PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: danila.varani@uniroma1.it
building: CU002 - Facoltà di Giurisprudenza - SEDE
room: Istituto di Diritto Pubblico (stanza del Prof. Pietro Boria)

supervisor: Prof. Pietro Boria

Research: TAX LAW

Ph.D. student with scholarship in Tax Law (XXXVIII cycle), at the Faculty of Law - Sapienza University of Rome. Qualified to practice the profession of Chartered Accountant. Master's degree in Business Administration (LM-77) with the final grade of 110/110 cum laude, thesis in Corporate governance and business sector scenarios, entitled "The participatory gender budgeting in the age of digitalization", at Roma Tre University. Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business Management (L-18), thesis entitled "The process of horizontal integration through M&A: the Ferrero-Nestlé case", at Roma Tre University. B2 level English language, achieved at the Roma Tre University. Scientific high school diploma, at "Cartesio-Luxemburg", Rome. Participation at numerous foreign experiences during my high school years, including the one carried out at Dorothy Stringer High School, Brighton (England). Release of the B2 level English language certificate from the British Council. From a work and professional point of view, I deal with assistance and consultancy activities in judicial and extrajudicial tax matters, for people and legal entities. I have collaborated with several internationally renowned firms as a tax and legal consultant, at their offices in Rome (a collaboration which I am still continuing). During my university period, I also carried out an extra-curricular internship in the audit of the public sector and european funds, at an important auditing company.

Research products

11573/1696796 - 2023 - L’imposta regionale sulle emissioni sonore degli aeromobili come tributo ambientale parzialmente di scopo
Varani, Danila - 01c Nota a sentenza
paper: DIRITTO E PRATICA TRIBUTARIA (Cedam Spa:via Jappelli 5-6, I 35121 Padua Italy:011 39 049 8239148, EMAIL: info@cedam.com, INTERNET: http://www.cedam.com, Fax: 011 39 049 8752900) pp. 1501-1553 - issn: 0012-3447 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1697623 - 2022 - Aspetti aziendalistici e fiscali del processo di integrazione orizzontale via M&A. Il caso Ferrero-Nestlé
Varani, Danila - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: RIVISTA DI CONSULENZA AZIENDALE E TRIBUTARIA, IL COMMERCIALISTA DELLA CAPITANATA (Foggia: Ordine dei commercialisti e degli esperti contabili di Foggia) pp. 29-39 - issn: 2611-3694 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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