaggio come medium della discriminazione sociale” [Language as social discrimination tool] (2 hours), Bachelor Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, School of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Italy.

November 2008 Seminar entitled “La deumanizzazione nelle relazioni intergruppi” [Dehumanization in intergroup relations] (2 hours), Bachelor Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, School of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Italy.

November 2006 Seminar entitled “La deumanizzazione nelle relazioni intergruppi” [Dehumanization In intergroup relations] (2 hours), Bachelor Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques, School of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Italy.

Supervision of Bachelor Dissertations:

• Federica Romano (2024, 14 marzo). Child-related persuasion. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Angelica Patrizi (2024, 14 marzo). Stereotypes and gender prejudice: The Barbie case. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Emma Zedde (2024). Gender stereotypes and female leadership. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Daniela Timofte (2023). Biculturals e acculturation strategies. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Antonio Pasquale Mazzarelli (2023,). Persuasion and advertising. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Alexandra Marini (2023). Color-flesh injustice. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Leonardo Menichelli (2023). Stereotypes and hate speech. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Arianna Alvino (2023). Online hate speech online: A social psychological analysis. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Erica Magagna (2023). Advertising and gender inequality. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Federica Vallo (2023). Consume and its risks; An analysis of the movie “I love shopping”. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Gaia Sestito (2023). Hate speech: How to harm with a click. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Valerio Maramao (2023). Persuasion in advertising. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Carolina Romeo (2022). COVID-19 and intergroup prejudice, School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Cipolla Ilenia (2022). Dis-connected: How social media affect our mental health. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Perifano Raffaella (2022). A Psycho-social analysis of the risks related to Instagram use. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Giulia Massei (2022). TikTok Bubbles: Pain or gain. School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Belli Marco (2022). Pubblic and enterprise communication, School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Merico Benedetta (2021). Public and enterprise communication, School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Giacinti Chiara (2021). Public and enterprise communication, School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Tamberini Domitilla (2021). Public and enterprise communication, School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Passarelli Letizia (2021). Public and enterprise communication, School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• D’Arrigo Elisa (2021). Public and enterprise communication, School of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Sapienza University of Rome.
• Agnese Zardo (2019), Psychological Sciences and Techniques, School of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Italy. (co-superivision).
• Rachele Pecorari (2018), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara. (co-supervision).
• Veronica Amicarella(2018), Philosophical and Educational Sciences Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara. (co-supervision).
• Claudia Porcelli (2018), Philosophical and Educational Sciences Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Sara Cervetti (2018), 2018), Philosophical and Educational Sciences Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara
• Chiara Argelli (2018), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara
• Alessandra Carraro (2918), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Erica Fioresi (2018), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Marco Perin (2017), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Beatrice Luzzi (2017), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Maria Lentini (2017), Philosophical and Educational Sciences Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Daniela Gjergji (2017), Philosophical and Educational Sciences Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Giuseppina Montagna (2017), Philosophical and Educational Sciences Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Luca Esposito (2016), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Anna Marchioro (2016), Philosophical and Educational Sciences Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Irene Stoppa (2016), Philosophical and Educational Sciences Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Manfred Douglas Casadio (2016), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Giovanna Giusto (2016), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Doralice Madini (2015), Philosophical and Educational Sciences Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Simone Lamborghini (2015), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Alice Sandoli (2015), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Irene Deseri (2015), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Marta Moro (2015), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Sara Govoni (2015), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Federica Biasioli (2015), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Ivana Bonić (2015), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Nicola Carniello (2015), Philosophical and Educational Sciences Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Annalisa Forlani (2015), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Chiara Tartari (2015), Communication Sciences and Technologies Bachelor Degree, Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Ferrara.
• Bianca Bosio (2011), Sociology Bachelor Degree, Faculty of Political Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna.

Co-supervision of bachelor and master theses and of internships at the Faculty of Psychology, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (2006-2012):
Manuel Gengotti; Paola Guerra; Riccardo Cantoni; Silvia Sciacca; Francesca Chirico; Martina Aiello; Marcella Offeddu; Sara Fratini; Giulia Bertaccini; Rossella Cupido; Lorenzo Bertuzzi; Michele Storti; Francesca Rossetti; Matilde Zavalloni; Mattia Bardi; Luca Calzolari; Nicola Drudi.

Febbruary, 29th, 2024 Flavia Albarello

Research products

11573/1699190 - 2024 - Prejudice towards Immigrants: A Conceptual and Theoretical Overview on Its Social Psychological Determinants
Albarello, F; Moscatelli, S; Menegatti, M; Lucidi, F; Cavicchiolo, E; Manganelli, S; Diotaiuti, P; Chirico, A; Alivernini, F - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SOCIAL SCIENCES (Basel : MDPI) pp. 1-18 - issn: 2076-0760 - wos: WOS:001151469900001 (1) - scopus: (0)

11573/1700125 - 2024 - Motivation to Avoid Uncertainty, Implicit Person Theories about the Malleability of Human Attributes and Attitudes toward Women as Leaders vs. Followers: A Mediational Analysis
Contu, Federico; Albarello, Flavia; Pierro, Antonio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (Basel : MDPI) pp. - - issn: 2076-328X - wos: WOS:001149328900001 (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1658826 - 2023 - The Language of Adolescents in Depicting Migrants
Albarello, F.; Crocetti, E.; Golfieri, F.; Rubini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (Sage Periodicals Incorporated:2455 Teller Road:Thousand Oaks, CA 91320:(805)499-0721, EMAIL: order@sagepub.com, INTERNET: http://www.sagepub.com, Fax: (805)499-0871) pp. 183-202 - issn: 0261-927X - wos: WOS:000886379100001 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85142295071 (7)

11573/1664207 - 2023 - Addressing the effect of concern with Covid-19 threat on prejudice towards immigrants: The sequential mediating role of need for cognitive closure and desire for cultural tightness.
Albarello, F; Mula, S; Contu, F; Baldner, C; Kruglanski, A; Pierro, A - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 1-9 - issn: 0147-1767 - wos: WOS:000923781400001 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85146159763 (11)

11573/1687594 - 2023 - At the Roots of Allport’s “Prejudice-Prone Personality”: The Impact of Need for Cognitive Closure on Prejudice towards Different Outgroups and the Mediating Role of Binding Moral Foundations
Albarello, Flavia; Contu, Federico; Baldner, Conrad; Vecchione, Michele; Ellenberg, Molly; Kruglanski, Arie W.; Pierro, Antonio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 1-14 - issn: 0147-1767 - wos: WOS:001083615900001 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85171457769 (9)

11573/1653000 - 2023 - Addressing ethnic prejudice in youth: Developmental trajectories and associations with educational identity
Bobba, B; Albarello, F.; Rubini, M.; Crocetti, E. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 765-781 - issn: 0890-2070 - wos: WOS:000839482900001 (49) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85161709405 (12)

11573/1655670 - 2022 - Can we change high need for cognitive closure adolescents' prejudice towards migrants? The role of class shared cognitions and in-depth exploration of educational identity
Albarello, F - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 30° Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (Padova)
book: Book of Abstracts 30° Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia - (9788869383168)

11573/1643136 - 2022 - Il pregiudizio etnico
Albarello, F.; Menegatti, M.; Moscatelli, S. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Psicologia sociale del pregiudizio - ()

11573/1664206 - 2022 - At the roots of attribution of human rights to migrants
Albarello, F; Rubini, M - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY (Lausanne: Frontiers Editorial) pp. 1-14 - issn: 1664-1078 - wos: WOS:000906463500001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85145445802 (4)

11573/1658827 - 2022 - Addressing Adolescents’ Prejudice toward Immigrants: The Role of the Classroom Context
Albarello, Flavia; Manganelli, Sara; Cavicchiolo, Elisa; Lucidi, Fabio; Chirico, Andrea; Alivernini, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE (Dordrecht: Springer Dordrecht: Kluwer) pp. 951-966 - issn: 1573-6601 - wos: WOS:000932666500001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85145194180 (4)

11573/1643147 - 2022 - Acknowledging humanity to migrants: The role of construens and destruens factors
Albarello, Flavia; Rubini, Monica - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: EASP Meeting on Dehumanisation: Celebrating 20 Years of Empirical Research (Tenerife)
book: EASP Meeting on Dehumanisation: Celebrating 20 Years of Empirical Research - ()

Alivernini, Fabio; Cavicchiolo, Elisa; Manganelli, Sara; Germani, Sara; Chirico, Andrea; Palombi, Tommaso; D'amico, Monica; Albarello, Flavia; Lucidi, Fabio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (Palma, Mallorca, SPAIN)
book: EDULEARN22 Proceedings - (978-84-09-42484-9)

11573/1658420 - 2022 - Adolescents’ characteristics and peer relationships in class: a population study
Cavicchiolo, Elisa; Lucidi, Fabio; Diotaiuti, Pierluigi; Chirico, Andrea; Galli, Federica; Manganelli, Sara; D’Amico, Monica; Albarello, Flavia; Girelli, Laura; Cozzolino, Mauro; Sibilio, Maurizio; Zelli, Arnaldo; Mallia, Luca; Germani, Sara; Palombi, Tommaso; Fegatelli, Dario; Liparoti, Marianna; Mandolesi, Laura; Alivernini, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH (Basel: MDPI 2003-) pp. 1-19 - issn: 1660-4601 - wos: WOS:000839050800001 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85135374100 (8)

11573/1681670 - 2022 - The psychometric properties of the behavioural regulation in exercise questionnaire (BREQ-3): factorial structure, invariance and validity in the italian context
Cavicchiolo, Elisa; Sibilio, Maurizio; Lucidi, Fabio; Cozzolino, Mauro; Chirico, Andrea; Girelli, Laura; Manganelli, Sara; Giancamilli, Francesco; Galli, Federica; Diotaiuti, Pierluigi; Zelli, Arnaldo; Mallia, Luca; Palombi, Tommaso; Fegatelli, Dario; Albarello, Flavia; Alivernini, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH (Basel: MDPI 2003-) pp. - - issn: 1660-4601 - wos: WOS:000771480900001 (22) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85124155697 (29)

11573/1652730 - 2022 - Identities: A developmental social-psychological perspective
Crocetti, E.; Albarello, F.; Meeus, W.; Rubini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN REVIEW OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (-HOVE:PSYCHOLOGY PRESS, -Chichester, England ; New York : J. Wiley, c1990-) pp. 1-41 - issn: 1046-3283 - wos: WOS:000839482900001 (52) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85135860252 (55)

11573/1643146 - 2021 - Categorizzazione multipla, esplorazione dell’identità e identificazione umana come fattori alla base dell’inclusività sociale verso i migranti negli adolescenti e nei giovani adulti
Albarello, Flavia - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: XVII Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Brescia (Brescia)
book: Book of Abstracts XVII Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Brescia - ()

11573/1373093 - 2021 - Developing identification with humanity and social well-being through identifications with peer groups in adolescence
Albarello, Flavia; Crocetti, Elisabetta; Rubini, Monica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE (Dordrecht: Springer Dordrecht: Kluwer) pp. 1157-1172 - issn: 1573-6601 - wos: WOS:000518047800001 (34) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85081553115 (34)

11573/1540958 - 2021 - Development of prejudice against immigrants and ethnic minorities in adolescence: A systematic review with meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
Crocetti, E.; Albarello, F.; Prati, F.; Rubini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DEVELOPMENTAL REVIEW (Academic Press Incorporated:6277 Sea Harbor Drive:Orlando, FL 32887:(800)543-9534, (407)345-4100, EMAIL: ap@acad.com, INTERNET: http://www.idealibrary.com, Fax: (407)352-3445) pp. 100959- - issn: 0273-2297 - wos: WOS:000657303500008 (55) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85103126338 (56)

11573/1475272 - 2020 - "Sono delle bestie!”: L’animalizzazione come strumento per svilire l’umanità altrui.
Albarello, F - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MINORITY REPORTS (Milano - Napoli: Mimesis / Suor Orsola University Press) pp. 11-37 - issn: 2465-0315 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1373063 - 2020 - Prejudice and inclusiveness in adolescence: the role of multiple categorization and social dominance orientation
Albarello, F; Crocetti, E; Rubini, M - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CHILD DEVELOPMENT (Blackwell Publishing Limited:9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868 , (781)388-8200, EMAIL: agentservices@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com, e-help@blackwellpublishers.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com, Fax: 011 44 1865 714591) pp. 1183-1202 - issn: 0009-3920 - wos: WOS:000549436500024 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85070105745 (26)

11573/1559138 - 2019 - Linguistic Discrimination Towards Roma: Can Intergroup Threat Enhance Bias?
Albarello, F. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: “EASP Intergroup Communication Meeting” (Bologna)
book: Abstracts book EASP Meeting on Intergroup Communication - ()

11573/1559395 - 2019 - “Son proprio tutti uguali”: Il fenomeno dell’outgroup projection.
Albarello, F.; Rubini, M. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: XVI Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Roma (Roma)
book: Book of Abstracts XVI Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Roma - ()

11573/1373067 - 2019 - “They are all alike”: when negative minority outgroups are generalized onto superordinate inclusive outgroups
Albarello, F; Foroni, F; Hewstone, M; Rubini, M - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 59-73 - issn: 0147-1767 - wos: WOS:000496336700005 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85071670951 (16)

11573/1373029 - 2019 - Does hub-and-spoke organization of healthcare system promote workers’ satisfaction?
Albarello, F; Prati, F; Sangiorgi, L; Tremosini, M; Menegatti, M; Depolo, M; Rubini, M - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (John Wiley & Sons, Inc Silver Spring Md.: V.H. Winston) pp. 634-646 - issn: 0021-9029 - wos: WOS:000479750800001 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85070100552 (5)

11573/1559396 - 2019 - La traiettoria evolutiva dell’identificazione sociale nella transizione dall’adolescenza alla fase giovanile
Crocetti, E.; Albarello, F. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: XVI Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Roma (Roma)
book: Book of Abstracts XVI Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Roma - ()

11573/1373047 - 2019 - Can we identify with a nation low in morality? The heavy weight of (im)morality in international comparison
Moscatelli, S; Menegatti, M; Albarello, F.; Pratto, F; Rubini, M - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY (Oxford: Blackwell.) pp. 93-110 - issn: 1467-9221 - wos: WOS:000456792800006 (17) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85049966983 (20)

11573/1559402 - 2018 - Dominanza sociale, categorizzazione multipla, pregiudizio verso i migranti e inclusività sociale in adolescenza.
Albarello, F.; Crocetti, E. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: XVI Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Bari (Bari)
book: Book of Abstracts XV Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Bari - ()

11573/1559394 - 2018 - I and Us: A longitudinal study on the interplay of personal and social identity in adolescence.
Albarello, F.; Crocetti, E.; Rubini, M. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) (Ghent, Belgium)
book: 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) - ()

11573/1373057 - 2018 - I and us: a longitudinal study on the interplay of personal and social identity in adolescence
Albarello, F; Crocetti, E.; Rubini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE (Dordrecht: Springer Dordrecht: Kluwer) pp. 689-702 - issn: 1573-6601 - wos: WOS:000427615200001 (83) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85035099711 (99)

11573/1560751 - 2018 - Social Inclusiveness as affected by multiple categorization, social dominance orientation, and prejudice.
Albarello, F; Crocetti, E; Rubini, M - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) (Ghent, Belgium)
book: Book of abstracts of the 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) - ()

11573/1560754 - 2018 - Towards Promotion of Social Inclusiveness and Reduction of Prejudice in Adolescence
Albarello, F; Ekstein, K - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) (Ghent, Belgium)
book: Book of Abstracts of the 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) - ()

11573/1373025 - 2018 - Linguistic discrimination towards Roma. Can intergroup threat enhance bias?
Albarello, F; Rubini, M - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (Sage Periodicals Incorporated:2455 Teller Road:Thousand Oaks, CA 91320:(805)499-0721, EMAIL: order@sagepub.com, INTERNET: http://www.sagepub.com, Fax: (805)499-0871) pp. 350-364 - issn: 0261-927X - wos: WOS:000432089000005 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85046759875 (12)

11573/1373037 - 2018 - Promoting beliefs in the inalienability of human rights by attributing uniquely human emotions through multiple categorization
Albarello, Flavia; Crisp, Richard; Rubini, Monica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (Heldref Publications:1319 Eighteenth Street Northwest:Washington, DC 20036:(800)365-9753, (202)296-6267, EMAIL: subscriptions@heldref.org, INTERNET: http://www.heldref.org, Fax: (202)293-6130) pp. 309-321 - issn: 0022-4545 - wos: WOS:000428207700004 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85029434306 (25)

11573/1559610 - 2017 - The denial of morality, competence, and sociability through verbal insults
Albarello, F. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (Granada)
book: Book of Abstracts 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology - ()

11573/1373065 - 2017 - Generalisation of Roma onto Romanians. Evidence of the Outgroup Projection Effect
Albarello, Flavia; Foroni, Francesco; Miles, Hewstone; Rubini, Monica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE (Bologna: il Mulino) pp. 239-249 - issn: 1827-2517 - wos: WOS:000411382700005 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85029360007 (15)

11573/1373045 - 2017 - Denying psychological properties of girls and prostitutes. The role of verbal insults
Rubini, Monica; Roncarati, Alessandra; Ravenna, Marcella; Albarello, Flavia; Moscatelli, Silvia; Semin, Gün R. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (Sage Periodicals Incorporated:2455 Teller Road:Thousand Oaks, CA 91320:(805)499-0721, EMAIL: order@sagepub.com, INTERNET: http://www.sagepub.com, Fax: (805)499-0871) pp. 226-240 - issn: 0261-927X - wos: WOS:000394969200005 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85011665210 (16)

11573/1373006 - 2015 - The role of reduced humanity in producing linguistic discrimination
Albarello, Flavia; Rubini, Monica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETTIN (Sage Periodicals Incorporated:2455 Teller Road:Thousand Oaks, CA 91320:(805)499-0721, EMAIL: order@sagepub.com, INTERNET: http://www.sagepub.com, Fax: (805)499-0871) pp. 224-236 - issn: 0146-1672 - wos: WOS:000347952300006 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84920997600 (18)

11573/1372979 - 2014 - Reducing dehumanisation outcomes towards Blacks: The role of multiple categorisation and human identity
Albarello, F.; Rubini, M. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: European Association of Social Psychology General Meeting 2014 (Amsterdam)
book: European Association of Social Psychology General Meeting 2014 Programme - ()

11573/1372987 - 2014 - Promoting Human Rights of Blacks by Attributing Uniquely Human Emotions
Albarello, F.; Rubini, M. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: The 37th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (Roma)
book: Ideologies and ideological conflict: The political psychology of belif systems - ()

11573/1372982 - 2014 - The effects of relative deprivation and relative gratification on implicit and overt intergroup discrimination
Moscatelli, Silvia; Albarello, Flavia; Prati, Francesca; Rubini, Monica - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: European Association of Social Psychology. General Meeting 2014 (Amsterdam)
book: European Association of Social Psychology. General Meeting 2014. Programme - ()

11573/1373051 - 2014 - Badly off or better off than them? The impact of relative deprivation and relative gratification on intergroup discrimination
Moscatelli, Silvia; Albarello, Flavia; Prati, Francesca; Rubini, Monica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (American Psychological Association:750 First Street Northeast:Washington, DC 20002:(800)374-2721, (202)336-5600, EMAIL: susbscriptions@apa.org, INTERNET: http://www.apa.org, Fax: (202)336-5502) pp. 248-264 - issn: 0022-3514 - wos: WOS:000340466700003 (66) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84905573353 (70)

11573/1373041 - 2014 - La negazione della moralità nel linguaggio degli insulti
Moscatelli, Silvia; Menegatti, Michela; Albarello, Flavia; Rubini, Monica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE INQUISITIVE MIND () pp. - - issn: 2240-2454 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1372976 - 2013 - La moralità nel giudizio intergruppi: Il fenomeno dell'ingroup morality bias
Moscatelli, S; Albarello, F; Bernardini, - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: XII Congresso AIP, Sezione di Psicologia Sociale (Padova)
book: Abitare zone di confine: incontri possibili tra la psicologia sociale, psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni, tra accademia e realtà sociale - ()

11573/1373039 - 2012 - Reducing dehumanization outcomes towards Blacks. The role of multiple categorization and of human identity
Albarello, F.; Rubini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 875-882 - issn: 0046-2772 - wos: WOS:000311404500009 (74) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84870253868 (82)

11573/1373069 - 2012 - Se sei una persona umana mi piaci di più. Gli effetti della ridotta umanità degli altri sulla percezione sociale
Albarello, Flavia; Rubini, Monica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE (Bologna: il Mulino) pp. 419-428 - issn: 1827-2517 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85036612994 (5)

11573/1372993 - 2012 - Furbi disonesti! La negazione della moralità degli altri attraverso gli insulti verbali
Rubini, M.; Albarello, F. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: AIP Congresso nazionale delle sezioni riunite (Chieti)
book: Congresso nazionale delle sezioni riunite AIP - ()

11573/1372966 - 2011 - Reducing dehumanisation outcomes: The role of multiple and human categorisation and perceived similarity
Albarello, F.; Rubini, M. - 04f Poster
conference: 16th EASP General Meeting (Stoccolma)
book: 16th EASP general meeting - ()

11573/1372967 - 2011 - When Hate Leads to Devaluation of Others. denial of Humanity and the "Banality of Evil"
Albarello, F.; Rubini, M. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Advances in Psychology Research - (9781620816752)

11573/1372980 - 2011 - Gruppi Umani e Gruppi Meno Umani: La Deumanizzazione nelle Relazioni Intergruppi
Albarello, F.; Rubini, M. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: L’Incontro interculturale: Forme, processi, percorsi - (8840014608)

11573/1372985 - 2011 - Relative deprivation and relative gratification as factors strenghtening Group bonds and discrimination
Albarello, F.; Rubini, M.; Moscatelli, S. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 14th Jena Workshop on Intergroup Processes (Jena)
book: Group and identity (trans)formation - Analyzing the roots of what WE are - ()

11573/1373033 - 2011 - Outgroup projection. Il caso degli stereotipi negativi attribuiti a Rom e Rumeni
Albarello, F; Rubini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE (Bologna: il Mulino) pp. 355-365 - issn: 1827-2517 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85018173649 (17)

11573/1372968 - 2011 - Denying the fundamental components of Others by verbal abuse
Rubini, M.; Albarello, F. - 04f Poster
conference: 16th EASP General Meeting (Stoccolma)
book: 16th Easp general meeting - ()

11573/1372969 - 2011 - La categorizzazione multipla degli immigrati promuove la loro inclusione nel gruppo umano? Possibili antecedenti della partecipazione sociale degli immigrati [Multiple categorization of immigrants promotes their inclusion in the human group? Potential antecedents of immigrants’ social participation]
Rubini, M; Albarello, F; Prati, F - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Convegno tematico dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (sezione psicologia sociale) "Cittadinanza attiva, multiculturalità e immigrazione" [Citizenship, Multiculturality and Immigration] (Reggio Emilia, Italy)
book: Cittadinanza attiva, multiculturalità e immigrazione [Citizenship, Multiculturality and Immigration] - ()

11573/1372990 - 2011 - Does multiple categorisation promote individual inclusion in the human group?
Rubini, M; Albarello, F; Prati, F - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: PIDOP (Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation) Conference 2011 “Engaged Citizens? Political Participation and Civic Engagement among Youth, Women, Minorities and Migrants” (Bologna)
book: PIDOP Conference 2011 “Engaged Citizens? Political Participation and Civic Engagement among Youth, Women, Minorities and Migrants” - ()

11573/1373001 - 2010 - Outgroup projection:il caso degli stereotipi negativi attribuiti a Rom e Rumeni
Albarello, F; Rubini, M - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: X Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale (Torino)
book: X Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale - ()

11573/1373021 - 2010 - Il ruolo delle categorie sociali multiple nel favorire l'inclusione nel gruppo umano
Prati, F; Albarello, F - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: X Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale (Torino)
book: X Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale A.I.P - ()

11573/1372973 - 2010 - Il ruolo della categorizzazione multipla nella promozione dell'inclusione nel gruppo umano di membri dell'outgroup [The role of multiple categorisation in promoting the inclusion in the human group]
Prati, Francesca; Albarello, Flavia - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: X Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (Torino)
book: X Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia - ()

Albarello, F.; Melotti, G. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: COMPORTAMENTI VIOLENTI IN ADOLESCENZA Risultati di una ricerca nella Provincia di Rimini (Rimini)
book: COMPORTAMENTI VIOLENTI IN ADOLESCENZA Risultati di una ricerca nella Provincia di Rimini - ()

11573/1373023 - 2009 - Quando gli altri sono meno umani: Gli effetti del prestigio sociale e della minacciosità intergruppi
Albarello, F; Rubini, M; Palmonari, A - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: IX Congresso di Psicologia Sociale, Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, (Cagliari)
book: IX Congresso nazionale della sezione di psicologia sociale - ()

11573/1373049 - 2008 - Relazioni intergruppi e fenomeni di deumanizzazione
Albarello, F.; Rubini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE (Bologna: il Mulino) pp. 67-94 - issn: 1827-2517 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85038371858 (17)

11573/1372971 - 2008 - The aggravating role of dehumanisation in linguistic intergroup discrimination
Albarello, F; Rubini, ; M, - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
book: Program and Book of abstracts of the 15th General Meeting of the Eauropean Association of Experimental Social Psychology EAESP - ()

Albarello, F; Rubini, ; M, - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Giornate di Studio “Spazi interculturali: trame, percorsi, incontri” della Associazione Italiana di (Roma)
book: Spazi interculturali: trame, percorsi, incontri - ()

11573/1373014 - 2008 - Dehumanisation as a factor triggering linguistic discrimination
Albarello, F; Rubini, M - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: EAESP Small Group Meeting on Dehumanisation (Kazimerz at Vistula River, Polonia.)
book: Book of abstracts of 2008 EAESP Small group meeting on dehumanization - ()

11573/1373005 - 2008 - The role of psychological closeness in infrahumanisation
Eyssel, F; Denson, T; Cislak, A; Albarello, F - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: EAESP Small Group Meeting on Dehumanisation (Kazimiersz Dolny)
book: EAESP Small Group Meeting on Dehumanisation. Determinants and consequences of perceiving others as less than humans - ()

11573/1373071 - 2008 - Linguistic discrimination in minimal groups. The impact of status differentials
Moscatelli, S.; Albarello, F.; Rubini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (Sage Periodicals Incorporated:2455 Teller Road:Thousand Oaks, CA 91320:(805)499-0721, EMAIL: order@sagepub.com, INTERNET: http://www.sagepub.com, Fax: (805)499-0871) pp. 140-154 - issn: 0261-927X - wos: WOS:000255701100004 (31) - scopus: 2-s2.0-42949163439 (35)

11573/1372977 - 2008 - Power differentials and intergroup discrimination: the role of reciprocal expectations
Moscatelli, S.; Rubini, M.; Albarello, F. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 15 General Meeting of the EAESP European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (Opatija)
book: Abstract book - ()

11573/1373055 - 2008 - Aspettandosi il male minore dall’ingroup. Asimmetrie di potere tra gruppi e distribuzione di penalità
Moscatelli, Silvia; Rubini, Monica; Albarello, Flavia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE (Bologna: il Mulino) pp. 425-446 - issn: 1827-2517 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84905573170 (2)

11573/1373010 - 2007 - If we have something in common, I consider you more human: Crossed categorisations and super-ordinate self-categorisations as moderators od de-humanisation
Albarello, F; Rubini, M - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: II Warsaw-Jena workshop. Victim/perpetrator relations in a changing Europe. (Warsaw)
book: Book of Abstract of the II Warsaw-Jena Worshop VICTIM / PERPETRATOR RELATIONS IN A CHANGING EUROPE: Prejudice escalation and prejudice reduction - ()

Albarello, F; Rubini, M - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: VIII Congresso nazionale A.I.P. della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale (Cesena)
book: Book of Abstracts VIII Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Cesena - ()

11573/1373019 - 2007 - Crossed categorisations and superordinate self-categorisations as moderators of dehumanisation
Albarello, F; Rubini, M - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: European social Cognition Network Meeting-9th Transfer of Knowledge Conference ESCON 2007 (Brno)
book: ESCON 2007 Book of Abstracts - ()

11573/1372965 - 2007 - Libro abstract VIII Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia - Sezione di Psicologia Sociale
Menegatti, M.; Moscatelli, S.; Botindari, L.; Albarello, F. - 06a Curatela

11573/1372999 - 2007 - Categorizzazioni incrociate, salienza dell'identità umana e de-umanizzazione
Rubini, M; Albarello, F - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: VIII Congresso nazionale A.I.P. della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale (cesena)
book: Book of Abstracts VIII Convegno Nazionale A.I.P. Sezione di Psicologia Sociale, Cesena - ()

11573/1373043 - 2007 - Group power as a determinant of interdependence and intergroup discrimination
Rubini, Monica; Moscatelli, Silvia; Albarello, Flavia; Palmonari, Augusto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 1203-1221 - issn: 0046-2772 - wos: WOS:000251387600008 (26) - scopus: 2-s2.0-36749024055 (30)

11573/1372983 - 2006 - Relative deprivation as a factor enhancing intergroup discrimination
Albarello, F.; Rubini, - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Kent Workshop on linguistic bias (Canterbury)
book: Kent Worshop on Linguistic Bias - ()

11573/1372997 - 2006 - Se abbiamo qualcosa in comune ti considero più umano:categorizzazioni sociali incrociate e fenomeni di deumanizzazione
Albarello, F.; Rubini, M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: VII Congresso di Psicologia Sociale (Genova)
book: VII congresso di psicologia sociale - ()

11573/1373003 - 2005 - Relative deprivation as a factor enhancing intergroup discrimination
Albarello, F.; Moscatelli, S.; Rubini, M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 14th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (Wurzburg)
book: EAESP Programme book - ()

11573/1373016 - 2005 - Group size, group status and common fate as determinants of group interdependence and linguistic discrimination
Moscatelli, S.; Rubini, M.; Albarello, F. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 14th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (Wurzburg)
book: EAESP Programme book - ()

11573/1373008 - 2004 - Il potere dei gruppi: una forma ‘potente’ di interdipendenza
Moscatelli, S.; Albarello, F. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: AIP. VI Congresso Nazionale Sezione di Psicologia Sociale (Sciacca)
book: AIP. VI Congresso Nazionale Sezione di Psicologia Sociale. Contributi - ()

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma