PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII
email: flaminia.carocci@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Stefano Velotti
co-supervisor: Marina De Palo

Research: Ipseity, intersubjectivity, common sense. The transcendental asthenia of schizophrenia

The aim of my research project is to outline a multidisciplinary path aimed at a philosophical re-comprehension of schizophrenia. Starting from a Kantian theoretical framework, following Emilio Garroni's aesthetic reflection - as a non-special philosophy of the experience’s meaning - I intend to examine the psychotic case as indicative of a fissure in the constitutive power of the transcendental: to look-through its concrete expressions in order to trace back, in statu detrahendi, the conditions of possibility of a meaningful experience where it seems to be missing. With particular regard to phenomenological literature, I will observe the prodromal schizophrenia as revealing a loss of natural self-evidence and a pathology of common sense which, in a lack of immersion in the life-world, are intimately linked to a profound crisis of ipseity. In fact, thematising this interweaving of schizophrenic self-disorders and the radical failure of intersubjectivity will allow me to open the analysis to a rich contamination of knowledge: looking at the disciplines that today, in support of psychiatric research, increasingly turn to philosophical investigation - psychopathology, psychoanalysis, psychopathology of language, neuroscience - I will try to actualize the aforementioned Kantian problematic horizon so as to explore its possible limits and internal productivity.

Aesthetics - schizophrenia - experience’s meaning - loss of natural self-evidence - psychopathology of language

Research products

11573/1700244 - 2024 - Dell’opera infaticabile. Psicoanalisi e linguaggio in Emilio Garroni
Carocci, Flaminia - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Quaderni di Villa Mirafiori. Volume I - (9791222308425)

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