PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII
email: federica.rizzi@uniroma1.it
phone: +393471731557
building: Via Salaria, 113
room: T012

supervisor: Prof. Orazio Giancola
advisor: Prof. Orazio Giancola

Research: Education attained as a dependent and independent variable: an analysis of employment outcomes and non-economic effects of education for the Italian case.

• 4/9-8/9 -Summer School on Method and Social Research in the town of Tortorella organized by the Paideia Association. The advanced course "Doing statistical analysis in an open-source environment with Jamovi/R" was delivered by Prof. Renato Grimaldi, University of Turin and Prof. Tania Parisi, University of Turin.

• 19/6-23/6/23- Summer School in The General, Mixed, and Generalized Linear Model with Jamovi software delivered by Prof. Antonio Chirumbolo. The course provided the theoretical foundations and practical skills for general, mixed, and generalized linear models.

• 2/23- Chapter on Rational Choice theory for the volume "Educational inequalities and school choice. Theories, Processes and Contexts" edited by Prof. Orazio Giancola and Prof. Luca Salmieri, which is currently being published.

•13/4/2023 -AIS-EDU International Mid-term Conference- I present with professor Orazio Giancola and PhD colleague Adamo Lo Cicero an analysis regarding “Propensities and educational choices: the dynamics of (re)production of inequalities” for which an article is currently being published for the first issue of "Scuola Democratica"

•15/4/23- AIS-EDU International Mid-term Conference- I present with professor Orazio Giancola and a PhD colleague Adamo Lo Cicero and Matteo Bonanni, an analysis entitled: “Educational destination of Generation X: achievement and inequalities in a generational perspective”

•14/ 7/22 -International Conference on Sustainability Analysis–ICSA. I present with my PhD colleague Adamo Lo Cicero, a poster session regarding “Reading performance and educational expectations: an effect estimation of individual and institutional variables”

•15/7/22- International Conference on Sustainability Analysis–ICSA. I present with professor Orazio Giancola and a PhD colleague Adamo Lo Cicero, an analysis entitled: “Inequalities as a source of social non-sustainability: analysis of post-school choices of students in Rome. "

•“Per Scuola Democratica” Association and Onlus Intercultural Foundation 07/2021-01/2022 | Junior Researcher for research entitled "Civic Education and International Student Mobility,"
Review of the theoretical and empirical literature to draft the interim report; Analysis of the national and international instrumentation about non-cognitive, intercultural, and socio-emotional skills. Analysis of international data to identify scales and items to be replicated in the survey on mobile students.

•Master's Degree in Applied Social Sciences: "Work, Organization, Human Resources and Technologies" | “La Sapienza” University of Rome - Rome 09 / 2018-07 / 2021- 110/110 cum laude
Experimental thesis entitled "Post-school life choices between opportunities and inequalities: a survey on students of the city of Taranto" through constructing a standardized and self-administered questionnaire with data analysis using multivariate techniques and data synthesis.

•Bachelor's Degree: in Sociology (L-40) | University of Roma Tre - Rome 09 / 2014-07 / 2018 - Vote 105/110

150-hour Curricular Internship | Economy and Territory-Rome Area | Contact person: Dr. Marco Baldi
I collaborated in the drafting of a White Paper on the crisis of regional representation. The project envisaged a representation of polycentrism in the new political-institutional cycle to identify a new image and renewed role for the Regional Councils.
Client: Dr. Paolo Pietrangelo

•Erasmus: in Sociology (L-40) | Universidad Autonoma De Madrid - Spain 2018-02/ 2018-07 | Erasmus scholarship, 6 months, Faculty of Formacion de Profesorado y Education

Research products

11573/1708645 - 2024 - Le scelte scolastiche come processo razionale
Giancola, O.; Rizzi, F. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Disuguaglianze educative e scelte scolastiche. Teorie, processi e contesti - (9788835160311)

11573/1711553 - 2024 - Educational and economic status differentials: a composition approach to social origin dimensions
Rizzi, Federica; Giancola, Orazio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
paper: SCUOLA DEMOCRATICA (-Bologna: Il Mulino -Milano: Angelo Guerini e Associati, 2010- -Roma: Libreria romana -Venezia : Marsilio) pp. - - issn: 1129-731X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
conference: Third International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica” (Cagliari)
book: Third International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica” - (978-88-944888-4-5)

11573/1711551 - 2024 - The choice of field of study at the tertiary level: the analytic approach of mapping 2.0 and main results
Rizzi, Federica; Lo Cicero, Adamo; Giancola, Orazio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
paper: SCUOLA DEMOCRATICA (-Bologna: Il Mulino -Milano: Angelo Guerini e Associati, 2010- -Roma: Libreria romana -Venezia : Marsilio) pp. - - issn: 1129-731X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
conference: Third International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica” (Cagliari)
book: Third International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica” - (978-88-944888-4-5)

11573/1681207 - 2023 - Le mappe delle scelte educative. Una tecnica di raccolta dei dati e le sue implicazioni di analisi
Giancola, Orazio.; Lo Cicero, Adamo.; Rizzi, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SCUOLA DEMOCRATICA (-Bologna: Il Mulino -Milano: Angelo Guerini e Associati, 2010- -Roma: Libreria romana -Venezia : Marsilio) pp. 167-192 - issn: 1129-731X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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