First name, last name : Dorra, BEN ALAYA
Professional adress : Higher Institute of Human Sciences, 26, Darghouth Pacha Avenue, 1007, Tunis, Tunisia.
Email :;
Higher Institute of Human Sciences of Tunis, Tunis El-Manar University (Tunisia)
Since April 2015 : Full Professor in Social Psychology (according to the French nomenclature).
2001-2015 : Assistant Professor in Social Psychology (according to the French nomenclature).
Carthage University, National Institute of Labour and Social Studies (Tunisia)
1998-2001 : Higher Education Assistant in Social Psychology (according to the Tunisian nomenclature).
Tunis El-Manar University (Tunisia)
2008-2014 : Psychology Department Head.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Tunisia)
Since 2014 : Member of the National Commission of PhD in Psychology and Educational Sciences.
2011-2012 : Member of the Enabling National Committee of University Curricula in Psychology
1986-1990 : Bachelors Degree in Psychology at the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Tunis, Tunis University (Tunisia).
1990-1991 : Masters Degree in Social Psychology at the Advanced Studies School in Social Sciences (Paris, France).
2000 : PhD. In Social Psychology, at Aix-Marseille I University (France).
2014 : Habilitation to Direct Research in Psychology, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, at Tunis University (Tunisia).
2020 : Certificate in Anthropology, LouvainX University, at Louvain Catholic University, edX.
2019 ; 2022 : Rouen Normandie University (France).
2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2021 : University of Bretagne Occidentale (France).
2019 : Caen Normandie University (France).
2017 : Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (Brazil).
2017 : Universidade do Estado da Bahia (Brazil).
2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 : Cergy-Pontoise University (France).
2007, 2013, 2018 : Aix-Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence (France).
2018 : Higher Studies in Social Sciences College (EHESS), Paris (France).
2013 : Oran University (Algeria)
2007 : Council for the Social Science Research Development in Africa (Togo and Senegal).
Tunis El Manar University, Tunis Higher Institute of Human Sciences, Psychology Department (Tunisia).
Scientific Board Member of the Serge Moscovici Global Network (REMOSCO), Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Foundation (France).
Scientific Board Member of The Europeean Ph.D on Social Representations, Culture and Communication, La Sapienza University, Rome (Italy).
Associate researcher at the Tunisian Reasearch Centre on Terrorism, Tunis.
Associate researcher at The Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Development, Tunis (Tunisia).
Ben Alaya, D. (2021). The Jihadi current and the lay thinking : a “re-anchorage” process hypothesis, RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics, Vol.18, 2, pp.363-374.
Ben Alaya, D. (2020). Pensamento social e a questão da racionalidade, Educação e cultura contemporãnea, Vol. 17, 50, pp.3-15.
Ben Alaya, D. ; Camargo B., De Alba M., Galli I., Permanadeli R. & Seidmann S. (2019). Diffusion et pouvoir heuristique de la pensée de Serge Moscovici dans le monde. In Kalampalikis, N., Jodelet, D., Wieviorka, Moscovici, D., & Moscovici, P. (Eds.) Serge Moscovici : un regard sur les mondes communs, Paris : Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Foundation Editions, pp. 183-198.
Ben Alaya, D. (2016). Auto-communication de masse sur facebook et étude de l’expression iconique des représentations sociales. In G. Lo Monaco, S. Delouvée & P. Rateau (Eds.), Les représentations sociales, Louvain-la-Neuve : DeBoeck, pp.409-412.
Ben Alaya, D. (2015). Quelques éléments introductifs à la théorie des représentations sociales, In H. Cherif (Eds.). Représentations sociales et contextes culturels, Oran :Oran University Publishing, pp. 79-88.
Ben Alaya, D. (2015). Représentation sociale de trois codes linguistiques et rapports symboliques, In M. Achour-Kallel (Eds.). Le social par le langage. La parole au quotidien, Paris : Karthala, pp. 67-81.
Ben Alaya, D. (2011). Abordagens filosóficas e o teoria das representações sociais. In A. M. de Oliveira Almeida ; M. de Fatima de Souza Santos et Z. A. Trindade (Eds.), Teoria das representações sociais - 50 anos, Rio de Janeiro : TechnoPolitik Editions, pp.261-281.
Ben Alaya, D. (2011). Les prises de position de sujets tunisiens à l’égard de l’homme homosexuel. In C. Fraïsse (Eds.), L’homophobie et les expressions de l’ordre hétéro-sexiste, Rennes : Rennes University Press, pp. 85-97.
Ben Alaya, D. (2008). Etude quantitative de la stabilité/instabilité de la représentation sociale de la mondialisation. In G. Poeschl et J. Viaud (Eds.), Images de la mondialisation, Rennes : Rennes University Press, pp. 159-179.
Ben Alaya, D. et Ammar-Chebbah, W. (2008). Les effets du genre de l’emploi et des traits attribués, sur l’étiquetage selon le sexe de la personne employée, Actes du 14e Congrès de l’AIPTLF, Lille :AIPTLF Editions, pp.116-124.
Ammar-Chebbah, W. et Ben Alaya, D. (2008). Degré d’autonomie perçue et représentation sociale du travail en institution universitaire, Actes du 14e Congrès de l’AIPTLF, Lille :AIPTLF Editions, p.86-94.
Ben Alaya, D. (2016). Structural Theory of Social Representations in Light of a Metaphor: of Clouds and Clocks, Papers on Social Representations, Vol. 26, 2, pp.4.1-4.8.
Ernst-Vintila, A., Ben Alaya, D., de Rosa, A., & Neculau, A. (2016). Do the shoemaker's children go barefoot? Diversity in social psychology and the two worldmaps of its diachronic evolution, Psihologia Sociala, 5, 38, pp.125-132.
Ben Alaya, D. (2016). La légitimation de la violence selon le genre et le contexte, en Tunisie, Déviance et Société, 2, pp.189-202.
Ben Alaya, D. (2015). Fundamentos de uma representação social em construção – A Revolução Tunisiana. In: Jesuino, Jorge, C.; Mendes, Felismina R. P.; Lopes, Manuel P. (Eds.). As representações sociais nas sociedades em mudança. Petrópolis: Vozes, pp.131-152.
Ben Alaya (2014). La réappropriation d’éléments de l’Histoire sur Facebook dans un contexte tunisien “post révolutionnaire”, Revue Educaçao e Cultura Contemporânea, Vol.11, 24, pp.21-32.
Ben Alaya, D., Chryssochoou, X., Clémence, A., De Rosa, A., Drozda-Senkowska, E., Elcheroth, G., Ernst-Vintila, A., Goncalves, I., Green, E., Hansen, K., Howarth, C., Kalampalikis, N., Reicher, S., Schruijer, S., Simon, B., Staerklé, C., Uskul, A., Vala, G., Verkuyten, M., Volpato, C. & Wagner, W. (2013). Developing diversity in EASP as a means to achieve a vibrant and relevant social psychology, European Bulletin of Social Psychology, Vol. 25, 2, pp.5-9.
Ben Alaya, D. (2013). The Tunisian revolution. An object under construction, Papers on Social Representations, Vol. 22, pp.2.1-2.19.
Ben Alaya, D. (2012). Evaluations dans la définition du «bon conjoint» et effets de genre, Les Cahiers de Psychologie Politique, 21.
Holdsworth Michelle, Mahjoub A., Hadjij C., Eymard-Duvernay Sabrina, Ben Alaya D., Khettache R. & Lefevre P. (2009), Body image and body satisfaction in Algeria and Tunisia- is there a transition of attitudes ? Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 55, 1, pp.143-143.
Poeschl, G.; Campos, P. & Ben Alaya D. (2007). Appartenances nationales et prises de position sur la mondialisation, Bulletin de Psychologie, 60(1), pp.11-19.
Ben Alaya, D. & Campos P. (2007). La représentation sociale de la mondialisation: contenu, structure et organisation, Bulletin de Psychologie, 60, 1, pp.35-47.
Ben Alaya, D. (2006). Sexuation psychologique et représentations sociales dans un contexte culturel en transition, Psychologie et Société, Vol. 5, 9(1), pp. 139-167.
Ben Alaya, D. & Romdhane, N. (2006). Contexte d’actualisation de l’auto-définition et assimilation/différenciation par rapport aux catégories groupales, Intersignes Revue, Vol.1, pp.184-214.
Ben Alaya, D. (2005). Représentations sociales et processus identitaires : l’identification aux catégories de genre et à la catégorie d’appartenance nationale chez des sujets tunisiens, The Centre de Recherches en Psychologie Bulletin, 14, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, pp.41-72.
Tebourski, F. & Ben Alaya, D. (2004). Knowledge and attitudes of high school student regarding HIV/AIDS in Tunisia : Does more knowledge lead to more positive attitude?, Journal of Adolescent Health, Vol. 34, p. 161-162.
Tebouski, F. ; Jaouadi, N. ; Ben Alaya, D. ; Ben Amar-El Gaied A. & Ayed, M. (2003). Attitudes des professionnels de la santé à l’égard du don d’organe et de la transplantation, La Tunisie Médicale, Vol. 81, 07, pp. 483-487.
Tebourski, F. & Ben Alaya, D. (2002). L’attitude du personnel de la santé en Tunisie face aux personnes infectées par le VIH/SIDA, Ethica Clinica, 06, 30, pp.39-43.
Ben Alaya, D. ; Melliti, I. ; Hanine, M. & Zoghlami M. (2022), The marginalities and the meanings of exclusion among young people, Report for the Presidency of the Tunisian Government.
Alioua, M., Barbotte, L., Baulard, E., Ben Alaya, D., Ben Ismail, R., Braham, K., Capasso, S., Chafiki, M., D’aiglepierre, R, Duquesnay, C., Fargues, P, Mr. Fehri, F., Hassassi, H., Hoffmann, A., Içduygu, A., Johnstone, H., Le Masson, O, Levallois, A., Marchesini, G., Moreno, R., Moreno-Dodson, B., Mouhoud, E.-M., Musa, S., Oudry, G., Mr. Ould-Aoudia, J., Revault, L., Ricceri, M., Rosati, F.C., Sgarzi, M., Smaili, M. (2021), Youth, Actors of change. Rethinking Mobility , Policy Paper, Marseille :Center for Mediterranean Integration.
Ben Alaya, D. ; Ben Smail, R. et Hanin, M. (2020), Marginalisation et exclusion : quels rapports avec l’extrémisme violent ?. In R., Ben Smail Rim ; D. Ben Alaya; M. Hanin; M., Limam et M. Mokaddem (Eds.), Pensée sociale et résonnances avec l’extrémisme violent, Tunis : Tunisian Forum for Economic & Social Development ; Lawyers Without Borders, pp.28-73.
Ben Alaya, D. (2020), The motivations of hate speech on virtual social networks in Tunisia, Report, Beyrouth :The Development Unated-Nations Programme, Regional Bureau for Arab States (RBAS).
Ben Alaya, D. ; Ben Smail, R. & Hanine, M. (2020), Social thinking and violent extremism: Echoings and resistances, Report, Tunis : The Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Development ; Lawyers without Borders.
Ben Alaya, D. (2017). Facteurs psychosociaux et prévention du VIH/SIDA chez les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec les hommes. In Wahid Ferchichi (Eds.), Le corps dans toutes ses libertés, Tunis : Individual Freedoms Defence Association, pp.219-248.
Ben Alaya D. (2015), Representations and attitudes among staff structures for children with disabilities, Report, Tunis : Santé Sud
Ben Alaya D. (2015), Young and societal problems - Basic Stydy 2, Tunis :The National Youth Observatory & Canada :The International Development Research Centre (CRDI).
Ben Alaya D. (2008), The social representation of violence against women in Tunisia, Report, Tunis : The Family and Population National Office.
Ben Alaya D. (2004), The Rural Women in Tunisia, Report, Tunis : The United Nations Development Programme.
Ben Alaya D. (2001), The abandoned children temporary foster care, Report, Tunis :UNICEF & The Child Protection National Institute.
Ben Alaya, D. (2000), The children socialization external actors in Tunisian families, Report, Tunis : The Women and Family Ministry & The Women Research, Studies, Documentation and Information Centre.
Ben Alaya D. (1999), The image of women in media, Report, Tunis :The Women Research, Studies, Documentation and Information Centre.
Ben Alaya D. (1996), The 3rd Urban Development Project Impact on Women and family in Sidi Ahmed Echrichi, Report, Tunis :The Women and Family Ministry.
Ben Alaya D. (1996), The Social Impact Assessment of the 3rd Urban Development Project in Sidi Ahmed Echrichi and Zghadia, Report, Tunis :The Urban Rehabilitation and Renewal Agency.