PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
phone: 0649910258
building: CU027
room: 217

supervisor: Stefano Gianni
advisor: Stefano Gianni
co-supervisor: Michael Wehr (SYS, Germany)
co-supervisor (2): Jesper Hedberg (Cytiva, Sweden)

Research: Exploring the biochemical properties of MINT2 and MAGI2 proteins including their folding pathways and binding interactions

Master's Degree in Applied Pharmacology (2020/2022) - Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Coimbra, Portugal Bachelor's degree in Medicinal Chemistry (2016/2020) - Faculty of Science and Technology - University of Coimbra, Portugal Professional Experience: Internship in Quality Control, GMP Laboratory (2023/2024) - SOMAÍ Pharmaceuticals - Lisbon, Portugal Academic Experience: Organic synthesis and purification of compounds (2021/2022) - Higher Institute of Engineering - Lisbon, Portugal In vitro studies on cellular models of Alzheimer's disease (2021/2022) - Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Coimbra, Portugal

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma