PhD Graduate

PhD program:: XXXV

supervisor: Prof. Raffaele Sardella

Thesis title: This MUST be the place: preservation, valorisation and dissemination of the “hidden heritage” of the MUST

The main aim of this project was the valorisation and promotion of the collections stored in the MUST (University Museum of Earth Science, Sapienza University of Rome), to shed light, process and preserve this “hidden heritage” and make it accessible and enjoyable by the public at large and researchers alike. This was achieved through the drafting of a standard protocol for digitising and preserving collections, the compilation of a digital and interactive inventory of the museum’s contents, and the planning for the data sharing and dissemination on different levels of knowledge. The application of this protocol was carried out on the geo-paleontological historical collections of A. Portis and A. Tellini housed in the MUST. The Portis collection consists of over one hundred fossil specimens of Plio-Pleistocene vertebrates. This collection has been entirely digitalised in 3D with the Artec Space Spider blue light optical scanner. The data obtained made it possible to build a digital repository and to use those 3D models in augmented reality applications. The Tellini collection consists of over 6000 specimens, mainly benthic foraminifera. This collection has been digitally inventoried and catalogued following the ICCD national standards, which have been also critically reviewed and analysed in this thesis. In addition, it was possible to carry out a systematic revision of some taxa instituted by Tellini himself that are present in the collection held at MUST and the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences (Turin, IT). The most relevant among these are Nummulites bormiensis, Nummulites rosai and Nummulites saccoi. The digitisation protocol was also applied to develop a documentation workflow for diminutive tetrapod footprints, thanks to the collaboration with Nature Museum of South Tyrol. All these efforts culminated in the planning and conceptual design of the MUST route and the proposal for the layout of the second floor.

Research products

11573/1657441 - 2023 - Inferred oviraptorosaur footprints in the Apenninic Carbonate Platform. New tools for the identification of trackmakers from the Sezze ichnosite (lower-middle Cenomanian; central Italy)
Antonelli, M.; Romano, M.; De Sario, F.; Pignatti, J.; Sacco, E.; Petti, F. M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CRETACEOUS RESEARCH (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. - - issn: 0195-6671 - wos: WOS:000874596800003 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85139736023 (3)

11573/1669783 - 2023 - Lower Cretaceous dinosaur footprints from the Molfetta tracksite (Apulia, southern Italy)
Antonelli, Matteo; Petti, Fabio Massimo; Conti, Jacopo; Sacco, Enrico; Petruzzelli, Marco; Spalluto, Luigi; Wagensommer, Alexander - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CRETACEOUS RESEARCH (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. - - issn: 0195-6671 - wos: WOS:000884842100003 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85145471406 (5)

11573/1644670 - 2022 - Geothematic map of the Altamura dinosaur tracksite (early Campanian, Apulia, southern Italy)
Petti, F. M.; Antonelli, M.; Sacco, E.; Conti, J.; Petruzzelli, M.; Spalluto, L.; Cardia, S.; Festa, V.; Perna, R. L.; Marino, M.; Marsico, A.; Sabato, L.; Tropeano, M.; Barracane, G.; Montrone, G.; Piscitelli, A.; Francescangeli, R. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: GEOLOGICAL FIELD TRIPS & MAPS (Roma: Servizio geologico d'Italia - ISPRA; Società geologica italiana) pp. 4-19 - issn: 2611-6189 - wos: WOS:000754063000001 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85124831970 (4)

11573/1549970 - 2020 - Cretaceous tetrapod tracks from Italy. A treasure trove of exceptional biodiversity
Petti, F. M.; Antonelli, M.; Citton, P.; Mariotti, N.; Petruzzelli, M.; Pignatti, J.; Porchetti, S. D.; Romano, M.; Sacchi, E.; Sacco, E.; Wagensommer, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN EARTH SCIENCES (Roma : Casa Editrice Università la Sapienza) pp. 167-191 - issn: 2037-2272 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85096762268 (12)

11573/1549968 - 2020 - Jurassic tetrapod tracks from Italy. A training ground for generations of researchers
Petti, F. M.; Avanzini, M.; Antonelli, M.; Bernardi, M.; Leonardi, G.; Manni, R.; Mietto, P.; Pignatti, J.; Piubelli, D.; Sacco, E.; Wagensommer, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN EARTH SCIENCES (Roma : Casa Editrice Università la Sapienza) pp. 137-165 - issn: 2037-2272 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85092374174 (5)

11573/1306290 - 2019 - Tridactyl tracks from the Lavini di Marco dinosaur ichnosite (Hettangian, Southern Alps, NE Italy). Ichnotaxonomical review and palaeobiogeography
Antonelli, M.; Sacco, E.; Bernardi, M.; Conti, J.; Tomasoni, R.; Pignatti, J.; Petti, F. M. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Paleodays 2019 (Pietraroja (BN))
book: Paleodays 2019. La Società Paleontologica Italiana a Benevento e Pietraroja. Parte 1: Volume dei riassunti - (979-12-200-4867-5)

11573/1306292 - 2019 - The use of aerial- and close-range photogrammetry for the mapping of the Lavini di Marco tracksite (Hettangian, Southern Alps, NE Italy)
Sacco, E.; Antonelli, M.; Bernardi, M.; Conti, J.; Tomasoni, R.; Pignatti, J.; Petti, F. M. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Paleodays 2019 (Pietraroja (BN))
book: Paleodays 2019. La Società Paleontologica Italiana a Benevento e Pietraroja. Parte 1: Volume dei riassunti - (979-12-200-4867-5)

11573/1179223 - 2018 - The use of aerial and close-range photogrammetry to study dinosaur tracksites both at the meso- and macro-scale: the cases of the Lavini di Marco (Lower Jurassic, Hettangian - Trentino Alto-Adige) and Molfetta (Lower Cretaceous, Aptian-Albian - Apulia) tracksites
Petti, F. M.; Petruzzelli, M.; Conti, J.; Spalluto, L.; Wagensommer, A.; Bernardi, M.; Tomasoni, R.; Antonelli, M.; Sacco, E.; Pignatti, J.; Sabato, L.; Tropeano, M. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Geosciences for the environment, natural hazards and cultural heritage (Catania; Italia)
book: Abstract Book, Congresso congiunto SGI-SIMP, Catania, 12-14 settembre 2018 - ()

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