
email: federico.cerutti@unibs.it
phone: +390303715453

Federico Cerutti currently (2021) is Rita Levi-Montalcini Fellow at the University of Brescia. This is a highly prestigious fellowship from the Italian Ministry of Research with an acceptance rate lower than 8%. He is also the Chair of the University of Brescia branch of the Italian National Cybersecurity Laboratory. He is also one of the Expert Evaluator for the Evaluation of Research Quality (analogous to UK REF) Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes.

Previously he served as Academic Director of the Data Science Academy of Cardiff University and as programme leader for the Master in Artificial Intelligence of Cardiff University. He collaborates with leading figures across the globe, including the IBM T. J. Watson Research centre (NY, USA), University College London, University of Southampton, and UCLA (CA, USA). For nearly seven years, several leading players have funded his research activities, including the US CCDC Army Research Laboratory and the Defence and Science Technology Laboratory, part of the UK Ministry of Defence.

He received his M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering (cum laude) in 2008 and his PhD in Computer Science in 2012 from the University of Brescia (Italy). After a research fellowship at the University of Aberdeen, he has become a Lecturer at Cardiff University in 2015 and then Senior Lecturer in 2018. He currently holds the Academic Qualification as Associated and as Full professor from the Italian Ministry of Research (resp. from 2018 and 2019).

His research interests are in artificial intelligence and, in particular, in supporting decision-makers when dealing with uncertain and potentially malicious data. His expertise is widely acknowledged on the international stage, as testified by his tutorials at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence—one of the two leading global conferences in artificial intelligence—in 2015, 2017, and 2019.

He published more than 70 peers reviewed papers and co-edited two books.

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