NAME: Diana Quarantotto
NATIONALITY: Italian and Dutch
UNIVERSITY ADDRESS: University of Rome, Sapienza; Department of Philosophy; via Carlo Fea 2, 00161 Rome (Italy).
Research Professor, University of Rome, Sapienza, Department of Philosophy.
Ancient Greek Philosophy and Science, with a special concentration on Aristotle’s philosophy.
Ancient Philosophy and Science.
2008-present: Research Professor, University of Rome, Sapienza, Department of Philosophy.
2005-8: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Philosophy, University of Pisa.
2005: CNR Fellowship.
2005: Accademia dei Lincei-British Academy Fellowship.
2005: Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Pisa.
2000-4: Doctoral Fellowship in Philosophy, University of Pisa.
1999: First-Class Honours Degree Philosophy, University of Rome, Sapienza.
Italian (native speaker), English (written and spoken), German (written and spoken), French (written), Dutch (basic understanding), Ancient Greek, Latin.
Aristotle’s Physics Book I. A Systematic Exploration, ed. by D. Quarantotto, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018.
L’universo senza spazio. Aristotele e la teoria del luogo, Bibliopolis, Napoli 2017.
Causa finale, sostanza, essenza in Aristotele, Bibliopolis, Napoli 2005.
Physics I.3, in: K. Ierodiakonou, P. Kalligas, V. Karasmanis (eds), Aristotle’s Physics I, Symposium Aristotelicum, Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
Aristotle on the order of embryonic development, in: S. Föllinger (ed.), Aristotle’s Generation of Animals. A Comprehensive Approach, (forthcoming).
Aristotle on the differences in organisation in spoken and written language, in: L. Gazziero (éd.), Le langage. Lectures d’Aristote, Leuven, Peeters (forthcoming).
Perishable and unperishable lives: Aristotle’s analogy between the seed and the element of stars in GA II 3 (736b29-737a5), in: D. Lefebvre (éd.), Vie et science de la vie chez Aristote et dans la tradition péripatéticienne, Brill (forthcoming).
Aristotle on science as problem solving, Topoi 2018: DOI 10.1007/s11245-018-9548-2
The role, structure and status of Aristotle’s Physics I, in D. Quarantotto (ed.), Aristotle’s Physics Book I. A Systematic Exploration, CUP, Cambridge 2018, pp. 1-40.
Aristotle’s Problemata Style and Aural Textuality, in R. Polanski, W. Wians (eds), Reading Aristotle: Argument and Exposition, Brill, Leiden-Boston 2017, pp. 97-126.
Aristotele e gli effetti del primo motore immobile sugli enti naturali, in L. Grecchi (a cura di), Immanenza e trascendenza in Aristotele, Petite Plaisance, Pistoia 2017, pp. 189-209.
Aristotle’s Way Away from Parmenides’ Way. A Case of Scientific Controversy and Ancient Humour, Elenchos 37 (1-2), 2016, pp. 209-228.
Aristotele. La psicofisiologia delle emozioni e l’ilemorfismo, Bruniana & Campanelliana 23 (1), 2017, pp. 183-200.
A Dynamic Ontology: On How Aristotle Arrived at the Conclusion that Eternal Change Accomplishes Ousia, in: M. Leunissen (ed.), Aristotle’s Physics. A Critical Guide, Cambridge University Press 2015: 162-185.
Diventare immortali. Etica e cosmologia in Aristotele, in E. Canone (ed.), Anima-corpo alla luce dell’etica. Antichi e moderni, L. Olschki, Firenze 2015: 35-47.
Aristotle’s Natural Teleology Seen from Above: A ‘Cosmogony’ of the Means-Goal Relation, in: M. Tuominen, S. Heinämaa, V. Mäkinen (eds), New Perspectives on Aristotelianism and its Critics, (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History 233), Brill, Leiden-Boston 2014: 31-49.
Il dialogo dell’anima (di Aristotele) con se stessa. Problemata: l’indagine e l’opera, in: B. Centrone (ed.), Studi sui Problemata Physica aristotelici, Bibliopolis 2011: 23-57.
Aristotle and Galen on the Epistemic Status of Medicine: a Reply to R. Chiaradonna, in: C. Cellucci, E. Grosholz, E. Ippoliti (eds), Logic and Knowledge, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne 2011: 168-73.
Aristotle on the Soul as a Principle of Biological Unity, in: S. Föllinger (ed.), ‘Was ist ‘Leben’? Aristoteles’ Anschauungen zur Entstehung und Funktionsweise von ‚Leben’, Philosophie der Antike 27, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag 2010: 35-53.
Che cosa fa di una forma un’anima: l’organizzazione anatomo-fisiologica dei viventi e la sede della psuche, in: A. Fermani, M. Migliori (a cura di), Attività e virtù. Anima e corpo in Aristotele, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 2009: 367-81.
Aristotele sulla naturalità e convenzionalità del linguaggio, Elenchos XXVI (2005): 139-59.
Metaphysica Iota 8-9: le cose diverse per specie e lo status dei principi, in: B. Centrone (a cura di), Il libro Iota della Metafisica di Aristotele, Sankt Augustin 2005, Academia Verlag: 171-86.
Dalla diversità per specie alla condizione di possibilità dell’essenza: Aristotele, Metaphysica I 8, 9, 10, Methexis XVII (2004): 25-53.
Ontologia della causa finale aristotelica, Elenchos XXII (2001): 329-65.
Review of J. Mouracade (ed.), Aristotle on Life, Apeiron XLI (2008): Elenchos XXXI (2010): 176-82.
Review of M. Deslauriers, Aristotle on Definition, Brill (“Philosophia Antiqua”), Leiden-Boston 2008: Elenchos XXIX (2008): 190-5.
Review of T. Manzoni, Aristotele e il cervello. Le teorie del più grande biologo dell’antichità nella storia del pensiero scientifico, (Roma 2007). Hist. & Phil. of Life Sci. XXIX (2008): 517-518.
Comments on M. Migliori, Plato’s Sophist, in: M. Migliori, Plato’s Sophist. Value and Limitation on Ontology, Sankt Augustin 2007, Academia Verlag: 156-64.
Review of Arnaud Zucker, Aristote et les classifications zoologiques, (Louvain-La-Neuve 2005). Hist. & Phil. of Life Sci. XXVIII (2007): 438-439.
Review of P. Laspia, L’articolazione linguistica. Origini biologiche di una metafora (Roma 1997), Elenchos XXI (2000): 400-408.
Aristotle on the order of embryonic development, Conference: Aristotle’s Generation of Animals. A comprehensive approach, Philipps Universität Marburg, 22-24/08/2018.
Aristotle’s Metaphysics Iota 1. Discussant. 24th Meeting of the European Society of Ancient Philosophy, Rome 22-24/03/2018.
Aristotle on science as problem solving, Conference: Investigating life. Center for Philosophy of Science, Pittsburgh, 20-21/04/2018.
Aristotele: Metafisica IX.6, Ciclo di conferenze sul libro IX della Metafisica di Aristotele, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, 13/11/2017.
Aristotle on eternal circular motion: kinesis or energeia (in the sense of Metaph. IX.6, 1048b18-36)? Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, Oxford 01/06/2017.
Il moto circolare eterno è una kinesis o una energeia (nel senso di Metaph. IX 6, 1048b18-36)? Seminario nazionale di storia della filosofia antica. Università de L’Aquila, L’Aquila 22-4/06/2016.
Notes on Aristotle, Metaphysics IX 6: Is Eternal Change a Kinesis or an Energeia?. Centre Léon-Robin; cycle de conférences: Logique et Métaphysique chez Aristote, Paris 13/05/2016.
Structures and Processes in Aristotle’s Genetics and Embryology. Conference: “Worlds Apart? Aristotelian and Contemporary Engagement in Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Biology.”, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (Utah), 15-15/04/2016.
Aristotle’s Categories 7. Discussant. 21th Meeting of the European Society of Ancient Philosophy, Athens 26-28/03/2015.
The role, structure and status of Aristotle’s Physics I. Second of two conferences on: Aristotle’s Physics I. Sapienza, Rome 18-20/06/2015.
Aristotle: Physics I 3. Symposium Aristotelicum on Aristotle: Physics I, Delphi 27/07/2014-01/08/2014.
Aristotle’s Physics I 3. First of two conferences on: Aristotle’s Physics I. Sapienza, Rome 12-14/09/2013.
Aristotle’s Physics II.5. Discussant. 17th Meeting of the European Society of Ancient Philosophy, Athens 14-16/04/2011.
Aristotle and Galen on the Epistemic Status of Medicine: a Reply to R. Chiaradonna. Conference: “Logic and Knowledge”, University of Rome Sapienza, Rome 16-9/06/10.
Aristotele e la teleologia cosmica. Seminar, University of Milan, Milan 04/03/10.
Il retroterra platonico della biologia di Aristotele. Conference: “Il platonismo e le scienze”, University of Roma Tre, Rome 03/03/10.
Aristotele: l’unità delle scienza della natura. Conference: “Logos, episteme, praxis”, University of Rome Sapienza, Rome 8-9/10/09.
Aristotle’s Physics is a Biological Science. Ninth Independent Meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society (ASP), Loyola College, Baltimore (MD), 23-6/04/09.
Causalità e Finalismo. Laboratorio di Epistemologia e Ontologia, University of Florence, 09/02/2009.
Aristotle on the Scale of Nature and the Divine Goal. HOPOS (The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science) Conference; Panel (with A. Code, A. Falcon, J.G. Lennox): “The Unity and Boundaries of Aristotle’s Natural Science”, Vancouver, University of British Columbia, 18-21/06/08.
The Cosmological Meaning of Aristotle’s Natural Teleology. Seminar, Praha Univerzita Karlova, 07/05/08.
The Struggle for Eternity: Aristotle on the Metamorphosis of Living Matter, its Goal and Laws. Conference: “Aristotelianism and the Critique of Modernity”, Helsinki, Collegium for Advanced Studies, 23-5/11/07.
Imitating the Stars: Aristotle on Life as Eternal Being. International Conference on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, New York City, Fordham University, 19-21/10/07.
La concezione della causalità in Aristotele. Seminar: “Aristotele e la sua posteriorità”, University of Roma Tre, 22/05/07.
Life and Unity: the Hypothesis of Soul and its Aristotelian Justifications. Conference: “Was ist Leben? Aristoteles’ Anschauungen zur Entstehung und Funktionsweise von Leben”, Otto-Friedrich-Universität-Bamberg, 23-6/08/06.
La teleologia di Aristotele: gli scritti biologici. Seminar at the SNS, Pisa, 01/04/06.
La teleologia di Aristotele: Physica II. Seminar at the SNS, Pisa, 31/03/06.
La teleologia di Aristotele: Metaphysica I 3-10. Seminar at the SNS, Pisa, 30/03/06.
Lo status biologico delle forme e il problema dell’essenza. Conference: “Metafisica e Biologia in Aristotele”, San Sepolcro (Arezzo, Italy), 9-10/09/04.
Che cosa fa di una forma un’anima. L’organizzazione anatomo-fisiologia dei viventi e la sede della psyche. Conference: “Attività e Virtù. Anima e Corpo in Aristotele”, University of Macerata, 24-6/03/04.
Aristotle, De interpretatione 9, 19a 23-b 4. Seminar: “Il nono capitolo del De interpretatione di Aristotele”, Montecompatri (Rome), 22-3/11/02.
La dottrina aristotelica della causalità e della definizione. National Ph.D. Students Conference, Reggio Emilia, 10-3/12/01.
Diversità di specie, riproduzione ed essenzialismo in Metaphysica X 9. Conference: “Il decimo libro della Metafisica di Aristotele”, San Sepolcro (Arezzo, Italy), 26-8/09/01.
Platone e la conoscenza. Conference of the series: Head to Head. Speakers: F. Fronterotta (Sapienza, Roma), F. Trabattoni (Università degli studi di Milano). Sapienza, Roma 23/11/2016.
Hylomorphism: the Ancient Theory Solving Modern Problems. Conference of the series: Science and Philosophy Colloquia. Speakers: W. Jaworski (Fordham University, New York City), S. Gozzano (Università de L’Aquila). Sapienza, Roma 03/10/2016.
La fisica e Aristotele: due visioni a confronto. Conference of the series: Science and Philosophy Colloquia. Speakers: C. Rovelli (CPT Marsiglia), M. Ugaglia (SNS Pisa). Sapienza, Roma 04/11/2015.
Analitico vs Continentale. Conference of the series: Head to Head. Speakers: C. Esposito (Università di Bari), M. De Caro (Università di Roma Tre). Sapienza, Roma 28/10/2015.
Aristotle’s Physics I. Second of two conferences on this topic. Speakers: Istvan Bodnár (CEU, Budapest), L.M. Castelli (LMU, Munich), Cristina Cerami (CNRS, Paris), David Charles (Yale University), Timothy Clarke (University of California, Berkeley), Alan Code (Stanford University), Andrea Falcon (Concordia University, Montreal), Lindsay Judson (Oxford University), James G. Lennox (University of Pittsburgh), Diana Quarantotto (Sapienza University, Rome). Sapienza, Roma 18-20/06/2015.
Aristotle’s Philosophy of Mathematics. Conference of the series: Science and Philosophy Colloquia. Speakers: C. Cellucci (Sapienza, Roma), D. Gillies (University College London). Sapienza, Roma 16/02/2015.
Aristotle’s Physics I. First of two conferences on this topic. Speakers: Istvan Bodnár (CEU, Budapest), Cristina Cerami (CNRS, Paris), David Charles (Yale University), Timothy Clarke (University of California, Berkeley), Alan Code (Stanford University), Andrea Falcon (Concordia University, Montreal), Lindsay Judson (Oxford University), James G. Lennox (University of Pittsburgh), Diana Quarantotto (Sapienza University, Rome). Sapienza, Roma 12-14/09/2013.
2008/2009: Plato’s Meno (MA).
2009/2010: Aristotle’s Physics I and II (BA).
2010/2011: Aristotle’s Theory of Change (MA).
2011/2012: Maternity leave.
2012/2013: Aristotle’s Natural Teleology (MA).
2013/2014: Aristotle’s Inquiry into the Principles of Natural Things (MA).
2014/2015: Aristotle’s View on Pre-Socratic Philosophy (MA); Philosophical writing (BA)
2015/2016: Aristotle’s Theory of Location (BA); Philosophical writing (BA)
2016/2017: Aristotle’s Theory of Location (BA); Philosophical writing (BA)
2017/2018: Plato’s Meno (BA).
2017/2018: Ancient theories of Mind (MA)
2018/2019: Plato’s Meno (BA).
2018/2019: Ancient theories of Mind (MA)