PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVI

supervisor: Emmanuel Betta
co-supervisor: Stefanie Schüler-Springorum
joint PhD: Technische Universität Berlin

Research: Lebensunwertes Leben. Transgenerational memory of Aktion T4 in the victims’ families


2020 - Doctoral candidate at Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, TU Berlin. Cotutelle with La Sapienza University of Rome.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, Prof. Emmanuel Betta.

2019 - Internship, Friedrich Meinecke Institut, Freie Universität Berlin.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Arnd Bauerkämper.

2019 - Master degree in Contemporary History at La Sapienza University of Rome, grading 110/110 cum laude.

2015 - Bachelor degree in Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History at
La Sapienza University of Rome, grading 110/110 cum laude.

2014 - Summer University in Jewish Studies at Humboldt-Universität and at Leo Baeck Institut, grading A level, Berlin.

2013 - Course “Medicina e Shoah” (Medicine and Shoah), organized by the Shoah Museum Foundation of Rome and by the Medical Faculty of La Sapienza University of Rome.

2006 - Internship, Archivio Storico della Comunità Ebraica di Roma (Historical Archive of the Jewish Community of Rome).
Supervisor: Prof. Claudio Procaccia.

2005 - Course “Teaching the Shoah”, Cultural Center of Jewish Community of Rome.

Language skills:

Italian: native speaker
English: C1 level
German: B2 level
Hebrew: A1 level


May 2020: “Holocaust Research in Challenging Times: An Online Conference of Holocaust Researchers” hosted by Western Galilee college.

June 2018: Convention about Angelo Di Cave, war witness, in Ladispoli (RM).

January 2017: Convention about Liliana Fornari, war witness, in Ladispoli (RM).

May 2016: Conference “Storia e Storie:memorie di guerra e responsabilità storiche” (“History and Stories: memories of war and historical responsibility”), in Coreno Ausonio (FR).

January 2014: Convention “Auschwitz: Ricordare, Conoscere, Testimoniare” (“Auschwitz: to remember, to know, to testify”) organized by the Historical Institute for the study of the Contemporary Umbria, in Terni (TR) and in Nocera Umbra (PG).

October 2013: Conference “Warum Piero Terracina sein Schweigen brach”, at the Martin Luther Universität von Halle-Wittenberg and at the Kulturstiftung in Erlangen.

June 2013: Conference “La memoria è il nostro futuro” (“Memory is our
future”), with Piero Terracina, Auschwitz survivor and Matteo Corradini, writer, at Degli Atti Theatre in Rimini.

June 2008: Conference with the German writer Helga Schneider, to the Literature Festival Mare di Libri, in Rimini.

January 2008: Conference during the Prima Settimana Internazionale di Cultura Ebraica (First International Week of Jewish Culture) in Siracusa.

2007: Conference at Fiera del Libro di Bologna (Bologna Book Fair).


- Il commerciante di bottoni, Rizzoli BUR, Milano, 2007, 2017, 2020.
- Warum Piero Terracina sein Schweigen brach. Von Rom nach Auschwitz, with R. Buchenhorst, Rav Dr. R. Di Segni, M. Kaufmann, W. Nell, A. Pomplun, G. Veltri, W. Veltroni, Erich Weiß Verlag, Bamberg, 2013.

-Lebensunwertes Leben: Roots and Memory of Aktion T4, in “Conatus Journal of Philosophy”, 4(2, special issue: Bioethics and the Holocaust), 2019, pp. 65-82.
-Wilhelm Werner’s life unworthy of life: a voice from the Nazi Euthanasia Program, in “Hektoen International”, Spring 2019 [].
-Memorie in lotta. Berlino, città-museo della distruzione, in “Roots Routes”, IX, May-August 2019, n. 30, [ ].

Research products

11573/1700233 - 2024 - "Adesso sono, per legge, un’idiota"
Silvestri, Erika - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: La piccola Hempel. La testimonianza unica di una bambina scampata alla ferocia dell’eugenetica nazista - (9791221210309)

11573/1701546 - 2024 - La piccola Hempel. La testimonianza unica di una bambina scampata alla ferocia dell'eugenetica nazista.
Silvestri, Erika - 03e Traduzione di libro

11573/1674001 - 2023 - Blurred Edges: Representation of Space in Transgenerational Memory of the Nazi Euthanasia Program
Silvestri, Erika - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: GENEALOGY (Basel : MDPI AG, 2016-) pp. - - issn: 2313-5778 - wos: WOS:000958988400001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85152961874 (0)

11573/1691438 - 2023 - Private Remembrance and Public Commemoration of the Nazi Euthanasia Program in German Society
Silvestri, Erika - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Genocidal Violence. Concepts, Forms, Impact - (9783110781328)

11573/1621725 - 2022 - Segreti di famiglia. Memoria ed eredità famigliare del programma di eutanasia nazista
Silvestri, Erika - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ROOTS§ROUTES (Roma (Italy):[s. n.]) pp. - - issn: 2039-5426 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1634259 - 2022 - Prefazione a "Il Giunco"
Silvestri, Erika - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: Il giunco - (9791280890016)

11573/1497766 - 2019 - Lebensunwertes Leben: Roots and Memory of Aktion T4
Silvestri, Erika - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CONATUS - JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY (Athīna: Ethniko kai Kapodistriako Panepistīmio Athīnōn - Filosofikī Scholī - Tmīma Filosofias Paidagōgikīs kai Psychologias - Ergastīrio Efarmosmenīs Filosofias - Ergastīrio Efarmosmenīs Filosofias, 2016) pp. 65-82 - issn: 2459-3842 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85124105599 (2)

11573/1497772 - 2019 - Wilhelm Werner’s life unworthy of live: a voice from the Nazi Euthanasia Program
Silvestri, Erika - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: HEKTOEN INTERNATIONAL (Chicago, IL : Hektoen Institute of Medicine) pp. - - issn: 2155-3017 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1497798 - 2019 - Memorie in lotta. Berlino, città-museo della distruzione.
Silvestri, Erika - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ROOTS§ROUTES (Roma (Italy):[s. n.]) pp. - - issn: 2039-5426 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1497819 - 2017 - Il commerciante di bottoni
Silvestri, Erika - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1497811 - 2014 - Warum Piero Terracina sein Schweigen brach
Buchenhorst, Ralph; Di Segni, Riccardo; Kaufmann, Matthias; Nell, Werner; Pomplun, Andrea; Silvestri, Erika; Terracina, Piero; Veltri, Giuseppe; Veltroni, Walter - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Warum Piero Terracina sein Schweigen brach - (978-3-940821-30-0)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma