PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII
email: e.ricci@uniroma1.it

supervisor: prof.ssa Anna Pompei
co-supervisor: prof.ssa Flavia Pompeo

Research: Light verbs and incorporation: comparison between analytic and synthetic constructions in Latin and ancient Greek.

In 2019, she graduated cum laude in Linguistics at Sapienza University of Rome. Currently, she is Ph.D. student in Linguistics at Sapienza University of Rome, in collaboration with Roma Tre University. Project title: “Light verbs and incorporation: comparison between analytic and synthetic structures in Latin and ancient Greek”. Tutors: prof. Anna Pompei, prof. Flavia Pompeo.

In 2022, she won the "mobility call for young researchers" of La Sapienza University, for a three-month research period abroad at the Universitad de Alcalá (Madrid, Spain) from 1 March 2023 to 31 May 2023, with the research project "Ancient Greek, Incorporation and Light Verbs: a comparison between analytical and synthetic structures".

She was a speaker at the following conferences:
- Doctoral conference "Forms of Adaptation", organised by the University of Padua, with a paper titled "Contact Phenomena in Ladino Sellano" (6/05/2022);
- LI Symposium of the SEL, held in Murcia (Spain), with a presentation titled "hacer+N in Hitita y en griego antiguo" (23/01/23);
- Workshop organised by the Research Project (PID2021-125076NB-C42) Interacción del léxico y la sintaxis en griego antiguo y latín 2: Diccionario de Colocaciones Latinas (DiCoLat) y Diccionario de Colocaciones del Griego Antiguo (DiCoGrA), at the Facultad de Filología, of the Universitad Complutense de Madrid, with a presentation titled "Ancient Greek, Incorporation and Support Verbs: comparison between analytical and synthetic structures" (25/05/23);
- Workshop "Support-verb constructions in the corpora of Greek: between lexicon and grammar?", Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford, with a presentation titled "Analytical and synthetic verbs and the lightness degree of ποιέω" (5/11/2023).

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