PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
email: david.nicoletti@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Prof.ssa Giuliana Fiorentino
co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Francesca Masini; Prof.ssa Anna Pompei

Research: Analytic and synthetic verbs in institutional languages: formation and usage.

I obtained my Bachelor's degree in modern literature at the University of Pisa, discussing a thesis in Italian philology with Prof. Zaccarello. In 2022, I obtained my Master's degree in Linguistics (LM-39) at the University of Roma Tre, with a thesis entitled "Diathetic alternations within LVCs: the case of 'dare' and 'prendere' " (Supervisor: Prof. Pompei, grade: 110L/110). In 2023, I started a collaboration with the University of Salerno, under the supervision of Prof. Vellutino, within the PRIN project entitled "VerbAcxSs: on analytic verbs, complexity, synthetic verbs, and simplification for accessibility" directed by Prof. Pompei. During this collaboration, I contributed to the manual annotation of linguistic resources. I am currently a PhD student in Linguistics at the Sapienza University of Rome. My research project focuses on verb formation and usage in institutional languages with specific reference to complex predicates. My main research interests are Construction Grammar, the syntax-lexicon interface, verbal semantics and usage and corpus-based approaches.

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