PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII
email: davideemanuele.iannace@uniroma1.it
phone: +393480964152

supervisor: Dott.ssa Emanuela Reale - IrCres

Research: Evaluation of Research Infrastructures in Europe using a quali-quantitative approach. A case study with OPERAS and DARIAH


Dicembre 2023 - Presente --- Collaborator Researcher at the CECH - Universidade de Coimbra

Settembre 2023 - Presente --- Adjunt Researcher at PALOMERA

Aprile 2020 - Presente --- Editor-in-Chief of Eurobull.it

Marzo 2023 - Luglio 2023 --- Visiting Researcher at CECH - Universidade de Coimbra

January 2020 - July 2020 --- Researcher for the Center of Strategic Studies of Amman

April 2019 - May 2019 --- Civilian advisor in the operation "Mare Aperto 2019-1"

September 2018 - October 2018 --- Civilian advisor in the operation "Mare Aperto 2018-2"

January 2018 - April 2018 --- Trainee for the Italian Institute of Culture of Prague


Master of II level for expert in politics and international relations - LUMSA University of Rome, 14/07/2021, final grade 110 with laude.
Original title thesis: La science diplomacy e le città. Tra vecchi strumenti e network globali.
Translation: Science diplomacy and the cities. Between old tools and global networks.
Relator: Ambassador Domenico Fornara

Master's degree in Applied Social Science - University of Rome La Sapienza, 11/12/2018, final grade 110 with laude, awarded as excellent student.
Original title thesis: Neoliberismo e contractors. I privati nella difesa pubblica
Translation: Neoliberism and contractors. Privates in public defense
Relator: Professor Giulio Moini

Bachelor's degree in Sociology - University of Rome La Sapienza, 07/07/2016, final grade 110.
Original title thesis: Web-community. Comunità tra social media e forum online
Translation: Web-Community. Between social media and online forum
Relator: Professor Antimo Luigi Farro


81st Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference - Chicago - 4-7 April 2024
Topic: Open Access in Italian universities. Universities' policy analysis and their impacts

Eu-SPRI Early Career Researcher Conference (ECC) - Rome - 6-8 March 2024
Topic: Understanding research infrastructure: a qualitative approach via semi-structured interviews

VIII Ed. of the National Conference of Doctoral student in Social Sciences (CNDSS) - Catania- 29 November - 2 December 2023
Topic: The study of energetic communities and the lack of evaluation practices. How to face this issue on the sociological gap of research and future possible paths (with Francesca Rossi and Giulia Lang)

XXV National Congress of AIV - Rome- 20-22 September 2023
Topic: The evaluation of Research Infrastructure in Social Sciences and Humanities. A qualitative approach through the analysis of OPERAS and DARIAH

XIV Conference of Environmental Sociology - Siracusa - 14-16 September 2023
Topic: Energetic Communities and European Networks. COME-RES as an attempt of governance on a European and transnational level (with Francesca Rossi and Giulia Lang)

ERQ 2023 - 9th edition - 7-10 June 2023
Topic: Calvello and Ge.Fo.Cal. A Basilicata's case study, between the energy transition and problems of research (with Francesca Rossi and Giulia Lang)

InGenio PhD Days (Valencia, Spain) - 7-9 February 2023
Topic: Impact analysis of European Research Infrastructures of the ESFRI forum. A proposal for a new approach.

AIS - Sezione Territorio (Milan, Italia) - 12-14 January 2023
Topic: The development of Energetic Communities in the Italian Inner Areas. The case study of Calvello. (with Francesca Rossi and Giulia Lang)

ICSA - International Conference on Sustainability Analysis (Rome, Italy) - 14-15 July 2022
Topic: Sustainability and European Research Infrastructures


The outcome of ‘smart working’ policies on cultural workers in the Italian Public Sector, 2023, SINAPPSI - Rivista INAPP, n. 3/2023, with Arturo Mariano Iannace and Sara Pane

Evaluation of research infrastructures in the Social Sciences and Humanities field. A proposal for a new approach, 2023, Woking Paper DISSE

Aree Interne e Università: Sviluppi Singergici (Inner Areas and Universities: Synergies and Development) in Give Back. Una best practice per la partecipazione dei giovani nelle aree interne (Give Back. A best practice for the participation of youths in inner areas), 2023

Being young in Europe. Which future?, 2021, Eurobull and The Ventotene Lighthouse, co-author Debora Striani,
Link: https://www.theventotenelighthouse.eu/being-young-in-europe-which-future/

Le città in Europa, ritagliarsi uno spazio in NGEU, (Cities in Europe, taking space in NGEU), 2021, Eurobull
Link: https://www.eurobull.it/le-citta-in-europa-ritagliarsi-uno-spazio-in-ngeu?lang=fr

American swarms: lo sviluppo americano di sciami di droni ad uso militare, (American swarns: the American development of military swarm drones), 2021, CESI - Centro Studi Internazionali
Link: https://www.cesi-italia.org/articoli/1306/american-swarms-lo-sviluppo-americano-di-sciami-di-droni-ad-usomilitare?

Il Wagner Group, la mano “invisibile” del Cremlino, (Wagner Group, the "invisible" hand of Kremlin), 2020, CESI - Centro Studi Internazionali
Link: https://www.cesi-italia.org/articoli/1170/il-wagner-group-la-mano-invisibile-del-cremlino

Research products

11573/1710422 - 2024 - Digitalizzazione e banda ultralarga come motori del "South Working"
Pane, Sara; Iannace, Davide Emanuele - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: 36 Rapporto Italia EURISPES - (978-88-498-8121-9)

11573/1701956 - 2023 - The outcome of ‘smart working’ policies on cultural workers in the Italian Public Sector
Iannace, Arturo; Iannace, Davide Emanuele; Pane, Sara - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINAPPSI (Soveria Mannelli CZ: Rubbettino) pp. - - issn: 2532-8549 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1670010 - 2023 - Aree interne e università: sviluppi sinergici
Iannace, Davide E. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Give back. Una best practice per la partecipazione dei giovani nelle aree interne - (979-12-5514-068-9)

11573/1676871 - 2023 - Proposal for a new infrastructure evaluation approach: ESFRI and the Social Sciences & Humanities case
Iannace, Davide Emanuele - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno

11573/1710949 - 2023 - Evaluation of research infrastructures in the Social Sciences and Humanities field. A proposal for a new approach
Iannace, Davide Emanuele - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Working paper series dipartimento di scienze sociali ed economiche - ()

11573/1682480 - 2023 - The sustainability push in the Basilicata's Inner Areas. The case of Calvello and Ge.Fo.Cal
Iannace, Davide Emanuele; Lang, Giulia; Rossi, Francesca - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 9th Ethnography and Qualitative Research International Conference (Trento)
book: ERQ23 - Abstract Book - ()

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