PhD Student

PhD program:: XL
email: federica.graziani@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Prof. Andrea Guiso
advisor: Prof. Gaetano Lettieri

Research: Judicial Pilgrimages: A Socio-Historical Analysis of an Alternative Paradigm to Current Penalties

Federica Graziani has worked with the Human Rights Commission of the Italian Senate and UNAR (the National Office Against Racial Discrimination) as a specialist in prison-related issues. She has also designed prison-related projects for the third sector. She graduated with honors in Philosophy from the Faculty of Humanities at "La Sapienza" University of Rome, with a thesis titled "Beyond Prison: From the Aporias of Responsibility to Judicial Pilgrimage". In 2024, she was awarded a merit-based scholarship by the Italian Chamber of Deputies to attend the second-level Master's program in Parliamentary Institutions "Mario Galizia" for Assembly Consultants, organized by the Department of Political Science at the same university. She completed the program in 2025. Currently, she is a PhD candidate in History and Cultures of Europe at Sapienza University. She has written and edited essays and volumes on the deprivation of liberty and penal populism.

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