Donato Romano

Full professor


Professor Romano has got a bachelor degree in Forestry and a PhD degree in Forest Economics and Management, both at the University of Florence. Professor Romano’s research interests have shifted over the years from environmental resource valuation and econometric modelling of consumer’s decisions toward rural development analysis, globalization and economic growth and over the last decade to food security, poverty, household resilience to shocks and microeconomic analysis of the relationship between climate change and conflicts. He has published more than 100 papers in Italian and international referred journals, plus 15 books and monographs on the above mentioned topics. Prof. Romano has been involved in and/or has been the coordinator of several EU and national research projects. He has been consultant for the FAO, WFP, IFAD and the EU Commission (Agriculture DG and Research DG). Prof. Romano has been the President of the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economists (AIEAA) and Vice-president of the Italian Economic Society (SIE). He is currently member of the Board of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). Prof. Romano is also the organizer of the DevEconMeet, a yearly workshop where Italian PhD students and candidates in development economics present and discuss their own research.

2020-today Director PhD Programme in "Development Economics and Local Systems - DELoS", University of Florence (Italy)

2014-2017 Director Joint PhD Programme in "Development Economics and Local Systems - DELoS", University of Trento and University of Florence (Italy)

2011-2014 Director PhD Programme in "Economics", University of Florence (Italy)

2010-2011 Director PhD Programme in "Development Economics", University of Florence (Italy)

1999-today Professor of “Agriculture in Economic Development”, University of Florence (Italy)

1998-1999 Professeur Visiteur, Centre de Recherche en Économie du Développement (CRED), Faculté des Sciences Économiques et Sociales, Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur (Belgium) (on leave from the University of Florence for sabbatical)

1997 Visiting Scholar, Food Research Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (USA)

1994-1999 Associate Professor of “Agriculture in Economic Development”, University of Florence (Italy)

1993 Visiting Scholar, Food Research Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (USA)

1992-1998 Associate Professor in “Agricultural and Forestry Economics in Tropical Countries”, University of Florence (Italy)

1990-1992 Research Fellow, Department of Economics, College of Agriculture, University of Tuscia, Viterbo (Italy)

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