PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII
email: elena.valigi@uniroma1.it
building: Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

supervisor: Prof.ssa Beatrice Alfonzetti
co-supervisor (2): Prof.ssa Annamaria Andreoli

Elena Valigi (Perugia, 1996) obtained in 2018 a BA in Modern Literature at Università degli studi di Perugia discussing a dissertation entitled “Dualistic analysis of Bertolt Brecht’s Threepenny Opera” (supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Tinterri), providing a study on the theme of the double within the aforementioned piece, starting from a consideration by Frederic Ewen.
In January 2021 she obtained with honors a MA in Modern Philology at La Sapienza Università di Roma, discussing a dissertation entitled “Pirandellian actors” (supervisor: Prof. Beatrice Alfonzetti) with a particular focus on the study of the correspondence between Pirandello and Marta Abba, his reference interpreter since the foundation of the Compagnia del Teatro d’Arte, of which he was the artistic director.
She is currently a PhD student in Italian Studies at La Sapienza University of Rome (37th cycle) and carries out a research project based on her previous studies that focuses on the dramatic production of the last Pirandello (1925-1936) in connection with the theatrical world with which he is in close contact and specifically on the contribution to his texts by Marta Abba, through a work of analysis that aims to highlight, also from a philological point of view, the relationship between his dramaturgical writing and the collaboration at several functional levels of his most important actress.
Her research interests unfold within the spheres of Italian literature and the history of the theater, with particular attention to the dramaturgy of the early twentieth century and in general to Italian literature of the twentieth century.
In July 2021 she obtained a 1st Level Master in “Gifted. Didattica e psicopedagogia per alunni ad alto potenziale cognitivo e plusdotazione.” at LUMSA Università di Roma.

Research products

11573/1651500 - 2021 - Dieci anni dopo. Marta Abba in una conferenza
Valigi, Elena - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ARIEL (Roma: Bulzoni Editore) pp. 79-100 - issn: 1125-3967 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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