Research: Multiscale geomorphological analysis of primary and erosive-depositional processes in submarine volcanic environments of the Aeolian Islands.
Scholarship in the framework of the Geo-Archeo project (PON) (January - November 2022). Master's degree in Exploration Geology, Sapienza University of Rome (October 2022). M.Sc. thesis: "Integrazione tra dati batimetrici ad alta risoluzione e video ROV per lo studio di processi erosivo-deposizionali in canyon sottomarini: esempi dal margine calabro tirrenico e ionico". Supervisor: Prof. Daniele Casalbore; Co-supervisors: Dr. Martina Piedomenico, Dr. Domenico Ridente.
-March 2023 - Oceanographic cruise for acquisition of geophysical data (Multibeam) and ROV surveys (Aeolian Island, Italy);
-July 2023 - Participation to the oceanographic cruise Eurofleet+ “ERODOTO” on board of RV Aegaeo for acquisition of geophysical data (Multibeam and AUV) and ROV surveys.