(Ph.D., “Sapienza” University of Rome). Full Professor in Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Teramo, Italy. Member of the Board of the Ph.D. Program in “Music and Performance Studies”, “Sapienza” University of Rome. Previous academic appointment at University of Calabria, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Roma Tre University and Scuola Nazionale di Cinema (Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia di Roma). Member of scientific societies such as EASTAP (European Association for the Study of Theatre and Performance); Performance Philosophy International Research Network; AIWB (Associazione Italiana Walter Benjamin). Main fields of interest: Performance Studies; Actors and acting in XX century theatre, film and audiovisual media. Books: Il paradigma teatrale. Teoria della performance e scienze sociali (1988), Gian Maria Volonté. Il lavoro d’attore (1997), Lo schermo e la scena (1999), Performático. Teoria delle arti dinamiche (2012), Mediologia della performance (2013); he has also translated and edited an anthology of essays by Richard Schechner (Magnitudini della performance, 1999). Several essays published in peer-reviewed journals and edited collections. Papers presented in conferences in Italy and abroad (MDW-Wien, Osterreich; University of Surrey, UK; Cambridge University, UK; Paris-Sorbonne, France; Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal; University of Malta; University of Toronto, Canada; Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland). Member of the Scientific Committee of “La Valigia dell’Attore” (“The Actor’s Suitcase”, Annual Theatre&Film Festival dedicated to Italian Actors) where he acts as assistant in acting workshops (conducted, among others, by Toni Servillo, Pierfrancesco Favino, Elio Germano, Fabrizio Gifuni, Paolo Rossi).