11573/1700333 - 2024 -
A continuous dependence estimate for viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks with applications Camilli, F; Marchi, C - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Heidelberg; Berlin: Springer) pp. - - issn: 0944-2669 - wos: WOS:001120965500001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85179342989 (0)
11573/1682431 - 2023 -
Approximation of the Value Function for Optimal Control Problems on Stratified Domains Cacace, Simone; Camilli, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics:3600 University City Science Center:Philadelphia, PA 19104:(800)447-7426, (215)382-9800, EMAIL: service@siam.org, INTERNET: http://www.siam.org, Fax: (215)386-7999) pp. 1172-1194 - issn: 0036-1429 - wos: WOS:001044149800002 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85161990370 (0)
11573/1694346 - 2023 -
On quasi-stationary mean field games of controls Camilli, F.; Marchi, C. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OPTIMIZATION (New York : Springer Verlag) pp. - - issn: 0095-4616 - wos: WOS:000960652700020 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85150217858 (1)
11573/1694347 - 2022 -
A policy iteration method for Mean Field Games Camilli, F. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: IFAC-PapersOnLine - ()
11573/1659759 - 2022 -
A note on Kazdan-Warner equation on networks Camilli, F.; Marchi, C. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ADVANCES IN CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS (BERLIN NEW YORK: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KGHome) pp. 693-704 - issn: 1864-8258 - wos: WOS:000861523200004 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85095456115 (3)
11573/1624910 - 2022 -
Rates of convergence for the policy iteration method for Mean Field Games systems Camilli, F.; Tang, Q. - 01a Articolo in rivista
Orlando Fla.: Academic Press) pp. 126138- - issn: 0022-247X - wos: WOS:000821051500027 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85125930463 (8)
11573/1675429 - 2022 -
A policy iteration method for mean field games Camilli, Fabio - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
paper: IFAC PAPERSONLINE (Kidlington: Elsevier Ltd) pp. 406-411 - issn: 2405-8971 - wos: WOS:000889050900069 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85144821957 (2)
conference: 25th IFAC Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2022 (Bayreuth, Germania)
11573/1401952 - 2021 -
A mean field games approach to cluster analysis Aquilanti, L.; Cacace, S.; Camilli, F.; De Maio, R. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OPTIMIZATION (New York : Springer Verlag) pp. 299-323 - issn: 0095-4616 - wos: WOS:000574057900001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85077696596 (2)
11573/1492595 - 2021 -
A mean field games model for finite mixtures of Bernoulli and categorical distributions Aquilanti, Laura; Cacace, Simone; Camilli, Fabio; De Maio, Raul - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF DYNAMICS AND GAMES (Springfield, MO : The American Institute of Mathematical Sciences) pp. 35-59 - issn: 2164-6066 - wos: WOS:000614011800003 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85101286438 (2)
11573/1566706 - 2021 -
A policy iteration method for mean field games Cacace, S.; Camilli, F.; Goffi, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ESAIM. COCV (Les Ulis: EDP sciences 1999-) pp. - - issn: 1292-8119 - wos: WOS:000678662300003 (12) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85111431647 (17)
11573/1566710 - 2021 -
A quadratic mean field games model for the langevin equation Camilli, F. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: AXIOMS (Basel : MDPI) pp. - - issn: 2075-1680 - wos: WOS:000665123500001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85105324629 (3)
11573/1566708 - 2021 -
Superposition principle and schemes for measure differential equations Camilli, F.; Cavagnari, G.; De Maio, R.; Piccoli, B. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: KINETIC AND RELATED MODELS (USA, Springfield: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
P.O. Box 2604
Springfield, MO 65801-2604, USA) pp. 89-113 - issn: 1937-5093 - wos: WOS:000608363000005 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85102379723 (9)
11573/1381686 - 2020 -
Existence and regularity results for viscous Hamilton–Jacobi equations with Caputo time-fractional derivative Camilli, F.; Goffi, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS (Birkhaeuser Verlag AG:Viaduktstrasse 42-44, CH 4051 Basel Switzerland:011 41 61 2050707, EMAIL: subscriptions@birkhauser.ch, INTERNET: http://www.birkhauser.ch, Fax: 011 41 61 2050792) pp. - - issn: 1021-9722 - wos: WOS:000519813500002 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85081584091 (10)
11573/1458372 - 2020 -
Approximation of Hamilton-Jacobi equations with Caputo time-fractional derivative Camilli, Fabio; Duisembay, Serik - 01a Articolo in rivista
Lemgo (Germany)) pp. 199-220 - issn: 2199-1413 - wos: WOS:000590787000003 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85108450537 (1)
11573/1401967 - 2020 -
Variational Time-Fractional Mean Field Games Tang, Q.; Camilli, F. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DYNAMIC GAMES AND APPLICATIONS (New York, NY : Springer Science + Business Media) pp. 573-588 - issn: 2153-0785 - wos: WOS:000529559300011 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85074005539 (5)
11573/1173399 - 2019 -
A measure theoretic approach to traffic flow optimization on networks Cacace, Simone; Camilli, Fabio; De Maio, Raul; Tosin, Andrea - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS (Cambridge University Press / New York:40 West 20th Street:New York, NY 10011:(800)872-7423, (212)924-3900, EMAIL: journals_subscriptions@cup.org, INTERNET: http://www.journals.cambridge.org, Fax: (212)691-3239) pp. 1187-1209 - issn: 0956-7925 - wos: WOS:000496147500007 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85054995821 (2)
Camilli, Fabio; De Maio, Raul - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ADVANCES IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Athens, Ohio, USA: Khayyam Publishing Company Incorporated) pp. 531-554 - issn: 1079-9389 - wos: WOS:000487569600002 (12) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85115742342 (14)
11573/1359249 - 2019 -
Memory effects in measure transport equations Camilli, Fabio; De Maio, Raul - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: KINETIC AND RELATED MODELS (USA, Springfield: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
P.O. Box 2604
Springfield, MO 65801-2604, USA) pp. 1229-1245 - issn: 1937-5093 - wos: WOS:000486331900002 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85081685095 (1)
11573/1277114 - 2019 -
A Hopf-Lax formula for Hamilton-Jacobi equations with Caputo time-fractional derivative Camilli, Fabio; De Maio, Raul; Iacomini, Elisa - 01a Articolo in rivista
Orlando Fla.: Academic Press) pp. 1019-1032 - issn: 0022-247X - wos: WOS:000470802500007 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85065429236 (7)
11573/1324821 - 2018 -
Finite difference methods for mean field games systems Cacace, S.; Camilli, F. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Springer INdAM Series - (978-3-030-01946-4; 978-3-030-01947-1)
11573/1322655 - 2018 -
An ergodic problem for mean field games: qualitative properties and numerical simulations Cacace, S.; Camilli, F.; Cesaroni, A.; Marchi, C. - 01a Articolo in rivista
Lemgo (Germany)) pp. 211-226 - issn: 2199-1413 - wos: WOS:000449786600002 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85057976179 (5)
11573/1131846 - 2018 -
A differential model for growing sandpiles on networks Cacace, Simone; Camilli, Fabio; Corrias, Lucilla - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics:3600 University City Science Center:Philadelphia, PA 19104:(800)447-7426, (215)382-9800, EMAIL: service@siam.org, INTERNET: http://www.siam.org, Fax: (215)386-7999) pp. 2509-2535 - issn: 0036-1410 - wos: WOS:000437018500008 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85049591931 (0)
11573/1179234 - 2018 -
A flame propagation model on a network with application to a blocking problem Camilli, Fabio; Carlini, Elisabetta; Marchi, Claudio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS. SERIES S (USA, Springfield: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
P.O. Box 2604
Springfield, MO 65801-2604, USA) pp. 825-843 - issn: 1937-1632 - wos: WOS:000436344300004 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85053691051 (2)
11573/1069014 - 2018 -
Measure-valued solutions to nonlocal transport equations on networks Camilli, Fabio; De Maio, Raul; Tosin, Andrea - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Academic Press Incorporated:6277 Sea Harbor Drive:Orlando, FL 32887:(800)543-9534, (407)345-4100, EMAIL: ap@acad.com, INTERNET: http://www.idealibrary.com, Fax: (407)352-3445) pp. 7213-7241 - issn: 0022-0396 - wos: WOS:000430280100007 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85042598293 (9)
11573/924269 - 2017 -
A CLASS OF NONLINEAR ELLIPTIC OPERATORS Birindelli, Isabella; Camilli, Fabio; Capuzzo Dolcetta, Italo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (Somervile, MA : International Press, c2003-) pp. 55-75 - issn: 1539-6746 - wos: WOS:000392575800003 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85011707972 (3)
11573/924204 - 2017 -
A numerical method for mean field games on networks Cacace, Simone; Camilli, Fabio; Marchi, Claudio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MODÉLISATION MATHÉMATIQUE ET ANALYSE NUMÉRIQUE (EDP Sciences:17 Ave Du Hoggar, BP112, 91944 Les Ulis Cedex A France:011 33 1 69187575, EMAIL: subscribers@edpsciences.com, INTERNET: http://www.edpsciences.com, Fax: 011 33 1 69860678
Publisher Paris : Elsevier 1997-1998
Paris : Dunod 1985-) pp. 63-88 - issn: 0764-583X - wos: WOS:000391969000004 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84999886637 (10)
11573/1002934 - 2017 -
Absolutely Minimizing Lipschitz Extensions and infinity harmonic functions on the Sierpinski gasket Camilli, Fabio; Capitanelli, Raffaela; Vivaldi, Maria Agostina - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NONLINEAR ANALYSIS (Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier Science Limited) pp. 71-85 - issn: 0362-546X - wos: WOS:000410621200005 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85027261598 (7)
11573/1015820 - 2017 -
Parabolic models for chemotaxis on weighted networks Camilli, Fabio; Corrias, Lucilla - 01a Articolo in rivista
-Paris FRANCE: Bachelier 1836-
-PARIS FRANCE: GAUTHIER-VILLARS) pp. 459-480 - issn: 0021-7824 - wos: WOS:000413130800003 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85028038352 (18)
Camilli, Fabio; De Maio, Raul; Tosin, Andrea - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NETWORKS AND HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA () pp. 191-215 - issn: 1556-1801 - wos: WOS:000402578600003 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85019843457 (15)
11573/949588 - 2017 -
A discrete hughes model for pedestrian flow on graphs Camilli, Fabio; Festa, Adriano; Tozza, Silvia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NETWORKS AND HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA () pp. 93-112 - issn: 1556-1801 - wos: WOS:000395901100004 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85014995721 (11)
11573/949589 - 2017 -
A unified approach to the well-posedness of some non-lambertian models in shape-from-shading theory Camilli, Fabio; Tozza, Silvia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON IMAGING SCIENCES (Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.) pp. 26-46 - issn: 1936-4954 - wos: WOS:000398613500002 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85016593418 (10)
11573/924975 - 2016 -
A generalized Newton method for homogenization of hamilton-jacobi equations Cacace, Simone; Camilli, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (Philadelphia PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, c1993-) pp. A3589-A3617 - issn: 1064-8275 - wos: WOS:000391853100021 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85007107331 (14)
11573/839604 - 2016 -
Eikonal equations on the Sierpinski gasket Camilli, Fabio; Capitanelli, Raffaela; Marchi, Claudio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN (Springer Verlag Germany:Tiergartenstrasse 17, D 69121 Heidelberg Germany:011 49 6221 3450, EMAIL: g.braun@springer.de, INTERNET: http://www.springer.de, Fax: 011 49 6221 345229) pp. 1167-1188 - issn: 0025-5831 - wos: WOS:000376067100017 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84963593298 (9)
11573/891213 - 2016 -
Stationary mean field games systems defined on networks Camilli, Fabio; Marchi, Claudio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics:3600 University City Science Center:Philadelphia, PA 19104:(800)447-7426, (215)382-9800, EMAIL: service@siam.org, INTERNET: http://www.siam.org, Fax: (215)386-7999) pp. 1085-1103 - issn: 0363-0129 - wos: WOS:000375552500027 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84964879680 (19)
11573/780767 - 2015 -
A model problem for Mean Field Games on networks Camilli, Fabio; Carlini, Elisabetta; Claudio, Marchi - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS (Southwest Missouri State University:Department of Mathematics:Springfield, MO 65804:(417)836-5377, EMAIL: shh209f@smsu.edu, INTERNET: http://www.math.smsu.edu, Fax: (417)886-0559) pp. 4173-4192 - issn: 1078-0947 - wos: WOS:000353474800013 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84926685453 (16)
Camilli, Fabio; E., Prados - 02d Voce di Enciclopedia/Dizionario
book: Computer Vision A Reference Guide - (978-0-387-30771-8)
11573/560053 - 2014 -
paper: DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS. SERIES B. (Springfield, MO : Dept. of Mathematics, Southwest Missouri State University, c2001-) pp. 629-650 - issn: 1531-3492 - wos: WOS:000332453300001 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84897475275 (7)
11573/533501 - 2013 -
An approximation scheme for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation defined on a network Camilli, Fabio; Adriano, Festa; Dirk, Schieborn - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS (Amsterdam: North-Holland) pp. 33-47 - issn: 0168-9274 - wos: WOS:000325446700004 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84884503148 (19)
11573/521618 - 2013 -
A comparison among various notions of viscosity solution for Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks Camilli, Fabio; Claudio, Marchi - 01a Articolo in rivista
Orlando Fla.: Academic Press) pp. 112-118 - issn: 0022-247X - wos: WOS:000320423000009 (21) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84878944125 (21)
11573/512893 - 2013 -
The vanishing viscosity limit for Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks Camilli, Fabio; Claudio, Marchi; Dirk, Schieborn - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Academic Press Incorporated:6277 Sea Harbor Drive:Orlando, FL 32887:(800)543-9534, (407)345-4100, EMAIL: ap@acad.com, INTERNET: http://www.idealibrary.com, Fax: (407)352-3445) pp. 4122-4143 - issn: 0022-0396 - wos: WOS:000316921100005 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84875061425 (16)
Camilli, Fabio; Dirk, Schieborn; Claudio, Marchi - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERFACES AND FREE BOUNDARIES (Oxford University Press;EMS Publishing House) pp. 121-140 - issn: 1463-9963 - wos: WOS:000319616600005 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84878908924 (9)
11573/484640 - 2013 -
Viscosity solutions of Eikonal equations on topological networks Dirk, Schieborn; Camilli, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Heidelberg; Berlin: Springer) pp. 671-686 - issn: 0944-2669 - wos: WOS:000314709300010 (37) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84873749286 (42)
11573/485488 - 2013 -
Hamilton-Jacobi equations constrained on networks Yves, Achdou; Camilli, Fabio; Alessandra, Cutri'; Nicoletta, Tchou - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS (Birkhaeuser Verlag AG:Viaduktstrasse 42-44, CH 4051 Basel Switzerland:011 41 61 2050707, EMAIL: subscriptions@birkhauser.ch, INTERNET: http://www.birkhauser.ch, Fax: 011 41 61 2050792) pp. 413-445 - issn: 1021-9722 - wos: WOS:000319478800002 (56) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84878387459 (62)
11573/534746 - 2013 -
MEAN FIELD GAMES: CONVERGENCE OF A FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD Yves, Achdou; Camilli, Fabio; Capuzzo Dolcetta, Italo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics:3600 University City Science Center:Philadelphia, PA 19104:(800)447-7426, (215)382-9800, EMAIL: service@siam.org, INTERNET: http://www.siam.org, Fax: (215)386-7999) pp. 2585-2612 - issn: 0036-1429 - wos: WOS:000326382500005 (61) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84890625353 (70)
11573/454956 - 2012 -
Approximation schemes for monotone systems of nonlinear second order partial differential equations: convergence result and error estimate Ariela, Briani; Camilli, Fabio; Hasnaa, Zidani - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS & APPLICATIONS (Zagreb, Croatia: ELEMENT) pp. 297-317 - issn: 1847-120X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
11573/458064 - 2012 -
Preface. Mean Field Games and Related Topics Camilli, Fabio; Capuzzo Dolcetta, Italo; Falcone, Maurizio - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: Mean Field Games and Related Topics - ()
11573/454331 - 2012 -
MEAN FIELD GAMES: NUMERICAL METHODS FOR THE PLANNING PROBLEM Camilli, Fabio; Capuzzo Dolcetta, Italo; Yves, Achdou - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics:3600 University City Science Center:Philadelphia, PA 19104:(800)447-7426, (215)382-9800, EMAIL: service@siam.org, INTERNET: http://www.siam.org, Fax: (215)386-7999) pp. 77-109 - issn: 0363-0129 - wos: WOS:000300892000004 (143) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84858650669 (155)
11573/454943 - 2012 -
Continuous dependence estimates and homogenization of quasi-monotone systems of fully nonlinear second order parabolic equations Camilli, Fabio; Claudio, Marchi - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NONLINEAR ANALYSIS (Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier Science Limited) pp. 5103-5118 - issn: 0362-546X - wos: WOS:000305144900034 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84862148694 (5)
11573/454949 - 2012 -
A semi-discrete approximation for a first order mean field game problem Camilli, Fabio; Francisco, Silva - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NETWORKS AND HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA () pp. 263-277 - issn: 1556-1801 - wos: WOS:000306696500005 (21) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84865538817 (24)
11573/440211 - 2012 -
Large time behavior of weakly coupled systems of first-order Hamilton-Jacobi equations Camilli, Fabio; Olivier, Ley; Loreti, Paola; Vinh Duc, Nguyen - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS (Birkhaeuser Verlag AG:Viaduktstrasse 42-44, CH 4051 Basel Switzerland:011 41 61 2050707, EMAIL: subscriptions@birkhauser.ch, INTERNET: http://www.birkhauser.ch, Fax: 011 41 61 2050792) pp. 719-749 - issn: 1021-9722 - wos: WOS:000311401200005 (22) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84869882637 (23)
11573/357400 - 2011 -
Homogenization and vanishing viscosity in fully nonlinear elliptic equations: rate of convergence estimates Camilli, Fabio; Cesaroni, A; Marchi, C. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ADVANCED NONLINEAR STUDIES (ADVANCED NONLINEAR STUDIES, INC, PO BOX 691204, SAN ANTONIO, USA, TX, 78269) pp. 405-428 - issn: 1536-1365 - wos: WOS:000288133200010 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-80051989204 (10)
11573/357399 - 2011 -
On the convergence rate in multiscale homogenization of fully nonlinear elliptic problems Camilli, Fabio; Claudio, Marchi - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NETWORKS AND HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA () pp. 61-75 - issn: 1556-1801 - wos: WOS:000288540900003 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-79954567396 (3)
Y., Achdou; Camilli, Fabio; A., Cutri'; N., Tchou - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 18th IFAC World Congress (Milan; Italy)
book: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress - (9783902661937)
11573/230467 - 2010 -
HOMOGENIZATION OF MONOTONE SYSTEMS OF HAMILTON-JACOBI EQUATIONS Camilli, Fabio; Olivier, Ley; Loreti, Paola - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ESAIM-CONTROL OPTIMISATION AND CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS (E D P SCIENCES, 17, AVE DU HOGGAR, PA COURTABOEUF, BP 112, LES ULIS CEDEX A, FRANCE, F-91944) pp. 58-76 - issn: 1262-3377 - wos: WOS:000274916000004 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77950241151 (15)
11573/43951 - 2009 -
Singular perturbations of weakly coupled systems of Hamilton-Jacobi equations Camilli, Fabio; A., Cesaroni - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS (Amsterdam: North-Holland) pp. 125-146 - issn: 0921-7134 - wos: WOS:000273407600001 (1) - scopus: (0)
11573/230303 - 2009 -
Randomly perturbed dynamical systems and Aubry-Mather theory Camilli, Fabio; A., Cesaroni; Siconolfi, Antonio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ([Olney]: Inderscience, 2007-) pp. 139-168 - issn: 1752-3583 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77249133637 (7)
11573/43949 - 2009 -
Rates of convergence in periodic homogenization of fully nonlinear uniformly elliptic PDEs Camilli, Fabio; Claudio, Marchi - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NONLINEARITY (IOP Publishing Limited:Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6BE United Kingdom:011 44 117 9297481, EMAIL: custserv@iop.org, INTERNET: http://www.iop.org, Fax: 011 44 117 9294318) pp. 1481-1498 - issn: 0951-7715 - wos: WOS:000266072500012 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-67650727363 (24)
11573/43948 - 2009 -
A finite element like scheme for integro-partial differential
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations Camilli, Fabio; Jakobsen, E. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics:3600 University City Science Center:Philadelphia, PA 19104:(800)447-7426, (215)382-9800, EMAIL: service@siam.org, INTERNET: http://www.siam.org, Fax: (215)386-7999) pp. 2407-2431 - issn: 0036-1429 - wos: WOS:000268575800001 (28) - scopus: 2-s2.0-67650481110 (25)
11573/412622 - 2009 -
Domains of attraction of interconnected systems: A
Zubov method approach Camilli, Fabio; L., Gr Uene; F., Wirth - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
book: Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009 - ()
11573/230539 - 2009 -
paper: COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS (Springfield, MO : AIMS Press, c2002-) pp. 1291-1302 - issn: 1534-0392 - wos: WOS:000265190400007 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77957922913 (7)
11573/391202 - 2008 -
A characterization of the value function for a
class of degenerate control problems Camilli, Fabio - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: International Conference for the 25th Anniversary of Viscosity Solutions - (9784762504396)
11573/229591 - 2008 -
Error estimates for the approximation of the effective hamiltonian Camilli, Fabio; Capuzzo Dolcetta, Italo; Diogo A., Gomes - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OPTIMIZATION (New York : Springer Verlag) pp. 30-57 - issn: 0095-4616 - wos: WOS:000252848200003 (20) - scopus: 2-s2.0-38849179353 (25)
11573/230465 - 2008 -
Homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations:
Numerical Methods Camilli, Fabio; Capuzzo Dolcetta, Italo; Y., Achdou - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES (World Scientific Publishing Company:PO Box 128, Farrer Road, Singapore 912805 Singapore:011 65 6 4665775, EMAIL: journal@wspc.com.sg, INTERNET: http://www.wspc.com.sg, http://www.worldscinet.com, Fax: 011 65 6 4677667) pp. 1115-1143 - issn: 0218-2025 - wos: WOS:000257760900006 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-47749089404 (17)
11573/43887 - 2008 -
Control lyapunov functions and Zubov's method Camilli, Fabio; L., Gruene; Fabian, Wirth - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics:3600 University City Science Center:Philadelphia, PA 19104:(800)447-7426, (215)382-9800, EMAIL: service@siam.org, INTERNET: http://www.siam.org, Fax: (215)386-7999) pp. 301-326 - issn: 0363-0129 - wos: WOS:000253016000012 (34) - scopus: 2-s2.0-55349111501 (43)
11573/230656 - 2008 -
Comparison results for a class of weakly coupled systems of eikonal equations Camilli, Fabio; Loreti, Paola - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: HOKKAIDO MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL () pp. 349-362 - issn: 0385-4035 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77950273208 (8)
11573/43875 - 2007 -
A note on singular perturbation problems via Aubry-Mather theory Camilli, Fabio; Annalisa, Cesaroni - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS (Southwest Missouri State University:Department of Mathematics:Springfield, MO 65804:(417)836-5377, EMAIL: shh209f@smsu.edu, INTERNET: http://www.math.smsu.edu, Fax: (417)886-0559) pp. 807-819 - issn: 1078-0947 - wos: WOS:000243024300008 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-34247148388 (3)
11573/239838 - 2007 -
Effective Hamiltonian and homogenization for measurable Eikonal equations Camilli, Fabio; Siconolfi, Antonio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ARCHIVE FOR RATIONAL MECHANICS AND ANALYSIS (Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; London; Paris; Tokyo; Hong Kong; Barcelona; Budapest: Springer) pp. 1-20 - issn: 0003-9527 - wos: WOS:000241398900001 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33750184121 (7)
11573/43878 - 2006 -
Stabilization of controlled diffusions via Zubov's method Camilli, Fabio; A., Cesaroni; L., Gruene; F., Wirth - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STOCHASTICS AND DYNAMICS (World Scientific.) pp. 373-395 - issn: 0219-4937 - wos: WOS:000240860000006 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33748480353 (6)
11573/43877 - 2006 -
A unifying and rigorous Shape-from-Shading method adapted to realistic data and applications Camilli, Fabio; Fagueras, O; Prados, O. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL IMAGING AND VISION (Kluwer Academic Publishers:Journals Department, PO Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht Netherlands:011 31 78 6576050, EMAIL: frontoffice@wkap.nl, kluweronline@wkap.nl, INTERNET: http://www.kluwerlaw.com, Fax: 011 31 78 6576254) pp. 307-328 - issn: 0924-9907 - wos: WOS:000241890100003 (36) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33745306258 (49)
11573/233909 - 2006 -
A Zubov's method for stochastic differential equations Camilli, Fabio; Loreti, Paola - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS (Birkhaeuser Verlag AG:Viaduktstrasse 42-44, CH 4051 Basel Switzerland:011 41 61 2050707, EMAIL: subscriptions@birkhauser.ch, INTERNET: http://www.birkhauser.ch, Fax: 011 41 61 2050792) pp. 205-222 - issn: 1021-9722 - wos: WOS:000238640000004 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33745651825 (5)
11573/43879 - 2006 -
Shape from Shading with discontinuous brightness images Camilli, Fabio; Prados, E. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS (Amsterdam: North-Holland) pp. 1225-1237 - issn: 0168-9274 - wos: WOS:000239268400008 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33745641319 (10)
11573/43880 - 2006 -
A viscosity method for Shape-from-Shading without boundary data, E., Prados; Camilli, Fabio; O., Fagueras - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MODÉLISATION MATHÉMATIQUE ET ANALYSE NUMÉRIQUE (EDP Sciences:17 Ave Du Hoggar, BP112, 91944 Les Ulis Cedex A France:011 33 1 69187575, EMAIL: subscribers@edpsciences.com, INTERNET: http://www.edpsciences.com, Fax: 011 33 1 69860678
Publisher Paris : Elsevier 1997-1998
Paris : Dunod 1985-) pp. 393-412 - issn: 0764-583X - wos: WOS:000238446400009 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33745318678 (27)
11573/43883 - 2005 -
A relaxation result for a class
of degenerate Hamilton-Jacobi equations Camilli, Fabio; C., Pignotti - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL EQUATIONS (Athens, Ohio : Differential and Integral Equations : Printed for Differential and Integral Equations by American Mathematical Society, c1988-) pp. 419-430 - issn: 0893-4983 - wos: WOS:000208533400004 (0) - scopus: (0)
11573/412630 - 2005 -
Calculating the domain of attraction: Zubov's method
and extensions Camilli, Fabio; L., Gr Uene; F., Wirth - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
book: Proceedings of the Stability and Control Processes Conference SCP 2005 - ()
11573/412635 - 2005 -
Zubov's method for stochastic control systems Camilli, Fabio; L., Gr Uene; F., Wirth - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: IFAC world congress (Prague)
book: Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress - ()
11573/240533 - 2005 -
Time-dependent measurable Hamilton-Jacobi equations Camilli, Fabio; Siconolfi, Antonio - 01a Articolo in rivista
-New York, Marcel Dekker) pp. 813-847 - issn: 0360-5302 - wos: WOS:000230842900013 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-23444445510 (20)
11573/43884 - 2004 -
An Hopf-Lax formula for a class of measurable Hamilton-Jacobi equations Camilli, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NONLINEAR ANALYSIS (Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier Science Limited) pp. 265-286 - issn: 0362-546X - wos: WOS:000221784600009 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-2342466049 (12)
11573/412653 - 2004 -
Construction of Lyapunov functions on the domain of
asymptotic null-controllability: Theory Camilli, Fabio; L., Gr Uen; F., Wirth - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: NOLCOS 2004 (Stuggart)
book: 6th IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium - ()
11573/412642 - 2004 -
Characterizing controllability probabilities of stochastic
control systems via Zubov's method Camilli, Fabio; L., Gr Uene; F., Wirth - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: MTNS 2004 (Leuven)
book: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS2004 - ()
11573/412660 - 2004 -
Construction of Lyapunov functions on the domain of
asymptotic null-controllability: Numerics Camilli, Fabio; L., Gr Uene; F., Wirth - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: NOLCOS 2004 (Stuggart)
book: 6th IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium - ()
11573/412639 - 2004 -
A mathematical framework unifying various Shape
from Shading approaches E., Prados; Camilli, Fabio; O., Faugeras - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
book: Proceedings of Mathematics and Image Analysis - MIA 2004 - ()
11573/43886 - 2003 -
Characterizing attraction probabilities via the stochastic Zubov equation Camilli, Fabio; L., Gruene - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS. SERIES B. (Springfield, MO : Dept. of Mathematics, Southwest Missouri State University, c2001-) pp. 457-468 - issn: 1531-3492 - wos: WOS:000182706400009 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0041350745 (15)
11573/254276 - 2003 -
Hamilton_jacobi equations with measurable dependence on the state variable Camilli, Fabio; Siconolfi, Antonio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ADVANCES IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Athens, Ohio, USA: Khayyam Publishing Company Incorporated) pp. 733-768 - issn: 1079-9389 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-2342496261 (35)
11573/412847 - 2002 -
A generalization of Zubov's method to perturbed systems Camilli, Fabio; L., Gruene; F., Wirth - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: CDC 2002 (Las Vegas)
book: Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - (0780375165)
11573/405777 - 2002 -
A regularization of Zubov's equation for robust domains
of attraction Camilli, Fabio; Lars, Gruene; Fabian, Wirth - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 2nd Workshop of the Nonlinear Control Network (Paris)
book: NONLINEAR CONTROL IN THE YEAR 2000, VOL 1 - (9780780375161)
11573/405447 - 2002 -
Large-time stability of travelling waves for a class of fully nonlinear parabolic equations Camilli, Fabio; Manuela, Molinari - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: QUARTERLY OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS (American Mathematical Society:PO Box 6248:Providence, RI 02940:(800)321-4267, (401)455-4000, EMAIL: cust-serv@ams.org, gma@math.ams.org, INTERNET: http://www.ams.org, Fax: (401)331-3842) pp. 533-546 - issn: 0033-569X - wos: WOS:000177129700008 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0036678445 (0)
11573/405774 - 2001 -
A characterization of the value function for a class of degenerate control problems Camilli, Fabio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Numerical Methods for Viscosity Solutions and Applications (Hiraklion (Creta))
book: Numerical Methods for Viscosity Solutions and Applications - (978-981-02-4717-1)
11573/405736 - 2001 -
A generalization of Zubov's method to perturbed systems Camilli, Fabio; Lars, Gruene; Fabian, Wirth - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics:3600 University City Science Center:Philadelphia, PA 19104:(800)447-7426, (215)382-9800, EMAIL: service@siam.org, INTERNET: http://www.siam.org, Fax: (215)386-7999) pp. 496-515 - issn: 0363-0129 - wos: WOS:000171174000008 (61) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0036105218 (69)
11573/25786 - 2001 -
Nonconvex degenerate Hamilton-Jacobi equations Siconolfi, Antonio; Camilli, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT (Springer Verlag Germany:Tiergartenstrasse 17, D 69121 Heidelberg Germany:011 49 6221 3450, EMAIL: g.braun@springer.de, INTERNET: http://www.springer.de, Fax: 011 49 6221 345229) pp. 1-21 - issn: 0025-5874 - wos: WOS:000181530800001 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0013184928 (9)
11573/412853 - 2000 -
Zubov's method for perturbed differential equations Camilli, Fabio; L., Gr Uene; F., Wirth - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: MTNS 2000 (Perpignan)
book: Proceedings of MTNS 2000: Mathematical Theory of networks and systems - ()
11573/405737 - 2000 -
Numerical approximation of the maximal solutions for a class of degenerate Hamilton-Jacobi equations Camilli, Fabio; Lars, Gruene - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics:3600 University City Science Center:Philadelphia, PA 19104:(800)447-7426, (215)382-9800, EMAIL: service@siam.org, INTERNET: http://www.siam.org, Fax: (215)386-7999) pp. 1540-1560 - issn: 0036-1429 - wos: WOS:000166214900008 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0034541028 (20)
Camilli, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANALYSIS UND IHRE ANWENDUNGEN (Heldermann Verlag:Langer Graben 17, D-32657 Lemgo Germany:011 49 5261 10226, EMAIL: heldermann@gmx.net, INTERNET: http://www.heldermann.de, Fax: 011 49 5261 15264) pp. 3-12 - issn: 0232-2064 - wos: WOS:000208764400001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-26444459940 (1)
11573/82202 - 1999 -
Approximation of control problems involving ordinary and impulsive controls Camilli, Fabio; Falcone, Maurizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ESAIM-CONTROL OPTIMISATION AND CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS (E D P SCIENCES, 17, AVE DU HOGGAR, PA COURTABOEUF, BP 112, LES ULIS CEDEX A, FRANCE, F-91944) pp. 159-176 - issn: 1262-3377 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0033276536 (12)
11573/25785 - 1999 -
Maximal subsolutions for a class of degenerate Hamilton-Jacobi equations Siconolfi, Antonio; Camilli, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL (Bloomington Ind.: Dept. of Mathematics Indiana University, ©1970-) pp. 1111-1131 - issn: 0022-2518 - wos: WOS:000085202000013 (32) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0013187568 (35)
11573/405743 - 1998 -
A stability property for the generalized mean curvature flow equation Camilli, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ADVANCES IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Athens, Ohio, USA: Khayyam Publishing Company Incorporated) pp. 815-846 - issn: 1079-9389 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0039346883 (2)
11573/412858 - 1998 -
Maximal solutions for a class of singular Hamilton-Jacobi equations Camilli, Fabio; Uene, L. Gr. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: MTNS 98: Mathematical Theory of networks and systems (Padova)
book: Proceedings of MTNS 98: mathematical Theory of networks and systems - ()
11573/405452 - 1997 -
Approximation of integro-differential equations associated with piecewise deterministic process Camilli, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS & METHODS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 423-444 - issn: 0143-2087 - wos: WOS:000071634000003 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0031268957 (4)
11573/405745 - 1997 -
Analysis and approximation of an impulse control problem on an infinite time interval Camilli, Fabio; Falcone, Maurizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
-Consultants Bureau:A Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 233 Spring Street, Sixth Floor:New York, NY 10013:(800)221-9369, (212)620-8082, Fax: (212)463-0742) pp. 1203-1215 - issn: 0005-1179 - wos: WOS:000071707400004 (5) - scopus: (0)
11573/82203 - 1997 -
Analysis and approximation of the infinite horizon problem with impulsive controls Camilli, Fabio; Falcone, Maurizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: AVTOMATIKA I TELEMEKHANIKA (Maik Nauka / Interperiodica:Profsoyuznaya 90, Moscow 117864 Russia:011 7 095 3360266, Fax: 011 7 095 3360666) pp. 169-184 - issn: 0005-2310 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
11573/405454 - 1997 -
Discontinuous solutions of a Hamilton-Jacobi equation with infinite speed of propagation Camilli, Fabio; Siconolfi, Antonio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS ([Philadelphia] Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.) pp. 1421-1447 - issn: 1095-7154 - wos: WOS:A1997YB85700009 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0346443544 (4)
11573/25787 - 1997 -
Discontinuous solutions of an Hamilton-Jacobi equation with infinite speed of propagation Siconolfi, Antonio; Camilli, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics:3600 University City Science Center:Philadelphia, PA 19104:(800)447-7426, (215)382-9800, EMAIL: service@siam.org, INTERNET: http://www.siam.org, Fax: (215)386-7999) pp. 1420-1445 - issn: 0036-1410 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
11573/1624922 - 1996 -
Approximation scheme for the maximal solution of the shape-from-shading model Camilli, F.; Falcone, M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP'96. Part 2 (of 3) (Lausanne, Switz,)
book: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ()
11573/405749 - 1996 -
Computation of the H∞ norm for nonlinear systems: a convergence result Camilli, Fabio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS (Amsterdam: North-Holland; Elsevier Science Publishers) pp. 139-150 - issn: 0167-6911 - wos: WOS:A1996VL92900003 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0347874904 (2)
11573/405937 - 1996 -
Approximation of optimal control problem with state constraints: estimates and applications Camilli, Fabio; Falcone, Maurizio - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Nonsmooth Analysis and Geometric Methods in Deterministic Optimal Control - (9780387947648)
11573/405750 - 1995 -
An approximation scheme for the optimal control of diffusion processes Camilli, Fabio; Falcone, Maurizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MODÉLISATION MATHÉMATIQUE ET ANALYSE NUMÉRIQUE (EDP Sciences:17 Ave Du Hoggar, BP112, 91944 Les Ulis Cedex A France:011 33 1 69187575, EMAIL: subscribers@edpsciences.com, INTERNET: http://www.edpsciences.com, Fax: 011 33 1 69860678
Publisher Paris : Elsevier 1997-1998
Paris : Dunod 1985-) pp. 97-122 - issn: 0764-583X - wos: WOS:A1995QU99600006 (100) - scopus: (0)
11573/412862 - 1995 -
Approximation of the maximal solution of the shape from shading
problem Camilli, Fabio; Falcone, Maurizio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
book: Proceedings of ICIP 96: international Congress in Image Processing - (9780780332591)
11573/412925 - 1993 -
A domain decomposition method for
Bellman equations Camilli, Fabio; Falcone, Maurizio; P., Lanucara; Seghini, Alessandra - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Domain Decomposition VII (The Pennsylvania State University)
book: Domain decomposition methods in scientific and engineering computing - (978-0-8218-5171-5)