Dario Elia Tosi

Associate professor

email: dario.tosi@unito.it

Since 2011 Associate Professor in Comparative Public Law, currently teaching at the Department of Law, University of Turin. Leader of the Jean Monnet Module "Fundamental Rights in Europe: Enhancing cultural sensitivity for INclusiveness" (FREE IN). Scientific representative of the Department of Law of the University of Turin, at the Interuniversity Centre for Peace Studies (ICPS). Director of the European Documentation Centre (EDC) at the University Institute of European Studies of Turin.

From 2019 to 2023, Head of the Board of the European Section "Gianni Merlini" at the Library "Norberto Bobbio" of the University of Turin.

From 2012 to 2018, Chairman of the bachelor’s degree Course in Political Science and International Relations at the Department of Economic and Political Sciences of the University of Valle d'Aosta. During the same period, Vice-Rector for teaching activities at the University of Aosta Valley

Member of many scientific associations(among others, Comparative and European Public Law Association, Italian Association of Comparative Law, Italian Association of Constitutionalists, United Kingdom Constitutional Law Association)

Visiting Professor and Visiting scholar at several European universities (Universitat de Barcelona, West University of Timisoara, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Universidad Autónoma del Madrid, Universidad Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona)

Scientific coordinator of several cooperation and university exchange agreements with foreign universities aimed at the settlement of doble-degree university programmes.

Member of different national and international research projects and member of many scientific committees of journals and publishing series in the field of law.

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