**Current Position:**
- Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis, Università di Roma "La Sapienza".
- Member of the Graduate Board of the Ph.D. School “Mathematical Models for Engineering, Electromagnetics and Nanosciences”.
- Laurea in Mathematics: U. di Roma "La Sapienza".
- Ph.D. in Mathematics. U. di Roma "La Sapienza".
**Temporary Academic Positions:**
- Maître de conférences invité, U. Evry (April 2000).
- Professeur invité, U. Paris 7 (March 2010).
- Professeur invité, U. Evry (March 2015).
**Visiting Positions:**
- Brown University, Providence (USA); Université de Evry (France); Univ. J.W. Goethe, Frankfurt (Germany); Bayreuth University (Germany); Waseda University, Tokyo (Japan); Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon (Portugal); NTNU, Trondheim (Norway); Fukuoka University (Japan); Université de Rennes (France); ENSTA, Paris (France); Université Paris 7 (France); Kobe University (Japan), Wuhan University of Geosciences (China).
**Funding and Support:**
- Principal investigator GNAMPA-INdAM project, 2007.
- INdAM Financial support for the organization of the workshop "Mean field games and related topics", Roma, 2011.
- Principal investigator La Sapienza project, 2013.
- Principal investigator La Sapienza project, 2014.
- Principal investigator GNAMPA-INdAM project, 2015.
- Principal investigator La Sapienza project, 2017.
- Grant "Attività Base di Ricerca (FFABR)", 2017.
- Coordinator of the research unit "La Sapienza" of the grant "Mean Field games and applications", OSR-2017-CRG6-3452.03, funded by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia (principal Investigator: Diogo Gomes).
- Principal investigator La Sapienza project, 2019.
- Coordinator of the research unit “La Sapienza” of the grant “Mean-field games: models, theory, and computational aspects”, ORA-2021-CRG10-4674.4, funded by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia (principal Investigator: Diogo Gomes).
- Coordinator of the research unit “La Sapienza” of the grant PRIN: Bando 2022 PNRR "Some mathematical approaches to climate change and its impacts" (principal Investigator: Piermarco Cannarsa).
**Editorial Activity:**
- Member of the editorial board of “Abstract and Applied Analysis”, Hindawi, 2012-2020.
- Member of the editorial board of “Journal of Dynamics and Games”, AIMS, 2018-
- Guest editor of the special issue “Mean Field Games” of the journal “Network and Heterogeneous Media”, 2012.
- Guest editor of the special issue “Optimal control and differential games: theory, numerics and applications” of the journal “Dynamic Games and Applications”, 2024.
**Conference Commitment Involved:**
- Workshop "Hamilton-Jacobi Equations", Cortona 2002.
- Mini-Symposium SIMAI "Nonlinear Pdes in Applied Mathematics", Roma, 2008.
- Workshop "Mean field games and related topics", Roma, 2011.
- Workshop "Mean field games and related topics-IV", Roma, 2016.
- Workshop "Fractional Calculus and its Applications”, Roma, 2017.
- Workshop “Theory and numerics of Mean Field Games and Hamilton-Jacobi equations”, Roma, 2022.
- Workshop “Nonlinear partial differential equations: theory, numerics and applications“, Roma, 2023.
**Keynote Presentations:**
- Short mini-courses (eight hours) during the conferences:
- "Advances in Nonlinear PDE'', Sendai (Japan), 2013;
- "NETCO: New trends in optimal control", Tours (France), 2014.
**Scientific Interests:**
- Nonlinear partial differential equations; viscosity solutions; deterministic and stochastic optimal control problem; stability of dynamical systems; Mean Field Games; fractional derivatives; networks; numerical methods.
**Selected Publications:**
1. Cacace, S.; Camilli, F. Approximation of the value function for optimal control problems on stratified domains, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 61 (2023), no. 3, 1172-1194
2. Aquilanti L.; Cacace, S.; Camilli, F.; De Maio, R. A Mean Field Games approach to cluster analysis, Appl. Math. Optim. 84 (2021), 299-323.
3. Camilli, Fabio; De Maio, Raul; Tosin, Andrea. Measure-valued solutions to nonlocal transport equations on networks. J. Differential Equations 264 (2018), no. 12, 7213–7241.
4. Camilli, Fabio; Capitanelli, Raffaela; Marchi, Claudio. Eikonal equations on the Sierpinski gasket. Math. Ann. 364 (2016), no. 3-4, 1167–1188.
5. Achdou, Yves; Camilli, Fabio; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Italo. Mean field games: numerical methods for the planning problem. SIAM J. Control Optim. 50 (2012), no. 1, 77–109.
6. Camilli, Fabio; Siconolfi, Antonio. Effective Hamiltonian and homogenization of measurable eikonal equations. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 183 (2007), no. 1, 1–20.
7. Camilli, Fabio; Grüne, Lars; Wirth, Fabian. A generalization of Zubov's method to perturbed systems. SIAM J. Control Optim. 40 (2001), no. 2, 496–515.