PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII
email: elisa.errico@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Prof.ssa Luisa De Vita

Research: SMEs and the challenge of the green economy: social impacts and gender inclusion

I am a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Economics for the XXXVII cycle (curriculum 3: Sociology and Applied Social Research). I am supported by a PON scholarship for "Doctorates on green themes" and my research project is "SMEs and the challenge of the green economy: Social impacts and gender inclusion".

I completed my master's degree in Applied Social Sciences in 2021 in Sapienza- University of Rome with a thesis titled "A new gender of enterprise: women entrepreneurs in Italian SMEs" (final grade: 110 cum laude/110).

My research interests focus on the green transition of small and medium-sized firms and effects in terms of social inclusion and gender equality. The gender perspective in Italian entrepreneurship was my major research interest during my master's degree. My Ph.D. research project currently concentrates on green products and processes innovations by Italian SMEs in the rubber-plastics sector and implications at the societal level.

Research products

11573/1693634 - 2023 - Trasporti 4.0. Innovazione, qualità del lavoro e azione sindacale: tendenze e prospettive sulla base di casi di studio
Errico, Elisa; Di Nunzio, Daniele; Casula, Cecilia; Mancini, Chiara; D'onofrio, Marta - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Trasporti 4.0. Innovazione, qualità del lavoro e azione sindacale: tendenze e prospettive sulla base di casi di studio - ()

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