PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
building: Lettere e Filosofia
room: 6-7 II piano

supervisor: Michelina Di Cesare
co-supervisor: Eleonora Destefanis

Research: The Landscape of Lower Egypt between the Late Antique and Early Islamic Periods ( VI-VIII CE)

2022-present: PhD student in Archaeology (curriculum Archaeology and Post-Classical Antiquities) at Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Classics.

2021-present: Member of the archaeological mission to the site of Çuka e Ajtoit (ancient Kestría) in Albania of Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration with the Instituti i Arkeologjisë Tiranë and directed by Julian Bogdani.

2022-present: Member of the archaeological mission at the Great Mosque of Kufa (Najaf) of Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration with the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH) and directed by Michelina Di Cesare.

2019-present: Member of the Laboratorio di Archeologia Digitale (LAD) at Sapienza University of Rome directed by Julian Bogdani.

2022 December: Participation in cross-training programme on soft skills at Sapienza University of Rome. Courses attended: From Linear Regression to Deep Models using Neural Networks as part of the Soft Skills initiative for researchers Sapienza University of Rome and Introduction to ML/DL and to Pytorch.

2022 August: Theoretical-practical course on first aid and BLS (Basic Life Support) with airway disobstruction on adults, children and newborns at the Centro di Formazione Rete Emergenze ODV Accredited ARES 118 Lazio 242/2019.

2020: APR CRO course at the Rome headquarters of the DJI Academy and the Gruppo Aeromodellistico Ostiense (GAO). Open A2 Remote Pilot Certificate.

2020: Theoretical-practical course on 3D laser scanner technology at the Rome headquarters of Leica Geosystems, Via Elio Lampridio Cerva, 110, 00143 Roma RM. Equipment and software used: Leica Geosystems BLK 360, Cyclone Field 360, Cyclone Register 360 Core and Cloudworx for AutoCAD.

a.y. 2019-2020: Master's degree in Archaeology (Oriental curriculum) [LM-Ordin. 2019] (Class LM-2), at Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Art and Humanities, Department of Classics. Dissertation in Egyptology and Coptic Civilisation. Thesis title: The introduction of the cult of Isis in Latium: contaminations and dynamics of diffusion in the Republican age. Tutor: Paola Buzi, Co-Tutur: Julian Bogdani.

a.y. 2019-2020: Annual Course in Egyptian Language (Hieratic) held by Prof. Vincent Pierre Michael Laisney at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Via della Pilotta 25, 00187 Rome. Middle Egyptian Language (I-IIsemester): transliteration, translation and grammatical analysis of the Hebers Papyrus.

a.y. 2015-2018: Bachelor's degree in Archaeological Sciences (Oriental curriculum) [L-270-Ordin. 2012] (Class L-1), at Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Classics. Thesis in Digital Humanities. Thesis title: The nomoi XII, XIII, XIV, XV and XVI of Upper Egypt during the New Kingdom: a topographic survey for a new GIS platform. Tutor: Julian Bogdani.

a.y. 2018-2019: Annual Course in Egyptian Language (Advanced Middle Egyptian) taught by Vincent Pierre Michael Laisney at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Via della Pilotta 25, 00187 Rome. Middle Egyptian language (I-IIsemester): transliteration, translation and grammatical analysis of a selection of texts (The dialogue of the desperate man with his Ba, The adventures of Sinue).

a.y. 2017-2018: Annual Course in Egyptian Language (Middle Egyptian) taught by Vincent Pierre Michael Laisney at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Via della Pilotta 25, 00187 Rome. Middle Egyptian language (I-IIsemester): transliteration, translation and grammatical analysis of a selection of texts.

February 2020-October 2022: Assegno di Ricerca Cat.B/I S.s.d. Metodologie della Ricerca Archeologica (L-ANT/10) at Sapienza University of Rome, Department of History Anthropology Religions Art History, Media and Performing Arts (SARAS). Project: Sacri lapides Aegypti: from the scribes of temples to the copyists of scriptoria. The transformation of spaces of cult, identity and memory from pharaonic and Graeco-Roman Egypt to Christian Egypt. Tutor: Paola Buzi, Co-Tutor: Julian Bogdani.

2020: Borsa di Ricerca Junior at Sapienza University of Rome, Department of History Anthropology Religions Art History, Media and Performing Arts (SARAS). Title of research grant: Construction and implementation of a GIS platform to contain, visualise and analyse urban mobility in 18th century Rome. Tutor: Julian Bogdani, Co-Tutor: Renata Ago.

2023-present: European Association of Archaeologist (EAA).
2020-present: European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH).
2020-present: Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD).

2022-present: Member of the University research project 'Reconstruction of the historical and archaeological landscapes of southern Albania through the use of historical aerial photographs from World War II' at Sapienza University of Rome and directed by Julian Bogdani.

2020-2022: Member of the FARE MIUR research project "Sacri lapides Aegypti: from the scribes of temples to the copyists of scriptoria. The transformation of spaces of cult, identity and memory from pharaonic and Graeco-Roman Egypt to Christian Egypt" directed by Paola Buzi.

2020: Collaboration on the release of version 4 of BraDypUS, an open source database management system developed for archaeological applications at Sapienza University of Rome by Julian Bogdani (

2019-present: Collaboration with the 2015 ERC Advanced Grant research project (project no. 687567) "PAThs. An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature" directed by Paola Buzi.

2019-present: Tutor for LAD: Laboratorio di Archeologia Digitale at Sapienza University of Rome directed by Julian Bogdani.

February 23, 2023: Attendance at the Seminario della Scuola di Dottorato in Archeologia of the Sapienza University of Rome held at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Archeologia Hall from 22 to 24 February 2023. Title of poster: A Landscape in Transition: The Egyptian Delta between the Late Antique and Early Islamic Periods.

February 8, 2023: Attendance at the conference "Architectures of clay: pigeon towers in Iran" held at the University of Padua, Edificio Liviano, Aula Diano, on February 8, 2023. Title of paper (with Noemi Giovino): A digital atlas for the study of pigeon towers in Iran.

September 23-24, 2022: Attendance at the International Conference ArcheoFOSS XVI. Open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research held at Sapienza University of Rome, Edificio delle Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, Aula Giorgio Levi della Vida from 23 to 24 September 2022 in collaboration with DigiLab Sapienza. Title of presentation (with Julian Bogdani): Backward engineering historical maps: the case of 18th century gazetteer of the Napoleonic map of Egypt.

November 2020: Attendance at the IAS conference: Sapienza Archaeology Meetings, 2nd edition, Digital Humanities and Landscape Archaeology Session, organised online by Sapienza University of Rome on 19-20 November 2020. Title of presentation (with Marta Addessi): Literary sources as a tool to reconstruct the landscape of Late Antique Egypt: the homily On the Forty-Nine Martyrs of Sceti and the Wādī al-Naṭrūn.

November 2020: Attendance at the IAS conference: Sapienza Archaeology Meetings, 2nd edition, Digital Humanities and Landscape Archaeology Session, organised online by Sapienza University of Rome on 19-20 November 2020. Title of presentation (with Marta Addessi): Literary sources as a tool to reconstruct the landscape of Late Antique Egypt: the homily On the Forty-Nine Martyrs of Sceti and the Wādī al-Naṭrūn.

October 2020: Attendance at the 15th International ArchaeoFOSS Conference XIV. Open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research held online from 15 to 18 October 2020. Title of the presentation (with Renata Ago): Analysis of urban mobility in 18th century Rome: a research approach through GIS platform.

May 2019: Attendance at the IAS conference: Sapienza Archaeology Meetings, Session Meetings on Egyptology, organised by Sapienza University of Rome on 24 May 2019. Title of presentation: A proposito dell'isola di iw-rd: un riesame delle fonti testuali di epoca faraonica combinato all'analisi della cartografia storica tramite piattaforma GIS.

March 2022: Attendance at the RDR Lab: Laboratorio di Risorse Digitali per la Ricerca organised by Federica Favino and Julian Bogdani within the framework of the PhD School of History Anthropology and Religions (SAR) at Sapienza University of Rome. Title of the presentation (with Julian Bogdani): The GIS system of the Napoleonic cartography of Egypt: new data for historical and archaeological research.

March 2022: Attendance at the RDR Lab:Laboratorio di Risorse Digitali per la Ricerca organised by Federica Favino and Julian Bogdani within the framework of the PhD School of History Anthropology and Religions (SAR) of Sapienza University of Rome. Title of the presentation (with Renata Ago): Muoversi a Roma nel Settecento (Moving in Rome in the 18th century) (research diary for the volume: R. Ago, Il diritto alla città. Roma nel Settecento, Viella, Rome 2021).

November 2020: Attendance at the workshop entitled "Da Napoleone al WebGIS: metodi ed esperienze di datificazione di cartografia storica" held online on 25 November 2020 as part of the Digital Humanities course at Sapienza University of Rome (with Julian Bogdani, Domizia D'Erasmo, Paolo Rosati, Cecilia De Leone, Arianna Giordano and Luigi Campagna).

April 2019: Attendance at the workshop "Ripensare i saperi in forma digitale: esperienze e metodologie di Digital Humanities a confronto" organised by Federica Favino and Julian Bogdani at Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Aula III multimediale, on 1-2 April 2019. Title of the presentation (with Renata Ago): GIS survey of urban mobility in eighteenth-century Rome.

2022: Member of the organising committee for the 16th edition of the International Conference ArcheoFOSS XVI. Open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research held at Sapienza University of Rome, Edificio delle Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, Aula Giorgio Levi della Vida, from 22 to 24 September 2022 in collaboration with the interdepartmental research centre DigiLab Sapienza.
Chair of the panel "Moving in the past: open solutions for data set design, spatial analysis and spatial statistical methods to investigate movement in Antiquity" with Noemi Giovino.

2021: Member of the organising committee for the XV International Conference ArcheoFOSS XV. Open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research held online from 23 to 26 November 2021.

- Operating Systems (OS): macOS Menterey (and earlier); Windows 10 (and earlier); Ubuntu Linux 20 (and earlier).
- Productivity software: Microsoft Office; iWork; LibreOffice.
- Graphics: Photoshop; InDesign; Illustrator; Acrobat DC Pro; Lightroom; Spark; GIMP.
- Assisted graphic design: AutoCAD; ArchiCAD.
- Photogrammetry: Metashape Pro; DJI GS Pro; Pix4D.
- DBMS: Microsoft Access; FileMaker; SQLite; MySQL; PostgreSQL; PostGIS; BraDypUS.
- Program languages: JavaScript; React; NodeJS; Python; HTML; CSS; SASS; SCSS; Markdown.
- Web development: Jakyll; Gatzby; WordPress.
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS): QGIS; ArcGIS.

Research products

11573/1730967 - 2024 - Old data, old methodology and new research. A case study of legacy data integration from the Cestrine Region, Epirus
Bogdani, Julian; D'erasmo, Domizia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ARCHEOLOGIA E CALCOLATORI (Roma : Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo antico del CNR ; Borgo San Lorenzo, FI : All'insegna del giglio) pp. 323-332 - issn: 2385-1953 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1710413 - 2024 - Proceedings of ArchaeoFOSS XV 2021 Open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research
D’Erasmo, Domizia; Esteban Gonzalez, Cristina; Rosati, Paolo; Serpetti, Matteo; Tirabassi, Livia - 06a Curatela
paper: GROMA (Bologna : Bradypus) pp. 1-120 - issn: 2531-6672 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1685440 - 2023 - Backward engineering historical maps: the update of the open hydrography dataset of napoleonic cartography
Bogdani, Julian; D'erasmo, Domizia - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
paper: ARCHEOLOGIA E CALCOLATORI (Roma : Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo antico del CNR ; Borgo San Lorenzo, FI : All'insegna del giglio) pp. 201-210 - issn: 2385-1953 - wos: WOS:001113082500003 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85199175003 (0)
conference: Archeo.FOSS XVI - 2022 Open software, hardware, processes, data and formats in archaeological research (Roma)

11573/1655624 - 2022 - Digitising the Napoleonic map of Egypt. The creation and publication of an open data set for the reconstruction of the ancient Egyptian landscape
Bogdani, Julian; D'erasmo, Domizia; De Leone, Cecilia; Giordano, Arianna - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: VICINO ORIENTE (Roma: Sapienza Università di Roma) pp. 77-97 - issn: 2532-5159 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1587500 - 2021 - Analysis of urban mobility in 18th century Rome: a research approach through GIS platform
Ago, Renata; D'erasmo, Domizia - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: ArcheoFOSS 2020. Open software, hardware, processes, data, and formats in archaeology (Online)
book: ArcheoFOSS XIV 2020. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference 15-17 October 2020 - (978-1-80327-125-5)

11573/1552172 - 2020 - Figure femminili e gestione del potere durante la VI Dinastia: le donne della corte di Pepi I
D'erasmo, Domizia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: VICINO ORIENTE (Roma: Sapienza Università di Roma) pp. 109-123 - issn: 2532-5159 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1552161 - 2019 - Georeferencing Napoleonic Cartography to reconstruct Ancient Egypt landscapes: methods in comparison and the case of the island of iw-rd in the 16th nomos of Upper Egypt
D'erasmo, Domizia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: GROMA (Bologna : Bradypus) pp. 1-18 - issn: 2531-6672 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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