PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: emmanuel.busillo@uniroma1.it
building: RM038

supervisor: Prof. Paolo De Filippis

Research: Methane cracking: experimental and kinetic study


• 2020 – 2022. Master’s degree in «Chemical Technology».
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow (Russian Federation)

Thesis title: «Kinetic analysis of the processes in the post-flame zone of matrix reformer».

• 2019 - 2020. Preparation course to a master’s degree in Russian language.
National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», Moscow (Russian Federation)

• 2015 – 2018. Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering.
Sapienza – University of Rome, Rome (Italy)
Thesis title: «Biochar utilization in removing organic pollutants present in water».

Online courses:

• «Physical chemistry. Thermodynamics» (in Russian). National University of Science and Technology MISiS, (4 CTS), 2020.
• «Project Management Essentials Certified (PMEC) (in English). Management and Strategy Institute (MSI), 2021.

• Laureate of the international youth scientific conference «Oil and Gas – 2022». Thesis On the Mechanism of Methane Conversion in the Nonсatalytic Processes of Its Thermal Pyrolysis and Steam and Carbon Dioxide Reforming», section of Chemical Technology and ecology in Oil and Gas Industry. Moscow, 25-29.04.2022

• Delegate of the Sapienza Student Chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) at the international youth scientific congresses «Oil and Gas Horizons» (Moscow, 2018) and «International Oil and Gas Majoring Students Forum «New Generation: Across the universe V3.0» (Moscow, 2019). Topic: «Science communication for energy transition: reflections about the italian context».

Popular science:
1. Busillo E. «Flexibility, adaptation and interfacing knowledge: a challenge for the Oil&Gas Industry» // SPE Times №13, 2020. – P. 63-65

• Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (ТРКИ-1). Saint Petersburgh State University, 2020.

• Preparation course to International English Language Testing System IELTS (B2/C1). British Council, Rome, 2018.

Research products

11573/1725209 - 2024 - Turquoise hydrogen and carbon materials production from thermal methane cracking: An experimental and kinetic modelling study with focus on carbon product morphology
Busillo, E.; Nobili, A.; Serse, F.; Bracciale, M. P.; De Filippis, P.; Pelucchi, M.; De Caprariis, B. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CARBON (-CANADIAN SOC CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 130 SLATER ST, STE 550, OTTAWA, CANADA, ONTARIO, K1P 6E2 -Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. - - issn: 0008-6223 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85189442379 (7)

11573/1724765 - 2024 - Methane pyrolysis in molten media: The interplay of physical properties and catalytic activity on carbon and hydrogen production
Busillo, Emmanuel; Damizia, Martina; De Filippis, Paolo; De Caprariis, Benedetta - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. - - issn: 0165-2370 - wos: WOS:001319711100001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85204371730 (1)

11573/1724770 - 2024 - Methane cracking in molten tin for hydrogen and carbon production—a comparison with homogeneous gas phase process
Busillo, Emmanuel; De Caprariis, Benedetta; Bracciale, Maria Paola; Cosentino, Vittoria; Damizia, Martina; Iaquaniello, Gaetano; Palo, Emma; De Filippis, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (Beijing : Higher Education Press Springer) pp. - - issn: 2095-0179 - wos: WOS:001204498200001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85190417326 (2)

11573/1682326 - 2023 - Advances in molten media technologies for methane pyrolysis
De Caprariis, Benedetta; Damizia, Martina; Busillo, Emmanuel; De Filippis, Paolo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Turquoise Hydrogen: an effective pathway to decarbonization and value-added carbon materials - (978-0-323-95774-8)

11573/1656773 - 2022 - Influence of oxygen on soot formation during acetylene pyrolysis
Busillo, Emmanuel; Vlasov, Pavel; Arutyunov, Vladimir - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS (Turpion Ltd:207 Brondesbury Park, London NW2 5JN United Kingdom:011 44 20 84590066, EMAIL: info@turpion.org, Fax: 011 44 20 84516454) pp. 700-702 - issn: 0959-9436 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85139358938 (0)

11573/1656631 - 2022 - Equilibrium Composition of Products Formed by Non-catalytic Conversion of Hydrocarbons
Savchenko, V. I.; Zimin, Ya. S.; Busillo, E.; Nikitin, A. V.; Sedov, I. V.; Arutyunov, V. S. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PETROLEUM CHEMISTRY (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. - - issn: 0965-5441 - wos: WOS:000791066000001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85129376499 (0)

11573/1656774 - 2021 - On the Mechanism of Methane Conversion in the Nonсatalytic Processes of Its Thermal Pyrolysis and Steam and Carbon Dioxide Reforming
Busillo, E.; Savchenko, V. I.; Arutyunov, V. S. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PETROLEUM CHEMISTRY (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 1228-1233 - issn: 0965-5441 - wos: WOS:000713973300001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85118424045 (1)

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