Full professor

email: emanuela.chiavoni@uniroma1.it
building: Piazza Borghese 9 Roma

Curriculum Vitae


Part I - General Information

Part II - Education

IIA - University Graduation
IIC - Licensure

Part III - Appointments

IIIA - National Academic Appointments
IIIB - International Academic Appointments
IIIC - Evalutation Appointments
IIIC.1 - Evaluation of Academic Career
IIIC.2 - Evaluation of Research Activities
IIIC.3 - Evaluation of Didactic Activities
IIIC.4 - Evaluation of National and International Congresses and Journals
IIID - Other Appointments
IIID.1 - Organisation of National and International Congresses and Conferences
IIID.2 - Committee Member of Journals and Publications
IIID.3 - Mention in Newspapers and Interviews
IIID.4 - Projects and Exhibitions
IIID.5 - Participation in Workshops
IIID.6 - Participation in Congresses and Conferences as Speaker
IIID.7 - Participation in Congresses and Conferences as Chairman
IIID.8 - Lectures, Seminars and Tutorials

Part IV - Didactic Activities

IVA - Teaching Graduate courses
IVA.1 - Collaborative Teaching of Graduate Courses
IVA.2 - Graduation Theses as Principal Rapporteur
IVA.3 - Graduation Theses as Co-rapporteur
IVB.1 - General Teaching experience
IVB.2 - PhD Theses
IVC - Specialisation School
IVC.1 - General Teaching experience
IVC.2 - Specialisation Thesis
IVD - Masters Degree Level II
IVE - National Teaching Experience
IVF - International Teaching Experience

Part V - Society Memberships, Awards and Honors

VA - Society Memberships
VB - National and International Awards and Honors

Part VI - Funding Information [grant as PI-principal investigator or partecipant

VIA - National Funding Information
VIB - International Funding Information

Part VII - Research Activities

VIIA - National Research Activities
VIIA.1 - Participation in National Research Activities
VIIB - International Research Activities
VIIB.1 - Participation in International Research Activities

Part VIII - All Publications

VIII.A - Monographies and Edited Books
VIII.B - Papers in books (Chapter or Essay)
VIII.C - Article in Journals
VIII.D - Conference Proceedings
VIII.E - Other Publications
VIII.F - In Press

Part I - General Information

ORCID 0000-0002-8911-5124 Scopus Author ID: 55420873600

Part II - Education

IIA - University Graduation

General informations

ORCID 0000-0002-8911-5124 Scopus Author ID: 55420873600

Part II - Education / Training

IIA - University Graduation / Laurea

1988 Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "Sapienza"; degree thesis entitled: "Survey and analysis of the Vignola portal of the former Horti Farnesiani in Rome", grade 110/110 with honours. Supervisor: prof. M. Docci. Co-supervisor: prof. A. Sartor.

IIB - PhD / Doctorate
1994 She obtained the PhD, in "Drawing and Survey of the building Heritage" at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Rome "Sapienza", with a thesis entitled "Survey and analysis of the Borrominian interior space in the Oratory of the Filippini in Rome ". Tutor prof. M. Docci.

1990 Winner of the competition for admission to PhD studies in " Drawing and Survey of the building Heritage ", at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Rome "Sapienza".

IIC - Licensure / Professional qualification
1989 Passed the State Exam to enter the Order of Architects and since 1990 she has been registered with the Order of Architects of Rome (n. 8932).
Part III - Appointments / Assignments
2020 Coordinator of the PhD in History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture in the Department of History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome.

2019 Full Professor of DRAWING in the Department of History, Drawing and Restoration of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture of the Sapienza University of Rome.

2014 Qualification to become First Level Professor in the competition sector 08 / E1 (A.S.N.2012). Qualification date (10/2 / 2014-10 / 02/2020) (Art. 16 L. 240/2010).

2012 Participates in the qualification for the role of Full Professor in the competition sector 08 / E1 SSD ICAR17 (A.S.N. 2012).

2009 Confirmed Associate Professor in the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza"
in the sector “H11-Drawing”

2006 Associate Professor in the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza". in the sector “H11-Drawing”

1996 Confirmed Researcher in the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza"
in the sector “H11-Drawing”

1993 Researcher in the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

1992 Winner of the Competition for a position as Researcher, in the sector “H11-Drawing”, in the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

IIIA - National Academic Appointments
IIIB - International Academic Appointments
IIIC - Evalutation Appointments
IIIC.1 - Evaluation of Academic Careers
IIIC.2 - Evaluation of Research Activities
IIIC.3 - Evaluation of Didactic Activities
IIIC.4 - Evaluation of National and International Congresses and Journals
IIID - Other Appointments
IIID.1 - Organisation of National and International Congresses and Conferences
IIID.2 - Committee Member of Journals and Publications
IIID.3 - Mention in Newspapers and Interviews
IIID.4 - Projects and Exhibitions
IIID.5 - Participation in Workshops
IIID.6 - Participation in Congresses and Conferences as Speaker
IIID.7 - Participation in Congresses and Conferences as Chairman
IIID.8 - Lectures, Seminars and Tutorials

Part IV - Didactic Activities

IVA - Teaching Graduate courses
IVA.1 - Collaborative Teaching of Graduate Courses
IVA.2 - Graduation Theses as Principal Rapporteur
IVA.3 - Graduation Theses as Co-rapporteur
IVB.1 - General Teaching experience
IVB.2 - PhD Theses
IVC - Specialisation School
IVC.1 - General Teaching experience
IVC.2 - Specialisation Thesis
IVD - Masters Degree Level II
IVE - National Teaching Experience
IVF - International Teaching Experience

Part V - Society Memberships, Awards and Honors

VA - Society Memberships
VB - National and International Awards and Honors

Part VI - Funding Information [grant as PI-principal investigator or partecipant

VIA - National Funding Information
VIB - International Funding Information

Part VII - Research Activities

VIIA - National Research Activities
VIIA.1 - Participation in National Research Activities
VIIB - International Research Activities
VIIB.1 - Participation in International Research Activities

Part VIII - All Publications

VIII.A - Monographies and Edited Books
VIII.B - Papers in books (Chapter or Essay)
VIII.C - Article in Journals
VIII.D - Conference Proceedings
VIII.E - Other Publications
VIII.F - In Press

Part I - General Information

ORCID 0000-0002-8911-5124 Scopus Author ID: 55420873600

Part II - Education

IIA - University Graduation

General informations

ORCID 0000-0002-8911-5124 Scopus Author ID: 55420873600

Part II - Education / Training

IIA - University Graduation / Laurea

1988 Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "Sapienza"; thesis entitled: "Survey and analysis of the Vignola portal of the former Horti Farnesiani in Rome", grade 110/110 and honors. Supervisor: prof. M. Docci. Co-supervisor: prof. A. Sartor.

IIB - PhD / Doctorate

1994 He obtained the title of Doctor of Research, V cycle of Research Doctorate in "Design and Survey of the Building Heritage" at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rome "Sapienza", with a thesis entitled "Survey and Analysis of space Borrominian interior: the Oratory of the Filippini in Rome ". Tutor prof. M. Docci.

1990 Winner of the competition for admission to the 5th cycle of PhD in "Design and Survey of the Building Heritage", at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rome "Sapienza".

IIC - Licensure / Professional qualification

1989 Passes the State Exam for the qualification to practice as an Architect. Since 1990 she has been registered with the Order of Architects of Rome (n. 8932).
Part III - Appointments / Assignments
2020 Coordinator of the PhD in History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome.

2019 Full Professor for SSD ICAR17 at the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture of the Sapienza University of Rome.

2014 Qualification for the role of First Level Professor in the competition sector 08 / E1 SSD ICAR17 (A.S.N. Tornata 2012). Validity Qualification 10/2 / 2014-10 / 02/2020 (Art. 16 L. 240/2010).

2012 Participates in the qualification for the role of Full Professor in the competition sector 08 / E1 SSD ICAR17 (A.S.N. 2012).

2009 Associate Professor confirmed for the group of disciplines H11-Drawing of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

2006 Associate Professor for the group of disciplines H11-Drawing of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

1996 Researcher Confirmed for the group of disciplines H11-Drawing, at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

1993 Researcher at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

1992 Winner of the Competition for a position as Researcher, group of disciplines H11-Drawing, at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

IIIA - National Academic Appointments / National Academic Appointments

From 2016 to today Responsible, together with prof. D. Esposito and prof. A. Cerutti Fusco, of the Scientific Collaboration Agreement between the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and the "Fondazione Portus" ONLUS (responsible for the foundation: arch. P . Zucconi and architect C. Impiglia).

From 2014 to date Member of the Library Commission of the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, DSDRA, of the University of Rome "Sapienza".

From 2014 to 2016 Elected member representative of Associate Professors in the Board of the Faculty of Architecture of the Sapienza University of Rome.

From 2012 to 2014 Member of the Laboratories and Libraries Commission of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

From 2011 to 2014 Member elected representative of Associate Professors in the Board of the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Rome "La Sapienza".

From 2010 to today Head of the Historical Archive of Drawings of the Former Department of Representation and Relief of Architecture since 2010 (RADAAR).

From 1998 to 2000 Member of the Commission for Didactics of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

IIIB - International Academic Appointments / International Academic Appointments

From 2016 to today Promoter of Erasmus exchanges of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelonatech (ETSAB), EBARCELO03 073-Architecture and construction, Spain.

From 2016 to date Promoter teacher for Erasmus exchanges of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallès (ETSAV), EBARCELO03 0731-Architecture and town planning, Spain.

From 2013 to date Promoter teacher for Erasmus exchanges of the Universidad de Extremadura, EBADAJOZ01, Spain.

From 2012 to 2014 Promoter teacher for Erasmus exchanges with the Universidad de Sevilla, E SEVILLA01, Spain

From 2012 to present Teacher promoter for Erasmus exchanges of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, EVALENCI02, Spain.

From 2012 to today Head of the Scientific Cultural Collaboration Agreement between the "Sapienza" University of Rome and the Universidad de Extremadura Es Cáceres, E BADAJOZ 01, Spain.

From 2012 to date Head of the International Agreements for Cultural-Scientific Collaboration with Argentina: Executive Program with the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, (UNLP), Buenos Aires.

IIIC - Evaluation Appointments

IIIC.1 - Evaluation of Academic Careers

2017 Member of the Commission of selection for the filling of a role of Researcher for the scientific-disciplinary sector H11X of the University of "Roma Tre".

2001 Member of the Commission of selection for the filling of a position of Researcher for the scientific-disciplinary sector H11X of the Faculty of Engineering.

IIIC.2 - Evaluation of Research Activities

2018 Member of the jury commission of the Rome 3 OPEN Master - (December 2018) 2nd level Master in Architecture and Landscape Representation of the University of "Roma Tre".

2017 Member of the Commission of selection for the achievement of the PhD title for the PhD course in Architecture, Innovation and Heritage (XXIX cycle) of the "Roma Tre" University.

2017 Member of the Commission of selection for the achievement of the PhD title for the PhD course in Architecture - School of Architecture - specialization in Relief and representation of architecture and the environment (XXIX cycle), University of Florence .

2016 Disciplinary Expert of Evaluation for the initial and periodic accreditation of Degree Programs and University Offices for ANVUR (Area CUN 08-Civil Engineering and Architecture).

2015 ANVUR Evaluator for the VQR 2011-2014 for the 8a-Architettura group.

2014 Member of the Research Grant Commission for the selection procedure for the award of a Research Grant entitled "Detecting and communicating: innovative non-contact methods for the knowledge and documentation of the architectural and archaeological heritage". University of Rome "La Sapienza".

2009 Member of the Secretary of the Commission of selection for the achievement of the title of PhD in Building Engineering, 21st cycle of the Department of Architecture of the University of Cagliari.

2003 Member of the Commission of selection for the achievement of the title of PhD for the PhD course in Representation and Relief of Architecture and the Environment, 15th cycle of the University "G. D'Annunzio "of Chieti-Pescara.

IIIC.3 - Evaluation of Didactic Activities

2018 President of the Diploma Thesis Commission for the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage for the Study and Restoration of Monuments at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

From 2016 to today, ANVUR Disciplinary Evaluation Expert for the CUN 08-Civil Engineering and Architecture Area for the Periodic Evaluation and Accreditation (AVA) of study courses.

2016 Member of the Commission for the entrance exams at the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage for the Study and Restoration of Monuments at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

2016 Member of the Diploma Thesis Commission for the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage for the Study and Restoration of Monuments at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

2017 Member of the Review Board of the "3D Modeling & BIM" workshop organized by the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture of the "Sapienza" University of Rome, held in Rome in April 2017.

2017 Member of the Review Board of the 2017 HERITAGEBOT International Conference organized by the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, held in Cassino in September 2017.

2016 Member of the Review Board of Disegnare Con, digital magazine of the Department of Architecture and Territorial Planning of the University of Bologna.

2016 Member of the Review Board of the CAA 2016 Conference. Computer applications & quantitative methods in Archeology organized by the Department of Archeology, Conservation and History of the University of Oslo, held in Oslo in April 2016.

2016 Member of the Review Board of the VI Congreso Internacional de expresion Grafica en Engineering, Arquitectura y carreras afines de Expresión Gráfica (EGraFIA) organized by Egrafia a Río Cuarto, Córdoba (Argentina), held in Córdoba (Argentina) in September 2016.

2015 Member of the Review Board of the 37th International Conference on the disciplines of Representation, XII UID Congress entitled "Italian Survey & International Experience" organized by the Department of Architecture and Design and by the Department of Structural, Building and Geotechnical Engineering of the Polytechnic of Turin and by 'UID, held in Turin in September 2015.

2015 Referee for the Journal of the DSDRA Department “Disegnare. Ideas. Images." published in Italian and English by Gangemi Editore, n. 51/2015, year XXVI.

2015 Member of the Review Board of the V Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines, XII Congreso Nacional De Profesores de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, arquitectura y Área afines (EGraFIA) organized by Egrafia a Río Cuarto (Argentina), Córdoba, Argentina held in Córdoba (Argentina) in October 2015.

2014 Member of the Review Board of the IV Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines, XI Congreso Nacional De Profesores de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, arquitectura y Área afines (EGraFIA 2014) entitled "Revisiones del pasado" organized by Egrafia at the Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina), held in Rosario (Argentina) in October 2014.

2013 Member of the Review Board of the 35th International Conference on the disciplines of Representation, X UID Congress entitled “Unesco Heritage and Sites. Memory, Measure and Harmony "organized by the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures: Architecture, Environment, Cultural Heritage - Matera (DiCEM) of the University of Basilicata and UID, held in Matera in October 2013.

2012 Member of the Review Board of the International Congress Domes in The World entitled "The architecture of domes. Shapes and Geometry "organized by the Department of Architecture, Design, History and Project of the University of Florence, the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation" Life Beyond Tourism "and the College of Engineers of Tuscany, with the high patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, held in Florence in March 2012.

2012 Member of the Review Board of the 34th Conference of Representation Teachers, IX UID Congress entitled “In praise of Theory. Identity of the disciplines of Design and Surveying "organized by the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture of the" Sapienza "University of Rome and by the UID, held in Rome in December 2012.

2011 Referee for the Journal of the DSDRA Department “Disegnare. Ideas. Images." published in Italian and English by Gangemi Editore, n. 43/2011, year XXII.

IIID - Other Appointments / Other appointments

III D.1 - Organization of National and International Congresses and Conferences / Organization of national and international congresses

2018 Member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the FORUM "Declinare ROMA", promoted by the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of Sapienza - University of Rome, Piazza Borghese - 7 and 8 June 2018.

2017 Member of the Scientific Committee for the International and Interdisciplinary Conference "Images" organized by the Faculty of Education of the University of Bolzano, with the patronage of the Unione Italina Disegno (UID), of the Italian Design Association of Visual Communication (aiap) , the Italian Society of Pedagogy (Siped) and the Italian Association of Psychology, with the support of the Architekturstiftung Südtirol Fondazione Architettura Alto Adige, held in Brixen on 27-28 November 2017.

2017 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 39th International Conference of Teachers of the Disciplines of Representation, XII Congress of the Italian Union for Drawing (UID) entitled "Territories and frontiers of representation" organized by the University of Naples "Federico II", by the Second University of Naples, the University of Salerno and the UID, held in Naples in September 2017.

From 2016 to today Member of the Organizing Committee for the "3D Modeling & BIM" workshop organized by the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture of the "Sapienza" University of Rome.

2016 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 38th International Conference of Teachers of the Disciplines of Representation, XII Congress of the Italian Union for Design (UID) entitled “The Reasons of Design. Thought, Form and Model in Complexity Management "organized by the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence and the UID, held in Florence in September 2016.

2016 Member of the Organizing Committee for the event "25 years of drawing to design" organized by the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture of the "Sapienza" University of Rome, held in Rome on 6 June 2016.

2015 Member of the Organizing Committee for the study day in honor of Giovanni Carbonara entitled “For Giovanni Carbonara. Studies and Research "organized by the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the University of Rome" La Sapienza ", held in Rome on 10 September 2015.

2014 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 36th International Congress of the disciplines of Representation, XI UID Congress entitled "Italian Survey & International Experience" organized by the Department of Civil, Environmental, Land and Architecture Engineering (DICATeA) of the University of Parma and the UID, held in Parma in September 2014.

2012 Member of the Organizing Committee of the 34th International Conference of Representation Teachers and IX UID Congress entitled “In praise of theory. Identity of the disciplines of Design and Surveying "organized by the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome" La Sapienza "and by the UID. ''

1999 Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Seminar entitled "The tools of knowledge for the restoration project" organized by the Representation and Relief Department of the "La Sapienza" University of Rome, held in Valmontone (Rome).

1993 Member of the Organizing Committee of the Conference “The project design from the origins to the whole XVIII century: History and Developments”. Scientific director prof. M. Docci. This conference was held in Rome from 22 to 24 April.

IIID.2 - Committee Member of Journals and Publications / Organization of Journals and Publications

2017 Member of the Scientific Committee of the “Paesaggi imperfetti. Graphic expressions and interpretative models ”, Aracne Editrice.

2017 Member of the Scientific Committee for the FAU-UNLP international scientific journal “Estudios del Hàbitat” published for the Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.

From 2001 to today Member of the Editorial Committee of the magazine of the DSDRA Department “Disegnare. Ideas. Images.". Class A Magazine for the Competition Sector 08 / C1, ISSN 1123-9247. The journal is included in the Thomson Reuter list of products and services where it is indexed in the Art and Humanities Citation Index and in the Scopus database, where the abstracts of the contributions are present.

IIID.3 - Mention in Newspapers and Interviews / Mentions in the daily press and interviews

Regarding the volume: “An analysis through drawing
of the most significant modern and contemporary architecture in Rome "by Chiavoni E.,
Diacodimitri A., Pettoello G., the following mentions are reported:

2019_Docci M., Review in Drawing Ideas Images, year XXX, n. 58/2019, Gangemi
Publisher, Rome 2019, ISSN IT. 1123-9247, p. 93

2018_Navarro P.C., Review in EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, vol. 23, n. 33 (2018),
Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia (Spain) 2018, e-ISSN: 2254-6103, ISSN:
11336137, https://doi.org/10.4995/ega, p. 10-11

Regarding the volume: Knowing how to read architecture, Gius. Laterza & Figli Spa, Bari-Rome 2017, Volume in the Grandi Opere Laterza Series, the following mentions should be noted:

2017 "The art of building", Robinson-La Repubblica, 26 March 2017

2017 “Ink and nib to« see »the Pantheon. From S. Ivo alla Sapienza to Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, two books tell how to read architecture ", Corriere della Sera, 13 March 2017

2017 "Knowing how to read architecture. Guide to understanding and appreciating historical and contemporary buildings ”, Ansa Cultura, 22 February 2017

IIID.4 - Projects and Exhibitions / Projects and Exhibitions

2018 Design and realization of the design of the facade of the Faculty of Architecture on Piazza Borghese, as part of the FORUM "Declinare ROMA", promoted by the DISDRA Department. Representation of the schematic profile of the facade of the building that houses the Sapienza Faculty of Architecture in Rome on the cobblestones of piazza Borghese. The design was intended to "project" the School towards the city and was carried out by professors, Doctors and PhD students of the Doctoral School in History, Design and Restoration of Architecture in Rome and by the students of the School of Specialization in Architectural Heritage and of the Landscape (6 June 2018).

2016 25 years of drawings for drawing

Event held on the occasion of the 25th year of publication of the magazine Disegnare. Ideas. Images. and the release of the anthological collection of the section dedicated to drawing.

2015 International Sapienza Day with exhibition of International Research Projects held on November 27 at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Presentation of the Research Project entitled "The Italian's cultural contribution to Argentina's development. Integrated methodologies for knowledge, documentation and diffusion of architectural industrial Heritage "(project and graphic display panel).

2015 Exhibition “Travel Notebooks. Matera ", drawings and watercolors, organized by the Center for Studies of Mediterranean Culture of the Porta Coeli International Art Gallery in Venosa. The artist Pedro Cano and his students presented the works produced in the water painting seminar held in Matera in 2009.

2008 Exhibition "Identity in transit". In collaboration, he is responsible for the preparation of the exhibition by the Spanish artist Pedro Cano in the Halls XI and XI bis of the Baths of Diocletian, National Roman Museum, proposed to the RADAAR Department by PARC, Directorate General for the protection of the landscape, architecture and contemporary art.

1999 Exhibition and Catalog "The Survey of Architectural Heritage for Conservation", Naples 1999-Rome 2000, responsible prof. C. Cundari.

1999 Exhibition and Catalog "The Relief of Architectural Heritage for Conservation", held in Naples 1999-Rome 2000. Presentation of two panels relating to the survey of the Villa Borghese Lake Garden in Rome (in collaboration).

IIID.5 - Participation in Workshops / Participation in workshops

2018 Participation in the study workshop on life drawing entitled organized by the Universidad Nacional Di la Plata, UNLP, Argentina, October 2018.

2017 Participation in the study workshop on life drawing entitled “Acuarela en El Egeo”, organized by the Spanish newspaper in Madrid, June 2017.

2016 Conducting workshops on the survey in the "Reading the Historical Fabric in Ciciliano" project within the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage for the Study and Restoration of Monuments at the Faculty of Architecture of the "Sapienza" University of Rome.

2015 Participation in the workshop at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples in the exhibition "Mediterranei", organized by the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Naples and by the Educational Service "Fundación Pedro Cano".

2014 Participation in the stage on "watercolor drawing", organized by the Civic Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Anticoli Corrado in Rome.

2011 Conduct of Advanced Training workshops on the issues of Visual Surveying, aimed at officials belonging to the DOA (Department of Antiquities) in the archaeological site of Petra (Jordan) as part of the Ancient Theaters Enhancement for New Actualities (ATHENA_ Ancient THeatres Enhancement for New Actualities). The project had as its objective the sustainable development of Ancient Theaters and the Mediterranean also in relation to their relationship with civil society and protection institutions (Euromed Heritage).

2009 Participation in the workshop on the Representation of the city of Matera through life drawing, Casa del Pellegrino Le Monacelle, Matera.I

IID.6 - Participation in Congresses and Conference as Speaker / Participation in Congresses and Conferences as Speaker

2019 VII International Conference on Documentation, Conservation and Recovery of Architectural Heritage and Landscape Protection, ReUSO Matera entitled: “Heritage in the making. Knowing enhancing living ", Department of European and Mediterranean cultures, University of Basilicata, 23-26 October
Report: “Lanzarote: the landscape as a cultural resource”.
Referee: International anonymous

2019 41st International Conference of Teachers of the Disciplines of Representation, XV Congress of the Italian Union for Design (UID) entitled: ”Reflections. The art of drawing / the drawing of art. (Reflections. The art of drawing / The drawing of art) ”, Perugia 19-21 September.
Report: Argentine “Estancias”: the precious cultural legacy of a neglected architectural and artistic heritage ”(Argentine“ Estancias ”: the precious cultural legacy of a neglected architectural and artistic heritage)”.
Referee: International anonymous

2018 VII Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines, XV Congreso Nacional De Profesores de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, arquitectura y Área afines (EGraFIA 2018) entitled "Campos, umbrales y poéticas del dibujo" Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina).
Report: “The nocturnal representation of the city”.
Referee: International anonymous

2018 40th International Conference of Teachers of the Disciplines of Representation, XV Congress of the Italian Union for Drawing (UID) entitled: "Drawing as (in) tangible representation)", Milan 13-14-15 September.
Reports: “The landscape of the Astronomical Observatory in La Plata, Argentina: form, geometry and color“, “The relief of the in-measurable. The area of ​​Piazza Mastai in Rome. To survey the un-measurable. The Mastai area in Rome ".
Referee: International anonymous

2017 International and Interdisciplinary Conference "Images", organized by the Faculty of Education of the University of Bolzano, with the patronage of the Italina Disegno Union (UID), the Italian Design Association of Visual Communication (aiap), the Italian Society of Pedagogy (Siped) and the Italian Psychology Association, with the support of the Architekturstiftung Südtirol South Tyrol Architecture Foundation.
Report: Architecture, color and images. Ideas and designs by Friedensreich Hundertwasser.
Referee: International anonymous

2017 International conference "The university cities of the twentieth century and the Sapienza of Rome", organized by the "Sapienza" University of Rome on the occasion of the celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the new University City.
Report: Representation of the intangible heritage of the Sapienza university city of Rome.
Referee: International anonymous

2017 V Congreso Internacional sobre documentatión, conservation and restoration of the architectural heritage and paisajístico (ReUSO 2017) organized by the Escuela de Arquitectura de Granada.
Report: Representation of Cosmatesque mosaics. Shape, geometry, color.
Referee: International anonymous

2017 International Workshop HERITAGEBOT organized by the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.
Report: Knowledge and classification for the interactive dissemination of Chorizo ​​Houses in Argentina.
Referee: International anonymous

2016 International conference entitled “The Bay of Naples. Integrated strategies for the conservation and enjoyment of the Cultural Landscape "organized by the Department of Architecture and the Congress Center of the University of Naples" Federico II ".
Report: A unique marine landscape as a historical schedule between the Tiber delta and the Tyrrhenian Sea: from the ancient Portus Augusti et Traiani to the Oasis of Porto.
Referee: International anonymous

2016 IV International Conference on Documentation, Conservation and Recovery of Architectural Heritage and Landscape Protection (ReUso 2016) organized by the University of Pavia.
Report: The design for the enhancement of the city. A project for Rome by William Kentridge.
Referee: International anonymous2016 38th International Conference of teachers of the disciplines of representation, XIII Congress of the Italian Union for Design (UID) entitled “The Reasons of Design. Thought, Form and Model in Complexity Management "organized by the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence and UID.
Reports: "Obras realizadas por los constructores Italianos in La Plata between 1918 and 1945. Arquitectura, análisis y dibujo", "Analysis of a Bramante work through drawing: from the reading of the fragment to the design genesis".
Referee: International anonymous

2016 XII Color Conference organized by the Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) and by the Interuniversity Department of Sciences, Project and Territory Policies of the Polytechnic of Turin and by the Color Group - Italian Color Association.
Report: Floral drawings in watercolor in the English textile industry of the eighteenth century.
Referee: International anonymous

2016 XVI Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica (EGA) entitled "El Arquitecto, de la tradicion al siglo XXI", organized by the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
Report: On drawing from life: from tradition to contemporaneity (Freehand drawing: from tradition to the present day).
Referee: International anonymous

2016 CAA 2016 Conference. Computer applications & quantitative methods in Archeology organized by the Department of Archeology, Conservation and History of the University of Oslo.
Report: Integrated methodologies for knowledge and valorisation of the Roman Casinum.
Referee: International anonymous

2015 III Congresso Internacional sobre Documentación, Conservación, y Reutilización del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Paisajístico (ReUso) organized by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.
Report: The “Casa Chorizo” in Argentina. Conocimiento y documentación para the safeguard of the architectural heritage (The "Chorizo ​​House" in Argentina. Knowledge and documentation for architectural heritage's safeguard).
Referee: International anonymous

2015 6th International symposium on the History of Machines and Mechanisms organized by Peter The Great St. Petersburg, State Polytechnic University and Bauman Moscow State Technical University under the patronage of the International Federation for the Promotion of Machine and Mechanism Science (IFToMM).
Report: Ephemeral constructions and pyrotechnic machinery: dialogue between history and representation. Rome in the XIX century.
Referee: International anonymous

2014 II International Conference on Documentation, Conservation and Recovery of Architectural Heritage and Landscape Protection (ReUso) entitled “The culture of restoration and enhancement. Themes and problems for an international path of knowledge "organized by the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the Federation of Tuscan Conservative Landscape Architects Planners.
Report: The system of the ancient water mills in upper Lazio. Knowledge, documentation and enhancement.
Referee: International anonymous

2014 IV Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines, XI Congreso Nacional De Profesores de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, arquitectura y Área afines (EGraFIA 2014) entitled "Revisiones del futuro - Forecast del pasado" organized by E Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina).
Relationship: Color to document. Integrated methodologies for drawing in the process of knowledge and communication of cultural heritage.
Referee: International anonymous

2014 36th International Conference of the disciplines of Representation, XI UID Congress entitled "Italian Survey & International Experience" organized by the Department of Civil, Environmental, Land and Architecture Engineering (DICATeA) of the University of Parma and by the UID.
Report: Le Corbusier's Casa Curutchet in La Plata. Reading through drawing.
Referee: International anonymous

2013 5th International symposium on the History of Machines and Mechanisms entitled "Historical Museum of Motors and Mechanisms" organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering Management Computer Mechanisms of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Palermo with the patronage of the International Federation for the Promotion of Machine and Mechanism Science (IFToMM).
Report: The mill of the Lagoon of Orbetello. Mechanism and Hydraulic Energy.
Referee: International anonymous

2013 35th International Congress of the disciplines of Representation, X UID Congress entitled “Unesco Heritage and Sites. Memory, Measure and Harmony "organized by the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures: Architecture, Environment, Cultural Heritage - Matera (DiCEM) of the University of Basilicata and UID.
Relations: Harmony of shapes and colors in the ancient theaters of Jerash and Petra in Jordan. Subjective experience and objective knowledge as ways of drawing; Geometry, shape and harmony: the Jantar Mantar in Jaipur.
Referee: International anonymous

2013 IX Color Conference organized by the University of Florence and the Color Group - Italian Color Association.
Report and poster presentation: Color to represent and communicate: semantic reading of fragments of contemporary landscape in the Valle delle Accademie in Rome.
Referee: International anonymous

2013 II Conference of Italian Architects and Architecture in Argentina entitled "Conservation of materials and enhancement of the heritage of the twentieth century" organized by the TekneHub Laboratory of the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara, by LaboRA and by the School of Higher Studies in Cultural Heritage of the CUIA (UNIFE).
Report: Italian presence in Argentina. Enhancement and interactive dissemination of the architectural heritage

2012 International Conference entitled "The Italian contribution to the construction of the city, to the architectural heritage and to the Argentine artistic culture" organized by the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture and by the Interdepartmental Research Center Territory Construction Restoration Environment CITERA) of the “Sapienza” University of Rome under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic.
Report: Italian presence in Argentina. Enhancement and interactive dissemination of historical and architectural heritage.
Referee: International anonymous

2012 III International Seminar entitled "DoCo 2012 - Documentation and Conservation of Architectural and Urban Heritage" organized as part of a Project of Significant National Interest (PRIN 2008) co-financed by MIUR, held at the Convent of Christ in Tomar (Portugal).
Report: Rethinking the design for documentation and conservation: reflections on the city of Blanca in Spain.
Referee: International anonymous

2012 32nd International Congress of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA) organized by the Faculty of Engineering of the "Sapienza" University of Rome.
Report: Drawings concerning artistic techniques in the Diderot’s and D’Alambert’s Encyclopedia.
Referee: International anonymous

2012 VIII Conference of Color organized by the Faculty of Engineering of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna and by the Color Group - Italian Color Association.
Report and poster presentation: The sky line. Experiments on the color representation of Roman skylines.
Referee: International anonymous

2012 XIV Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica (EGA) organized by the Universidad de Valladolid (España) and the Universidade Lusíada Porto (Portugal).
Report: Critical analysis of the drawings for the Architecture competition for the Vittoriano in Rome.
Referee: International anonymous

2012 4th International symposium on the History of Machines and Mechanisms organized by the Faculty of Sciences of the VU University of Amsterdam The Netherlands with the patronage of the International Federation for the Promotion of Machine and Mechanism Science (IFToMM).
Report: The Drawings of Machines by the Great Architects of the Reinassance and Bearoque Eras.
Referee: International anonymous

2010 VII Color Conference organized by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rome “Sapienza” and by the Color Group - Italian Color Association.
Report and poster presentation: Reading of contemporary architecture through drawing and manual color representation. The National Museum of XXI Century Arts in Rome.
Referee: International anonymous

2009 AED international conference entitled "Designing time and harmony. The architectural design of the observatory in the universe "organized by the Department of Architecture Design-History-Project of the University of Florence.
Relationship: From the earth to the sky. Geometry, symbol and allegory in St. Ivo alla Sapienza in Rome

2003 XXV International Conference on the disciplines of Representation in the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering entitled "25 years: living to draw them" organized by the Department of Sciences for Architecture, by the degree course in Industrial Design of the Faculty of Architecture of Genoa, by Faculty of Design of the Milan Polytechnic and the Italian Union for Design (UID), held in Lerici.

2002 AED International Conference entitled “The design of the city, a work opened in time” organized by the Department of Architectural Design, Architecture and Design Section of the University of Florence, held in San Gimignano.
Report: Industrial archeology as an opportunity for urban redevelopment

2001 International Conference on Urban Relief and Form entitled “The design of the arcades. The design of the city ”organized by the Department of Engineering of Territorial Building Systems of the Polytechnic of Turin.
Report: The fountain of Moses as an urban backdrop: from perception to relief

2001 International Conference entitled "Castles and Fortified Cities. Castles on land, in water and ... in the air" organized by the Civil Engineering Departments of the University of Pisa, held in Pisa and Lucca.
Report: The fortress of Lanuvio: significant architectural emergence of the Lazio region

2000 VIII Congreso de Expresion Grafica Arquitectonica (EGA) entitled “Las nuevas tecnologias de la Representacion Grafica Arquitectonica en el siglo XXI” organized by the Departamento de Expresion Grafica Arquitectonica I of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Espana).
Report: Modelos tridimensionales para la representacion de la arquitectura: the oratory of the Filipinos in Rome

1998 I International Colloquium entitled "Castles and Fortified Cities. De 'Castles of stone and ... crystal" organized by the Departments of Civil Engineering of the Universities of Trieste and Udine, held in Tricesimo (Udine).
Report: The relief of the Castle of Fra 'Diavolo

IIID.7 - Participation in Congresses and Conference as Chairman / Participation in Congresses and Conferences as Chairman

2017 Chairman of the “History of Technology” Oral Session coordinated with Prof. Fang. Y, as part of the International Workshop HERITAGEBOT 2017 organized by the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (IFToMM), held in Cassino in September 2017.

2016 Chairman of the Oral Session "Heritage Documentation Strategies" as part of the IV International Conference on Documentation, Conservation and Recovery of Architectural Heritage and Landscape Protection (ReUso 2016) organized by the University of Pavia, held in Pavia in October 2016 .

2015 Chairman of the Oral Session n. 12 as part of the XI Color Conference organized by the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano and by the Color Group-Italian Color Association, held in Milan in September 2015.

IIID.8 - Lectures, Seminars and Tutorials / Interventions in Seminars and Presentations
1998 I International Colloquium entitled "Castles and Fortified Cities. De 'Castles of stone and ... crystal" organized by the Departments of Civil Engineering of the Universities of Trieste and Udine, held in Tricesimo (Udine).
Report: The relief of the Castle of Fra 'Diavolo

IIID.7 - Participation in Congresses and Conference as Chairman / Participation in Congresses and Conferences as Chairman

2017 Chairman of the “History of Technology” Oral Session coordinated with Prof. Fang. Y, as part of the International Workshop HERITAGEBOT 2017 organized by the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (IFToMM), held in Cassino in September 2017.

2016 Chairman of the Oral Session "Heritage Documentation Strategies" as part of the IV International Conference on Documentation, Conservation and Recovery of Architectural Heritage and Landscape Protection (ReUso 2016) organized by the University of Pavia, held in Pavia in October 2016 .

2015 Chairman of the Oral Session n. 12 as part of the XI Color Conference organized by the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano and by the Color Group-Italian Color Association, held in Milan in September 2015.

IIID.8 - Lectures, Seminars and Tutorials / Interventions in Seminars and Presentations

2017 Conference and presentation of the book Knowing how to read architecture, Order of Architects of Brindisi, Docci M., Chiavoni E., Friday 19 May 2017 at the University Hall, Palazzo Granafei-Nervegna, Brindisi.

2014 Mastery on the Debujo. Ciclo de conferences internacionales.
Conference entitled “The representation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage”, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Facultad de Arquitectura (Cordoba, Argentina).

2009 Maestría en Conservación. Restoration and Intervention of the Architectural and Urban Heritage. Ciclo de conferences internacionales.
Conference entitled “The survey for the knowledge of the architectural heritage”, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Facultad de Arquitectura (La Plata, Argentina, 9-11 September 2009) (attachment title n. 126).

1990 Study Seminar entitled “Design and Image of the city in the nineteenth century” organized by the Design Institute of the Engineering Faculty of the University of Trieste.
Report: Reading of the Horti Farnesiani through historical cartography

Part IV - Didactic Activities

IVA - Teaching Graduate Courses / Didactics in degree courses

From 2016 to today The Science of Drawing-Science1, a master's degree course in English Fashion Science, at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the Sapienza University of Rome.

From 2015 to today Theory and techniques of Drawing-Drawing1, a three-year degree course in Fashion and Costume Sciences, at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the Sapienza University of Rome.

Since 2015, in the context of Sapienza University, in the interdisciplinary nature of the Faculty he has developed the teaching of Drawing in the three-year degree course of fashion and costume sciences and in the master's degree course in English Fashion Science, at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the 'Sapienza University of Rome, activating five courses, two covered personally and three under contract.

Since 2015 he has been the referent lecturer in the disciplines of the ICAR17-Drawing sector at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Rome "Sapienza"

From 2011 to today Integrated Course of Representation Science I (responsible), C.L. Five-year Specialization in EU Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the “Sapienza” University of Rome.

2001-2011 Science of Representation I, C.L. Five-year Specialization in EU Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture "Ludovico Quaroni" of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

2000-2001 Architectural Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "Sapienza".

IVA. 1 - Collaborative Teaching of Graduate Courses

1999-2000 Techniques of Representation, module (30h.), At the Design Laboratory I held by Prof. L. Ciancarelli as part of the first year of the five-year degree course in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture “L. Quaroni ”of the University of Rome" La Sapienza ".

1999-2000 Substitute for the Chair (120h) of Relief of Architecture in the third year of the five-year Specialized Degree in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture “Valle Giulia” of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

1999-2001 Collaboration in the course of Survey Techniques with elements of topography and photogrammetry held by prof. M. Docci within the School of Specialization and Restoration of Monuments.

1998-1999 Techniques of Representation, module (30h.), At the Design Laboratory I held by Prof.ssa M. G. Corsini as part of the first year of the five-year degree course in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture “L. Quaroni ”of the University of Rome" La Sapienza ".

1998-1999 Techniques of Representation, module (30h.), At the Design Laboratory I held by Prof. L. Altarelli as part of the first year of the five-year degree course in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture “L. Quaroni ”of the University of Rome" La Sapienza ".

1997-2000 Techniques of Representation, module (30h.), At the Design Laboratory I held by Prof. D. Fondi as part of the first year of the five-year degree course in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture “L. Quaroni ”of the University of Rome" La Sapienza ".

1997-1998 Techniques of Representation, module (30h.), At the Design Laboratory I held by Prof. S. Petrini as part of the first year of the five-year degree course in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture “L. Quaroni ”of the University of Rome" La Sapienza ".

Since 1995 Researcher in the Architecture Survey course held by Prof. M. Docci as part of the third year of the Degree in Architecture, specialization in "Protection and Conservation of Monuments", of the University of Rome "La Sapienza. ".

1994-1995 Substitute for the Chair of Drawing Exercises of Machine Elements of the Degree Course in Chemistry of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

1992-1999 Seminars on the survey project and on the tools and methods for direct survey in the course of Elements of Photogrammetry held by Prof. A. Sartor within the fourth year of the Degree in Architecture, address "Protection and Conservation of Monuments ", of the University of Rome" La Sapienza ".

1992-1996 Researcher in the course of Tools and methods for architectural survey held by Prof. M. Docci in the third year of the Degree in Architecture, address "Protection and Conservation of Monuments", of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

1990-1992 Voluntary assistant in the course of Elements of Photogrammetry held by Prof. A. Sartor in the fourth year of the Degree in Architecture, specialization in "Protection and Conservation of Monuments", of the University of Rome "La Wisdom".

As part of these workshops, in addition to the didactic part, he takes part in the examination committees and assists students in the part concerning the representation of the exam graphics.
In addition, all the aforementioned offices involved carrying out the activities of Supervisor and Co-Supervisor of about twenty-five single-cycle five-year degree papers. These include:

IVA. 2 - Graduation Theses as Principal Rapporteur / Degree thesis followed as supervisor

A.A. 2018-19 Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. Three-year Degree Course in Fashion and Costume Sciences: "Prada invites: prêt-à-porter Architecture", graduate student: A.Agnano

A.A. 2018-19 Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. Three-year Degree Course in Fashion and Costume Sciences: "Fashion and architecture between design and design", graduate student: S.Savino

A.A. 2018-19 Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. Three-year Degree Course in Fashion and Costume Sciences: “Drawing between fashion, sculpture and architecture. The sculpture dresses ”, graduate student: C.Bersani

A.A. 2018-19 Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. Bachelor's Degree Course in Fashion and Costume Sciences: "Yves Saint Lauren between fashion design and art", graduate student: V. D'Orazio

A.A. 2018-19 Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. Three-year Degree Course in Fashion and Costume Sciences: "Pantone colors in fashion", graduate student: F. Lombardi

A.A. 2016-17 Faculty of Architecture. Single-Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "The representation of architecture for the blind", graduate student: G. Granata, co-supervisor: I. Passamani
A.A. 2016-17 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: “Notes on architectural drawing. Analysis of the themes and the role of architectural drawing by hand in relation to digital ", graduate student: F. Rebecchini

A.A. 2016-17 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: “Design, Survey and Analysis. Sanctuary of the Madonna del Sorbo in Campagnano ”, graduate student: F. Dari

A.A. 2015-16 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "Survey and Analysis for the Enhancement of the Convent of Sant’Agostino in Tuscania", graduate student: V. Baruffo, co-supervisor: M. Caperna

A.A. 2015-16 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: “Analysis and survey for the knowledge and enhancement of a Roman industrial building. The former Atac San Paolo warehouse ", graduate student C. Cocconcelli, co-supervisor: S. Leone

A.A. 2015-16 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: “Analysis and survey for the knowledge and enhancement of a Roman industrial building. The former Atac San Paolo warehouse, Intervention proposal 2: Reuse of tunnels ", graduate student: C. Borroni, co-supervisor: S. Leone

A.A. 2013-14 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "Relief Representation Analysis of Cosmatesque Mosaics in Rome", undergraduate: B. Di Cosimo, external co-supervisor: M. Cigola

A.A. 2012-13 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "Survey and analysis of the former Montello barracks in via Guido Reni, for their enhancement", undergraduate: F. R. De Pompeis Pallich, co-supervisor: T. Carunchio

A.A. 2012-13 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: “The Briziarelli Marsciano furnace in Monterotondo Scalo: survey, analysis and urban design”, undergraduate: N. Della Corte, co-supervisor: Capuano A.

A.A. 2012-13 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "Survey and analysis for the knowledge and enhancement of the Gradelle alle Tintiere in Avellino", undergraduate: E. Colella, co-supervisor: R. Belibani
A.A. 2011-12 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "Color survey and analysis to safeguard the urban image. The coastal strip of the city of Portici ”, graduate student: E. De Francesco, adjunct supervisor: M. Morlacchi

A.A. 2011-12 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "Potential of digital design in the architectural design process", undergraduate: A. Diacodimitri

A.A. 2010-11 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "Analysis and representation of Forte Boccea in Rome for an enhancement project", undergraduate: P. Di Pietro Martinelli

A.A. 2009-10 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "The relief for the enhancement of the city of Gravina", undergraduate: R. Cornacchia, co-supervisor: A. Grimaldi

IVA. 3 - Graduation Thesis as Co-rapporteur / Degree Thesis followed as co-supervisor

A.A. 2018-19 Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. Master's Degree Course in English Fashion Studies: "Fashion Illustration and persian art", supervisor F. Porfiri, graduate student Elin Mohyeddini Bonab

A.A. 2018-19 Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. Master's Degree Course in English Fashion Studies: "Drawing with flowers", supervisor F: Porfiri, undergraduate Raymonda Khidir-zada

A.A. 2018-19 Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. Master's Degree Course in English Fashion Studies: "Fashion Illustration: from Gucci research to a new project", supervisor F: Porfiri, undergraduate Xu Zhuo

A.A. 2018-19 Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. Master's Degree Course in English Fashion Studies:
“Crossover between pop art and fashion design”, speaker F: Porfiri, graduate student Feng Qiu.

A.A. 2018-19 Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. Master's Degree Course in English Fashion Studies: "Traditional Azerbaijani carpets and fashion", supervisor F: Porfiri, graduate student Taghizada Jamila

A.A. 2015-16 Faculty of Architecture. Single-Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "The former Mira-Lanza factory in Rome: from design to redevelopment, undergraduate: D. Arca, supervisor: A. Giancotti
A.A. 2011-12 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "From matter to digital: the design process through the reverse modeling methodology", undergraduate student: G. Pettoello, supervisor: M. Docci, co-supervisors: A. Ippolito, F. Mollaioli, E. Chiavoni, C. Bianchini

A.A. 2011-12 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "The role of digital design in the design of the project", graduate student: S. Pettoello, supervisor: M. Docci, co-supervisors: E. Chiavoni, A. Ippolito

A.A. 2008-09 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "Gioacchino Ersoch and the Pincio promenade in Rome between history and representation: the site, the hydraulic works, the Clock Fountain and the Tank-Chalet, graduate: C. Impiglia, supervisor: A. Cerutti Fusco, co-supervisors: E. Chiavoni, A. Cremona

A.A. 2003-04 Faculty of Architecture. Single Cycle Degree Course in Architecture: "Analysis, enhancement and consolidation of the Castle of Castel Rubello", undergraduate: F. Breccia, supervisor: Mario Docci, co-supervisors: Marina Docci, E. Chiavoni

IVB - PhD / Doctorate
From 2020 Coordinator of the PhD in History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome
From 2013 to today Member of the Board of Professors of the Doctorate at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
PhD in History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, Curriculum Design.

From 2004 to 2013 Member of the Board of Professors of the Doctorate at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
PhD in Survey, Analysis and Representation of Architecture and the Environment.

From 1993 to 2003 Member of the Board of Professors of the Doctorate in Design and survey of the building heritage, at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

IVB.1 - General Teaching Experience / Didactics

Within the Doctorate, he actively participates in the training of doctoral students of the "Sciences of Representation and Relief" doctoral school at the Rome office. The personal contribution developed within the seminars relating to architectural design.
Some of the topics addressed were:
- The role of design for the knowledge of cultural heritage
- Integrated methodologies for the survey and design of architecture and the city
- Knowledge, documentation and representation
- Archiving and dissemination of historical, artistic and architectural heritage
- Representation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage
- Chromatism in architecture
- The representation of color in Archeology
- Knowledge and communication of Italian historic villages: the village of Cantalupo in Sabina.

Among the practical applications that mainly concerned Roman places, we note: the Baths of Diocletian, the Markets of Trajan, the Baths of Caracalla, the Verano Cemetery, the Axis of Arts and Music, the Foro Italico.

IVB.2 - PhD Theses / PhD theses followed as tutor

Since 2003 he has been tutoring for PhD theses in the Faculty of Architecture (CL Architettura UE) of the "Sapienza" University of Rome, on the issues of the role of drawing for the knowledge of architectural and archaeological heritage, on the representation of color in architecture, on methodologies, tools and techniques for the survey of architecture and on the analysis through the design of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. These include:
2017 "Public image, Private image of the Gadames Oasis" PhD student: Hanan El Zanni (Libya), tutors: P. Albisinni, E. Chiavoni

2017 "Illusory perspectives for the control of space: the theoretical contribution of Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola and the Anteroom of the Council in Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola", PhD student: P. Di Pietro, tutors: E. Chiavoni, L. De Carlo

2017 "Abandoned Rome and the phenomenon of disused cinemas: critical issues of BIM for the built", PhD student: N. Della Corte, tutors: E. Chiavoni, C. Bianchini

2016 "Architecture design and communication. Reflections and experiments on new technologies for graphic systems ", PhD student: A. Diacodimitri, tutors: C. Bianchini, E. Chiavoni

2016 “Mutable Museum. Digital for the enhancement of cultural heritage ", PhD student: G. Pettoello, tutors: M. Docci, C. Bianchini, E. Chiavoni

2014 “Illusory perspectives in the choirs of historic buildings: analysis, interpretation and enhancement. The scenographic backdrop painted by Antonio Galli Bibiena in Bologna ", PhD student: F. Porfiri, tutors: E. Chiavoni, L. Carlevaris

2010 “The relief of color. Tradition and innovation ", PhD student: A. Bennani, tutors: M. Docci, E. Chiavoni

IVC - Specialization School / School of Specialization

From 2020 Course of Architectural Design, School of Specialization of Architectural Heritage and Landscape of the "Sapienza" University of Rome.

Since 2012 Architectural Survey Course, School of Specialization of Architectural Heritage and Landscape of the "Sapienza" University of Rome.

From 2012 to 2019 Realistic Drawing Course, School of Specialization in Architectural Heritage and Landscape of the "Sapienza" University of Rome.

IVC - Specialization School / School of Specialization

From 2020 Architectural Drawing Course, School of Specialization of Architectural Heritage and Landscape of the "Sapienza" University of Rome.

Since 2012 Architectural Survey Course, School of Specialization of Architectural Heritage and Landscape of the "Sapienza" University of Rome.

From 2012 to 2019 Realistic Drawing Course, School of Specialization in Architectural Heritage and Landscape of the "Sapienza" University of Rome.

IVC.1 - General Teaching Experience / Didactic experiences

In the Life Drawing course, today Drawing and Architecture, carried out together with prof. C. Carreras, carries out classroom lessons aimed at recalling the theoretical principles of drawing and the connection between perception and representation and numerous outdoor lessons in suitable places to grasp the various problems of both the built environment and the natural one. .

During the Architectural Survey course, carried out together with prof. M. Docci, the themes of the survey are addressed as an instrument of knowledge of the architectural, urban and environmental reality and its direct and instrumental methodologies up to the most advanced, its procedures and techniques, including digital ones, of metric, morphological and thematic restitution; including: the outlines of the history of surveying, ancient metrology, the problems and methods of architectural and topographic survey with the related instruments, the representation of the survey with graphic conventions, symbols and representation standards, graphic scales, new technologies architectural survey service, 3D scanner, photomodeling.

IVC.2 - Specialization Theses / Specialization Thesis followed as a tutor

Since 2010, he has been tutoring for specialization theses in Architectural and Landscape Heritage at the Faculty of Architecture of the "Sapienza" University of Rome. Among the most significant are:
A.A. 2016-17 “Visual documentary sources for knowledge”, specialist L. Collia, supervisor: E. Chiavoni

A.A. 2016-17 "The area of ​​the Port of Trajan and the Casale del Marchigiano: knowledge, conservation and enhancement", postgraduate student: F. Pola, supervisor: E. Chiavoni

A.A. 2014-2015 "Church of the Abbey of Santa Maria di Cerrate: conservation and enhancement proposals", trainees: V. Lorusso, F. Vitarelli, supervisor: D. Esposito, co-supervisors: D. Bruno, E. Chiavoni, L. Bussi, C. De Camillis, M. De Vico Fallani, E. Giorgi

A.A. 2013-14 "Rock architecture in the stones of Matera", trainees: M. T. Fasano, A. Fiore, supervisor: Chiavoni E.

IVD - Masters Degree Level II / Level II Master

From 2008 to 2018 Lecturer in the II Level Master "Architecture for Archeology-Archeology for Architecture" of the University of Rome "Sapienza". The contributions concern direct methods of architectural survey.

IVE - National Teaching Experience / National teaching

2012 Lecturer in the training course for "Inspection and maintenance technician of historic buildings" as part of the A.M.B.R.A. (Multiformative Actions on Heritage to be Restored in Abruzzo), Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the "Sapienza" University of Rome. Coordinator Prof. D. Fiorani.

IVF - International Teaching Experience / International teaching

2017-2018 As part of the International Agreements for Scientific Collaboration between the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture (DSDRA) of the "Sapienza" University of Rome (referent Prof. S. Salvo) and the Faculdade de Arquitectura e Urbanismo of the USP (Brazil), participates at the USP seminar entitled “Interdisciplinary workshop of history, design and restoration of architecture on the Vila Penteado” (July 2017).

2016-2017 As part of the International Agreements for Scientific Collaboration between the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture (DSDRA) of the "Sapienza" University of Rome (referent Prof. S. Salvo) and the Faculdade de Arquitectura e Urbanismo of the USP (Brazil), participates at the USP in the seminar entitled Seminars on the history, design and restoration of architecture with a contribution entitled On the traces of Bramante in the Palazzo dei Tribunali in via Giulia in Rome: from visual survey to survey with new technologies (June 2017).

A.A. 2016-17 “Visual Documentation Sources for Knowledge”, specialist L. Collia, supervisor: E. Chiavoni

A.A. 2016-17 "The area of ​​the port of Trajan and Casale del Marchigiano: knowledge, preservation and improvement", PhD student: F. Pola, supervisor: E. Chiavoni

AA 2014-2015 "Church of the Abbey of Santa Maria di Cerrate: Suggestions for conservation and improvement", trainees: V. Lorusso, F. Vitarelli, supervisors: D. Esposito, co-supervisors: D. Bruno, E. Chiavoni, L. Bussi, C. De Camillis, M. De Vico Fallani, E. Giorgi

A.A. 2013-14 "Rock architecture in the stones of Matera", trainees: M. T. Fasano, A. Fiore, supervisors: Chiavoni E.

IVD - Master Degree Level II / Level II Master

From 2008 to 2018 lecturer in the II Level Master "Architecture for Archeology-Archeology for Architecture" at the University of Rome "Sapienza". The contributions concern direct methods of architectural surveying.

IVE - National Teaching Experience / National Teaching

2012 Lecturer in the training for "Inspection and Maintenance Technician of Historic Buildings" within the A.M.B.R.A. (Multiformative measures for the restoration of the heritage in Abruzzo), Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the University of "Sapienza" in Rome. Coordinator Prof. D. Fiorani.

IVF - International Teaching Experience / International Teaching

2017-2018 As part of the International Agreement for Scientific Cooperation between the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture (DSDRA) of the University "Sapienza" in Rome (Speaker Prof. S. Salvo) and the Faculdade de Arquitectura e Urbanismo of The USP (Brazil) takes part in the USP seminar entitled “Interdisciplinary workshop on the history, design and restoration of architecture on the Vila Penteado” (July 2017).

2016-2017 As part of the International Agreement for Scientific Cooperation between the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture (DSDRA) of the University "Sapienza" in Rome (Speaker Prof. S. Salvo) and the Faculdade de Arquitectura e Urbanismo of The USP (Brazil) participates at the USP in the seminar entitled Seminars on the history, design and restoration of architecture with the contribution On the traces of Bramante in the Palazzo dei Tribunali in Via Giulia in Rome: from visual surveying to surveying with new technologies (June 2017).
Part V - Memberships, Awards and Honors of the Society

VA - Memberships / Affiliations of the Society
From 2020? Member of the Scientific Council of the OPEn Masters

Since 2015 member of the CAA Computer Application & Quantitative Methods in Archeology International Organization.

Since 2014 member of the Association of Profesores de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, arquitectura y Área afines (EGraFIA).

Since 2013 member of the Scientific Council of the Italian Union for Design (U.I.D.), Association of Teachers of ICAR / 17 SSD.

Member of the Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica (EGA) association since 2012.

Since 2011 member of the Italian Color Group - Italian Color Association.

Member of the Italian Union for Design (U.I.D.) since 1989.

VB - National and international awards and honors / National and international competitions and awards

2017 award; Financing from the University Fund for Rewards according to Art. 9 of Law No. 240

Award 2017: Funding of basic research activities reserved for second-level professors and full-time researchers (public announcement of ANVUR No. 20/2017. Law of December 11, 2016 No. 232, Art. 1, approx. 295)

2016 Honorable Mention at the International Prize for Architectural Restoration "Domus Restauro e Conservazione Fassa Bortolo" for the specialization thesis on the Church of the Abbey of Santa Maria di Cerrate: Proposals for the preservation and improvement of the students Lorusso V. and Vitarelli F. co-rapporteurs.

From 2016 to today Member of the International Commission, within the Technical Scientific Committee of the Italian Association for UID Design.

From 2015 to date Member of the Archives Commission, within the Technical Scientific Committee of the Italian Association for UID Design.

2011-2014 VQR: Score obtained from the publications presented:
Excellent = 1 High = 0.7.

From 2013 to 2018 Member elected for two three years of the Scientific Technical Committee of the Italian Association for UID Design.

2008 Participation in the Comparative Evaluation Procedure for a position of full professor in the Scientific-Disciplinary sector ICAR17 in 2008, at the University of Basilicata-Potenza. Collegial opinion on the candidate: "has reached full cultural and scientific maturity for the purposes of this comparative assessment".

2008 Participation in the Comparative Evaluation Procedure for a position of full professor in the Scientific-Disciplinary sector ICAR17 in 2008, at the University of "G. D'Annunzio "CHIETI-PESCARA. Collegial opinion on the candidate: "has reached full cultural and scientific maturity for the purposes of this comparative assessment".

2007 Silver Plate U.I.D. (Italian Union for Design) assigned by the UID.

2004-2010 VQR: Score obtained from the three publications presented:
Excellent = 1 Good = 0.8 Good = 0.8.

1989 Luigi Vagnetti Award
Sponsored by the Italian Union for Drawing (UID) and by the Institute of Architectural Representation of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Genoa, for the degree thesis entitled "Historical analysis of the Vignolesco portal of the Farnesiani Gardens and redevelopment of the space of the current entry into the Forum "with the following motivation:" ... for the deepening of the historical investigation, for the illustration of the method and for the accuracy and effectiveness of the design ".

Part VI - Funding Information [grants as PI-principal investigator or I-investigator] / Research projects [as proponent or researcher]

VIA - National Funding Information / National research projects
2020 “Sapienza” University of Rome, Projects for Conferences, Seminars and Workshops; Seminar on: Digital Archives of Sapienza, Cultural itineraries for knowledge. Responsible

2020 “Sapienza” University of Rome: For a digital graphic encyclopedia of a complex heritage: Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. Participation.

2019 “Sapienza” University of Rome Medium Equipment Project: Paths of 'Sapienza': building a network of digital archives of humanistic research in Sapienza. Participation

2019 “Sapienza” University of Rome: The "street" survey for the urban recovery and enhancement of the city of Rome. Participation

2018 “Sapienza” University of Rome: The relief for Cultural Heritage. Participation

2017 “Sapienza” University of Rome: For a Digital Graphic Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage (CH). Participation.

2016 “Sapienza” University of Rome: Documentation, modeling and comunication of Archaeological Architecture. Participation.

2015 “Sapienza” University of Rome: Integrated methodologies for knowledge, enhancement and
redevelopment of the urban image. The area of ​​the Isola Sacra in Fiumicino ”. Responsible.

2014 “Sapienza” University of Rome: Multidisciplinary approaches for the documentation, preservation, promotion and dissemination of the Archaeological Architecture. Participation.

2013 "Sapienza" University of Rome: An analysis through the design of the most significant modern and contemporary architecture in Rome. Knowledge, documentation and communication of tangible and intangible values ​​through traditional and integrated digital graphic systems. Responsible.

2012 “Sapienza” University of Rome: Oil mills and wheat mills between agricultural landscape and industrial archeology. The system of oil mills and water mills in Upper Lazio: knowledge and enhancement. Responsible.

2011 “Sapienza” University of Rome: New strategies for Documentation, Analysis, Sustainable Development and Valorization of small city historical center. Participation.

2011 “Sapienza” University of Rome “FARI”: feasibility proposals for participation in Cooperation Programs between Latin America and Europe. Responsible.

2009 Research Project "Federated University of Human Sciences, Arts and Environment" entitled "Color relief and representation in the environment and architecture". Responsible.
2008 University research (former University research): High resolution survey and modeling: from 3D scanning to digital models and high definition materials. Participation.

2008 Local Unit of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" of the PRIN: Integrated methodologies for the survey, design, modeling of architecture and the city. Responsible prof. M. Docci. Participation.

2007 RADAAR Department of the University of Rome "La Sapienza": Pilot project for the definition of a model of conservation and sustainable use for the Theater of Taormina. Participation.

2007 PRIN: Tradition and High Tech in the survey and analysis of architecture and the city. Responsible prof. M. Docci. Participation.

2007 Research Project "Federated University of Human Sciences, Arts and Environment": Industrial archeology in Rome: application of traditional survey techniques for the knowledge and selection of abandoned buildings. Responsible.

2006 MURST 60%: Identification of minor industrial buildings in the Roman area and analysis through drawing and photography. Responsible.

2004 MIUR Interuniversity Research Program of the University of Rome: Integrated survey methods and techniques for the construction and use of 3D virtual models of architecture and the city. Participation.

2004 MURST 60%: An analysis through the design of Roman industrial buildings. Responsible.

2002 MIUR research unit 40% of the University of Rome: Integrated innovative methodologies for surveying architecture and the environment. Participation.

2002 MURST 60% research: Experimentation of survey techniques for industrial archeology. Responsible.

1999 Research MURST 60%: Relevant methodologies for architectural analysis. Responsible.

1996 MURST 60% research: The role of visual survey in architectural analysis. Responsible.

1995 University Research Project of the University of Rome "La Sapienza": Methods for the survey and representation of greenery in an architectural and urban environment. Participation.

1993 Research MURST 60%: Relief and comparison of Roman Oratories between the 16th and 17th centuries. Responsible.

VIB - International Funding Information / International research projects

2019 Research project “Tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the“ Estancias ”in Argentina. Drawing and documentation of an ignored architectural-artistic heritage. as part of the Interuniversity Agreements, A.F. 2019, Interuniversity Agreement between the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture (DiSDRA) of the "Sapienza" University of Rome and the HiTePAC, Historia, Teoria y Praxis de la Arquitectura y la Ciudad / Instituto de Investigación of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Responsible.

2017 Research project “The buildings for the show built by Italian architects in Argentina. Knowledge for enhancement "in the context of Interuniversity Agreements, A.F. 2017, Interuniversity Agreement between the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture (DiSDRA) of the University "Sapienza" of Rome and the HiTePAC, Historia, Teoria y Praxis de la Arquitectura y la Ciudad / Instituto de Investigación of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Responsible.

2016 Research Project for Visiting Professors for research activities Year 2016 - prot. C26V17M4X4. Project entitled “The Coliseo theater in Buenos Aires: an Italian opera from the second half of the twentieth century in Argentina in relation to the Italian models of the same period. Sources, problems and relationships ”, visiting professor prof. Eduardo Cesar Gentile of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Responsible.

2015 Sapienza International Research Project “Italian builders in Argentina. La Plata, 1918-1945 "as part of the Interuniversity Agreements, A.F. 2015, Interuniversity Agreement between the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture (DiSDRA) of the Sapienza University of Rome and the HiTePAC, Historia, Teoria y Praxis de la Arquitectura y la Ciudad / Instituto de Investigación of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban planning of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Responsible.

2013 Sapienza International Research Project "The contribution of Italians to the cultural development of Argentina. Integrated methodologies for the knowledge, documentation and dissemination of the Industrial Architectural heritage relating to agricultural production "as part of the Interuniversity Agreements, A.F. 2013, Interuniversity Agreement between the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture (DiSDRA) of the Sapienza University of Rome and the HiTePAC, Historia, Teoría y Praxis de la Arquitectura y la Ciudad / Instituto de Investigación of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban planning of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Responsible.

2011 International Research Project “The Contribution to Cultural Development in Argentina: New Methodologies for the Knowledge and Enhancement of Heritage”. Participation.

2008-2012 Ancient Theaters Enhancement for New Actualities Project (Athena-EU Euromed Heritage IV Program). Grant Holder: The Hashemite Kingdome of Jordan, Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities, Department of Antiquities. Research group: M. Attenni, C. Bianchini, E. Capiato, C. Capocefalo, A. Cappelletti, E. Chiavoni, F. Cosentino, P. Di Pietro Martinelli, A. Diacodimitri, M. Docci, C. Inglese, A. Ippolito, D. Maiorino, G. Pettoello, F. Porfiri, LJ Senatore, GL Tacchi.

Partners: Department of Surveying, Analysis, Environmental and Architectural Design (RADAAR) of the "Sapienza" University of Rome; Instituto de Restauración del Patrimonio (IRP) of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia; Laboratoire Batu dans l'Environnement of the Université Hoauri Boumediene (USTHB - Alger); Institut Préparatoire Aux Etudes Littéraires et Sciences Humaines (Tunis); Archaeological Institute of Merida. Scientific managers proff. M. Docci, C. Bianchini. Participation.

2007-2009 International Research "Italian Presence in Argentina - Interactive Valoraciòn and Difusiòn of the Bienes Històrico Arquitectònicos". Project coordinator Prof. Mario Docci, RADAAR Department, Faculty of Architecture of Rome, with the participation of the University of Cassino, the Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Buenos Aires, the Universidad Nacional de Mar de la Plata, 'Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe. Scientific director prof. M. Docci. Participation.

2006 International Research "The cathedrals of wine in Argentina, enhancement of Italian architecture in the province of Mendoza", an initiative provided for by the bilateral protocol between Italy and Argentina by the R.A.D.A.A.R. of the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Faculty of Architecture. Scientific managers proff. M. Docci, A. Sartor. Participation.

Part VII - Research Activities / Research activities

VIIA - National Research Activities / National research activities

The scientific activity was divided into research in the field of descriptive geometric foundations of design. The disciplines of drawing and survey have been used as a tool for understanding the architectural, urban and environmental reality and in the context of the representation of the urban and architectural project.
The fundamental research directions are:
_the drawing from life for the knowledge of Cultural Heritage
_ the representation of architecture, the city and the environment
_ drawing as a tool for analyzing existing values
_ the survey as an instrument of knowledge of the architectural, urban and environmental reality, with its direct and instrumental methodologies up to the most advanced methodologies with all the procedures and techniques, traditional and digital, of metric, morphological and thematic restitution.
_ representation as an expressive and visual communication act of the design idea at the different scalar dimensions.
_ the scientific foundations of design, theories and methods, both innovative and in their historical development
He is continuously engaged in the drafting, management and evaluation of numerous national research proposals.

VIIA.1 - Participation in National Research Activities / Participation in National Research Activities
From 2020 Rome metro. A larger drawing simplified representation ...
From 2019 Ephemeral paths
From 2019 Drawing to understand the world: drawing from life to educate to beauty
of the Cultural Heritage.
Keywords: Life Drawing, Beauty, Cultural Heritage,
Brief description: drawing is a universal language with which the natural environment and human achievements are represented. The drawing from life pushes you to stop to look carefully even in the details; it is a mental and physical operation that stimulates and develops the primary brain processes that underlie every activity. Since it is a universal language, it is a modality understood by all cultures and favors their union. This method facilitates the ability to appreciate the riches of our cultural heritage. The purpose of the research is to recover the historical value of manual drawing; some geniuses like Leonardo, observing nature (such as the flight of birds) had intuitions that developed centuries later. Today, technology allows us to quickly represent reality, sometimes in a simplified way, without that subjective originality that is the main feature of observation from life. Observation from life requires mental fatigue to interpret, select and synthesize the significant parts of the object considered. The object viewed in this way is internalized by the person who draws it, creating a close emotional relationship between the internal world and the external world, an emotion that is also detected by those who look at drawings from life in an exhibition.
Within the scientific disciplinary sector of Drawing (SSD / ICAR17), drawing from life, a joint operation of thought and action for the conquest of knowledge of the world around us, is experiencing a crisis; in this historical moment, of massive use of technology and the use of different types of images, the habit of manual graphic expression risks getting lost, or in any case confining itself to some artistic disciplines not necessarily linked to a cognitive, informative or didactic. The wealth of monumental architecture, sites of international interest, landscape beauties and places characterized by historical-artistic value makes Italy a strategic place from which to start a careful awareness of the value of drawing from life as a tool for knowledge and analysis of tangible and intangible values ​​connected with this heritage.

Since 2017 Analysis methodologies for the knowledge and documentation of the area of ​​Piazza Mastai in Trastevere, Rome.
Keywords: Analysis, Design, Integrated Survey
Brief description: an integrated knowledge process aimed at analyzing the material and immaterial aspects of the urban area of ​​Piazza Mastai in Trastevere.

From 2016 to today: Reading of the fragment and of the design genesis in the Roman Bramante works: Palazzo dei Tribunali in via Giulia
Keywords: Anastylosis, Geometry, Drawing, Integrated relief
Short description: thorough knowledge of what is left to interpret what is no longer.
Critical reading and interpretation through the design and relief of a work that is no longer visible.

Since 2015 Knowledge and enhancement of the urban image
Keywords: Design, Analysis, Low-Cost Survey
Brief description: The intent is to make scientific a process of knowledge, analysis and critical interpretation of urban complexity conditioned by architectural factors and cultural, political and economic aspects. The goal is to start from the understanding of a place, to arrive at the conception of projects that can reinterpret history but also stimulate and support an open debate in the broader panorama of the management of Italian Cultural Heritage.
The study area is Isola Sacra, a fraction of the municipality of Fiumicino enclosed between Ostia Antica and the port of Trajan which is part of the nature reserve of the Roman coast. Starting from the numerous studies conducted by researchers at national level on this complex territory, one of the objectives of the research is to resume the existing documentation trying to systematize what has already been studied, organizing what is still possible to do to deal with management and / or the future arrangement / expansion of the area. The proposal is to structure and standardize a procedure based on integrated methodologies to get to know this territory; all direct and indirect analyzes, comparisons between historical and current documents, surveying operations at various scales, the photographic survey of the place and the processing of relevant data contribute to defining and creating significant representations of the urban context and of individuals randomly selected episodes to suggest enhancement and redevelopment.

2013/2017 The design of modern and contemporary architecture in Rome. Traditional and integrated digital representation
Keywords: Design, Color, City, Modern and Contemporary Architecture
Brief summary: The goal is to experience a scientific process of knowledge that blends manual skills with intellectual skills to read the city and its urban complexities. The research shows a well-structured and consolidated study process over time, based on the rigorous setting of the different work phases. Each drawing reproduces a subject, a site or an architecture, carrying out a precise graphic monitoring that highlights the shape, the structure, the geometry while communicating, at the same time, the lines of research of our time also referring to the teachings of the Roman school. In fact, the training, the operational scientific methodology that can be used for each graphic survey, the choice and use of techniques, the calligraphy, the sign, the fashion of the time and the author's autography conditioned by the current period. This knowledge approach constitutes a fundamental preliminary campaign for the survey of cultural heritage.

2010/2017 The theoretical foundations of Graphic Analysis and its applications
Keywords: Graphic Analysis, Design, Representation Methods
Brief description: the research focuses on drawing, a fundamental tool for analyzing, reading and interpreting architecture. Today we believe that it is no longer enough to be able to see architecture only with our sense organs, but that it is necessary to know how to read and decode it by defining a reading methodology that allows us to analyze its complex language. Architectural space is very complex since it arises from the relationships of many elements that it is not always easy to distinguish within the factory, especially if a rigorous method is not used to decode this complexity, there is a risk of not understanding the true essence of the architectural language. Before becoming a concrete work, architecture takes shape through the design, in fact, all the designers after having mentally conceived their project must visualize it through the drawing in order to be able to define the formal aspect through a series of successive drawings approaching the final form. Architecture is born with design and with design it can be analyzed and understood through the detailed analysis of its constituent elements. Alongside the graphic analysis, photographs and virtual models are also used, using the help of information technology to complete the process. The study proposes to use a specific methodology such as Graphic Analysis.
This study produced the publication: Docci M., Chiavoni E. (2017), Knowing how to read architecture, Gius. Laterza & Figli Spa, Bari-Rome 2017 Volume in the series Grandi Opere Laterza.

Since 2001 Archive of former RADAAR. Digital Archiving
Keywords: Drawings, Historical Photographs, Archives, Cataloging, Digitization
Brief summary: the digitization of the material stored in the Archives of the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture has been underway for some years, as an essential element in the knowledge of archaeological and architectural structures. The archive of drawings is a rich reality, of considerable scientific utility, always complex. The problems concern the cataloging, conservation and consultation of documents. The digitization of the documents started several years ago, requires new methods of consultation, coded and to be codified, which have the limit of not allowing to come into contact with the physicality of the drawings. The archiving and digitization of the drawings preserved over time has provided an opportunity to rethink many aspects of training, both with respect to the disciplinary field and with respect to the scientific nature of the sector research. The evolution of the three disciplines in our Roman School - History, Design and Restoration. The historical part of the Archive is made up of numerous paper documents such as drawings, photographs and surveys concerning the courses of "Relief of Monuments", "Elements of Architecture and relief of monuments" and "Drawing from life" carried out in the Faculty of Architecture of Rome between the thirties and the eighties of the twentieth century. Many were the illustrious teachers and assistants of the courses that followed in the teaching of those years, including professors Enrico Del Debbio, Luigi Vagnetti, Guglielmo De Angelis D'Ossat, Leonardo Benevolo, Giuseppe Zander, Vincenzo Fasolo, Furio Fasolo, Renato Bonelli, Tommaso Valle, Giulio Roisecco, Paolo Marconi, Franco Minissi, Giuseppe Perugini, Uga De Playsant, Arnaldo Bruschi, Angelo Marinucci. The archive collects drawings from life and relevant graphic elaborations - mainly of buildings located in Rome and in the Lazio area - and also allows you to appreciate the teaching path that guided and distinguished the Faculty of Architecture at that time. From Rome. The drawings conserved are also the result of a selection made over time by numerous teachers (including myself) of drawing of the faculty and therefore represents an exclusive documentation of the historical period of belonging.
From 2010 to today he is in charge of the Archive.

2005 Update of the general urban variation to the P.R.G. in force in the municipality of Valmontone by the R.A.D.A.AR. of the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Faculty of Architecture, commissioned by the Municipality of Valmontone. Responsible prof. M. Docci, scientific coordination prof. P. Albisinni.

2003 Detailed plan of the historic center of Valmontone by the R.A.D.A.AR. of the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Faculty of Architecture, commissioned by the Municipality of Valmontone. Responsible prof. M. Docci, scientific coordination prof. P. Albisinni.

2002/2007 The survey for the knowledge of abandoned industrial buildings
Keywords: Industrial Buildings, Knowledge, Survey, Representation, Documentation
Short description: The research is part of the analysis sector for the knowledge of architecture; among the objectives is to retrace, through the survey, the project underlying the construction, with the aim of providing correct documentation, useful for thinking about the redevelopment of the single building within the urban space. The research involved the integrated application of traditional techniques with those of more recent development.

2001 Direct and instrumental survey of the former Mattation plants at Monte Testaccio in Rome by the Department of Representation and Relief of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" commissioned by Risorse per Roma S.p.A.
Responsible prof. M. Docci, Scientific Coordination prof. R. Migliari.

1997 Survey of the former Mattation Establishments at Monte Testaccio in Rome by the Department of Representation and Relief of the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Responsible Prof. Mario Docci, scientific coordination prof. Riccardo Migliari.

1995/2001 The survey and the representation of greenery in an architectural and urban environment
Keywords: Analysis, Design, Relief of the green, Representation of the green, Color
Short description: The aim of the research is the definition and experimentation of detection methodologies suitable for the documentation of the natural-artificial environment of urban green spaces. The work carried out at the different scales of representation served to identify the formal and functional typologies of plant architectures, to define a graphic regulation that integrates that relating to building artifacts with suitable methods of graphic registration of vegetation systems and to identify possible control systems evolutionary processes of the natural environment. It was decided to operate on three samples from the Roman area representing three opposite conditions; mainly the study was carried out on the Villa Borghese in Rome.

1993/2008 Analysis of the most significant Roman speakers. Problems of data acquisition and representation
Keywords: Visual proportioning, Integrated survey methodologies, Architectural photogrammetry

Brief description: This research reflects on the importance of visual survey for the analysis of architectural organisms and on instrumental photogrammetric survey for architecture. The study has set itself the objective of the systematic reading of some complex architectural organisms through integrated survey operations, and the relative graphic rendering at different scales. After getting to know the urban surroundings, we moved on to the survey of the built space up to the analysis of the most significant elements and decorations. The data of the survey and the graphic representations of each architectural organism also made it possible to compare some of these buildings with each other and to find similarities and differences in overall and detail specific to these particular architectures.

1992-1993 Direct and instrumental survey and the relative graphs of restitution of the Castle of Itri (province of Latina). Responsible prof. M. Docci.

1991 Research entitled “Survey, analysis, documentation and archiving of territorial data. Urban survey, Rome, Trastevere district ”within the Department of Representation and Relief of the University of Rome" La Sapienza ". Responsible prof. M. Docci.

1990 Direct, instrumental and photogrammetric survey of the chapels in S. Caterina dei Funari in Rome, carried out by the Representation and Relief Department of the University of Rome "La Sapienza", on behalf of the Superintendence of Environmental and Architectural Heritage of Lazio. Responsible prof. M. Docci.

1990 Photogrammetric survey of the Fonteblanda Fountain in Siena, work commissioned by the "Tito Sarrocchi" Technical Institute of Siena to the Representation and Survey Department of the "La Sapienza" University of Rome. Responsible prof. M. Docci.

1989 Study of the geometry of the facade of the Oratorio dei Filippini through the photogrammetric survey and its restorations. Responsible Prof. Alessandro Sartor.

1989 Photogrammetric survey and restorations of Palazzo Doria Pamphili in Valmontone (RM), work commissioned by the Province of Rome to the Representation and Survey Department of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Responsible prof. M. Docci.

VIIB - International Research Activities / International research activities

The research carried out contributes to the enrichment of the national and international cultural heritage through an in-depth knowledge of architectural, landscape and territorial assets. This condition is fundamental for an adequate enhancement of the same and in considering tourism and culture as growth factors, indispensable drivers of development and innovation and economic benefit, placing the basic research characteristic of the Design sector at the service of other fields and disciplines.
The teacher has been engaged for years and with continuity in research activities aimed at supporting internationalization to confirm the good external visibility and prestige of the "Sapienza" University and, in particular, to promote the internationalization of research through support for participation to European and international research projects; to continuously propose projects that provide for the reception of visiting professors. Furthermore, through the Bilateral Agreements aimed at encouraging cultural and scientific collaboration with the academic institutions of other countries; is involved in the organization of international workshops and seminars and welcomes teachers and students from all over the world, also participating in the drafting of projects to create synergies and collaborations aimed at encouraging exchanges and the implementation of joint initiatives.
He is continuously engaged in the drafting, management and evaluation of numerous international research proposals.

VIIB.1- Participation in International Research Activities / Participation in International Research Activities

From 2006 to today Presence of Italian Architects in Argentina. Enhancement and interactive dissemination of Architectural Historic Heritage
Keywords: Knowledge, Relief, Documentation, Interactive Dissemination of Architectural Historic Heritage, Argentina
Numerous scientific publications have resulted from the study over the years. This line of international research has been addressed from 2006 to today according to different forms:
2006_ "The cathedrals of wine in Argentina, enhancement of Italian architecture in the province of Mendoza"

2013_“L’apporto degli italiani allo sviluppo culturale dell’Argentina. Metodologie integrate per la conoscenza, la documentazione e la diffusione del patrimonio Architettonico Industriale relativo alla produzione agricola”.
2015_"Costruttori italiani in Argentina. La Plata, 1918-1945".
2017_“Gli edifici per lo spettacolo costruiti dagli architetti italiani in Argentina. Conoscenza per la valorizzazione”.
2019_”Eredità culturale tangibile e intangibile delle “Estancias” in Argentina. Disegno e documentazione di un patrimonio architettonico-artistico ignorato”
Breve descrizione: il presente progetto di ricerca si inserisce nel quadro della collaborazione tecnico-scientifica che il gruppo di Ricerca costituito dal Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura dell’Università Sapienza di Roma insieme con il Dipartimento di Meccanica, Strutture, Ambiente e Territorio dell’Università di Cassino ha da tempo intrapreso con alcune istituzioni argentine e in particolare con l’Università Nazionale de La Plata, l’Università di Buenos Aires (UBA), l’Università di Mendoza, l’Università di Santa Fè, l’Università di Mar del Plata e l’Università di Cordoba.
Nel quadro di questi accordi culturali sono state sviluppate ricerche scientifiche sia sul versante dell’architettura sia su quello dell’analisi urbana.
La ricerca ha affrontato, attraverso la cooperazione italo-argentina, gli aspetti conoscitivo-documentari in grado di promuovere anche un’innovazione nel campo dei database per la documentazione architettonica, per offrire una consultazione disciplinare sia sul versante dei dati alfanumerici sia sul versante dei dati iconografici e fotografici.

The knowledge of the industrial heritage that derives from this type of study often allows us to define appropriate procedures for ordinary maintenance and for any recovery interventions on individual buildings or related industrial sites, also organizing a plan for the enhancement of individual areas which may hopefully, it will also lead to economic benefits. Collaborations and international projects that provide for cultural relations and exchanges between scholars from different countries bring a great scientific enrichment and also allow the involvement of young researchers with an aptitude for research. Numerous Research Projects funded under the Interuniversity Agreements between DiSDRA, Sapienza University of Rome and HiTePAC, Historia, Teoria y Praxis de la Arquitectura y la Ciudad / Instituto de Investigación, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata , UNLP, Argentina, and CUIA funding (Interuniversity Consortium Italy Argentina): years 2019/2017/2015/2013/2011/2007, in which he took part, initially as a participant and, subsequently as a manager.

Since 2014 Le Corbusier's Curutchet house in La Plata, Argentina. The research on Corbusier investigates the project drawings of the Curuchet house in La Plata also as part of the 2016 declaration of the building included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site (Istanbul).

2014 Caravana Gráfica, II edición, Grafito + Pixelles, Taller expecial de graphic register by hand alzada y técnicas avanzadas de relevamiento digital. Argentina.
The study trip was carried out by students and teachers of the Argentine and Italian faculties of Architecture and Engineering, with the aim of perfecting the knowledge of the Argentine cultural heritage and took place in the cities of Buenos Aires, La Plata, Cordoba, Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán and Rosario (Scientific coordinator prof. S. Barba).

2011 Campaign for the survey of the Roman Theater of Petra and the Roman Theater of Jerash (Jordan) Relief and Communication: documentation of the architectural and archaeological heritage. the analysis and study through the design of the Ancient Theaters of Petra and Jerash (Jordan), as part of the ATHENA (Ancient Theaters Enhancement for New Actualities) project, funded by the European Commission under the Euromed Heritage IV Program, EU program . Technical-scientific manager prof. C. Bianchini.

2009-2013 Research work for the Documentation of Ancient Mediterranean Theaters. The activities of the Athena project in Merida, as part of the ATHENA (Ancient Theaters Enhancement for New Actualities) project, funded by the European Commission under the Euromed Heritage IV Program, EU program. Scientific managers prof. C. Bianchini, P. M. Cruz, M. Docci, A. Pizzo.

Part VIII - All Publications / Scientific publications

Part VIII.A - Monographies and Edited Books / Monographs and curatorships

Docci M., Chiavoni E., Carbonari F. (trad.), (2019) “Sabeer leer la arquitectura”, Edulp, La Plata (Argentina) 2019, ISBN 978-987-4127-87-7, pp. 1-265. The proposal won the 2018 call of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of the Argentine nation, Investiga Cultura Program, Translations Line
Volume in Spanish language printed with the contribution of the Argentine Ministry of Education

Chiavoni E., Diacodimitri A., Pettoello G. (2017), An analysis through the design of the most significant modern and contemporary architecture in Rome. Knowledge, documentation and communication of tangible and intangible values ​​through traditional and integrated digital graphic systems, Aracne Editrice int.le S.r.l., Rome 2017, ISBN 978-88-255-0708-9, pp. 1-122
Volume printed with the contribution of the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture

Docci M., Chiavoni E. (2017), Knowing how to read architecture, Gius. Laterza & Figli Spa, Bari-Rome 2017, ISBN 978-88-581-2592-2, pp. 1-212
Volume in the series Grandi Opere Laterza
Chiavoni E., Docci Marina (2014), Oil mills and wheat mills between agricultural landscape and industrial archeology. The system of oil mills and water mills in Upper Lazio: knowledge and enhancement, Aracne Editrice, Rome 2014, ISBN 978-88-548-7366-7, pp. 1-120
Volume printed with the contribution of the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture

Chiavoni E., Cigola M. (2012), Presencia italiana en Argentina. Valoración y difusión interactiva de los Bienes Histórico Arquitectónicos (Italian presence in Argentina. Enhancement and interactive dissemination of the architectural heritage), Ciolfi Editore, Cassino 2012, ISBN 978-88-86810-67-8, pp. 1-90
Volume printed with the contribution of the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture and the co-financing of the Italian Interuniversity Consortium for Argentina (CUIA), year 2007

Chiavoni E. (2008), The drawing of Roman oratories. Survey and analysis of some of the most significant oratories in Rome, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2008, ISBN 978-88-492-1493-2, pp. 1-190
Volume printed with the contribution of the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture

Chiavoni E., Filippa M. (2011), Integrated methodologies for the survey, drawing, modeling of architecture and the city, Volume National Research Project Prin 2007, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2011, ISBN 978-88-492- 2208-1
Edited book

Chiavoni E., Paolini P. (2007), Integrated survey methods and techniques for the creation of virtual models of city architecture, Volume National Research Project Prin 2004, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2007, ISBN 88-492-1415- 4
Edited book

Chiavoni E., Fiorucci T. (2003), The tools of knowledge for the restoration project, Proceedings of the International Seminar of Studies of Valmontone (RM), 9-11 September 1999, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2003, ISBN 88-492- 0511-2
Edited book

Chiavoni E., Fiorucci T. (2000), Didactic tools for surveying. Course of tools and methods for architectural survey, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2000, ISBN 88-492-0072-2
Edited book

VIII.B - Papers in books (Chapter or Essay) / Contribution in Volume (Chapter or Essay)

Chiavoni E., Diacodimitri A., Di Pietro Martinelli P. (2018), "New Fruition Possibilities for the Historical Archive of Architectural Drawings in Rome" in English C., Ippolito A. (eds), Analysis, Conservation, and Restoration of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage, IGI Global, Hershey PA (USA) 2018, ISBN 9781522569367, ISBN 9781522569374 (ebook), pp. 403-430

Chiavoni E. (2018), “Documentary visual sources for the knowledge of the landscape” in Bianconi F., Filippucci M. (edited by), The next landscape. Reality, representation, project, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2018, ISBN 978-88-492-3591-3, pp. 57-62
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)
Adj. texts
Carbonari F., Chiavoni E. (2017), “The cultural heritage of the city of La Plata in Argentina: analysis and enhancement” in The creative city. Public Spaces and Places of Everyday Life, National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators (CNAPPC), ISBN 978-88-941296-2-5, pp. 655-665 (Blind peer review)
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E., Porfiri F., Tacchi GL (2016), “Palazzo dei Tribunali in Via Giulia: traces of Bramante's great work between design, survey and analysis” in Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Architectural and Archaeological Heritage, Ippolito A. (edited by), IGI Global, Hershey PA (USA) 2016, ISBN 9781522506751, ISBN 9781522506768 (ebook), pp. 197-226 (Blind peer review)
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E. (2016), “The Mill at the Orbetello Lagoon: Mechanisms and Hydraulic Energy” in Essays on the History of Mechanical Engineering, Sorge F., Genchi G. (eds), vol. 31, Springer International Publishing, Cham (Switzerland) 2016, ISSN 1875-3442, ISBN 978-3-319-22679-8, DOI 10.1007 / 978-3-319-22680-4, pp. 99-110 (Blind peer review)
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay); indexed SCOPUS

Chiavoni E. (2016), "The Italian experience: analysis of the industrial architectural heritage through design" in The contribution of Italians to the cultural development of Argentina. Integrated methodologies for the knowledge, documentation and dissemination of the industrial architectural heritage relating to agricultural production, Carbonari F., Chiavoni E., Docci M., Gandolfi F., Gentile E., Ottavianelli A., Tipografia Neri, Rome 2016, (digital format) , pp. 8-15 (Blind peer review)
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)
Add texts
Chiavoni E., Inglese C., Porfiri F., Senatore L. J., Tacchi G. L. (2015), “Methodologies and integrated techniques for the relief and drawing of the abbey of S. Croce in Sassovivo” in Oltre le Carte. The abbey of S. Croce di Sassovivo near Foligno and its material reality, Barelli L., Loreti R., Picuti MR, Taddei R. (edited by), Fabrizio Fabbri Editore, Perugia 2015, ISBN: 978-88- 6778-042-6, pp. 110-117
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E. (2015), "Integrated methodologies for the Study and Documentation of the architectural and archaeological heritage: the Treasury at Petra in Jordan" in Handbook of Research on Emerging Digital Tools for Architectural Surveyng, Modeling and Representation, Brusaporci S. (a edited by), vol. II, IGI Global, Hershey PA (USA) 2015, ISSN: 2327-5715, eISSN: 2327-5723, ISBN 978-1-4666-8379-2, ISBN 978-1-4666-8380-8 (ebook), pp . 751-787
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay); indexed SCOPUS -WoS

Chiavoni E. (2014), “The city of-signs. Spaces, shapes and colors "in On the design of architecture: experiences and reflections, Tools of the PhD in Sciences of representation and relief, Aracne Editrice Srl, Rome 2014, ISBN 978-88-548-7454-1, pp. 15-26
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Cigola M., Chiavoni E. (2014), “The Giol and Gargantini Villas in Maipù-Mendoza. Analysis and reading of two Italian architectures in Argentina ”in The Italian contribution to cultural development in Argentina. New methodologies for the knowledge and enhancement of Heritage, Filippa M. (edited by), Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna (CLUEB), Bologna 2014, ISBN 978-88-491-3885-6, pp. 54-65
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E. (2014), “The Giol cellars in San Polo di Piave” in The Italian contribution to cultural development in Argentina. New methodologies for the knowledge and enhancement of Heritage, Filippa M. (edited by), Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna (CLUEB), Bologna 2014, ISBN 978-88-491-3885-6, pp. 45-53
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)
Docci M., Chiavoni E. (2013), “Italian presence in Argentina. Enhancement and interactive dissemination of historical architectural heritage "in Italian contributions to Argentine architecture. Projects and works between the 19th and 20th centuries (Aportes italianos a la arquitectura argentina. Proyectos y obras en los siglos XIX and XX), Tuzi S., Sabugno M. (edited by), Architectural Series n. 1, DEI s.r.l. Tipografia Del Genio Civile, Rome 2013, ISBN 978-88-496-0504-4, pp. 149-157
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E. (2013), "The drawings concerning artistic techniques in the Diderot’s and D’Alembert’s Encyclopedia" in Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in The History of Science and Society, Pisano R., Capecchi D., Lukesova A. (eds), The Scientia Socialis Press, Siauliai 2013, ISBN 978-609-95513-0-2, pp. 185-192
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E., Ribichini L. (2013), "The Risorgimento bridge: reading and meanings of a work" in the Centenary District of Victory 1911-2011. One Hundred Years of Forms, Actions and Formation of a Neighborhood, Ribichini L., Cosentino F. (edited by), Municipio Roma XVII, Roma Capitale 2013, pp. 77-85
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E. (2012), “Retracing history through drawing” in The documentation of ancient Mediterranean theaters. The activities of the Athena project in Mérida (Documentation of Mediterranean Ancient Theaters. Athena activities in Mérida), Bianchini C. (edited by), Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2012, ISBN 978-88-492-2524-2, pp. 91-102
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E., Tacchi GL, Porfiri F., Fabbri L. (2011), "The new methodologies for drawing in the architectural analysis process" in Integrated methodologies for surveying, drawing, modeling architecture and city, Research Prin 2007, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2011, ISBN 9788849222081, pp. 58-70
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E. (2010), “Pencil and watercolor to capture the urban image” in Towards an integrated drawing. The tradition of drawing in the digital image, Albisinni P., Chiavoni E., De Carlo L. (edited by), vol. 2, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2010, ISBN / ISSN 978-88-492-1971-5, pp. 17-23
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Bianchini C., Ribichini L., Chiavoni E., Ippolito A., Harboui E. (2008), "Conservation, sustainable use and functional adaptation: the pre-project" in The Greek-Roman theater of Taormina, Series: La carta del Risk of the cultural and environmental heritage of the Sicilian Region, vol. II, Sicilian Region, Regional Center for Design and Restoration and for Natural and Applied Sciences to Cultural Heritage, ISBN 978-88-6164-063-4, pp. 285-300
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E. (2008), “The role of ancient theaters” in The Greek-Roman theater of Taormina, Series: The risk map of the cultural and environmental heritage of the Sicilian Region, vol. II, Sicilian Region, Regional Center for Design and Restoration and for Natural and Applied Sciences to Cultural Heritage, ISBN 978-88-6164-063-4, pp. 163-167
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E. (2008), "The role of design in the education of the architect" in the Series of Studies and Research on Architectural and Environmental Design, vol. IV, Aracne Editrice, Rome 2008, pp. 107-127
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

Chiavoni E. (2000), "The role of visual survey in architectural analysis" in Educational tools for surveying. Course of tools and methods for architectural survey, Docci M. (edited by), Gangemi Editore, Rome 2000, ISBN 88-492-0072-2, pp. 22-29
Contribution in volume (chapter or essay)

VIII.C - Articles in Journals / Journal Article

Carbonari F., Chiavoni E., Porfiri F., (2019), “Interactive Digital Observatory on the Cultural Identity of Italo-Argentine Heritage” in SCIRES-IT (SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology), vol. 9, Issue 2 (2019), Caspur-Ciber Publishing, e-ISSN: 2239-4303, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v9n2p105, pp. 105-114
Article in Classe A Area 08 magazine; indexed SCOPUS - WoS

Chiavoni E., (2019) “Praise to the color en la representación de las cuatro ciudades imperiales de Marruecos (In praise of color in the representation of the fuor imperial cities of Morocco), in EGA. Expresión gráfica arquitectónica [online], vol. 24, n. 35, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia 2019, e-ISSN 2254-6103, ISSN 1133-6137, DOI https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2019.9287, pp. 66-81
Article in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E., Romano A., (2019) “Ephemeral paths”, in Drawing Ideas Images, year XXX, n. 58/2019, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2019, ISSN IT. 1123-9247, pp. 36-47
Article in scientific journal Area 08; indexed SCOPUS - WoS

Chiavoni E., Tacchi G. L. (2017), “Representing color in architecture” in DISEGNARECON. Archaeological Drawing, vol. 10 no 19 (2017), ISSN 1828-5961, University of L'Aquila, L’Aquila 2017, pp. E3.1-E3.13 (Blind peer review)
Article in scientific journal Area 08

Chiavoni E., (2017), Pedro Cano and the Maritime Theater of Villa Adriana in Diségno. Le Ragioni del Disegno, Six-monthly scientific journal of the Italian Union for Design, no. 1/2017, pp. 16-18 (Blind peer review)
Article in magazine

Chiavoni E., De Carlo L. (2015), “Urban views. The domes of Rome in the work of Angelo Marinucci "in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXVI, n.51 / 2015, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2015, ISSN IT.1123-9247, pp. 56-57 (Blind peer review)
Article in Classe A Area 08 magazine; indexed SCOPUS - WoS

Chiavoni E., Docci M. (2014), “Vision, thought, drawings: the teachings of Francis D. K. Ching (Vision, ideas, drawings, teachings by Francis D. K.Ching)” in Disegnare Idee Images, Year XXIV, n. 49/2014, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2014, ISSN IT.1123-9247, pp. 48-59 (Blind peer review)
Article in Classe A Area 08 magazine; indexed SCOPUS - WoS

De Carlo L., Chiavoni E., Romor J., Wahbeh W. (2014), "Geometry and Symbols in Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza in Rome" in Domes and Cupolas, An International Journal for Architecture, Engineering, Conservation and Culture, vol. 1-2014-N.1, Angelo Pontecorboli Editore, Florence 2014, ISSN 2282-6793, pp. 65-75 (Blind peer review)
Article in magazine

Chiavoni E. (2014), “Drawings on paper. Digital historical archives of the former Radaar Department at the University Sapienza School of Architecture in Rome "in SCIRES-IT (SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology), vol. 4, Issue 2 (2014), Caspur-Ciber Publishing, e-ISSN: 2239-4303, DOI 10.2423 / i22394303v4n2p117, pp. 117-126 (Blind peer review)
Article in indexed magazine SCOPUS - WoS

Chiavoni E. (2012), "Rethinking the drawing for documentation and conservation: reflections on the city of Blanca in Spain (Re-thinking the use of drawing for documentation and conservation: reflection on the Spanish town of Blanca)" in DISEGNARECON issue special, digital magazine, DoCo 2012 - Documentation and Conservation of Architectural and Urban Heritage, Tomar 2012, ISSN 1828-5961, pp. 147-152 (Blind peer review)
Article in scientific journal Area 08

Chiavoni E. (2010), “Matera: structure, shape and color” in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXI, n. 41/2010, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2010, ISSN IT.1123-9247, pp. 52-65 (Blind peer review)
Article in Classe A Area 08 magazine; indexed SCOPUS - WoS

Chiavoni E., Fanone A. (2006), "Moretti found: the case of the former G.I.L. di Trastevere ”in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XVII, n. 33/2006, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2006, ISSN IT 1123-9247, pp. 46-55 (Blind peer review)
Article in scientific journal Area 08

Chiavoni E. (2002), "Industrial archeology in Rome: an analysis through drawing" in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XIII, n. 25/2002, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2002, ISSN IT 1123-9247, pp. 82-89 (Blind peer review)

Chiavoni E., De Carlo L., Greco M. (2001), “Between nature and artifice. The management of relevant data in "plant architectures" "in Disegnare Idee Images, Year XII, n. 22/2001, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2001, ISSN IT 1123-9247, pp. 61-72 (Blind peer review)

Chiavoni E. (1998), “Relief: role and professional perspectives” in AR. Bimonthly of the Order of Architects of Rome and its province, Year XXXIII, no. 15/1998, Union Printing, Viterbo 1998, ISSN 0392-2014, pp. 41-42

Chiavoni E. (1996), "Drawing in the analysis of architectural organisms: the Oratory of the Filippini in Rome" in Drawing Ideas Images, Year VII, n. 12/1996, Gangemi Editore, Rome 1996, ISSN 1123-9247, pp. 33-42 (Blind peer review)

VIII.D - Conference Proceedings / Contribution to Conference Proceedings
Carbonari F., Chiavoni E., Docci M., Gandolfi F., Gentile E., Ottavianelli A. (2019), Argentine "" Estancias ": precious cultural heritage of an ignored architectural-artistic heritage" (Argentine "Estancias": the precious cultural legacy of a neglected architectural and artistic heritage), in Belardi P. (ed.), Riflessioni. The art of drawing / the drawing of art. (Reflections. The art of drawing / The drawing of art), 41st International Conference of Teachers of the Disciplines of Representation, Congress of the Italian Union for Drawing, Perugia 19-21 September 2019, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2019, ISBN 978-88 -492-3762-7, pp. 501-508
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Tacchi G.L. (2019), “Lanzarote: the landscape as a cultural resource”, in Conte A., Guida A. (edited by), “ReUSO Matera. Heritage in progress. Knowing valorize abitare ", VII International Conference on Documentation, Conservation and Recovery of Architectural Heritage and Landscape Protection, Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures, University of Basilicata, 23-26 October 2019, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2019, ISBN 978 -88-492-3800-6, pp. 397-408
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2019), "Light Drawings: Representation and Design" in Zhang B., Ceccarelli M. (eds), Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms, Proceedings of the 2018 HMM IFToMM Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham (Switzerland) 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-03537-2, ISBN 978-3-030-03538-9 (ebook), ISSN 1875-3442, ISSN 1875-3426 (electronic) , DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-03538-9, pp. 160-171

Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Porfiri F., Tacchi G.L. (2018), “Retracing history through drawing. The reconstructed architecture of the Palazzo dei Tribunali in Via Giulia in Rome "in Carlos Marcos C.L., Gutiérrez P.J.J., Gresa J.D., Meyer J.O. (edited by), De Trazos, Huellas and Improntas. Arquitectura, Ideacion, representacion y difusion, Volume I, XVII Congreso Internacional de Expresion Grafica Arquitectonica, Alicante 2018, ByPrint Percome S.L., Picassent (Valencia) 2018, ISBN 978-84-16724-94-9, pp. 587-594
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Pettoello G., Diacodimitri A., (2018) "The nocturnal representation of the city", in Bombassei E., Lucero H., Capellari F. (eds.), Campos, umbrales y poéticas del dibujo: libro de Actase de Resúmenes: VII Congreso Internacional y XV Congreso Nacional del Profesores de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeníeria, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines / Doralice Duque Sobral Filha… [et al.], UniRío Editora, Río Cuarto (Argentina) 2018, ISBN 978-987- 688-307-8, pp. 300-307
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Porfiri F., Tacchi G. L. (2018), “The relief of the immeasurable. The area of ​​Piazza Mastai in Rome. To survey the un-measurable. The Mastai area in Rome ", in Salerno R. (edited by) Representation material / immaterial (Drawing as (in) tangible representation), Proceedings of the 40th International Conference of teachers of the disciplines of representation, XV Congress of the Italian Union for Drawing (UID), Milan 13-14-15 September 2018, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2018, ISBN 978-88-492-3651-4, pp. 425-432
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Carbonari F., Chiavoni E. (2018), "The landscape of the Astronomical Observatory in La Plata, Argentina: form, geometry and color", in Salerno R. (edited by) Representation material / immaterial (Drawing as (in) tangible representation), Proceedings of the 40th International Conference of teachers of the disciplines of representation, XV Congress of the Italian Union for Drawing (UID), Milan 13-14-15 September 2018, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2018, ISBN 978-88-492 -3651-4, pp. 1019-1026
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2018), “Survey and representation of the City Walls of Orbetello”, in Marotta A., Spallone R. (eds), Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean, vol. VIII, Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Age Fortification of the Mediterranean Coast FORTMED 2018, 18-20 October 2018, Politecnico di Torino, Turin 2018, ISBN 978-88-85745-10-0, pp. 519-525
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Docci M., Chiavoni E. (2018), “The influence of italian architects in Argentina. Enhancement and interactive dissemination of historical architectural heritage ", in Bertocci S. (edited by), Multidisciplinary programs for the internationalization of research. Cultural Heritage, Architecture and Landscape, Conference Proceedings of International Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinar International programs, Florence 14-15 June 2018, didapress, Florence 2018, ISBN 978-88-3338-048-3, pp. 78-81
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Cigola M., Gallozzi A., Paris L., Chiavoni E. (2018), "Integrated methodologies for knowledge and valorisation of the Roman Casinum" in Matsumoto M. and Uleberg E. (eds), Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archeology, CAA2016 Oslo
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2018), “Rome and Its Domes: Drawing, Art and Architecture”, Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, vol. 49 no 1, Online ISSN 1789-3437, Print ISSN 0324-590X, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3311/PPar.11826, pp. 72-76
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2018), “Freehand Drawing: From Tradition to the Present Day” in Architectural Draughtsmanship. From Analog to Digital Narratives, Perea EC, Valiente EE (eds), Proceedings of the International Congress EGA16, Springer International Publishing AG, Cham (Switzerland) 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-58855-1, ISBN 978-3-319 -58856-8 (ebook), DOI: 10.1007 / 978-3-319-58856-8, pp. 757-767 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Cerutti Fusco A., Chiavoni E., Esposito D., Impiglia C. (2017), "A singular seascape as a historical palimpsest between the Tiber delta and the Tyrrhenian Sea: from the ancient Portus Augusti et Traiani to the Oasis of Porto "In The Bay of Naples. Integrated strategies for the conservation and use of the cultural landscape. Interpretation / Communication and fruition strategies of the cultural landscape (Bay of Naples. Integrated strategies for the conservation and fruition of the cultural landscape. Interpretation / Communication and fruition strategies of the cultural landscape), Aveta A., Marino BG, Amore R. ( edited by), vol. II, Proceedings of the International Conference La Baia di Napoli, Naples 5-6 December 2016, Artstudiopaparo, Naples 2017, ISBN 978-88-99130-688, ISSN 2421-034X, pp. 171-178.
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2017), “Architecture, color and images. Ideas and designs by Friedensreich Hundertwasser ”in Proceedings of International and Interdisciplinary Conference IMAGES? Brixen, Italy, 1, 953, MDPI AG, Basel (Switzerland) 2017, ISSN 2504-3900, DOI: 10.3390 / proceedings1090953, pp. 1-10 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Tacchi G. L. (2017), “Knowledge, documentation and dissemination
of intangible heritage in Archeology "in Proceedings of 3rd IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archeology and Cultural Heritage, IMEKO (International Measurement Federation Secretariat), Budapest (HUN) 2017, ISBN 978-92-990084-0-9, pp. 340-343 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Di Cosimo B., Cigola M. (2017), “Representation of Cosmatesque mosaics. Shape, Geometry, Color "in Sobre Una Arquitectura Hecha de Tiempo, Conservación y Contemporaneidad, V Congreso Internacional sobre la documentación, conservación y la reutilización del heritage arquitectónico

y paisajístico (ReUSO 2017), vol. 2, Editorial Universidad de Granada (eug), Granada 2017, ISBN 978-84-338-6131-3, pp. 523-528 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from conference proceedings (international)

Carbonari F., Chiavoni E. (2017) "Knowledge and Classification for the Interactive Dissemination of Chorizo ​​Houses in Argentina" in New Activities for Cultural Heritage, Ceccarelli M., Cigola M., Recinto G. (eds), Proceedings of the International Conference HeritageBot 2017, Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-67025-6, ISBN 978-3-319-67026-3 (eBook), DOI 10.1007 / 978-3-319-67026-3, pp. 79-86 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Carbonari F., Chiavoni E., Docci M., Gandolfi F., Gentile E., Ottavianelli A. (2017), "El Teatro Colon de Buenos Aires a travérs de sus representaciones: entre la era académica y la digital" in Territori and Frontiere della rappresentanza (Territories and frontiers of representation), Di Luggo A., Giordano P., Florio R., Papa LM, Rossi A., Zerlenga O., Barba S., Campi M., Cirafici A. (edited by di), Proceedings of the 39th International Conference of Teachers of the Disciplines of Representation, XIV Congress of the Italian Union for Drawing (UID), Naples 14-15-16 September 2017, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2017, ISBN 978-88-492- 3507-4, pp. 843-850 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Porfiri F., Tacchi GL (2017), "The representation of absence: reinterpreting history through a contemporary language (Representing absence: using contemporary language to reinterpret history" in Territories and frontiers of representation (Territories and frontiers of representation), Di Luggo A., Giordano P., Florio R., Papa LM, Rossi A., Zerlenga O., Barba S., Campi M., Cirafici A. (edited by), Proceedings of the 39th International Conference of teachers of the disciplines of representation, XIV Congress of the Italian Union for Drawing (UID), Naples 14-15-16 September 2017, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2017, ISBN 978-88-492-3507-4, pp. 829-834 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2017), “Drawing as a guide. Observing the Roman seashore ”in Putting Tradition into Practice: Heritage, Place and Design, Amoruso G. Editor, Proceedings of 5th INTBAU International Annual Event, vol. 3, Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-57936-8, ISBN 978-3-319-57937-5 (eBook), ISSN 2366-2557, ISSN 2366-2565 (electronic), DOI 10.1007 / 978-3-319-57937-5, pp. 342-349 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2016), “The design for the enhancement of the city. A project for Rome by William Kentridge "in Reuso 2016, IV International Conference on Documentation, Conservation and Recovery of Architectural Heritage and Landscape Protection, Pavia 6-7-8 October 2016, Edifir Edizioni Firenze, Florence 2016, ISBN 978-88- 7970-816-6, pp. 62-67 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Porfiri F., Tacchi G. L. (2016), "Analysis of a Bramante work through drawing: from the reading of the fragment to the design genesis" in The reasons for drawing. Thought, Shape and Model in the Complexity Management (The reasons of drawing. Thought, Shape and Model in the Complexity Management), 38th International Conference of Teachers in the Disciplines of Representation, XII Congress of the Italian Union for Drawing (UID), Florence 15 -16-17 September 2016, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2016, ISBN 978-88-492-3295-0, pp. 195-200 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Carbonari F., Chiavoni E., Docci M., Gandolfi F., Gentile F., Ottavianelli A. (2016), "Obras realizadas por los constructores italianos en La Plata between 1918 and 1945. Arquitectura, análisis y dibujo" in Le reasons for the design. Thought, Shape and Model in the Complexity Management (The reasons of Drawing. Thought, Shape and Model in the Complexity Management), 38th International Conference of Teachers in the Disciplines of Representation, XII Congress of the Italian Union for Drawing (UID), Florence 15 -16-17 September 2016, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2016, ISBN 978-88-492-3295-0, pp. 145-150 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Cigola M., Gallozzi A., Chiavoni E. (2016), "Floral watercolor drawings in the English textile industry of the eighteenth century" in Color and Colorimetry. Multidisciplinary contributions, Machiafava V. (edited by), vol. XII A, XII Conference of Color, Group of Color-Italian Color Association, Milan 2016, ISBN 978-88-99513-03-0, pp. 85-95 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from national conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2016), “On drawing from life: from tradition to contemporaneity (Freehand drawing: from tradition to the present day)” in El Arquitecto, de la tradición al siglo XXI. Docencia e investigación en Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, Actas del 16 Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica (EGA), Tomo I, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) 2-3 June 2016, Grupo Enlace Gráfico, SL, Madrid (Spain) 2016, ISBN 978-84-88754-40-0, pp. 565-570 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Porfiri F. (2016), “Drawing and Urban Transformations. The Music Bridge Over the Tiber in Rome "in Uniscape En-Route, aI-n.3-2016, Petroncelli E. and Moccia FD (edited by), Uniscape En-Route International Seminar" Recovering River Landscapes ", Naples 2016, ISSN 2281-3195, pp. 245-251 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Diacodimitri A., Pettoello G. (2015), “Portraits of architecture. Drawings of modern and contemporary Roman buildings (Portraits of architecture. Drawings of modern and contemporary Roman buidings) "in 37th International Conference of Representation Teachers, XII Congress of the Italian Design Union (UID), Turin 2015, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2015 ISBN 978-88-492-3124-3, pp. 507-514 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Ippolito A., Ribichini L., Garrone S. (2015), "Surveying to understanding and and valorizing the urban image: the Isola Sacra Area in Fiumicino (El levantamiento para el conocimiento y la meyora de la urban imagen: la zona de Isola Sacra en Fiumicino) "in VII Congreso de Agrimensura, Editorial Obras, La Habana Cuba 2015, ISBN 978-959-247-135-8, pp. 1-12 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Diacodimitri A., Pettoello G. (2015), “Dialogue with the city through drawing. Reading of modern and contemporary architecture in Rome "in Libro de actas of the XII Congreso Nacional De Profesores de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, arquitectura y Área afines" Discuss the present, forjar el the future "(EGraFIA 2015), Universisad Nacional de Río Cuarto ( Argentina), Unirio Editora, Rio Cuarto, Cordoba (Argentina) 2015, ISBN 978-987-688-148-7, pp. 285-292 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Porfiri F., Tacchi G. L. (2015), “For a contemporary representation of the landscape. The colors of the Lasithi Plateau (Crete) ”in Color and Colorimetry. Multidisciplinary contributions, Rossi M. and Marchiafava V. (edited by), vol. XI A, XI Conference of Color, Group of Color-Italian Association of Color, Milan 2015, ISBN 978-88-99513-00-9, pp. 459-468 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from national conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Impiglia C. (2015), “Ephemeral constructions and pyrotechnic machinery: dialogue between history and representation. Rome in XIX century "in Proceedings of 2015 IFToMM Workshop on History of Machine and Mechanism Science, Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, S. Petersburg 26-28 May 2015, DOI: 10.13140 / RG.2.1.3050.5121, pp. 1-8 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Carbonari F. (2015), “The“ Casa Chorizo ​​”in Argentina. Conocimiento y documentación para la safeguard del Patrimonio arquitectónico (The "Chorizo ​​House" in Argentina. Knowledge and documentation for architectural heritage's safeguard) "in III Congresso Internacional sobre Documentación, Conservación, y Reutilización del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Paisajístico (ReUSO), Editorial Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia (Spain) 2015, ISBN 978-84-9048-386-2, pp. 905-912 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Docci M. (2014), “The system of ancient water mills in upper Lazio. Knowledge, documentation and enhancement ”in Reuso. The culture of restoration and enhancement. Themes and problems for an international journey of knowledge, Bertocci S., Van Riel S. (edited by), vol. 3, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the documentation, conservation and recovery of the architectural heritage and landscape protection, Alinea editrice Srl, Florence 2014, ISBN: 978-88-6055-829-9, pp. 1317-1324 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2014), "Travel drawings: light, atmosphere and color of the city of Petra in Jordan" in El dibujo de viaje de los arquitectos, Actas del 15 Congreso Internacional de Expreción Grafica Arquitectónica (EGA), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 22-23 May 2014, Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica de la ULPGC, Talleres Editoriales Cometa, SA, Zaragoza (Spain) 2014, ISBN 978-84-9042-099-7, pp. 249-254 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Cigola M. (2014), “The Curutchet house of Le Corbusier in La Plata. Reading through drawing "in Italian Survey & International Experience, Giandebiaggi P., Vernizzi C. (eds.), 36th International Conference of UID Representation Teachers, Parma 18-20 September 2014, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2014, ISBN 978 -88-492-2915-8, pp. 611-618 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Tacchi G.L. (2014), “The color to document. Integrated methodologies for drawing in the process of knowledge and communication of cultural heritage "in Revisiones del futuro, previsiones del pasado, Libro de Actas del V Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines y XI Congreso Nacional de Profesores de Expresión Grafica en Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines (EGraFIA), Rosario 1-3 October 2014, 1 ° Edicion Digital, CUES editorial y FLASHBAY edición digital, Rosario (Argentina) 2014, ISBN 978-88-9782-1809, pp. 1-7 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2014), “The mill of the Lagoon of Orbetello. Mechanism and Hydraulic Energy "in IFToMM Workshop on History of Machine and Mechanism Science, Historical Museum of Motors and Mechanisms, University of Palermo, Palermo 21-22 November 2013, Scientific and Artistic Editions (Russo Ferruccio Scientific and Artistic Editions), Naples 2014, ISBN 978-88-954-3084-3, pp. 1-4 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2013), “Harmony of shapes and colors in the ancient theaters of Jerash and Petra in Jordan. Subjective experience and objective knowledge as paths for drawing "in Unesco Heritage and Sites Memory, Measure and Harmony, 35th International Conference of UID Representation Teachers, Matera 24-26 October 2013, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2013, ISBN 978-88 -492-2728-4, pp. 255-261 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Cigola M. (2013), “El Dibujo para la Valorizacione Y protecion. The Roman cistern of Atina in Italy ”in Congreso Iberoamericano y XI Jornada tecnicas de restauración y conservación del Patrimonio, La Plata (Argentina) 2013, ISBN 978-987-26159-5-6, pp. 1-9 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Fabbri L., Porfiri F., Tacchi GL (2013), "The role of engraving in the work of contemporary architects: values ​​and meanings of a process" in Ideas for representation 6, Proceedings of the Impronte study seminar , Syracuse 10 May 2013, Artegrafica, Rome 2013, ISBN 978-88-904585-8-3, pp. 89-92 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from national conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Fabbri L., Porfiri F., Tacchi G. L. (2013), “Color to represent and communicate: semantic reading of fragments of contemporary landscape in the Valle delle Accademie in Rome” in Color and Colorimetry Conference. Multidisciplinary Contributions, vol. IX A, Rossi M., Siniscalco A. (edited by), Maggioli Editore, Rimini 2013, ISBN 978-88-367-6242-0, pp. 452-458 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from national conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. Porfiri F., Tacchi GL, Fabbri L. (2012), "The nature of illusion in architecture: representations in" special "axonometry" in Ideas for representation 5, Proceedings of the Atopie study seminar, Naples 4 May 2012, Artegrafica, Rome 2012, ISBN 978-88-904585-7-6, pp. 59-62 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from national conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2012), "Notes on the nineteenth-century treatise" The Theory and Practice of Landscape Painting in Water Colors "by George Barnard" in In praise of theory, Identity of the disciplines of drawing and relief (In praise of theory. the disciplines of representation and survey), Carlevaris L., Filippa M. (edited by), 34th International Conference of Representation Teachers, Italian Union for Drawing, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2012, ISBN 978-88-492- 2519-8, pp. 227-234 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Fabbri L., Porfiri F., Tacchi G. L. (2012), “The line of the sky. Experiments on the representation of the color of Roman skylines ”in Color and Colorimetry Conference. Multidisciplinary Contributions, vol. VIII A, Maggioli Editore, Rimini 2012, ISBN 88-387-6136-1, pp. 673-677, presentation of panels on display (Blind peer review)
Contribution from national conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2012), “Images for analyzing the architectural heritage. Life drawings of the city of Venice ”in Computational Modeling of Objects represented in Images. Fundamentals, Methods and Applications III, Proceedings of the International Symposium Compimage 2012, Rome 2012, CRC Press / Balkema, Leiden (The Netherlands) 2012, ISBN 978-0-415-62134-2, pp. 465-469 (Blind peer review)
Contribution in international conference proceedings; indexed SCOPUS

Chiavoni E. (2012), “The Drawings of Machines by the Great Architects of the Renaissance and Baroque Eras” in Explorations in the History of Machines and Mechanisms, Koetsier T., Ceccarelli M. (eds), vol. 15, Proceedings of HMM2012, May 2012, Springer, Dordrecht 2012, ISSN 1875-3442, ISBN 978-94-007-4132-4, DOI 10.1007 / 978-94-007-4132-4, pp. 251-259 (Blind peer review)
Contribution in international conference proceedings; indexed SCOPUS

Chiavoni E. (2012), "Critical analysis of the drawings for the Architecture competition for the Vittoriano in Rome" in Concursos de Arquitectura, Actas del 14 Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, Universidad de Valladolid, Oporto 2012, Graficas Andres Martin, Valladolid 2012, ISBN 978-989-640-106-1 (Portugal), ISBN 978-84-8448-708-1 (Espana), pp. 95-97 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

De Carlo L., Chiavoni E. (2012), "Geometry and symbols" in Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza in Rome, Proceedings of International Congress Domes in the World, Nardini Editore, Florence 2012, ISBN 978-88-4044-211- 2, pp. 1-10 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Salucci A. (2011), "Graphic expression and chromatic expression in the system of oratories of the Bisentina island" in Hermitic Architecture, Project Systems and Cultural Landscapes, 2nd Vallombrosa International Study Conference, 24-25 September 2011, Edifir Florence editions, Florence 2011, ISBN 978-88-7970-540-0, pp. 81-88 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Fabbri L., Porfiri F., Tacchi G. L. (2011), "Reading of contemporary architecture through drawing and manual chromatic representation. The National Museum of XXI Century Arts in Rome "in Conference, Color and Colorimetry. Multidisciplinary Contributions, vol. VII A, Maggioli Editore, Rimini 2011, ISBN 88-387-6042-x, pp. 319-326, presentation of panels in the exhibition (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Cigola M. (2010), “The design for the enhancement and protection. The Roman cistern of Atina (FR) "in Proceedings of the Seventh UID Congress, XXIII International Conference of teachers of the disciplines of Representation in the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering" So I am Design ", Lerici-Villa Marigola 23-25 ​​September 2010, pp. 1-8 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2010), “The representation of color and light in architecture through watercolors” in Color & Light in Architecture, vol. 1, IUAV University of Venice, 11-12 November 2010, Knemesi Editions, Verona 2010, ISBN / ISSN 978-88-96370-04-9, pp. 501-505 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., De Carlo L., (2010), “From the earth to the sky. Geometry, Symbol and Allegory in Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza in Rome "at the AED International Conference; Designing time and harmony. The architectural design of the observatory in the universe, Alinea Editrice, Florence 2010, ISBN 978-88-6055-572-4, pp. 645-650 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from national conference proceedings

Chiavoni E., Sartor A. (2003), "Photogrammetry as an instrument of knowledge for restoration: the facades of the Palazzo Doria in Valmontone" in The tools of knowledge for the restoration project, Fiorucci T., Chiavoni E. (edited di), Proceedings of the International Seminar of Studies of Valmontone (RM), 9-11 September 1999, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2003, ISBN 88-492-0511-2, pp. 182-185 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2002), "Industrial archeology as an opportunity for urban redevelopment" in The City Design. Work opened in time, Proceedings of the AED International Conference, Matter and Geometry 11/2002, University of Florence, Department of Architectural Design, San Gimignano 28-29-30 June 2002, Alinea Editrice, Florence 2002, pp. 1-4 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2001), “The fountain of Moses as an urban backdrop: from perception to relief” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Relief and urban form. The design of the arcades. The design of the city, Turin 6-7 December 2001, Celid Edition, Turin 2001, pp. 153-157 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2001), “The fortress of Lanuvio: significant architectural emergence of the Lazio region” in Proceedings of the International Conference: Castles on land in water and… in the air, Pisa and Lucca 25-26 May 2001, pp. 225-230 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (2000), "Modelos tridimensionales para la representacion de la arquitectura: the oratory of the Filipinos in Rome" in Las nuevas tecnologias de la representacion Grafica arquitectonica en el siglo XXI, Actas del VIII Congreso EGA 2000, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Departament d'Expresión Gráfica Arquitectònica I., Barcelona (Espana) 2001, pp. 321-326 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (1998), "The relief of the castle of Fra Diavolo" in Proceedings of the Conference "De Castelli of stone and ... crystal", Tricesimo (Udine) 1998, pp. 287-293 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from national conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (1997), "Drawing in architecture: between technique and feeling" in Drawing and feeling to speak to children and not only to students, XIX International Conference of Representation Teachers in the Faculties of Architecture and Engineering, Lux Graphic Arts Print , Lerici 1997, pp. 59-61 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (1994), "The importance of photogrammetry for architectural survey and analysis" in Photogrammetry for restoration and history. Analytical and digital techniques, Milella N. (edited by), Proceedings of the first international colloquium, Bari 10-12 November 1994, BE-MA editrice, Milan 1994, ISBN 88-7143-154-5, pp. 188-190 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from international conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (1993), "The Oratory of the Filippini in Rome" in The project design from the origins to the eighteenth century, Proceedings of the Rome Conference 22-24 April 1993, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 1993, ISBN 88-7448- 766-5, pp. 149-152 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from national conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (1991), "Different qualities, identical measure: the" Clementino Competition of 1716 "" in The design of architecture as a measure of quality, Berlioz E. (edited by), Fifth Spring Seminar, Department of Representation of 'University of Palermo, Palermo 1991, pp. 163-169 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from national conference proceedings

Chiavoni E. (1990), "Reading of the Horti Farnesiani through historical cartography" in Design and Image of the city in the nineteenth century, Visintini C., Ceiner G. (edited by), vol. II, MODERN Typography-Lithography, Trieste 1990, pp. 577-584 (Blind peer review)
Contribution from national conference proceedings

VIII.E - Other Publications / Other Publications

Chiavoni E., (2019) Review of the volume “Del material de los sueños. Dibujos de arquitectura en la modernidad ”by Montes Serrano C., in Drawing Ideas Images, year XXX, n. 58/2019, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2019, ISSN IT. 1123-9247, p. ninety two
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2019), “Drawing with… Mario Docci”, in DISEGNARECON, vol. 12 / no. 22, ISSN 1828-5961, pp. DW.1-DW.5
Interview in magazine

Chiavoni E., (2019) “EGraFia Congress, Argentina 2018”, drawing n. 4/2019, Drawing as (In) Tangible Representation, Biannual Journal of the UID - Italian Union for Drawing Scientific Society, ISSN: 2533-2899, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26375/disegno.4.2019.29, pp. 268-270
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E., (2018) Review of the exhibition "Forum Declinare Roma", in Draw, Ideas, Images, Year XXIX, n. 57/2018, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2018, ISSN IT.1123-9247, p. 91
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2018), "Integrated method of critical reading of the river landscape of the Sacred Island between Villa Guglielmi and the S. Crocifisso in Fiumicino" in Cancellieri S. (edited by), The church of the S. Crocifisso on the Island Sacred in Fiumicino. Restoration of the monument and landscape context of Tiber, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2018, ISBN 978-88-492-2748-2, pp. 145-148

Chiavoni E. (2018), “Buildings for the show built by Italian architects in Argentina. Knowledge for enhancement ", in Research 2013-2018. Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2018, ISBN 978-88-492-3621-7, pp. 29-30

Chiavoni E. (2018), “The theoretical foundations of graphic analysis”, in Research 2013-2018. Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2018, ISBN 978-88-492-3621-7, pp. 151-152

Chiavoni E. (2017), Review of the book “Atlas of the building in Pescara. Projects, realizations, surveys "by Palestini C., Gangemi Editore, Rome 2016, in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXVIII, n. 54/2017, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2017, ISSN IT.1123-9247, p. 91
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2017), Review of the exhibition “Triumphs and Laments. A project for Rome by William Kentridge, Piazza Trastevere, Rome ”in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXVIII, n. 54/2017, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2017, ISSN IT.1123-9247, p. 89
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2017), "When drawing dialogues with history", presentation of the volume Prince Giovanni Torlonia and the rebirth of the Agro Romano. Architectures and water landscapes in the Porto and Fiumicino estate of Impiglia C., Bentivoglio Geneva Publishing, Rome 2017, ISBN 978-88-99618-36-0, p. XXIII

Chiavoni E. (2016), Introduction to the volume "The contribution of Italians to the cultural development of Argentina. Integrated methodologies for the knowledge, documentation and dissemination of the industrial architectural heritage relating to agricultural production ", Carbonari F., Chiavoni E., Docci M., Gandolfi F., Gentile E., Ottavianelli A., (digital format), Typography Neri, Rome 2016, p. 3

Chiavoni E. (2015), Review of the book “Atlas of virtual living. The design of the virtual city, between research and teaching "by Unali M., Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2014, in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXVI, n. 50/2015, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2015, ISSN IT.1123-9247 , p. 92
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Albisinni P., Chiavoni E. (2014), "On the design of architecture: experiences and reflections", introduction to the volume Instruments of the PhD in Representation and Relief Sciences, Aracne Editrice Srl, Rome 2014, ISBN 978-88 -548-7454-1, p. 9

Chiavoni E. (2014), Review of the exhibition “Writing painting and drawing language. Gastone Novelli. Works on paper, curated by Bonani P. and Carpi de Resmini B., MACRO Museum of Rome, May 15, 2013 - September 1, 2013 "in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXIV, n. 47/2013, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2014, ISSN IT.1123-9247, p. 93
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2013), Presentation of the volume "The drawing of the sixteenth-century bulwarks in the work of the Paleari Fratino brothers. The strongholds of Sardinia "by Pirinu A., Edizioni All’Insegna del Giglio, Florence 2013, ISBN 978-88-7814-596-2, p. 8

Chiavoni E. (2012), Review of the exhibition “Pedro Cano Mediterranea, Rome, Trajan's Markets, Museo dei Fori Imperiali, 28 September 2012-13 January 2013” ​​in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXII, n. 45/2012, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2012, ISSN IT.1123-9247, p. 91
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2012), Review of the seminar "Do / Co 2012, Documentation and Conservation of Architectural and Urban Heritage, III International Seminar Tomar, Portugal, Convento de Cristo, 25-27 October 2012" in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXII, n. 45/2012, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2012, ISSN IT.1123-9247, p. 90
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2012), Review of the International Congress of Florence "Domes in the World" in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXII, n. 44/2012, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2012, ISSN IT.1123-9247, p. ninety two
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2011), Review of the Iseo Study Conference (Brescia) “The sense of place. Landscapes of Franciacorta and Sebino ”in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXII, n. 43/2011, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2011, ISSN IT.1123-9247, p. 91
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2010), Review of the book “Integrated Information Systems for the Protection, Conservation and Enhancement of the Architectural and Urban Heritage. Research MIUR PRIN COFIN 2006 ”by Brusaporci S. (edited by), in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXI, n. 41/2010, Gangemi Editore spa, ISSN IT 1123-9247, p. 94
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2010), Review of the International Conference "Color & Light in Architecture", IUAV University of Venice, Venice 11-12 November 2010 in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXI, n. 41/2010, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2010, ISSN IT 1123-9247, p. ninety two
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2010), Review of the XIII Congreso Internacional de Exprésion Gráfica Arquitectónica of Valencia “Nuevos medios gràficos, nueva arquitectura” in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XXI, n. 40/2010, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2010, ISSN IT 1123-9247, p. 87
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2008), Review of the volume “Il libro del Disegno. Basics for representing architecture with pencil, pen, color, computer "by Morlacchi M. in Disegnare Idee Images, Year XIX, n. 37/2008, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2008, ISSN IT 1123-9247, p. 94
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Chiavoni E. (2006), Review of the volume "Drawing and knowledge: contributions to history and architecture" by Strollo R. M., in Drawing Ideas Images, Year XVII, n. 33/2006, Gangemi Editore spa, Rome 2006, ISSN IT 1123-9247, pp. 93-94
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Fiorucci T., Chiavoni E. (2003), Review of the book “The tools of knowledge for the restoration project” in Disegnare Idee Images, Year XIV, n. 27/2003, Gangemi Editore, Rome 2003, ISSN IT 1123-9247, p. 94
Review in Classe A Area 08 magazine

Research products

11573/1714142 - 2024 - Colourful Suggestions Between Architecture and Art in the Buenos Aires Centro Cultural Recoleta by the Architect Clorindo Testa
Carbonari, Fabiana Andrea; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Trivi, Maria Belen; Martin, Camila; Masina, Carlotta - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Contemporary Heritage Lexicon: Volume 2 - (978-3-031-61245-9)

11573/1721508 - 2024 - Meno e più. Misura e dismisura di Olivetti in Argentina, 1950-2022
Carbonari, Fabiana; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Gandolfi, Fernando; Gentile, Eduardo; Paolini, Priscilla; Ottavianelli, Ana - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Misura / Dismisura | Measure / Out of Measure Ideare Conoscere Narrare | Devising Knowing Narrating (Padova – Venezia)
book: Misura / Dismisura | Measure / Out of Measure Ideare Conoscere Narrare | Devising Knowing Narrating - (9788835166948)

11573/1731060 - 2024 - Presentazione
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: Dialoghi sull’Architettura II. Dottorato di Ricerca in Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura - (978-88-9377-316-4)

11573/1720195 - 2024 - Variazioni grafiche notturne. Il disegno dei ponti pedonali sul fiume Tevere
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Diacodimitri, Alekos; De Santis, Elena; Elmehdi Said Sager, Hamida - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
book: Variazioni grafiche notturne: il disegno dei ponti pedonali sul fiume Tevere - (9788835166948)

11573/1722913 - 2024 - The Visuality of the Rubik’s Cube
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Diacodimitri, Alekos; Rebecchini, Federico - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Contemporary Heritage Lexicon - (9783031651038; 9783031651045)

11573/1721125 - 2024 - Teatro India a Roma, forma struttura e proporzione nel paesaggio industriale
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Trivi, Maria Belen; Porfiri, Francesca; Rebecchini, Federico - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: UID 2024 - 45° Convegno Internazionale dei Docenti delle Discipline della Rappresentazione Congresso della Unione Italiana per il Disegno (Padova, Venezia)

11573/1707280 - 2024 - Understanding and documenting decorated façades of the Coquimbo Region in Chile
De Santis, Elena; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Jorquera Silva, Natalia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: TEMA (Ancona: ArTec) pp. - - issn: 2421-4574 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1701102 - 2024 - The presence of the past. Analysis and representation of the Strada Novissima
Giusto, Agostina Maria; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: TEMA (Ancona: ArTec) pp. - - issn: 2421-4574 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1732337 - 2024 - Strategies for the preservation of 20th century war landscapes. Memory, knowledge, and intervention
Martínez-Medina, Andrés; Pirinu, Andrea; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PAESAGGIO URBANO (Rimini Italy: Maggioli Spa) pp. 62-75 - issn: 1120-3544 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1721051 - 2024 - Fragmentos del Palacio de los Tribunales de Bramante. Levantamiento y conocimiento - Fragments of Bramante’s Palazzo dei Tribunali. Survey and knowledge
Porfiri, Francesca; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Diacodimitri, Alekos; Rebecchini, Federico; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MIMESIS.JSAD (Cereté, Cordoba, Colombia: Environment & Technology Foundation 2021) pp. 79-85 - issn: 2805-6337 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1702378 - 2024 - Representation of the surface in architecture. From the Western solutions to the Eastern case studies of solid development
Rebecchini, Federico; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Diacodimitri, Alekos; Trivi, Maria Belen - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: TEMA (Ancona: ArTec) pp. 88-100 - issn: 2421-4574 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1732336 - 2024 - Osservatorio urbano tra disegno, colore e fotografia. Piazza Perin del Vaga al Flaminio, Roma
Salucci, Antonella; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: ReUSO 2024 Documentazione, restauro e rigenerazione sostenibile del patrimonio costruito - (9788899586454)

11573/1702526 - 2024 - An innovative approach for the semantic segmentation of surveyed building facades leveraging in architectural drawings
Trivi, M. B.; Mazzacca, G.; Griffo, M.; Malek, S.; Battisti, R.; Remondino, F.; Bianchini, C.; Chiavoni, E. - 04h Atto di convegno in rivista scientifica o di classe A
conference: 10th Intl. Workshop 3D-ARCH “3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures” (Siena)

Chiavoni, Emanuela; Diacodimitri, Alekos; Di Giorgio, Dalila; Florenzano, Giacomo; Rebecchini, Federico; Trivi, Maria Belen - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Le piazze alberate del Quarticciolo : costruzione e percezione attraverso il percorso conoscitivo : catalogo della mostra - (9788854913325)

11573/1708393 - 2023 - The ancient Stone Ship. Integrated investigations on the original morphology of the Tiber Island, between legend and material consistency
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: METROARCAHEO 2023 (Roma, Università di Roma Tre, Facoltà di Ingegneria)
book: 2023 IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, METROARCHAEO - (978-92-990090-6-2)

11573/1645317 - 2022 - Architetture elettriche in Argentina. Conoscenza tra disegno e memoria
Carbonari, Fabiana; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca; Trivi, Maria Belen - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale, Atti del Convegno 2SGPI (Rome, Tivoli)
book: Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale 2022 - (9788829716661)

11573/1707233 - 2022 - Introduzione al volume “Archivi digitali di Sapienza. Itinerari culturali per la conoscenza”
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: Archivi digitali di Sapienza. Itinerari culturali per la conoscenza - (978-88-9377-219-8)

11573/1707599 - 2022 - Introduzione al volume “Metodi, applicazioni, tecnologie. Colloqui del dottorato di ricerca in Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura”
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: Metodi, applicazioni, tecnologie. Colloqui del dottorato di ricerca in Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura - (978-88-9377-239-6)

11573/1707600 - 2022 - Colouring in Architecture: problems involving nocturnal representation
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: XVII Color Conference (Florence; Italy)
book: Colour and Colorimetry. Multidisciplinary Contributions - (978-88-99513-18-4)

11573/1707601 - 2022 - Sentieri culturali per la conoscenza. Seminari del Dottorato di Ricerca in Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Dialoghi sull’Architettura I. Dottorato di Ricerca in Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura - (978-88-9377-218-1)

11573/1669588 - 2022 - Rappresentazioni dell’architettura e dell’ambiente urbano. L’influenza italiana in Argentina
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Carbonari, Fabiana Andrea; Gandolfi, Fernando Francisco; Trivi, Maria Belen - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Unione Italiana del Disegno (U.I.D.) (Genova)
book: Dialoghi. Visioni e visualità: Testimoniare Comunicare Sperimentare - (9788835141938)

11573/1731059 - 2022 - Rappresentazioni dell’architettura e dell’ambiente urbano. L’influenza italiana in Argentina
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Carbonari, Fabiana; Gandolfi, Fernando; Belén Trivi, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 43° Convegno Internazionale dei docenti delle discipline della rappresentazione, 2022 (Genova)
book: Dialoghi. Visioni e visualità. Testimoniare Comunicare Sperimentare - (9788835141938)

11573/1682420 - 2022 - A Historical Development of LARM Finger Design Shape
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Cigola, Michela; Diacodimitri, Alekos; Ceccarelli, Marco - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 7th International Symposium On History Of Machines And Mech Universidad de Jaén (Universidad de Jaén)
book: Exploration in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms - (978-3-030-98498-4)

11573/1605266 - 2022 - Il ruolo del disegno nel manuale dell’architetto cinese
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Colaceci, Sara; Fan, Tiantian; Rebecchini, Federico - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: XIX International Conference EGA 2022 (Cartagena)
book: EGA 2022 - (978-84-17853-51-8)

11573/1655648 - 2022 - Il rilievo di strada tra conoscenza e valorizzazione urbana: via dei Papareschi a Roma
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Colaceci, Sara; Ippolito, Alfonso; Rocco Panetta, Vito; Rebecchini, Federico; Ribichini, Luca; Tarquini, Lorenzo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: UID 2022 - DIALOGHI visioni e visualità: Testimoniare Comunicare Sperimentare (Genova)
book: DIALOGHI visioni e visualità: Testimoniare Comunicare Sperimentare - (9788835141938)

11573/1620936 - 2022 - Freehand architectural drawing. Urban sketching
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1567168 - 2022 - The Reasons of a Form. Project Drawings of the Ridolfi Group for the Competition “Palazzo del Littorio” in Rome
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Rebecchini, Federico - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Digital Modernism Heritage Lexicon - (978-3-030-76238-4; 978-3-030-76239-1)

11573/1676852 - 2022 - UAVs and GIS models for landscape representation
Colaceci, Sara; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Grazia Cianci, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE CON... (-Aquila: Università degli Studi dell'Aquila. -Bologna : DAPT-Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione Territoriale. Università di Bologna) pp. 1-14 - issn: 1828-5961 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85174240588 (2)

11573/1544894 - 2021 - Come si tramanda l'arte nella formazione
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: La "realtà del disegno" nell'opera di Cesare Tacchi - (978-88-9377-172-6)

11573/1585107 - 2021 - Intersezioni. Ricerche di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNO (Roma: Unione Italiana per il Disegno) pp. 262-263 - issn: 2533-2899 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1572937 - 2021 - Un disegno più vasto. Linguaggi, Distanze & Piscologie
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Colaceci, Sara; Rebecchini, Federico - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: UID 2021 - 42° Convegno Internazionale dei Docenti delle Discipline della Rappresentazione Congresso della Unione Italiana per Il Disegno (Reggio Calabria - Messina)
book: UID 2021 - CONNETTERE CONNECTING un disegno per annodare e tessere - Linguaggi, Distanze, Tecnologie - (9788835125891)

11573/1556200 - 2021 - Inventario Archivio Disegni
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Docci, Marina; Filippa, Monica - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Inventario Archvio Disegni - (978-88-5491-153-6; 978-88-5491-154-3)

11573/1544891 - 2021 - Il Parco archeologico di Porto (Fiumicino): conoscenza, conservazione e fruizione
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Esposito, Daniela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: REUSO 2020 (Firenze; Italia)
book: REUSO 2020. Restauro: temi contemporanei per un confronto dialettico - (9788833381206)

11573/1585108 - 2021 - Drawing a Complex Landscape. “Both-And” and “Inside-Outside” in Val Camonica
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Passamani, Ivana - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Digital Draw Connections. Representing Complexity and Contradiction in Landscape - (978-3-030-59742-9)

11573/1524977 - 2021 - Dalla “realtà dell’immagine” alla spiritualità della pittura, attraverso il progetto
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 06a Curatela

11573/1444560 - 2020 - Progetto e memoria. Connessioni e trame grafiche per il Museo di Scienze Naturali di La Plata
Carbonari, Fabiana; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Pettoello, Giulia; Porfiri, Francesca; Trivi, Maria Belen - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 42° Convegno Internazionale dei docenti delle discipline della rappresentazione. Congresso della Unione Italiana per il Disegno (Reggio Calabria, Messina; Italy)
book: Connettere. Un disegno per annodare e tessere - (9788835104490)

11573/1525764 - 2020 - Sul disegno dal vero in architettura. Letture di significative memorie
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: QUADERNI DELL’ISTITUTO DI STORIA DELL’ARCHITETTURA (Rome Italy: Bonsignori Editore) pp. 681-686 - issn: 0485-4152 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1444562 - 2020 - Narration and Representation of the Urban Landscape as a Cultural and Tourist Resource. Rome and Its Lungoteveri (Riverbanks)
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Cianci, Maria Grazia; Colaceci, Sara - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: EGA: Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica (Zaragoza; Spain)
book: Graphical Heritage. Volume 3 – Mapping, Cartography and Innovation in Education - (978-3-030-47986-2; 978-3-030-47987-9)

11573/1524975 - 2020 - Rappresentazione dell'eredità immateriale della città universitaria di Roma
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Diacodimitri, Alekos; Pettoello, Giulia - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
paper: PALLADIO (Rome Italy: Istituto Poligrafico Zecca Stato) pp. 85-92 - issn: 0031-0379 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
conference: Le città universitarie del XX secolo e la Sapienza di Roma (Roma)

11573/1444556 - 2020 - Sperimentazioni per visualizzare i dati della città
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Diacodimitri, Alekos; Rebecchini, Federico - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 42° Convegno Internazionale dei docenti delle discipline della rappresentazione. Congresso della Unione Italiana per il Disegno (Reggio Calabria, Messina; Italy)
book: Connettere. Un disegno per annodare e tessere - (9788835104490)

11573/1428981 - 2020 - The science of drawing
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Pettoello, Giulia; Porfiri, Francesca - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Teaching Fashion. An introduction - (9788833653051)

11573/1444554 - 2020 - Citazioni architettoniche e urbane. La facciata della casa di Flaminio Ponzio a via Alessandrina
Tacchi, Gaia Lisa; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 42° Convegno Internazionale dei docenti delle discipline della rappresentazione. Congresso della Unione Italiana per il Disegno (Reggio Calabria, Messina; Italy)
book: Connettere. Un disegno per annodare e tessere - (9788835104490)

11573/1524978 - 2019 - Subsídios investigativos e projetuais para a preservação do patrimônio edificado/Contributi investigativi e progettuali per la conservazione del patrimonio edilizio
Bianchini, Carlo; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Ippolito, Alfonso - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: II Simposio Internazionale del Settore Scientifico Disciplinare della Rappresentazione (Matera)
book: Il Simposio UID di internazionalizzazione della ricerca. Patrimoni culturali, Architettura, Paesaggio e Design tra ricerca e sperimentazione didattica - (978-88-3338-0-827)

11573/1524982 - 2019 - Athena Project
Bianchini, Carlo; Ippolito, Alfonso; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: II Simposio Internazionale del Settore Scientifico Disciplinare della Rappresentazione (Matera)
book: Il Simposio UID di internazionalizzazione della ricerca. Patrimoni culturali, Architettura, Paesaggio e Design tra ricerca e sperimentazione didattica - (978-88-3338-0-827)

11573/1331901 - 2019 - “Estancias” argentine: preziosa eredità culturale di un patrimonio architettonico-artistico ignorato
Carbonari, Fabiana; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Docci, Mario; Gandolfi, Fernando; Gentile, Eduardo Cesar; Ottavianelli, Ana - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 41° Convegno internazionale dei docenti delle discipline della rappresentazione (Perugia)
book: Riflessioni. L’arte del disegno/il disegno dell’arte - (978-88-492-3762-7)

11573/1366629 - 2019 - Interactive Digital Observatory on the Cultural Identity of Italo-Argentine Heritage
Carbonari, Fabiana; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SCIRES-IT (Roma: CASPUR-CIBER Publishing) pp. 105-114 - issn: 2239-4303 - wos: WOS:000505067200009 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85081256078 (4)

11573/1213345 - 2019 - Light drawings. Representation and design
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 2018 HMM IFToMM Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms (Beijing)
book: Explorations in the history and heritage of machines and mechanisms - (978-3-030-03537-2)

11573/1281578 - 2019 - Elogio al color en la representación de las cuatro ciudades imperiales de Marruecos. In praise of colour in the representation of the fuor imperial cities of Morocco
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EGA. REVISTA DE EXPRESIÓN GRÁFICA ARQUITECTÓNICA (Valencia: Departamento de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica) pp. 66-81 - issn: 1133-6137 - wos: WOS:000469901500018 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85065589069 (0)

11573/1331903 - 2019 - Disegnare con...Mario Docci
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE CON... (-Aquila: Università degli Studi dell'Aquila. -Bologna : DAPT-Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione Territoriale. Università di Bologna) pp. - - issn: 1828-5961 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85086821973 (0)

11573/1331906 - 2019 - Congresso EGraFia, Argentina 2018
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNO (Roma: Unione Italiana per il Disegno) pp. 268-270 - issn: 2533-2899 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1524980 - 2019 - Caravana Gráfica, II edizione, Grafito + Píxeles, Laboratorio speciale di disegno a mano libera e tecniche avanzate di rilievo digitale, Argentina 2014
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: II Simposio Internazionale del Settore Scientifico Disciplinare della Rappresentazione (Matera)
book: Il Simposio UID di internazionalizzazione della ricerca. Patrimoni culturali, Architettura, Paesaggio e Design tra ricerca e sperimentazione didattica - (978-88-3338-0-827)

11573/1524986 - 2019 - “Del material de los sueños. Dibujos de arquitectura en la modernidad” di C. Montes Serrano
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 92-92 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1524984 - 2019 - Attività di sperimentazione didattica_Summer school La Plata (UNLP)
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Gandolfi, Fernando; Carbonari, Fabiana - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: II Simposio Internazionale del Settore Scientifico Disciplinare della Rappresentazione (Matera)
book: Il Simposio UID di internazionalizzazione della ricerca. Patrimoni culturali, Architettura, Paesaggio e Design tra ricerca e sperimentazione didattica - (978-88-3338-0-827)

11573/1366623 - 2019 - Archivi, disegni e cultura
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: XVI Congreso Nacional de profesores de Expresion Grafica en Ingenieria, Arquitectura Y carreras afines (Olavarria - Pcia (Buenos Aires); Argentina)
book: La rapresentacion grafica de naturaleza tecnica. Libro de actas, trabajos extensos - (978-950-658-498-6)

11573/1366627 - 2019 - Tracciati effimeri
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Romano, Antonella - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 36-47 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85069703073 (0)

11573/1329344 - 2019 - Lanzarote: il paesaggio come risorsa culturale
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: VII Convegno internazionale sulla documentazione, conservazione e recupero del patrimonio architettonico e sulla tutela paesaggistica (Matera)
book: ReUSO Matera. Patrimonio in divenire. Conoscere valorizzare abitare - (978-88-492-3800-6)

11573/1366625 - 2019 - Sabeer leer la arquitectura
Docci, Mario; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Carbonari, Fabiana Andrea - 03e Traduzione di libro

11573/1183149 - 2018 - The landscape of the Astronomical Observatory in La Plata, Argentina. Form, geometry and colour
Carbonari, Fabiana; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 40° convegno internazionale dei docenti delle discipline della rappresentazione. Quindicesimo Congresso UID. Rappresentazione materiale/immateriale (Milano)
book: Rappresentazione materiale/immateriale. Drawing as (in)tangible representation - (978-88-492-3651-4)

11573/1007454 - 2018 - Drawing as a guide. Observing the Roman seashore
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Heritage, Place, Design: Putting Tradition into Practice (Milano)
book: Putting tradition into practice. Heritage, place and design. Proceedings of 5th INTBAU international annual event - (978-3-319-57936-8)

11573/1063914 - 2018 - Freehand drawing. From tradition to the present day
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: International Congress EGA (Architectual Graphic Expression)16: Teaching and researching in architectural graphic expression (Alcala de Henares)
book: Architectural draughtsmanship. From analog to digital narratives - (978-3-319-58855-1; 978-3-319-58856-8)

11573/1134696 - 2018 - Fonti visive documentarie per la conoscenza del paesaggio
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Il prossimo paesaggio. Realtà, rappresentazione, progetto - (978-88-492-3591-3)

11573/1134698 - 2018 - Rome and its domes. Drawing, art and architecture
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA. ARCHITECTURE (Budapest: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2007-) pp. 72-76 - issn: 1789-3437 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1134700 - 2018 - I fondamenti teorici dell'analisi grafica
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Ricerche 2013-2018. Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell'Architettura - (978-88-492-3621-7)

11573/1134702 - 2018 - Edifici per lo spettacolo costruiti dagli architetti italiani in Argentina. Conoscenza per la valorizzazione
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Ricerche 2013-2018. Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell'Architettura - (978-88-492-3621-7)

11573/1202223 - 2018 - Survey and representation of the City Walls of Orbetello
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: International Conference on Modern Age Fortification of the Mediterranean Coast, FORTMED 2018 (Torino)
book: Defensive architecture of the Mediterranean - (978-88-85745-12-4)

11573/1202234 - 2018 - Metodo integrato di lettura critica del paesaggio fluviale dell'Isola Sacra tra villa Guglielmi e il S. Crocifisso a Fiumicino
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: La chiesa del S. Crocifisso nell'Isola Sacra a Fiumicino. Restauro del monumento e contesto paesaggistico tiberino - (978-88-492-2748-2)

11573/1283067 - 2018 - Forum Declinare Roma
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 91-91 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1202226 - 2018 - New fruition possibilities for the historical archive of architectural drawings in Rome
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Diacodimitri, Alekos; Di Pietro Martinelli, Paolo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Analysis, conservation, and restoration of tangible and intangible cultural heritage - (9781522569367)

11573/1281576 - 2018 - La rappresentazione notturna della città
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Pettoello, Giulia; Diacodimitri, Alekos - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Campos, umbrales y poéticas del dibujo. VII Congreso Internacional y XV Congreso Nacional del Profesores de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeníeria, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines (La Plata; Argentina)
book: Campos, umbrales y poéticas del dibujo. Libro de Actase de Resúmenes. VII Congreso Internacional y XV Congreso Nacional del Profesores de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeníeria, Arquitectura y Carreras Afines - (978-987-688-307-8)

11573/1183154 - 2018 - Il rilievo dell'in-misurabile. L'area di piazza Mastai in Roma/To survey the un-measurable. The Mastai area in Rome
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 40° convegno internazionale dei docenti delle discipline della rappresentazione. Quindicesimo Congresso UID. Rappresentazione materiale/immateriale (Milano)
book: Rappresentazione materiale/immateriale. Drawing as (in)tangible representation - (978-88-492-3651-4)

11573/1202216 - 2018 - Ripercorrere la storia attraverso il disegno. L'architettura ricostruita del Palazzo dei Tribunali di Via Giulia a Roma
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: XVII Congreso Internacional de Expresion Grafica Arquitectonica (Alicante; Spain)
book: De trazos, huellas e improntas. Arquitectura, ideacion, representacion y difusion - (978-84-16724-94-9)

11573/1283069 - 2018 - Integrated methodologies for knowledge and valorisation of the Roman Casinum City
Cigola, Michela; Gallozzi, Arturo; Paris, Leonardo; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 44th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (Oslo)
book: Oceans of Data. Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology - (978-1-78491-730-2)

11573/1202220 - 2018 - The influence of italian architects in Argentina. Enhancement and interactive dissemination of historical architectural heritage
Docci, Mario; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: International Symposium of Representation Scientific Area for the development of multidisciplinar International programs (Firenze)
book: Programmi multidisciplinari per l’internazionalizzazione della ricerca. Patrimonio culturale, architettura e paesaggio - (978-88-3338-048-3)

11573/1007445 - 2017 - Knowledge and Classification for the Interactive Dissemination of Chorizo Houses in Argentina
Carbonari, Fabiana Andrea; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: International Conference HeritageBot 2017 (Cassino)
book: New Activities for Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of the International Conference HeritageBot 2017 - (978-3-319-67025-6; 978-3-319-67026-3)

11573/1013485 - 2017 - Il patrimonio culturale della città di La Plata in Argentina. Analisi e valorizzazione
Carbonari, Fabiana Andrea; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: La città creativa. Spazi pubblici e luoghi della quotidianità - (978-88-941296-2-5)

11573/1007334 - 2017 - El Teatro Colon de Buenos Aires a través de sus representaciones. Entre la era académica y la digital
Carbonari, Fabiana Andrea; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Docci, Mario; Gandolfi, Fernando Francisco; Gentile, Eduardo; Ottavianelli, Ana Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Territori e Frontiere della Rappresentazione / Territories and Frontiers of Representation. 39esimo Convegno Internazionale dei docenti delle discipline della Rappresentazione (Napoli)
book: Territori e frontiere della rappresentazione / Territories and frontiers of representation. - (978-88-492-3507-4)

11573/1227165 - 2017 - Un singolare paesaggio marino come palinsesto storico tra il delta del Tevere e il mar Tirreno. Dall'antico Portus Augusti et Traiani all'Oasi di Porto
Cerutti, Annarosa; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Esposito, Daniela; Impiglia, Claudio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: La Baia di Napoli. Strategie integrate per la conservazione e la fruizione del paesaggio culturale (Napoli)
book: La Baia di Napoli. Strategie integrate per la conservazione e la fruizione del paesaggio culturale. V. 2: Interpretazione/Comunicazione e strategie di fruizione del paesaggio culturale - (978-88-99130-688)

11573/1007730 - 2017 - Triumphs and Laments. Un progetto per Roma di William Kentridge, Piazza Trastevere, Roma
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 89-89 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1007731 - 2017 - Atlante della palazzina a Pescara. Progetti, realizzazioni, rilievi.
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 91-91 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1063535 - 2017 - Pedro Cano e il Teatro marittimo di Villa Adriana
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNO (Roma: Unione Italiana per il Disegno) pp. 16-18 - issn: 2533-2899 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85105792308 (0)

11573/1064074 - 2017 - Architecture, colour and images. Ideas and designs by Friedensreich Hundertwasser
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
paper: PROCEEDINGS (Basel : MDPI AG, 2017-) pp. 1-10 - issn: 2504-3900 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
conference: International and Interdisciplinary Conference IMMAGINI? Image and Imagination between Representation, Communication, Education and Psychology (Brixen)

11573/1012094 - 2017 - Rappresentazione dei mosaici cosmateschi. Forma, Geometria, Colore.
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Di Cosimo, Benedetta; Cigola, Michela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: V Congreso Internacional sobre la documentación, conservación y la reutilización del patrimonio arquitectónico y paisajístico (Granada)
book: ReUSO, Granada 2017. Sobre Una Arquitectura Hecha de Tiempo. - (978-84-338-6131-3)

11573/1012095 - 2017 - Rappresentazione dei mosaici cosmateschi. Forma, Geometria, Colore.
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Di Cosimo, Benedetta; Cigola, Michela - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: V Congreso Internacional sobre la documentación, conservación y la reutilización del patrimonio arquitectónico y paisajístico (Granada)
book: Sobre Una Arquitectura Hecha de Tiempo. Abstracts de las contribuciones del V Congreso Internacional sobre la documentación, conservación y la reutilización del patrimonio arquitectónico y paisajístico. - (978-84-338-6131-3)

11573/1032614 - 2017 - Un’analisi attraverso il disegno dell’architettura moderna e contemporanea più significativa a Roma. Conoscenza, documentazione e comunicazione dei valori materiali e immateriali tramite sistemi grafici tradizionali e digitali integrati.
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Diacodimitri, Alekos; Pettoello, Giulia - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
book: Un’analisi attraverso il disegno dell’architettura moderna e contemporanea più significativa a Roma. Conoscenza, documentazione e comunicazione dei valori materiali e immateriali tramite sistemi grafici tradizionali e digitali integrati. - (978-88-255-0708-9)

11573/1007414 - 2017 - La rappresentazione dell'assenza. Reinterpretare la storia attraverso un linguaggio contemporaneo
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Territori e frontiere della rappresentazione : 39. convegno internazionale dei Docenti delle discipline della rappresentazione : 14. congresso UID, Napoli 14, 15, 16 settembre 2017 (Napoli)
book: Territori e frontiere della rappresentazione. 39. convegno internazionale dei Docenti delle discipline della rappresentazione. 14. congresso UID, Napoli 14, 15, 16 settembre 2017 - (978-88-492-3507-4)

11573/930597 - 2017 - Palazzo dei Tribunali in via Giulia. Design, survey and analisys. The footprint of a building designed by Bramante
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Architectural and Archaeological Heritage - (9781522506751; 9781522506768)

11573/1030444 - 2017 - Knowledge, documentation and dissemination of intangible heritage in Archaeology
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 3rd IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (Lecce)
book: Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - (978-92-990084-0-9)

11573/1091898 - 2017 - Representing colour in architecture. La rappresentazione del colore in archeologia.
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE CON... (-Aquila: Università degli Studi dell'Aquila. -Bologna : DAPT-Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione Territoriale. Università di Bologna) pp. 1-13 - issn: 1828-5961 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85051054302 (0)

11573/930594 - 2017 - Saper leggere l'architettura
Docci, Mario; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
book: Saper leggere l'architettura - (978-88-581-2849-7; 978-88-581-2592-2)

11573/950187 - 2016 - Obras realizadas por los constructores italianos en La Plata entre 1918 y 1945. Arquitectura, análisis y dibujo
Carbonari, Fabiana Andrea; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Docci, Mario; Gandolfi, Fernando Francisco; Gentile, Eduardo; Ottavianelli, Ana Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 38. convegno internazionale dei docenti delle discipline della rappresentazione. UID 2016 (Firenze)
book: Le ragioni del disegno. Pensiero, forma e modello nella gestione della complessità / The reasons of drawing. Thought, shape and model in the complexity management - (978-88-492-3295-0)

11573/950185 - 2016 - Il disegno per la valorizzazione della città. Un progetto per Roma di William Kentridge.
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: ReUSO 2016. IV Convegno Internazionale sulla documentazione, conservazione e recupero del patrimonio architettonico e sulla tutela paesaggistica. (Pavia)
book: ReUSO 2016. Contributi per la documentazione, conservazione e recupero del patrimonio architettonico e per la tutela paesaggistica. - (978-88-7970-8016-6)

11573/950194 - 2016 - The Mill at the Orbetello lagoon. Mechanisms and hydraulic energy
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Essays on the history of mechanical engineering - (978-3-319-22679-8; 978-3-319-22680-4)

11573/950195 - 2016 - Sul disegno dal vero. Dalla tradizione alla contemporaneità
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 16 Congreso Internacional de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica (Alcalá de Henares (Madrid))
book: El Arquitecto, de la tradición al siglo XXI. Docencia e investigación en Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica - (978-84-88754-40-0)

11573/950197 - 2016 - Introduzione
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: L’apporto degli italiani allo sviluppo culturale dell’Argentina. Metodologie integrate per la conoscenza, la documentazione e la diffusione del patrimonio architettonico industriale relativo alla produzione agricola - ()

11573/950198 - 2016 - L’esperienza italiana in Argentina. Analisi del patrimonio architettonico industriale attraverso il disegno
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: L’apporto degli italiani allo sviluppo culturale dell’Argentina. Metodologie integrate per la conoscenza, la documentazione e la diffusione del patrimonio architettonico industriale relativo alla produzione agricola - ()

11573/930593 - 2016 - Drawing and urban trasformations. The Music Bridge over the Tiber in Rome
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Uniscape en route. International seminar: Recovering river landscape (Napoli)
book: Uniscape en route n.3. Recovering river landscape - ()

11573/950188 - 2016 - Analisi di un’opera bramantesca attraverso il disegno. Dalla lettura del frammento alla genesi progettuale
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 38. convegno internazionale dei docenti delle discipline della rappresentazione. UID 2016 (Firenze)
book: Le ragioni del disegno. Pensiero, forma e modello nella gestione della complessità / The reasons of drawing. Thought, shape and model in the complexity management - (978-88-492-3295-0)

11573/950189 - 2016 - Disegni floreali ad acquarello nell’industria tessile inglese del XVIII secolo
Cigola, Michela; Gallozzi, Arturo; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: XII Conferenza del Colore (Torino)
book: Colore e Colorimetria. Contributi Multidisciplinari. Atti della dodicesima conferenza del colore - (978-88-99513-03-0)

11573/871636 - 2015 - Integrated methodologies for the study and documentation of the architectural and archaeological heritage. The treasury of Petra in Jordan
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Handbook of research on emerging digital tools for architectural surveying, modeling, and representation - (978-1-4666-8379-2)

11573/950200 - 2015 - Atlante dell'abitare virtuale. Il disegno della città virtuale, fra ricerca e didattica.
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 92-92 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/961943 - 2015 - Mostra"Quaderni di Viaggio. Matera” organizzata dal Centro di Studi della Cultura Mediterranea della Galleria d’Arte Internazionale Porta Coeli di Venosa
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04f Poster
book: Quaderni di Viaggio Matera. Pedro Cano e i suoi allievi - ()

11573/950208 - 2015 - La “Casa Chorizo” en Argentina. Conocimiento y documentación para la salvaguardia del patrimonio arquitectónico
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Carbonari Fabiana, Andrea - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: III Congreso Internacional sobre Documentación, Conservación, y Reutilización del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Paisajístico. ReUSO 2015. (Valencia)
book: Libro comunicaciones. III Congreso Internacional sobre Documentación, Conservación, y Reutilización del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Paisajístico - (978-84-9048-386-2)

11573/950199 - 2015 - Scorci urbani. Le cupole di Roma nell'opera di Angelo Marinucci. Urban views. the domes of Rome in works by Angelo Marinucci
Chiavoni, Emanuela; De Carlo, Laura - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 56-67 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84971222704 (0)

11573/950202 - 2015 - Dialogo con la città attraverso il disegno. Lettura dell’architettura moderna e contemporanea a Roma
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Diacodimitri, Alekos; Pettoello, Giulia - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Discutir el presente, forjar el futuro. XII Congreso Nacional De Profesores de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Carreras afines. (Río Cuarto, Córdoba (Argentina))
book: XII Congreso nacional de profesores de expresión gráfica en ingeniería, arquitectura y carreras afines. Discutir el presente, forjar el futuro. Libro de actas. - (978-987-688-148-7)

11573/950205 - 2015 - Ephemeral constructions and pyrotechnic machinery. Dialogue between history and representation. Rome in XIX century
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Impiglia, Claudio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: IFToMM Workshop on History of Mechanism and Machine Science (St. Petersburg)
book: Proceedings of 2015 IFToMM workshop on history of mechanism and machine science - ()

11573/771184 - 2015 - Metodologie e tecniche integrate per il rilievo e il disegno dell'abbazia di S. Croce di Sassovivo
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Inglese, Carlo; Porfiri, Francesca; Senatore, Luca James; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Oltre le carte. L'Abbazia di S.Croce di Sassovivo presso Foligno e la sua realtà materiale - (9788867780426)

Chiavoni, Emanuela; Ippolito, Alfonso; Ribichini, Luca; Garrone, Silvia - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: VII Congreso de Agrimensura (La Habana Cuba)
book: VII Congreso de Agrimensura - (978-959-247-136-8)

11573/950203 - 2015 - Per una raffigurazione contemporanea del paesaggio. I colori dell'Altopiano di Lasithi (Creta)
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Porfiri, Francesca; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: XI Conferenza del Colore (Politecnico di Milano)
book: Colore e Colorimetria. Contributi Multidisciplinari. Atti della 11. conferenza del colore - (978-88-99513-00-9)

11573/971243 - 2014 - Introduzione
Albisinni, Piero; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: Sul disegno dell’architettura: esperienze e riflessioni - (978-88-548-7454-1)

11573/561491 - 2014 - La città di-segni. Spazi, forme e colori
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Sul disegno dell'Architettura. Esperienze e riflessioni - (978-88-548-7454-1)

11573/561492 - 2014 - LE CANTINE GIOL A SAN POLO DI PIAVE (TV) Disegno e analisi per la conoscenza e la documentazione
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo

11573/665122 - 2014 - Disegni di viaggio: luce, atmosfera e colore della città di petra in Giordania
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: El dibujo de Viaje de los Arquitectos (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria/Spagna)
book: El dibujo de Viaje de los Arquitectos - (978-84-9042-099-7)

11573/665128 - 2014 - Presentazione del libro: il disegno dei baluardi cinquecenteschi nell'opera dei fratelli Paleari Fratino
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: Il disegno dei baluardi cinquecenteschi nell'opera dei fratelli Paleari Fratino, le piazzaforti della Sardegna - (978-88-7814-596-2)

11573/765546 - 2014 - Drawings on paper. Digital historical archives of the former Radaar Department at the University Sapienza School of Architecture in Rome
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SCIRES-IT (Roma: CASPUR-CIBER Publishing) pp. 117-126 - issn: 2239-4303 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/665125 - 2014 - LA CASA CURUTCHET DI LE CORBUSIER A LA PLATA. Lettura attraverso il disegno.
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Cigola, Michela - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
conference: 36° Convegno internazionale dei Docenti della Rappresentazione (Parma)
book: Italian Survey&International Experience - (978-88-492-2915-8)

11573/645786 - 2014 - Il sistema degli antichi mulini ad acqua nell'alto Lazio. Conoscenza, documentazione e valorizzazione
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Docci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Reuso. La cultura del restauro e della valorizzazione. Temi e problemi per un percorso internazionale di conoscenza - (9788860558299)

11573/779765 - 2014 - Mole da olio e mole da grano tra paesaggio agrario e archeologia industriale. Il sistema dei frantoi e dei mulini ad acqua nell’Alto Lazio: conoscenza e valorizzazione
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Docci, Marina - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/664081 - 2014 - Visione, pensiero, disegni. Gli insegnamenti di Francis D.K.Ching/ Vision, ideas, drawings. Teaching by Francis D.K.Ching
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Docci, Mario - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 48-59 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84924653449 (0)

11573/665124 - 2014 - Il colore per documentare. Metodologie integrate per il disegno nel processo di conoscenza e comunicazione dei beni culturali
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Revisiones del futuro,revisiones del pasado, V Congreso Internacional de Exprecion Grafica (Rosario (Argentina))
book: Revisionese del futuro, Previsiones del Pasado - (978-88-9782-1809)

11573/542872 - 2014 - Il ruolo dell'incisione nel lavoro degli architetti contemporanei: valori e significati di un processo.
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa; Porfiri, Francesca; Fabbri, Livia - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Impronte, Idee per la Rappresentazione 2013. Sesto seminario di studi (Siracusa)
book: Atti del Convegno Impronte, Idee per la Rappresentazione 2013. Sesto seminario di studi - (9788890458583)

11573/534763 - 2014 - Geometry and Symbols in Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza a Roma
Laura De, Carlo; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Romor, Jessica; W., Wahbeh - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DOMES AND CUPOLAS (Firenze : Angelo Pontecorboli Editore) pp. 65-75 - issn: 2282-6793 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/561494 - 2014 - LE VILLE GIOL E GARGANTINI A MAIPU-MENDOZA Analisi e lettura di due architetture italiane in Argentina.
M., Cigola; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo

11573/533473 - 2013 - Armonia di forme e colori nei teatri antichi di Jerash e Petra in Giordania. Esperienza soggettiva e conoscenza oggettiva come vie per il disegno. Harmony of forms and colors in the archeological sites of Jerash and Petra in Jordan. Subjective experience and objective knowledge as approaches to drawing
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
conference: Patrimoni e Siti Unesco Memoria, Misura e Armonia (Matera)
book: Patrimoni e Siti Unesco Memoria, Misura e Armonia - (978-88-492-2728-4)

11573/533499 - 2013 - Drawings concerning Artistic Techniques in the Diderot’s and D’Alembert’s Encyclopaedia
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 32nd International Congress of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy (Roma)
book: Physic, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science and Society. - (978-609-95513-0-2)

11573/533500 - 2013 - The mill of the lagoon of Orbetello. mechanisms and hydraulic energy
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
book: IFToMM Workshop on History of Machine and mechanism Science - ()

11573/665127 - 2013 - Scrivere la pittura disegnare il linguaggio. gastone Novelli. Opere su carta.
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 93-93 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/533497 - 2013 - Il colore per rappresentare e comunicare: lettura semantica di frammenti di paesaggio contemporaneo nella Valle delle Accademie a Roma.
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Fabbri, Livia; Porfiri, Francesca; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: IX Conferenza del Colore (Firenze)
book: Colore e Colorimetria. Contributi Multidisciplinari. Atti della Nona Conferenza del Colore. - (978-88-387-6241-3)

11573/533498 - 2013 - EL DIBUJO PARA LA VALORIZACIÓN Y PROTECCIÓN. La cisterna romana de Atina en Italia
Chiavoni, Emanuela; M., Cigola - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 3°Congreso Iberoamericano:Restauracion y Conservacion del Patrimonio (La Plata, Argentina)
book: 3°Congreso Iberoamericano:Restauracion y Conservacion del Patrimonio - (9789872615956)

11573/526145 - 2013 - Il ponte Risorgimento: lettura e significati di un'opera
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Ribichini, Luca - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Centenario quartiere della Vittoria 1911 2011 cento anni di forme, azioni e formazione di un quartiere - ()

11573/536134 - 2013 - Presenza italiana in Argentina. Valorizzazione e diffusione interattiva dei Beni Storici e Architettonici. Presencia italiana en Argentina. Valoración y difusión interactiva de los Bienes Histórico-Arquitectónicos.
Docci, Mario; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Contributi italiani all'architettura argentina - (978-88-496-0504-4)

11573/447841 - 2012 - The Drawings of machines by the Great Architects of the Renaissance and Baroque Eras
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Explorations in the History of Machines and mechanisms - (9789400741317; 9789400741324)

11573/488994 - 2012 - Images for analyzing the architectural heritage. Life drawings of the city of Venice
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
conference: 3rd International Symposium on Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, CompIMAGE 2012 (Rome)
book: Computational Modelling of Objects represented in Images:Fundamentals,Methods and ApplicationsIII - (9780203075371; 9780415621342)

11573/511699 - 2012 - Pedro Cano Mediterranea
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 91-91 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/511700 - 2012 - Do/Co 2012 Documentazione e Conservazione del Patrimonio Architettonico ed Urbano.
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 90-90 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/511702 - 2012 - Domes in the World
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 92-92 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84867563426 (12)

11573/511704 - 2012 - Ripercorrere la storia attraverso il disegno
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: La documentazione dei teatri antichi del mediterraneo. Le attività del progetto Athena a Merida - (9788849225242)

11573/511705 - 2012 - Ripensare il disegno per la documentazione e la conservazione: riflessioni sulla città di Blanca in Spagna Re-thinking the use of drawing for documentation and conservation: reflection on the Spanish town of Blanca
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE CON... (-Aquila: Università degli Studi dell'Aquila. -Bologna : DAPT-Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione Territoriale. Università di Bologna) pp. 147-152 - issn: 1828-5961 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/533475 - 2012 - Note sul trattato ottocentesco “The Theory and Practice of Landscape Painting in Water Colours” di George Barnard. Notes on the nineteenth century treatise, The Theory and Practice of Landscape Painting in Water-Colours, by George Barnard
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
conference: Elogio della teoria. Identità delle discipline del disegno (Roma)
book: Elogio della teoria. Identità delle discipline del disegno - (978884922519)

11573/494664 - 2012 - Presencia italiana en Argentina. Valoración y difusión interactiva de los Bienes Histórico Arquitectónicos. Presenza italiana in Argentina. Valorizzazione e diffusione interattiva del Patrimonio Architettonico.
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Cigola, Michela - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
book: Presencia italiana en Argentina. Valoración y difusión interactiva de los Bienes Histórico Arquitectónicos. - (978-88-86810-67-8)

11573/483406 - 2012 - La linea del cielo.Sperimentazioni sulla rappresentazione del colore di skyline romani
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Fabbri, Livia; Porfiri, Francesca; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Colore e colorimetria.Contributi disciplinari - (8838761361)

11573/533494 - 2012 - La natura dell’illusione in architettura: rappresentazioni in assonometria “speciale”
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Fabbri, Livia; Porfiri, Francesca; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Idee per la rappresentazione 5, Atopie (napoli)
book: Idee per la rappresentazione 5, Atopie - (978-88-904585-7-6)

11573/408997 - 2012 - Geometry and Simbols in S.Ivo alla Sapienza in Rome
De Carlo, Laura; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
conference: Domes in the World, cultural identity and symbolism, geometric and formal genesis. Construction, identification, Conservation (Firenze)
book: Domes in the World Cultural identity and Symblism. geometric and Formal Genesis. Construction, Identification, Conservation - (9788840442112)

11573/560973 - 2012 - Geometry and symbols in Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza in Rome
L., De Carlo; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Romor, Jessica; W., Wahbeh - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
conference: Domes in The World (Firenze)
book: DOMES IN THE WORLD - (9788840442112)

11573/405772 - 2011 - Analisi critica dei disegni per il concorso di Architettura per il Vittoriano a Roma
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Concursos de Arquitectura.Actasdel 14 Congreso Internacional de Expresion Grafica Arquitectonica - (9788484487081)

11573/489204 - 2011 - Il senso del luogo.Paesaggi di Franciacorta e Sebino
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 91-91 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/405430 - 2011 - Espressione grafica ed espressione cromatica nel sistema degli oratori dell'Isola Bisentina
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Antonella, Salucci - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Architettura eremitica.Temi progettuali e paesaggi culturali - (9788879705400)

11573/408711 - 2011 - Lettura dell'architettura contemporanea attraverso il disegno e la rappresentazione cromatica manuale. Il Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo di Roma
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Fabbri, L.; Porfiri, F.; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: atti della “VII Conferenza Nazionale del Colore” - (9788838760426)

11573/408147 - 2011 - Lettura dell’architettura contemporanea attraverso il disegno e la rappresentazione cromatica manuale. Il Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo di Roma.
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Fabbri, Livia; Porfiri, Francesca; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Colore e colorimetria, contributi multidisciplinari - (9788838760426)

11573/405427 - 2011 - Metodologie integrate per il rilievo, il disegno, la modellazione dell'architettura e della città
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Filippa, Monica - 06a Curatela
book: Metodologie integrate per il rilievo, il disegno, la modellazione dell'architettura e della città - (9788849222081; 9788849272086)

11573/405711 - 2011 - Le nuove metodologie per il disegno nel processo di analisi dell'architettura
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Tacchi, Gaia Lisa; Porfiri, Francesca; Fabbri, Livia - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Metodologie integrate per il rilievo, il disegno,la modellazione dell'architettura e della città - (9788849222081)

11573/224199 - 2010 - Verso un disegno "integrato": la tradizione del disegno nell'immagine digitale
Albisinni, Piero; Chiavoni, Emanuela; De Carlo, Laura - 06a Curatela
book: Verso un disegno "integrato": la tradizione del disegno nell'immagine digitale - (9788849219715)

11573/153769 - 2010 - Matita e acquarello per catturare l'immagine urbana
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Verso un "disegno integrato", la tradizione del disegno nell'immagine digitale. - (9788849219715)

Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: COLOUR & LIGHT IN ARCHITECTURE - (9788896370049)

11573/414617 - 2010 - Color & Light in Architecture
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 92-92 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/415808 - 2010 - Nuevos medios graficos, nueva arquitectura. XIII Congreso international de Expresion Grafica Arquitectonica, Valencia 27-29 maggio 2010
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 87-87 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/418087 - 2010 - Sistemi Informativi integrati per la Tutela, la Conservazione e la Valorizzazione del Patrimonio architettonico e urbano. Ricerca MIUR PRIN COFIN 2006
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 94-95 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/71834 - 2010 - Matera:struttura, forma e colore
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 52-65 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84878561227 (2)

11573/203332 - 2010 - Il disegno per la valorizzazione e la tutela. La cisterna romana di Atina (FR)
Chiavoni, Emanuela; M., Cigola - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Atti del Settimo Congresso UID. - ()

11573/379806 - 2010 - Dalla terra al cielo, simbolo e allegoria in Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza a Roma
De Carlo, Laura; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Disegnere il tempo e l'armonia. Il disegno di architettura osservatorio dell'universo (Firenze)
book: Disegnare il tempo e l'armonia. Il disegno di architettura osservatorio dell'universo - (9788860555724)

11573/322821 - 2010 - “Dalla terra al cielo: geometria, simbolo, allegoria in Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza a Roma”
De Felici, Sara; Martinelli, Raffaele; Pincione, Annarita; Primavera, Tiziana; Wahbeh, Wissam; Romor, Jessica; Moscati, Annika; Luce, Fabio; Filippucci, Marco; Cellucci, Marco; Calvano, Michele; Borgogni, Francesco; Battista, Daria; Albisinni, Piero; De Carlo, Laura; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Convegno AED (Firenze)

11573/512864 - 2009 - Dalla Terra al Cielo. Geometria, Simbolo e Allegoria in Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza a Roma
De Carlo, Laura; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Disegnare il tempo e l’armonia. Il disegno di architettura osservatorio nell’universo. - (9788860555724)

11573/393318 - 2008 - Conservazione, fruizione sostenibile e adeguamento funzionale: il pre-progetto
Bianchini, Carlo; Ribichini, Luca; Chiavoni, Emanuela; Ippolito, Alfonso; E., Harbaoui - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Architetture teatrali siciliane di età antica Il Teatro greco romano di Taormina: studio tematico della Carta del Rischio del Patrimonio Culturale ed ambientale della Regione Siciliana - (9788861640634)

11573/169216 - 2008 - Il ruolo dei teatri antichi
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Collana:La carta del rischio del patrimonio culturale ed ambientale della regione Sicilia, Architetture teatrali siciliane di età antica.Il teatro greco romano di Taormina. - (9788861640634)

11573/177080 - 2008 - Il ruolo del disegno nella formazione dell’architetto.
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Collana di Studi e Ricerche sul Disegno dell’Architettura e dell’Ambiente:Rappresentazione e formazione tra ricerca e didattica - (9788854816336)

11573/182241 - 2008 - Il disegno di oratori romani: rilievo e analisi di alcuni tra i più significativi oratori di Roma
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
book: Il disegno di oratori romani: rilievo e analisi di alcuni tra i più significativi oratori di Roma - (9788849214932)

11573/414789 - 2008 - Il libro del disegno:Nozioni di base per rappresentare l'architettura con la matita, con la penna, con il colore, con il computer.
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 94-94 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/233302 - 2007 - Metodi e tecniche integrate di rilevamento per la realizzazione di modelli virtuali dell'architettura della città.
Paolini, Priscilla; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 06a Curatela

11573/414792 - 2006 - Disegno e conoscenza: contributi per la storia e l'architettura
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 93-94 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/70877 - 2006 - Moretti ritrovato: il caso dell'ex G.I.L. di Trastevere
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Fanone, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 46-55 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/202971 - 2006 - La fotogrammetria come strumento di conoscenza per il restauro: il rilievo delle facciate del Palazzo Doria a Valmontone,
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Sartor, Alessandro - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Gli strumenti di conoscenza per il progetto di restauro (Valmontone)
book: Atti del Convegno Gli strumenti di conoscenza per il progetto di restauro, Valmontone (Roma) 2006 - (8849205112)

11573/415979 - 2003 - Gli strumenti di conoscenza per il progetto di restauro
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Fiorucci, Tiziana - 01d Recensione
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 94-94 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/971923 - 2003 - La fotogrammetria strumento di conoscenza per il restauro: le facciate del Palazzo Doria a Valmontone
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Sartor, Alessandro - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Seminario di Studi Internazionale di Valmontone (Valmontone (RM))
book: Gli strumenti di conoscenza per il progetto di restauro - (88-492-0511-2)

11573/63940 - 2003 - Gli strumenti di conoscenza per il progetto di restauro.
Tiziana, Fiorucci; Chiavoni, Emanuela - 06a Curatela

11573/202738 - 2002 - L'archeologia industriale come occasione di riqualificazione urbana
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Il disegno della città, opera aperta nel tempo - (8881257270)

11573/70876 - 2002 - Archeologia industriale a Roma:un'analisi attraverso il disegno
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 82-89 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/202972 - 2001 - La Rocca di Lanuvio:emergenza architettonica significativa del territorio laziale
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Convegno internazionale maggio 2001 ()
book: "Castelli in Terra in Acqua e.....in Aria" - (8882500357)

11573/419151 - 2001 - La fontana del Mosè come fondale urbano dalla percezione al rilievo
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Rilievo e forma urbana.Il disegno dei portici. Il disegno della città - ()

11573/254098 - 2001 - Tra natura e artificio. La gestione dei dati di rilievo nelle "architetture vegetali"
De Carlo, Laura; Chiavoni, Emanuela; M., Greco - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 61-72 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/135241 - 2000 - Il ruolo del rilevamento a vista nell'analisi dell'architettura
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Strumenti didattici per il rilievocorso di strumenti e metodi per il rilevamento dell'architettura - (8849200722)

11573/418811 - 2000 - Modelos tridimensionales para la representaciòn de la arquitectura: el oratorio dei Filippini en Roma
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Barcelona EGA 2000 VIII Congreso, las nuevas tecnologias de la representacion grafica arqitectonica en el siglo XXI - (8476537433)

11573/414804 - 2000 - Strumenti didattici per il rilievo. Corso di strumenti e metodi per il rilevamento architettonico
Chiavoni, Emanuela; Tiziana, Fiorucci - 06a Curatela

11573/418634 - 1998 - Il rilievo del castello di Frà Diavolo
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: De' castelli di pietra e di...cristallo (Tricesimo)
book: De' Castelli di Pietra e di... Cristallo - ()

11573/971878 - 1998 - Rilievo: ruolo e prospettive professionali
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: AR (Ordine Architetti di Roma e provincia Piazza Manfredo Fanti 47 - 00185 Roma - tel 06 97604560 - fax 06 97604561 architettiroma@archiworld.it) pp. 41-42 - issn: 0392-2014 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/203088 - 1997 - Il disegno in architettura: tra tecnica e sentimento, Lerici, p.59-61, 1997.
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Disegno e sentimento per parlare ai ragazzi e non solo agli studenti, (Lerici)
book: XIX Convegno Internazionale dei docenti della rappresentazione nelle facoltà di Architettura e Ingegneria - ()

11573/70874 - 1996 - Il disegno nell'analisi degli organismi architettonici:l'oratorio dei Filippini in Roma
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI (Roma : Gangemi Editore) pp. 33-42 - issn: 1123-9247 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/203089 - 1995 - Il disegno testimonianza dell'architettura
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
book: in atti del Convegno:Il disegno luogo della memoria, - (8881250349)

11573/203090 - 1994 - L'importanza della fotogrammetria per il rilievo e l'analisi architettonica
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Atti del primo Colloquio internazionale 10-12 novembre Bari 1994 - ()

11573/417787 - 1993 - L'oratorio dei Filippini in Roma: disegni di progetto a confronto.
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Il disegno di progetto.Dalle origini al XVIII secolo - (8874487665)

11573/203091 - 1991 - Differenti qualità identica misura: il concorso clementino del 1716
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
conference: Il disegno di architettura come misura della qualità, (Palermo)
book: in atti del V Seminario di Primavera,Palermo. - ()

11573/203331 - 1990 - Lettura degli Horti Farnesiani attraverso la cartografia storica,
Chiavoni, Emanuela - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
book: pubblicato negli atti del Seminario di Studi Disegno e immagine della città nell'ottocento, vol.II, Trieste, - ()

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma