PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII

supervisor: Andrea Fara
co-supervisor: Ermanno Orlando
co-supervisor (2): Nikolas Jaspert
joint PhD: Universität Heidelberg

Research: Structure and dynamics of the Venetian Crete society in the fourteenth century: deviation, feudalism, coexistences


Since November 2021: Ph.D. student in History, Anthropology, Religions, curriculum Medieval history, at "La Sapienza" University of Rome (XXXVII cycle), in cotutelle with Universität Heidelberg

On 14/07/2020 he achieved his Master Degree in Historical Studies at "La Sapienza" University of Rome, with a thesis on Medieval history entitled «Reputantes se suam carnem et ossa extracta. Radicamento, maturità e tendenze autonomiste della società veneto-cretese nel XIV secolo» (Supervisor: Prof. A. Musarra; Second supervisor: Prof. E. Orlando; Grade: 110/110 cum laude), completing, during the second year of attendance of the master's degree course, the path of excellence, consisting in the participation in seminars on the theme "Oltre la crisi, dopo la crisi: dinamiche sociali, politiche, rappresentazioni, memorie".

On 18/12/2019 he achieved his Bachelor Degree in History, Anthropology, Religions at "La Sapienza" University of Rome, with a thesis on Byzantine Civilization entitled «Nascita, giovinezza e ascesa al trono di Basilio I nelle fonti storiche mediobizantine: elementi della costruzione leggendaria della figura del fondatore della dinastia macedone» (Supervisor: Prof. A. Luzzi, Grade: 110/110 cum laude).

In the two-year period 2017-2019 he attended the School of Archival, Paleography, Diplomatics at the Archivio di Stato of Rome, obtaining his diploma on March 5, 2020.


In 2022 and 2023, he won two editions of a mobility grant for doctoral students in Sapienza University of Rome.

He obtained a scholarship to participate in the conference entitled Mediterraneo «mare aperto», organised by C.I.S.Ba.M. (Centro italiano di Studi sul Basso Medioevo) and held in Todi from 9th to 11th October 2022.

In 2021/22, he attended the course in publishing liturgical sources at the Scuola di Paleografia e Storia (SPeS) of the Centro Studi Santa Rosa (Viterbo), obtaining his diploma on 23/06/2022.
He obtained a scholarship for participation in the cycle of seminars on the theme «Migrazioni, forme di inte(g)razione, cittadinanze nell'Italia del tardo medioevo», organized by the Fondazione Centro Studi sulle Civiltà del Tardo Medioevo and held at Palazzo Grifoni in San Miniato from 21 to 22 October 2021.

In 2020 he obtained a collaboration grant in the "Emiciclo" library of the SARAS Department (Storia, Antropologia, Religioni, Arte, Spettacolo).

In 2020 he obtained the scholarship "Diritto allo studio", announced by Lazio DiSCo, regional body.

Between 2020 and 2021 he participated in the medieval workshop on the Holy Sepulcher, coordinated by Prof. Antonio Musarra and focused on the retrieval and cataloging of sources concerning the site of the Holy Sepulcher. Specifically, he has dealt with Middle-Latin and Middle-Greek sources (Melitone di Sardi, Eusebio di Cesarea, Girolamo, Epifanio, Anonimo Piacentino, Sofronio, Guglielmo di Tiro).

From April 2020 to February 2023 he was a member of the Youth Council of the Pontifical Council for Culture, an advisory body of the dicastery chaired by H. E. cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi.

Since 2020 he has collaborated with Pandora Rivista, for which he has produced some book reviews related to medieval themes.

Together with Dr. Luchina Branciani, he edited some parchments of the Buglioni-Maccafani fund of the diocesan archives of Matelica (MC), contained in the volume La famiglia Maccafani di Pereto (AQ), ed. L. Branciani, F. Vaccaro, Pietrasecca di Carsoli, LUMEN Associazione culturale, 2022.


Italian (native language); English (B2); French (A2); German (A2); Latin; ancient Greek.


In 2015 he obtained the ECDL IT license, after having successfully passed the ECDL Base, IT Security (Specialized Level), Online Collaboration, Presentation exams.

Research products

11573/1690692 - 2023 - Recensione a: F. Delle Donne, Federico II e la crociata della pace
Vaccaro, Filippo - 01d Recensione
paper: NUOVA ANTOLOGIA MILITARE (Roma: Gruppo Editoriale Tab) pp. 343-347 - issn: 2704-9795 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1702205 - 2023 - Crociata antiturca e crisi finanziaria: Clemente VI, Venezia e il ridimensionamento di un’impresa trecentesca (1343-1345)
Vaccaro, Filippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: I QUADERNI DEL M.AE.S. (Bologna : ABIS -AlmaDL) pp. 157-176 - issn: 2533-2325 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1650630 - 2022 - La famiglia Maccafani di Pereto (AQ). Nuove luci per la storia della Marsica e del Carseolano dal fondo pergamenaceo Buglioni-Maccafani dell'Archivio diocesano di Matelica (MC) (secc. XV-XVI)
Branciani, Luchina; Vaccaro, Filippo - 03b Edizione Critica

11573/1629896 - 2022 - Recensione a: D. Balestracci, Statto d'assedio. Assedianti e assediati dal Medioevo all'età moderna
Vaccaro, Filippo - 01d Recensione
paper: NUOVA ANTOLOGIA MILITARE (Roma: Gruppo Editoriale Tab) pp. 625-628 - issn: 2704-9795 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1690691 - 2022 - Inni e cantici, processioni, sepolture regali: elementi di religiosità nella Gerusalemme di Guglielmo di Tiro
Vaccaro, Filippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROSTUDIUM3W (Roma : Università degli studi La Sapienza, Dipartimento di Storia moderna e contemporanea tel. 0649913407 pp. 34-46 - issn: 1973-9443 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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