Associate professor

email: elettra.stimilli@uniroma1.it
phone: 06/49917292
building: Dipartimento di Filosofia (Villa Mirafiori)
room: 216b

Elettra Stimilli is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy at the Sapienza University of Rome. She directs the editorial series “Filosofia e Politica” and “MaterialiIT” by the Italian publishing house Quodlibet. She is also part of the scientific committee of the Bloomsbury book series “Political Theologies” (London-New York), of the Editorial Board of the Journal  "Political Theology" (USA) and of directors board of the journal "Filosofia Politica" (Il Mulino). She has taught at the Scuola Normale in Pisa and has had several teaching and research assignments abroad (University of Oxford; École Normale Superiore in Lyon; École de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris; Cornell University; University of Chicago). She is the author of numerous essays centered around the relationship between religion and politics with particular attention to the links between contemporary Italian thought and more recent French and German philosophical production. Among her books, translated into several languages: Il debito del vivente. Ascesi e capitalismo  (2011, 2019); Debito e colpa  (2015); Jacob Taubes. Sovranità e tempo messianico (2004, 2019). He has translated and edited most of this author's works published in Italian. Among them: Il prezzo del messianesimo. Una revisione critica delle tesi di Gershom Scholem (2017), whose German edition he also edited (K&N, Würzburg 2006). In 2023 he published, at Neri Pozza, Filosofia dei mezzi. Per una nuova politica dei corpi

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