PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: elena.rossiespagnet@uniroma1.it
building: CU002
room: Aula dottorandi 301

supervisor: Prof. De Arcangelis


Working Experience:

EIOPA- European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority- Frankfurt, Germany (10/2021- 04/2022)
Traineeship in the Corporate Affairs Department- strategy and inter-institutional relations
• Monitor legislative and non-legislative developments in relevant sectors across EU Institutions
• • Open-source intelligence
• • Draft summary reports on EP plenary and Committee meetings
• • Engagement with stakeholders

Italian Embassy in Madrid- Madrid, Spain (05/2019-08/2019)
Internship in the Economic and Press Departments (MAECI-CRUI)
• Participation to briefings of the European Council
• Redaction of speeches, reports, and papers for the diplomatic personnel
• Preparation of the press review
• Investigation into Spanish economy and current topics

Union for the Mediterranean – Barcelona, Spain (07/2018– 08/2018)
Stage in the “Higher Education and Research” division
• Team Assistance
• Drafts and summary of meetings
• Research in the field


Summer School in Difference-in-Differences with Panel Data- Barcelona, Spain School of Economics, Barcelona (07/2023)

Summer School in Mgration Economics- Paris School of Economics
Paris, France (06/2023)

Summer School in Program Evaluation Methods in Econometrics- SIDE, Bertinoro, Italy (07/2022)

SIOI, Società Italiana per l’Organizzazione Internazionale- Rome, Italy (09/2019-06/2020)
Master in Diplomatic Studies

University LUISS Guido Carli – Rome, Italy (09/2017– 11/2019)
Master in International Relations
Grade: 110 and Lode
Thesis: On the effects of economic sanctions: the Russian case

MGIMO University- Moscow, Russian Federation (08/2018- 12/2018)
Exchange Student

Roma Tre University– Rome, Italy (10/2014 – 11/2017)
Bachelor in Political Science and International Relations
Thesis: The effects of immigration on the economy, the Italian case

Universidad Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona, Spain (09/2016- 03/2017)
Erasmus Student

Languages: English (C1), Spanish (B2), Russian (A1)
IT: Microsoft Office Suite, Stata, Matlab, R

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