PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII
email: fadia.aljamal@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Ricotta

Current academic position
- 2021- present Ph.D. Student in social and economic sciences (curriculum: Sociology and applied social research). XXXVII Cycle.
- 2019-2021 Master’s degree in Migration and Development- department of social and economic sciences. “La Sapienza” university of Rome- Italy.
- 2016-2019 Master’s degree in Development and International Cooperation sciences- Curriculum: Economics for Development. “La Sapienza” University of Rome- Italy.
- 2012-2016 Bachelor’s degree in Political science and International Relation. “La Sapienza” University of Rome- Italy.

Main research areas
Migration and Refugees, Development and International Cooperation.

Spoken languages:
- Arabic mother tongue
- Italian very good
- English very good
- French Independent
- Spanish Independent

- The Impact of Gender-based violence and gender norms on child marriage among Syrian refugees in Lebanon: limited legal status and lack of education. Working paper series- Dipartimento di scienze social ed economiche. ISSN 2385-2755.

In Geopolitics and International Relations Studies Center, online review of the Research Center (Cooperation with Eurasia, the Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa).
- The US economic siege on Syria and the oil crisis. Published on 23/05/2019.
- The social and economic impacts of unilateral coercive measures on Syria. Published on 09/06/2019.
- Russia and Iran privileges gained from Damascus for their military interventions in Syria. Published on 09/07/2019.

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