PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: khalil.1888060@studenti.uniroma1.it
phone: 3485660814
room: Ed.CU014

supervisor: Prof.ssa Francesca Pagnanelli
co-supervisor: Emanuela Moscardini

Research: Valorization of phosphogypses containing rare earths metals by hydrometallurgical processes: process optimization at laboratory scale and validation at pilot scale

Professional Career :

August 2022 – Present Eco-Recycling (http://ecorecycling.eu/)
Project Intern (Life BIOAs, LIFE19 ENV/IT/000512)

• Participate in the preliminary testing for the reactor setting for
hydrothermal carbonization process activity.
• Perform a simulation of the drinking water treatment plant to conduct a
analysis of the plant at different water treatment volumes.
• Preparation of business plans targeting the industrial-scale application of
bio-adsorbent and water treatment plants.
• To carry out the competitive analysis of proposed technologies in European
and international markets.

September 2019-July 2022

Master's degree, Chemical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome

November 2022-Present
PhD in Chemical Processes for Industry and the Environment, Sapienza University of Rome
Research topic: Valorization of phosphogypses containing rare earths metals by hydrometallurgical processes
Supervisor: Prof. Prof.ssa Francesca Pagnanelli


English: B2
Italian: A2
German: A1

Computer/Technical skills:
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Microsoft Visio Aspen, Comsol,
Matlab, Superpro Desginer

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