PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

Filomena Perillo was born in Ottaviano (Naples) in 1997.
In June 2022, she obtains a single-cycle master's degree in Architecture (LM-4 c.u) from the University of Naples "Federico II," with a grade of 110/110 L. Her thesis, led by Prof. Arch. Giancarlo Priori, concerned the architectural and urban composition of the area in front of Zaha Hadid's Maxxi, formerly occupied by the buildings of the former Military Electrical and Precision Machinery Plant.
In October 2022, she obtained her qualification as an architect, section A, from the Order of Architects Planners Landscapers Conservators of Naples, with a rating of 9/10.
In November of the same year, she became "cultore della materia" in ICAR/14 - Architectural and Urban Composition at the University of Naples "Federico II."
She carried out research and teaching assistance at the chair of "Laboratory of Final Synthesis," a course coordinated by Prof. G. Priori.
She has taken part in numerous examination sessions, acted as thesis co-rapporteur and acted as tutor in training workshops. She has contributed to the publication of several articles and reviews in books and specialized journals, sometimes also editing them.
She has participated in a variety of architectural competitions, conventions and exhibitions, also taking care of the organization and staging of some of them.
She is the author of the section "Atlas of Building Types" for the book "Manual-Guide for Qualifying State Architect's Examination," published by Mancosu Publishing House.
She serves as editor and author of articles and reviews for the magazine "Architectures and Cities of the III Millennium," thus having the opportunity to share her passion for architecture with a wider audience.
On May 6, 2023, she conducted an interview with Professor Paolo Portoghesi, exactly 24 days before his passing, which will be published soon.

Currently, she is attending the Doctorate in Architecture and Construction at the Sapienza University of Rome.

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