Egeria Nalin

Associate professor


Egeria Nalin is Associate Professor of International Law in the Department of Political Science at the Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, where she teaches International Law and International Protection of Human Rights. She holds a Ph.d. in International Organization and is the author of numerous scholarly peer reviewed articles and of the books L’applicabilità del diritto internazionale umanitario alle operazioni di peace-keeping delle Nazioni Unite (Napoli, 2018) and Il contributo della Corte internazionale di giustizia alla tutela dei diritti umani (Napoli, 2024). She is member of the Board of Referee for the scholarly journals Studi sull’integrazione europea, La Comunità internazionale and Ordine internazionale e diritti umani, member of the Academic Board of the Ph.d Course in “Diritti, istituzioni e garanzie nelle società in transizione”, University of Bari, and Chair of the Coordinating Committee of the Italian Society of International and European Law Interest Group on International Law and Armed Conflicts. Her research focuses on maintenance of peace, international criminal law, international protection of human rights, international humanitarian law, migration..

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