
ciclo: XL
edificio: CU033
stanza: 415

supervisore: Leonetta Baldassarre
co-supervisore: Tommaso Venanzi, IIT

Birth date: 20/02/2001 Nationality: Italian Gender: Female e-mail address:, I'm a passionate master’s student in Condensed Matter Physics with a focus on spectroscopy and microscopy methods. After concluding my bachelor’s degree in physics at University of Calabria (UniCal), I moved in Rome to attend the master course in Condensed Matter Physics in Sapienza University. My master’s thesis was focused on Raman spectroscopy using infrared excitation energy to study van der Waals 2D materials, such as graphene. I am currently a Ph.D. student in Mathematical Models for Engineering, Electromagnetism and Nanosciences (materials science curriculum) BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN PHYSICS (L-30) | 2019-2022 | UNIVERSITY OF CALABRIA (UNICAL) Final grade: 110 cum laude; Thesis title: Studio strutturale ed elettronico di grafene nanoporoso tramite misure di microscopia a effetto tunnel MASTER'S DEGREE(LM-17) IN CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS | 2022 – OCT 2024 | SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME Final grade: 110 cum laude; Thesis title: Studio degli effetti del drogaggio sull’interazione elettrone-fonone nel grafene bilayer tramite spettroscopia Raman risonante nell’infrarosso Linguistic skills: Native language: Italian Other languages: English (B2)

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