Edmondo Mostacci

Associate professor

email: edmondo.mostacci@unibocconi.it

Edmondo Mostacci is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Affairs of the University of Genoa, where he also held the position of researcher tdB between 2019 and 2022. Previously, he taught Constitutional Law and Public Economic Law at the L. Bocconi University in Milan since 2008.
In 2018, he obtained the National Scientific Qualification to hold the position of Full Professor for the sector 12-E2 (Comparative Law); in 2017, he also obtained the National Scientific Qualification to hold the position of Associate Professor for the sectors 12-C1 (Constitutional Law) and 12-E2 (Comparative Law).
In 2008 he obtained a PhD in Law from the University of Genoa.
In 2004, he graduated in Law from the L. Bocconi University in Milan.
He is the author of numerous publications on comparative and constitutional law, including the following monographs: Commerce power e federalizing process. Il governo dell’economia nell’evoluzione dei federalismi di common law (Milan 2018); Il caso Uber: la sharing economy nel confronto tra common law e civil law (Milan 2016); La soft law nel sistema delle fonti: uno studio comparato (Padua 2008).

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