Associate professor

email: federica.cognola@uniroma1.it
building: Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati, Palazzo Cosulich, Dorsoduro 1405, Fondamenta Zattere, 30123 Venezia
room: 109


Comparative linguistics with a focus on German-Romance languages. Specialization on syntactic topics such as Verb Second, OV/VO word order, scrambling, modal particles, syntactic encoding of information structure, null and overt referential and expletive subjects, which have been investigated with both adult and children. Languages: standard German and heritage German (Mòcheno, Cimbrian), Italian, Old Italian, Old High German, Dinka, Trentino dialect, Rhaeto-Romance (Badiotto and Gardenese).

Senior Lecturer in German Linguistics at Ca' Foscari University of Venice

11 October 2017-17 November 2019: Juniour lecturer in German Lingusitics at Sapienza University of Rome.
1 July 2015 – 30 June 2016: Post-doc research fellow in German Linguistics at Ca' Foscari University, Venice.
1 Dec 2009 – 30 June 2015: Post-doc research fellow in Linguistics at the University of Trento (on three different projects)
5 Nov 2014 – 1 Feb 2015: Visiting scholar, Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam
1 March 2013-1 July 2013: Visiting scholar, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge (UK)

Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale alle funzioni professore universitario di seconda fascia per il settore scientifico disciplinare 10/M1 – Lingue. Letterature e Culture germaniche, ottenuta nella tornata 2016-2018 – 5. Quadrimestre (valida 30 ottobre 2018 al 30 ottobre 2024, si veda https://asn16.cineca.it/pubblico/miur/esito/10%252FM1/2/5).

Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale alle funzioni professore universitario di seconda fascia per il settore scientifico disciplinare 10/G1 – Glottologia e Linguistica ottenuta nella tornata 2016-2018 – 5. Quadrimestre (valida dal 1 agosto 2018 al 1 agosto 2024, si veda https://asn16.cineca.it/pubblico/miur/esito-abilitato/10%252FG1/2/5).

2010: PhD in Linguistics Department of Linguistics, University of Padua, Italy.
Dissertation title: Word Order and clause structure in a German dialect of Northern Italy. On the interaction between low and high left periphery. Supervisor: Prof. Cecilia Poletto
2006: Phil in Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Linguistics. Summa cum laude
University of Padua, Italy.Dissertation title: Costruzioni infinitivali e fenomeni di trasparenza in varietà standard e dialettali tedesche, con particolare riguardo al dialetto tedesco della valle del Fersina. Supervisor: Prof. Paola Benincà
2004: BA degree in Modern Languages (German and Spanish).Summa cum laude. University of Padua, Italy

Winter semester 2014: Graduate courses in Linguistics. Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam (Germany), visiting scholar
Summer semester 2013: Graduate courses in Syntax. Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge (UK), visiting scholar.
Winter semester 2008: Graduate courses in Linguistics (syntax, semantics). CASTL – University of Tromsoe, Norway, visiting PhD student.
2004-2005: Undergraduate courses in Syntax. Department of Linguistics, University of Konstanz (Germany) as an exchange student within the Erasmus Programme.

2017-2018: Founding of 13.000 euro for one year from the Institute for the Promotion of the Mòcheno Language for the codifiction of the Mòcheno syntax (Sòtzlear 2);
2015-2016: Founding of 13.000 euro for one year from the Institute for the Promotion of the Mòcheno Language for the codifiction of the Mòcheno syntax (Sòtzlear 1);
2012-2015: Founding of 142.000 euro for three years from the Autonomous Province Trento (Bandi Post-Doc-PAT-2011) – for my project; peer-review selection, Marie Curie model;
2011-2012: Founding of 40.000 euro for two years (Bandi per le scienze umane, Caritro Foundation) for my project– peer-review selection;
2007-2010: PhD Scholarship, Italian government;
2004-2005: Exchange scholarship within the Erasmus programme (12 months);
2001-2006: BA and Mphil Scholarships, Veneto Region;
2011: Best Ph.D. Thesis, Autonomous Province of Trento Prize;
2009: Best MA Thesis, “Contessa Caterina Bellati de Cia” Prize;
2006: Best BA Thesis, Prize from the Institute for the promotion of the Mòcheno culture and language.

Member of the "Scuola di dottorato" (PhD Programme) STUDI GERMANICI E SLAVI (ciclo XXXIV), Universita' ROMA "La Sapienza

INVITED TALKS (selection, last 4 years)
23) Villa Vigoni, question time/Gespräch “Dimensions of wh-words: a German-Italian perspective”, 6-8 May 2019;
22) University of Trento, Conversazioni Linguistiche, 8 February 2019,
“Additive Particles: German auch and Italian anche” (with E. Bidese and M. Moroni);
21) University of Oslo, Closing conference of the project Traces of History, 10-12 January 2019.
“On the role of isolation and contact in preserving V2: maintenance and new developments.”
20) University of Udine, Workshop “Prospettive sincroniche e diacroniche sulle isole linguistiche” - 8-9 novembre 2018
“La sintassi del soggetto nominale in mòcheno e ladino: descrizione e implicazioni teoriche”
19) University of Trento, Conversazioni Linguistiche, 19 ottobre 2018
“La parte sinistra del Mittelfeld tedesco: proprietà e confronto con la periferia sinistra dell’italiano.” (with Manuela Moroni)
18) University of Trento, Conversazioni Linguistiche – 2 febbraio 2018
“Ben come particella modale in italiano e nelle sue varietà regionali”
17) University of Ghent, Workshop V3 and resumptive adverbials – Ghent, 5-6 October 2017(with Jan Casalicchio)
16) University of Oslo (Norway), Workshop on Asymmetries between main and embedded clauses, 23-24 giugno 2016: “Asymmetric pro-drop in Old Italian and Old High German”
15) University of Siena (Italy), 14 giugno 2016
“V2 as Relativised Minimality” (with Jan Casalicchio)
14) University of Cambridge (UK), Romance Colloquium, 20 November 2015
“Italian ben: a case study on a discourse particle in Romance” (with Norma Schifano)
13) University of Munich (Germany), Workshop on Speech-Island varieties, 25-26 June 2015
“Language contact in a German-Romance bilingual environment: the case of Mòcheno”
12) University of Konstanz (Germany), Linguistic Colloquium, 16 April 2015.
“On the null-subject parameter in diachrony. A comparison between the Old High German and the Old Italian Diatessaron.”
11) University of Oslo (Norway), Traces of History Conference on V2, 9-10 March 2015
“On Germanic and Old Romance V2. The view from Mòcheno”
10) University of Göttingen (Germany), Linguistic Colloquium, 28th January 2015
“On the null-subject parameter in diachrony. A comparison between the Old High German and the Middle Italian Diatessaron. ”
9) Zentrum für Allegemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin (Germany, January 2015
“On extraction, information structure and word order in Dinka and Mòcheno”


38) 41. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft Tagung – University of Bremen – 6-8 May 2019 (AG: 7):
“Language change and information structure: parametric resetting in the history of German and Italian”
38) 45 Incontro di Grammatica Generativa – University of Padua, 21-23 February 2019:
“Microvariation in the syntax of topics in relaxed V2 languages: restrictions in the co-occurrence of subjects and objects across phases” (with Jan Casalicchio)
36) Particles in German, English and beyond- University of Saarbruecken, 21-22 January 2019:
“Additive Particles: German auch and Italian anche” (with E. Bidese and M. Moroni);
35) Tagung Kontrastive Linguistik, University of Milano, 24-25 October 2018
“Topiks im Deutschen und Italienischen: Der linken Rand des deutschen Mittelfeldes und die italienische linke Satzperipherie.”
34) 44 Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, University of Roma Tre – 1-3 March 2018
“Mica, ben, benissimo: on the expression of negative and positive polarity in Italian” (with Norma Schifano)
33) 11 Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax-Morphology Meeting (CIDSM), University of Vienna, 4-6 July 2016 “Syntactic and information structural restrictions on the realization of subjects in Cimbrian” (with Roland Hinterhölzl)
32) 22 Germanic Linguistic Annual Conference (GLAC), University of Iceland, Reykjavík, May 20–22
“On the interaction between V2, subjects and wh-movement in a comparative perspective” (with Roland Hinterhölzl)
31) 38. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DgfS) Tagung, 24-26 February 2016, University of Konstanz
“Relaxed V2 languages and their Left Periphery. Two cases from Northern Italy” (with Jan Casalicchio)
30) 29. Going Romance, 10-12 December 2015, University of Nijmegen (The Netherland)
“Italian ben: a case study on a discourse particle in Romance” (with Norma Schifano)
29) Comparative and Diachronic Perspectives on Romanian / Romance Syntax Workshop, 27-28 November 2015, University of Bucharest
“Italian ben: a case study on a discourse particle in Romance” (with Norma Schifano)
27) 48 SLE Conference, University of Leiden, 2-5 September 2015
"On the null subject in diachrony. A comparison between the Old High German and the Old Italian translations of the Diatessaron".
26) 10 Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax-Morphology Meeting (CIDSM), University of Leiden, 22th – 24th June 2015
“On the left periphery of relaxed V2 languages: A comparison between Rhaetoromance and Mòcheno” (with Jan Casalicchio)
22) XLVIII Congresso della Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI), Udine 25-27 September 2014.
“Effects of multilingualism on the grammar of Mòcheno-speaking pre-school children. A syntactic and prosodic analysis.” (con Ermenegildo Bidese e Manuela Moroni)


a.a. 2017/2018: Tesi di laurea triennale (La Sapienza): Corrispondenze tra particelle modali e gestualità nella comunicazione interculturale italo-tedesca (discussa il 17 dicembre 2018, Roma).
a.a. 2013/2014: BA thesis Unbalancierter Bilingualismus im Fersental. Eine empirische Untersuchung über die Sprachproduktion von vier Fersentaler Kindern. (with E. Bidese, Defended on 5 December 2014, Trento).
2010:MA Thesis titled Yvy Hypothesis. Ein explikatives Modell für Code-Mixing.(with E. Bidese, Defended on 22 February 2010, Trento).


2019/2020: Ca' Foscari University, Venice: German Linguistics 2 for BA. Advanced syntax. 60 hours.
2019/2020: Ca 'Foscari University, Venice: German Linguistics 1 for BA. Introduction to phonology, morphology and syntax. 30 hours.
2019/2020: University La Sapienza, Rome: German Linguistics 1 for BA. Introduction to phonology and morphology. 42 hours.
2019/2020: University La Sapienza, Rome: German Linguistics for MA, Advanced Translation 2. Specialistic translation and academic German. 42 hours.
2018/2019: University La Sapienza, Rome: German Linguistics for MA, Advanced Translation 2. Specialistic translation and academic German. 48 hours.
2018/2019: University La Sapienza, Rome: German Linguistics 1 for BA. Introduction to phonology and morphology. 48 hours.
2017/2018: University La Sapienza, Rome: German Linguistics 1 for MA. Topic: German as a foreign Language (DaF): methodology and techiniques. 48 hours.
2017/2018: University La Sapienza, Rome: German Linguistics 3 for BA. Introduction to Pragmatics.
24 hours.
2017/2018: University La Sapienza, Rome: German Linguistics 1 for BA. Introduction to phonology and morphology. 48 hours.
2017/2018: University of Trento: Mòcheno Linguistics. 12 hours.
2016/2017: University of Trento: German linguistics I (topic: contrastive approach to German-Italian syntax with a special focus on Modal particles), for undergraduates (BA) – 30 hours - teaching in German
2015/2016: University of Trento: German linguistics I (topic: contrastive approach to German-Italian syntax), for undergraduates (BA) – 30 hours - teaching in German.
2015/2016: University of Verona: Deutsche Sprache 2 (topic: morphology contrastive German-Italian), for undergraduates (BA) – 36 hours - teaching in German.
2014/2015: University of Verona: German linguistics (topic: syntactic variation among German dialects), for graduate students (MA) – 18 hours - teaching in German.
2012/2013: University of Trento: German language 1 (topic: history of the German language), for graduate students (MA) – 30 hours – teaching in German.
2010/2011: University of Trento: German language 2 (topic: formal approaches to German syntax), for undergraduates (BA) – 60 hours – teaching in German.

2014: Co-organiser and scientific referent of the conference Understanding pro-drop. A synchronic and diachronic perspective. Trento, 19-21 June 2014.
2014: Co-organiser and member of the scientific panel of the 40th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (Trento)
2012: Organiser and scientific referent of the conference Studi linguistici sul mocheno: descrivere, definire e acquisire un sistema in variazione

MEMBER OF THE PROJECT Traces of History lead by Christine Meckleborg Salvesen at the University of Oslo (2015-2019).

2013- present: Reviewer for: Flanders Research Foundation (FWO); Linguistic Variation; Isogloss; Annali di Ca' Foscari; Linguistik Aktuell; IGG 38 (Verona), IGG 40 (Trento), IGG 41 (Perugia), IGG 42 (Lecce) IGG 44(RomaTre); Understanding pro-drop. A synchronic and diachronic perspective (Trento); Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV) – University of Vitoria, Basque Country; Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW) 2016 (Stellenbosch), CGSW 2017 (Trondheim), CGSW 2018 (Goettingen); CGSW 2019 (Konstanz); DIGS 2017 (Stellenbosch), DIGS 2018 (York), DIGS 2017 (Stellenbosch), DIGS 2018 (York) DIGS 2019 (Arizona).
2008-2016: Co-editor of 4 volumes


• Federica Cognola & Manuela Moroni (in corso di preparazione), Le particelle modali del tedesco. Roma: Carocci

• Federica Cognola (2013) Syntactic Variation and Verb Second. A German Dialect in Northern Italy. Linguistik Aktuell 201. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

• Federica Cognola (2011): Acquisizione plurilingue e bilinguismo sbilanciato: uno studio sulla sintassi dei bambini mocheni in età prescolare. Padova: Unipress.

Edited volumes:

• Federica Cognola & Jan Casalicchio (eds.) (2018), Null Subjects in Generative Grammar. A Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective. Oxford University Press.

• Ermenegildo Bidese & Federica Cognola & Manuela Moroni (2016), Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

• Ermenegildo Bidese & Federica Cognola (2013), Introduzione alla linguistica del mòcheno. Torino: Rosenberg&Sellier.

• Federica Cognola & Diego Pescarini (2008), La negazione: variazione dialettale ed evoluzione diacronica, Quaderni di lavoro ASIt volume 8. Available on-line: http://www.maldura.unipd.it/ddlcs. ISSN: 1828-2326

Journal peer-reviewed papers:

• Federica Cognola & Manuela Moroni (under review), Topiks im Deutschen und Italienischen: der linke Rand des deutschen Mittelfeldes und die italienische linke Satzperipherie im Vergleich. Linguistik Online.

• Federica Cognola & Ivano Baronchelli & Evelina Molinari (2019): Inter- vs intraspeaker variation in mixed heritage syntax: A statistical analysis. Frontiers in Psychology – Language Sciences.10:1528. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01528

• Federica Cognola & George Walkden (2019). Pro-drop in interrogatives and declaratives. A parallel study of Old High German and Old Italian. Linguistik Online 100(7): 95-140.

• Federica Cognola & Roland Hinterhölzl (accepted). Syntactic and semantic restrictions in the licensing of subjects in Cimbrian, Linguistische Berichte.

• Federica Cognola (2019). On the structure of the left periphery of three relaxed V2 languages. New insights into the typology of relaxed V2 languages. Linguistic Variation 19:2 (2019), pp. 82-118.

• Federica Cognola & Manuela Moroni (2018), Die Kodierung der Informationsstruktur im Fersentalerischen: Die Syntax-Prosodie-Schnittstelle. Germanistische Linguistik – Sonderheft 79-115.

• Federica Cognola (2017): Scrambling as verum focus: German scrambling meets Romance anaphoric anteposition. Annali di Ca' Foscari 51: 217-243.

• Federica Cognola (2017): Casi di micro-variazione diastratica e diafasica in costruzioni V3 in mòcheno. In Daniela Puato (ed), Lingue Europee a confronto. Il verbo tra morfosintassi, semantica e stilistica. Roma: Sapienza Editrice. 115-130.

• Federica Cognola (2015). How to define relaxed V2 languages and how to distinguish them from non-V2 languages – a reply to Brandtler. Nordic Journal of Linguistics. 38: 1, 93-100.

• Federica Cognola (2014): On asymmetric PRO-DROP in Mòcheno. Pinning down the role of contact in the maintenance of a root-embedded asymmetry. Stuf - Language Typology and Universals- Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, 67:4, 511-532.

• Federica Cognola (2013), Limits of syntactic variation and Universal Grammar. V2, OV/VO and subject pronouns in Mòcheno. Linguistische Berichte. Sonderheft 19, 59-83.

• Federica Cognola (2008) “OV/VO word orders in Mocheno main declarative clauses”. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, 33, 79-97. ISSN: 1122-4428
Peer-reviewed book chapters:

Federica Cognola (under review): On the role of information structure in the licensing of null subjects in Old High German: an analysis of null subjects in inti coordinated clauses in the Old High German Diatessaron. In Nicholas Catasso, Marco Coniglio, Chiara De Bastiani (eds): Language Change at the Interfaces. Intrasentential and supersentential phenomena. John Benjamins.

Federica Cognola, Manuela Caterina Moroni & Ermenegildo Bidese (under review): A comparative study of German auch and Italian anche: functional convergences and structural differences. In Remus Gergel et al, Volume on Particles. John Benjamins.

• Jan Casaliccio & Federica Cognola (under review): On the double series of resumptive elements in the Clitic-Left-Dislocation Construction in two German varieties. In Liliane Haegeman et al (eds), Adverbial resumption in V2 languages, Oxford University Press.

• Federica Cognola & George Walkden (under review): Explaining asymmetric pro-drop: null subjects and clause types in historical German and Italian. In Christine Meckleborg-Salvesen & Sam Wolfe (eds) Germanic and Romance: Continuity and Variation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

• Schifano, Norma & Federica Cognola (accepted). From macro to nano: parameter typology as a way to model diatopic and diachronic variation. To appear in Theresa Biberauer, Jamie Douglas, András Bárány and Sten Vikner (eds): Clausal Architecture and Its Consequences: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives (Vol 1). Language Science Press.

• Jan Casalicchio & Federica Cognola (accepted): Parametrising 'lexical subject-finite verb' inversion across V2 languages. On the role of Relativised Minimality at the vP edge. To appear in Theresa, Biberauer, Sam Wolfe and Rebecca Woods (eds). Rethinking Verb Second. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.

Federica Cognola (2019): On the classification Mòcheno and Cimbrian within the typology of V2 languages: relaxed or residual V2 languages? In Francesco Costantini (ed), Syntactic Variation: the View from the German-Language Islands in Northeast Italy. Udine: Forum, 83-106.

• Federica Cognola & Jan Casalicchio (2018): On the null-subject phenomenon, In Federica Cognola & Jan Casalicchio (eds.) (in press) Null Subjects in Generative Grammar. A Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective. Oxford University Press. 1-30.

• Jan Casalicchio & Federica Cognola (2018): Verb-Second and (micro)-variation in two Rhaeto-Romance varieties of Northern Italy. In Roberta D'Alessandro and Diego Pescarini (eds.), Advances in Romance Dialectology. Leiden: Brill, 72-106.

• Federica Cognola & Norma Schifano (2018 a): On ben in Trentino Regional Italian. In Berns, Janine, Haike Jacobs and Dominique Nouveau (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13. Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 29, Nijmegen,
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13 [RLLT 13]. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 55-74.

• Federica Cognola & Norma Schifano (2018 b): On the marking of negative presupposition in regional varieties of Italian. In Gabriela Pană Dindelegan, Adina Dragomirescu, Irina Nicula and Alexandru Nicolae (eds), Comparative and Diachronic Perspectives on Romance Syntax. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars. 433-453.

• Jan Casalicchio & Federica Cognola (2016): Mòcheno e Tamocco: su due soprannomi etnici per tedesco. In Problemi e prospettive della Linguistica Storica, Patrizia Cordin & Alessandro Parenti (eds). Roma: Il Calamo, 191-200.

• Federica Cognola & Ermenegildo Bidese (2016): On language acquisition and language change. Is transmission failure favoured in multilingual heritage contexts? In: Ermenegildo Bidese, Federica Cognola & Manuela Moroni (2016 eds), Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 337-369.

• Ermenegildo Bidese & Federica Cognola & Manuela Moroni (2016): Introduction: the triggers for language variation. In: Ermenegildo Bidese, Federica Cognola & Manuela Moroni (2016 eds), Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-21.

• Federica Cognola (2013): The mixed OV/VO syntax of Mòcheno main clauses: on the interaction between high and low left periphery. In Theresa Biberauer and Michelle Sheehan (eds.), Theoretical Approches to Disharmonic Word Orders. Oxford University Press, 106-135.

• Ermenegildo Bidese & Federica Cognola & Andrea Padovan (2012): Zu einer neuen Verb-Zweit-Typologie in den germanischen Sprachen, in: Peter Anreiter, Ivo Hajan and Manfred Kienpointner (eds.), In Simplicitate Complexitas. Festgabe für Barbara Stefan zum 70. Geburtstag. Wien: Praesens Verlag, 69-86.

• Federica Cognola (2011): Ordini OV/VO in Mocheno. In: W. Breu (a cura di), L'influsso dell'italiano sul sistema del verbo delle lingue minoritarie. Resistenza e mutamento nella morfologia e nella sintassi. Atti del II Convegno Internazionale, Costanza 10-13 dicembre 2008. Diversitas Linguarum, Volume 29, Bochum: Brockmeyer Universitätsverlag, 41-66.

• Federica Cognola (2011): Io l'ho vist dal pontesel gió. Sull'acquisizione del mocheno nella scuola dell'infanzia. In Patrizia Cordin (ed.), Didattica di lingue locali. Esperienza di ladino, mòcheno e cimbro nella scuola e nell'università. Franco Angeli: Milano (Series Lingua, traduzione, didattica), 39-64.

• Federica Cognola (2009): Dinamiche del contatto germanico-romanzo: la ristrutturazione nel dialetto tedesco della valle del Fersina. In: P. Consani and P. Desideri (eds.), Atti del XLI Congresso della Società di Linguistica Italiana. Roma: Bulzoni, 65-79.

• Federica Cognola (2009): La sintassi del verbo secondo in Mocheno. In: L. Scholze e B. Wiemar (eds.), Von Zuständen, Dynamik und Veränderung bei Pigmäen und Giganten. Festschrift für Walter Breu zu seinem 60. Geburtstag. Diversitas Linguarum, 25. Bochum: Brockmeyer Universitätsverlag, 193- 212.

Conference proceedings, working papers and non-peer reviewed papers:

• Ermenegildo Bidese & Federica Cognola (2013): Introduzione. In: E. Bidese and F. Cognola (eds), Introduzione alla linguistica del mòcheno. Turin: Rosenberg&Sellier, 7-12.

• Federica Cognola & Ermenegildo Bidese (2013): Aspetti sintattici del mòcheno: gli ordini OV/VO tra variazione e standardizzazione. In: E. Bidese and F. Cognola (eds), Introduzione alla linguistica del mòcheno. Turin: Rosenberg&Sellier, 105-126.

• Federica Cognola (2012): L'acquisizione del genere dei pronomi soggetto in mocheno, in: Quaderni di lavoro ASIT 14. Padova, 51-86. Available on -line:

• Federica Cognola (2011): Alcune considerazioni per un'analisi unitaria del prefisso ge- del tedesco. In: D. Bertocci e E. Triantafillis (a cura di), I preverbi. Tra sintassi e diacronia. Padova: Unipress, 35-65.

• Federica Cognola (2009): TopicPs and Relativised Minimality in Mocheno left periphery. In: V. Moscati and E. Servidio (eds.), Proceedings of the XXXV Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, MIT Working papers (CSCL04), 104-117.

• Federica Cognola & Chiara Zanini (2008): On dislocation structures. A study based on aphasic production and the syntax of a Tyrolean dialect, in Quaderni Patavini di Linguistica 24, 37-89.

• Federica Cognola (2008) “On the cartography of OperatorPs in Mocheno left periphery”. In: Padua Working Papers in Linguistics, 3, 103-128.

• Federica Cognola (2007): Realtà dialettali a confronto: la perdita dell'ordine OV nel dialetto tedesco della valle del Fersina. In: G. Marcato (ed.), L'Italia e i dialetti. Atti del convegno di Sappada, Unipress, 73-80.

• Federica Cognola (2006): Costruzioni infinitivali e fenomeni di trasparenza nel dialetto tedesco della Valle del Fersina, Quaderni Patavini di Linguistica 22, 3-48.

Research products

11573/1015155 - 2019 - On the left periphery of three languages of Northern Italy. New insights into the typology of relaxed V2
Cognola, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: LINGUISTIC VARIATION (Amsterdam ; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company) pp. 82-117 - issn: 2211-6834 - wos: WOS:000487843500004 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85073148448 (5)

11573/1259259 - 2019 - On the classification of Mòcheno and Cimbrian within the typology of V2 languages: relaxed or residual V2 languages?
Cognola, Federica - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Prospettive sincroniche e diacroniche sulle isole linguistiche germanofone (University of Udine, Italy)
book: Syntactic Variation: the View from the German-Language Islands in Northeast Italy - ()

11573/1299083 - 2019 - Inter- vs. Intra-Speaker Variation in Mixed Heritage Syntax: A Statistical Analysis
Cognola, Federica; Baronchelli, Ivano; Molinari, Evelina - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY (Lausanne: Frontiers Editorial) pp. - - issn: 1664-1078 - wos: WOS:000475422300001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85069457963 (8)

11573/1015173 - 2018 - Verb-Second and (micro)-variation in two Rhaeto-Romance varieties of Northern Italy.
Casalicchio, Jan; Cognola, Federica - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Advances in Romance Dialectology. - (9789004354388)

11573/1093968 - 2018 - Null Subjects in Generative Grammar. A Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective.
Cognola, Federica; Casalicchio, Jan - 06a Curatela

11573/1098539 - 2018 - On the null-subject phenomenon
Cognola, Federica; Casalicchio, Jan - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Null Subjects in Generative Grammar: A synchronic and diachronic perspective - (9780198815853)

11573/1015160 - 2018 - Die Kodierung der Informationsstruktur im Fersentalerischen: Die Syntax-Prosodie-Schnittstelle
Cognola, Federica; Moroni, Manuela Caterina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Deutsch als Minderheitsprache in Italien - (9783487156552)

11573/1015170 - 2018 - On the marking of negative presupposition in regional varieties of Italian.
Cognola, Federica; Schifano, Norma - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Comparative and Diachronic Perspectives on Romance Syntax - (978-1-5275-0401-1)

11573/1015180 - 2018 - On ben in Trentino Regional Italian
Cognola, Federica; Schifano, Norma - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13. Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 29, Nijmegen. - (9789027200655)

11573/1015158 - 2017 - Scrambling as verum focus: German scrambling meets Romance anaphoric anteposition.
Cognola, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ANNALI DI CA' FOSCARI. SERIE OCCIDENTALE (Venezia : Edizioni Ca' Foscari) pp. 217-244 - issn: 2499-1562 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1068667 - 2017 - Casi di micro-variazione diatopica e diastratica in costruzioni V3 in mòcheno
Cognola, Federica - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Lingue Europee a confronto 2 - (978-88-9377-043-9)

11573/1015190 - 2016 - Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation
Bidese, Ermenegildo; Cognola, Federica; Moroni Manuela, Caterina - 06a Curatela
paper: LINGUISTIK AKTUELL (Amsterdam: John Benjamins) pp. 1-376 - issn: 0166-0829 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85015747594 (6)

11573/1015176 - 2016 - Introduction: Triggers for language variation
Bidese, Ermenegildo; Cognola, Federica; Moroni, Manuela Caterina - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
paper: LINGUISTIK AKTUELL (Amsterdam: John Benjamins) pp. 1-21 - issn: 0166-0829 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
book: Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation - (9789027257178)

11573/1015182 - 2016 - Mòcheno e tamòcco: su due soprannomi etnici per tedesco
Casalicchio, Jan; Cognola, Federica - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Problemi e prospettive della linguistica storica. XL della Società Italiana di Glottologia (Università degli Studi di Trento)
book: Problemi e prospettive della linguistica storica: atti del XL Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia - (9788898640171)

11573/1015171 - 2016 - On language acquisition and language change. Is transmission failure favoured in multilingual heritage contexts?
Cognola, Federica; Bidese, Ermenegildo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
paper: LINGUISTIK AKTUELL (Amsterdam: John Benjamins) pp. 337-369 - issn: 0166-0829 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
book: Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation - (978 90 272 5717 8)

11573/1015187 - 2016 - Sòtzlear 1. Introduzione ragionata alla sintassi del mòcheno
Cognola, Federica; Molinari, Evelina - 03c Manuale Didattico
book: Sòtzlear 1. Introduzione ragionata alla sintassi del mòcheno - (978-88-906895-9-8)

11573/1015152 - 2015 - How to define relaxed V2 languages and how to distinguish them from non-V2 languages.
Cognola, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NORDIC JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS (-Cambridge University Press:Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU United Kingdom:011 44 1223 326092, EMAIL: journals@cambridge.org, journals_subscriptions@cambridge.org, INTERNET: http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk, journals_subscriptions@camebridge.org, Fax: 011 44 1223 325959 -Oslo : Taylor & Francis, 1978-) pp. 93-100 - issn: 0332-5865 - wos: WOS:000362495000004 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84928578574 (5)

11573/1015153 - 2014 - On asymmetric Pro-Drop in Mòcheno: pinning down the role of contact in the maintenance of a root-embedded asymmetry
Cognola, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: LANGUAGE TYPOLOGY AND UNIVERSALS (Berlin : Akad.-Verl.) pp. 511-532 - issn: 1867-8319 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84908407555 (6)

11573/1015192 - 2013 - Introduzione alla linguistica del mòcheno
Bidese, E.; Cognola, F. - 06a Curatela

11573/1015174 - 2013 - Introduzione
Bidese, Ermenegildo; Cognola, Federica - 02g Introduzione in volume
book: Introduzione alla linguistica del mòcheno - (9788878852174)

11573/1015163 - 2013 - La sintassi del mocheno tra lingue romanze e lingue germaniche
Cognola, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ATTI DEL SODALIZIO GLOTTOLOGICO MILANESE (Milano: [s. n.]; Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 199u- Milano: [s.n.], 1948-) pp. 121-130 - issn: 1972-9901 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1015164 - 2013 - Limits of syntactic variation and Universal Grammar: V2, OV/VO and subject pronouns in Mòcheno
Cognola, Federica - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Dialektologie in neuem Gewand - ()

11573/1015166 - 2013 - The mixed OV/VO syntax of Mocheno main clauses: on the interaction between high and low left periphery
Cognola, Federica - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Theoretical Approaches to Disharmonic Word Orders - (9780199684359)

11573/1015177 - 2013 - Ordini VO nella storia del tedesco
Cognola, Federica - 02e Traduzione in volume
book: Introduzione alla linguistica del mòcheno - Roland Hinterhoelzl (9788878852174)

11573/1015178 - 2013 - L'acquisizione della variazione linguistica
Cognola, Federica - 02e Traduzione in volume
book: Introduzione alla linguistica del mòcheno - Marit Westergaard (9788878852174)

11573/1066742 - 2013 - Syntactic Variation and Verb Second. A German Dialect in Northern Italy.
Cognola, Federica - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1015172 - 2013 - Aspetti sintattici del mòcheno: gli ordini OV/VO tra variazione e standardizzazione
Cognola, Federica; Bidese, Ermenegildo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Introduzione alla linguistica del mòcheno - (9788878852174)

11573/1015169 - 2012 - Zu einer neuen Verb-Zweit-Typologie in den germanischen Sprachen: der Fall des Zimbrischen und des Fersentalerischen
Bidese, Ermenegildo; Cognola, Federica; Padovan, Andrea - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: In simplicitate complexitas. Festgabe für Barbara Stefan zum 70. Geburtstag - (9783706906975)

11573/1015184 - 2012 - L'acquisizione del genere dei pronomi soggetto in mocheno
Cognola, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: QUADERNI DI LAVORO ASIT (Padova : Università di Padova-CNR) pp. 51-86 - issn: 1828-2326 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1015168 - 2011 - "Io l'ho vist dal pontesel giò": sull'acquisizione del mocheno nella scuola dell'infanzia
Cognola, Federica - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Didattica di lingue locali: esperienze di ladino, mòcheno e cimbro nella scuola e nell'università - (9788856837438)

11573/1015183 - 2011 - Alcune considerazioni per un'analisi unitaria del prefisso ge- del tedesco
Cognola, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: QPL. QUADERNI PATAVINI DI LINGUISTICA (Padova: UNIPRESS.) pp. 35-65 - issn: 1122-441X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1015185 - 2011 - Ordini OV/VO in mòcheno
Cognola, Federica - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: L'influsso dell'italiano sul sistema del verbo delle lingue minoritarie: resistenza e mutamento nella morfologia e nella sintassi (Costanza)
book: L'influsso dell'italiano sul sistema del verbo delle lingue minoritarie: resistenza e mutamento nella morfologia e nella sintassi - (9783819607820)

11573/1015188 - 2011 - Acquisizione plurilingue e bilinguismo sbilanciato. uno studio sulla sintassi dei bambini mocheni in età prescolare
Cognola, Federica - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1015156 - 2010 - On dislocation structures: a study based on aphasic production and the syntax of a Tyrolean dialect
Cognola, Federica; Zanini, Chiara - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: QPL. QUADERNI PATAVINI DI LINGUISTICA (Padova: UNIPRESS.) pp. 37-89 - issn: 1122-441X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1015154 - 2009 - On the cartography of Operator positions in Mocheno left periphery
Cognola, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PADUA WORKING PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS (Padova : Dipartimento di Discipline linguistiche Comunicative e dello Spettacolo) pp. 103-128 - issn: 1827-0522 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1015157 - 2009 - TopicPs and Relativised Minimality in Mocheno left periphery
Cognola, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUDIES IN LINGUISTICS (Siena : CISCL Centro interdipartimentale di studi cognitivi sul linguaggio) pp. 104-117 - issn: 2281-3128 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1015167 - 2009 - La sintassi del verbo secondo in Mocheno
Cognola, Federica - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Von Zuständen, Dynamik und Veränderung bei Pigmäen und Giganten. - (9783819607448)

11573/1015181 - 2009 - Dinamiche del contatto germanico-romanzo: la ristrutturazione nel dialetto tedesco della valle del Fersina
Cognola, Federica - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Alloglossie e comunita' alloglotte nell'Italia contemporanea - (9788878704404)

11573/1015159 - 2008 - OV/VO Syntax in Mòcheno main declarative clauses
Cognola, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: RGG. RIVISTA DI GRAMMATICA GENERATIVA (Unipress Padova:via C Battisti 231, I 35121 Padova Italy:011 39 049 8752542, EMAIL: unipress2001@libero.it, Fax: 011 39 049 8752542) pp. 79-93 - issn: 1122-4428 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1015179 - 2008 - Realtà dialettali a confronto: la perdita dell'ordine OV nel dialetto tedesco della valle del Fersina
Cognola, Federica - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: L'Italia dei dialetti (Sappada (Bl))
book: L'Italia dei dialetti - (978-88-8098242-5)

11573/1015191 - 2008 - La negazione. Variazione dialettale ed evoluzione diacronica. Quaderni di lavoro dell'ASIt
Cognola, Federica - 06a Curatela
paper: QUADERNI DI LAVORO ASIT (Padova : Università di Padova-CNR) pp. - - issn: 1828-2326 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1015165 - 2006 - Costruzioni infinitivali e fenomeni di trasparenza nel dialetto tedesco della valle del Fersina
Cognola, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: QPL. QUADERNI PATAVINI DI LINGUISTICA (Padova: UNIPRESS.) pp. 3-48 - issn: 1122-441X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma