FATTAL Elias - Professor (Highest Grade) /Université Paris-Saclay/UFR de Pharmacie/Institut Galien Paris-Saclay/UMR CNRS 8612/ Châtenay-Malabry, France.
1983: Degree in Pharmacy (University Paris-Sud).
1986: Master in Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy (University Paris-Sud).
1990: Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences (University Paris-Sud).
1996: Habilitation Thesis (HDR) (University Paris-Sud).
Awards and honors
1987: Master award of the Paul Neumann Foundation/ APGI
1988: Master award of the School of Pharmacy (University Paris-Sud).
1990 : Award from Association Française pour la Recherche Thérapeutique
1991: Thesis award (University Paris-Sud).
1999: Colloidal Drug carrier Award (Berlin, Germany)
2007: Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress (PSWC) Research Achievement Award.
2016: Controlled Release Society Fellow Award
2016: Award of the French Academy of Sciences (Dr et Mme HENRI LABBE)
2018: Maurice-Marie Janot Award and Lecture
1983-1986: Hospital Residency (Lille) Expertise in clinical pharmacy and toxicology.
1990-1991: Post-doctoral Fellow (UC, San Francisco, USA).
1991-1992: Assistant Professor (UMR CNRS 8612, University Paris-Sud).
From 1992: Associate Professor (UMR CNRS 8612, University Paris-Sud).
From 1998: Team Leader at the UMR CNRS 8612
From 2000: Full Professor, (UMR CNRS 8612, Université Paris-Saclay).
2007-2009: Vice director of the research unit UMR CNRS 8612
2010-2019: Director of the research unit UMR CNRS 8612
Scientific Societies
I have been President of the Association de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle (APGI) (2003-2010) and Vice-President (2000-2002) of Groupe Thématique de Recherche sur les Vecteurs (GTRV) today SF Nano. I am also an elected member of the French Academy of Pharmacy and President of the 2nd Section of this Academy, and an elected fellow of the Controlled Release Society.
Chair or co-chair of national and international congresses or symposia
During my career, I have been chairing or co-chairing 16 Symposiums or Conferences, including the World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, and Pharmaceutical Technology which gathers around 1500 attendees. I am regularly invited to chair on Scientific Boards of large conferences in drug delivery or nanomedicine in Europe, Japan, China, and the USA.
Invited speaker and plenary lecturer in Scientific meetings and Universities
I am regularly invited to several national and international scientific meetings. I gave plenary lectures or invited lectures in 155 meetings, among which 94 were international conferences. I have given several talks in summer schools or conferences in academic laboratories or companies which are not included in these numbers.
I have been an expert at the national level for the French National Research Agency (ANR), the French Agency of Evaluation (HCERES), and the French Drug Agency (ANSM). I am still sitting on the National Council of French Universities (CNU – Section 85). I have been a member of the Board of ITMO Technologie de la Santé and the Working Group on chemical imaging agents in the infrastructure France Life Imaging (FLI). I have also been an expert for grant applications in many countries (Canada, Italy, Luxemburg, Finland, Austria). At the European Union, I was invited to review ERCs project, and I have been twice a member of the panel of the Euronanomed program. Starting this year, I am part of the LS7 panel board of the ERC consolidator grant. I was also appointed as an expert on the working group on Nanotechnology of the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENHIR) and the Working Group on Nanosubstances in Cosmetics of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP). In this context, I have contributed to writing two reports on the risks of nanotechnologies. Finally, I have been a member of the Scientific Board of the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland and a member of the Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FIP).
Editorial Board
I am a member of the Editorial Board of theJournal of Controlled Release (IF= 9.776), Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery (IF= 6.648), European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (IF= 5.571), International Journal of Pharmaceutics (IF= 5.875), Drug delivery and translational research (4.617), Journal of Drug Delivery Sciences and Technology (IF= 3.981), Precision nanomedicine (no IF).
I have received 8 grants from the National Research Agency founded in 2005 among which I coordinated projects. I have also received other grants (ARC, AFM, ANSES…) and have been a member of one European Consortium Marie Curie « Galenos ». I obtained two Euronanomed projects in partnership with other research groups. I have been a member of the management committee of the COST Siminhale Action - Action MP1404. Finally, I have obtained three bilateral Grants: two with Italy and one with Brazil.
Citations in press medias
I have regularly been cited in paper medias (Le Temps, Le Figaro, La Tribune, Les Echos, Le Quotidien du Médecin, L’usine Nouvelle, Le Monde, La Croix, Biologiste Infos, What’s Up Doc, Industrie Pharma…). I have also contributed to different articles in press media. I also gave interviews on radios such as Radio Canada, Europe I, Radio France Internationale France Info, BFM, and RCJ.
Private contract, patents, and Licencing
Since 1990, I have got many collaboration agreements with companies (>20 000 euros/year) (Negma, Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, Virsol, Lavipharm, Ceva Santé Animale, Pierre Fabre Dermopharmaceutique, Servier, Novagali Guerbet, Sanofi). I have also filed 14 families of patents. One patent was licensed to SANOFI. 4 Patents were licensed to DA VOLTERRA that is producing out of the invention a medical device that is now in a clinical trial (phase II). One patent was licensed to CEVIDRA, leading to a medical device now on the market (Calixarene Cevidra®).
Responsabilities in Research
I have led the UMR CNRS 8612 for ten years (2010-2019). Within this unit, I am responsible for a research team of 7 senior scientists entitled " Particulate and Cellular Engineering for Therapeutics." This team has been rated excellent by HCERES in 2019. Moreover, I have been the head of the most extensive section of the Doctoral School called Therapeutic Innovation from fundamentals to applications. I was recently appointed as vice-dean for research within the school of Pharmacy. Since the start of my career, I have supervised 37 graduate students. I am currently managing 5. I also hosted 34 post-docs for periods over 12 months.
List of ten most relevant publications
On a total of 275 publications in peer-reviewed journals –Hindex 60 (web of Science) 69 (Google Scholar)
• Simón-Vázquez R, Tsapis N, Lorscheider M, Rodríguez A, Calleja P, Mousnier L, de Miguel Villegas E, González-Fernández Á, Fattal E. Improving dexamethasone drug loading and efficacy in treating arthritis through a lipophilic prodrug entrapped into PLGA-PEG nanoparticles. Drug Delivery and translational research, 1-15, 2022.
• Fattal, E, Fay, F, Nanomedicine-based delivery strategies for nucleic acid gene inhibitors in inflammatory diseases. Advanced drug delivery reviews, 175, 113809, 2021.
• Costamagna F, Hillaireau H, Vergnaud-Gauduchon J, Clarisse D, Jamgotchian L., Loreau O, Denis S, Gravel E, Doris E, Fattal E. Nanotoxicology at the particle/micelle frontier: influence of core-polymerization on the intracellular distribution, cytotoxicity, and genotoxicity of polydiacetylene micelles. Nanoscale 2020, 12, 2452-2463.
• Lorscheider M., Tsapis N., Ur-Rehman M., Gaudin F., Stolfa I., Abreu S., Mura S., Chaminade P., Espeli M., Fattal E., Dexamethasone palmitate nanoparticles: An efficient treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Controlled Release 2019, 296 179-189.
• Alshaer, W, Hillaireau H, Vergnaud J, Mura S, Deloménie C, Sauvage F, Ismail S, Fattal E. Aptamer-guided siRNA-loaded nanomedicines for systemic gene silencing in CD-44 expressing murine triple-negative breast cancer model. J Control Release 2018, 271:98-106.
• Alshaer W., Hillaireau H., Fattal E., Aptamer-guided nanomedicines for anticancer drug delivery. Advanced drug delivery reviews, 2018, 134, 122-137.
• Bohr A, Tsapis N, Andreana I, Chamarat A, Foged C, Delomenie C, Noiray M, El Brahmi N, Majoral JP, Mignani S, Fattal E. Anti-inflammatory effect of anti-TNF-a siRNA cationic phosphorous dendrimers nanocomplexes administered intranasally in a murine acute lung injury model. Biomacromolecules 2017, 18(8):2379–2388.
• Dosio F, Arpicco S, Stella B, Fattal E. Hyaluronic acid for anticancer drug and nucleic acid delivery Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 2016, 97:204–236.
• Santiago L, Hillaireau H, Grabowski N, Mura S, Nascimento T, Dufort S, Coll J-L, Tsapis N, Fattal E. Compared in vivo toxicity in mice of lung delivered biodegradable and non-biodegradable nanoparticles. Nanotoxicology 2016, 10(3):292-302.
• Grabowski N, Hillaireau H, Vergnaud J, Nicolas V, Tsapis N, Kerdine-Romer S, Fattal E. Surface-modified biodegradable nanoparticles’ impact on cytotoxicity and inflammation response on a co-culture of lung epithelial cells and human-like macrophages Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 2016, 12:135-146.