PhD Student

PhD program:: XL
email: davide.principe@uniroma1.it
building: Dipartimento di Chimica, Cannizzaro
room: 274 (2° piano)

supervisor: Maria Assunta Navarra
co-supervisor: Valentina Naticchioni (ENEA)

Research: Electrocatalysts synthesis and characterization for fuel cells

Davide Principe, born in Rome (RM) on 24/07/2000. High School degree obtained in 2019 with a degree of 98/100 at the Liceo Sandro Pertini, Ladispoli (RM). Bachelor's degree in Industrial Chemistry obtained in 2022 with a degree of 110L/110 at the Sapienza university of Rome, under the supervision of professor Andrea Martinelli and with an experimental thesis about the characterization of a vitrimeric polymer. Master's degree in Industrial Chemistry obtained in 2024 with a degree of 110L/110 at the Sapienza university of Rome, under the supervision of professor Andrea Martinelli and with an experimental thesis about the development of new sustainable methods for Poly-hydroxyalcanoates (PHA) extraction from biomasses. Currently enrolled at the first year of the Modelli Matematici per l'Ingegneria, Elettromagnetismo e Nanoscienze PhD (Materials Science curriculum) at the SBAI department of the Sapienza university of Rome.

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