Professore associato

email: dh710@cinj.rutgers.edu
telefono: +1-732-235-4064
edificio: CINJ
stanza: 3037


Business address: Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
195 Little Albany Street, CINJ, Office 3037, Lab 3026
New Brunswick, NJ, 08903

Email address: dh710@cinj.rutgers.edu

Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1768-5969

Scopus ID: 18233698100
ResearcherID: L-6986-2017


2005-2011: PhD in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, magna cum laude
Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), Spain
Spanish National Cancer Centre (CNIO)
PhD supervisor: Dr. Manuel Serrano
Thesis Title: Sirt1 role in metabolism, cancer and aging

2000-2005: PharmD in Pharmacy
Complutense University, Madrid, Spain


2019: Interstellar Initiative Awardee [New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) & Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)]

2019: Rutgers Program for Early Career Excellence (PECE)

2017: EHA-ASH TRTH Award
European Hematology Association (EHA) and American Society of Hematology (ASH) Tanslational Research Training in Hematology

2014: ASH Abstract Achievement Award at the 56th ASH Annual Meeting.

2012: ASH Abstract Achievement Award at the 54th ASH Annual Meeting.

2011: Mutua Madrileña Foundation Best 2010 Paper Prize for:
Herranz, D., et al. (2010). Sirt1 improves healthy ageing and protects from metabolic syndrome-associated cancer. Nat Commun., 1:3.

2011: St. Nicholas Foundation Award to the Best Thesis, granted by the Spanish Royal Academy of Medicine.

2011: Autonomous University of Madrid Extraordinary Doctorate Prize

2005: First runner-up Spanish National Prize in Pharmacy

2005: Complutense University Extraordinary Prize in Health Sciences Field

2005: Complutense University Extraordinary Prize in Pharmacy


2012-2015: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Fellow Award

2005-2010: Eduardo Gallego fellowship granted by the Francisco Cobos Foundation

2005-2010: Predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS)


2021-2022: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Alex’s Million Mile Grant

2020-2021: Rutgers Cancer Institute Seed Funding for Large Multi-PI Awards (co-PI)

2020-2024: American Cancer Society RSG TBE-133916

2019-2024#: NIH/NCI R01 (CA236936)

2019-2022: Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research Award

2015-2020: NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award (CA197869)

2019-2019: Children’s Leukemia Research Association Grant

2018-2019: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Alex’s Million Mile Grant

2018-2019: Leukemia Research Foundation New Investigator Grant

2017-2018**: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Shark Tank Award

2015-2017**: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Young Investigator Grant **(Completed)

2015-2017*: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Special Fellow Award
(*declined due to incompatibility with K99/R00)


2012 - American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Active Member # 250877
2016 - American Society of Hematology (ASH), Active Member # 1296534


2017-present Assistant Professor of Pharmacology
Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, USA

2015-2017: Associate Research Scientist, Laboratory of Dr. Adolfo Ferrando Columbia University, Institute for Cancer Genetics, New York, USA.

2011-2015: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Laboratory of Dr. Adolfo Ferrando Columbia University, Institute for Cancer Genetics, New York, USA.

2005-2011: Graduate student under Dr. Manuel Serrano supervision
Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), Madrid, Spain
Thesis research: Sirt1 role in metabolism, cancer and aging


1. Tottone, L., Lancho, O., Loh, JW., Singh, A., Kimura, S., Roels, J., Kuchmiy, A., Strubbe, S., Lawlor, MA., da Silva-Diz, V., Luo, S., Gachet, S., Garcia-Prieto, CA., Hagelaar, R, Esteller, M., Meijerink, JPP., Soulier, J., Taghon, T., Van Vlierberghe, P., Mullighan, CG., Khiabanian, H., Rocha, PP. and Herranz, D.* (2021) A Tumor Suppressor Enhancer of PTEN in T-cell development and leukemia. Blood Cancer Discov, 2, 92-109. (PMID: 33458694) (*corresponding authorship)
Highlighted in a comment in the same issue: Blood Cancer Discov 2021;2:1-2.

2. Xiong, H., Mancini, M., Gobert, M., Shen, S., Furtado, GC., Lira, SA., Parkhurst, CN., Garambois, V., Brengues, M., Tadokoro, CE., Trimarchi, T., Gomez-Lopez, G., Singh, A., Khiabanian, H., Minuzzo, S., Indraccolo, S., Lobry, C., Aifantis, I., Herranz, D., Lafaille, JJ. And Maraver, A. (2021) Spleen plays a major role in DLL4-driven acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia. Theranostics, 11, 1594-1608. (PMID: 33408769)

3. Garcia-Canaveras, JL.#, Lancho, O.#, Ducker, GS., Ghergurovich, JM, Xu, X., da Silva-Diz, V., Kim, H., Herranz, D.* and Rabinowitz, JD.* (2021) SHMT inhibition is effective and synergizes with methotrexate in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia, 35, 377-388. (PMID: 32382081) (#co-first authorship; *co-corresponding authorship)

Selected as a 2020 highlight by the NCI:

4. Belver, L., Yang, AY., Alberto, R., Herranz, D., Brundu, FG., Quinn, SA., Perez-Duran, P., Alvarez, S., Gianni, F., Rashkovan, M., Gurung, D., Rocha, PP., Raviram, R., Reglero, C., Cortes, JR., Cooke, A., Wendorff, A., Cordo, V., Meijerink, J., Rabadan, R. and Ferrando, AA. (2019). Gata3-controlled nucleosome eviction drives Myc enhancer activity in T-cell development and leukemia. Cancer Discov, 9, 1774-1791. (PMID: 31519704)

5. Costa-Machado, L., Martín-Hernández, R., Sánchez, M.A., Hess, K., Vales-Villamarin, C., Barradas, M., Lynch, CJ., de la Nava, D., Diaz-Ruiz, A., de Cabo, R., Cañamero, M., Martínez, L., Sánchez-Carbayo, M., Herranz, D.*, Serrano, M.*, and Fernández-Marcos, PJ*. (2018) Sirt1 protects from KRas-driven lung carcinogenesis. EMBO Rep, 19(9); pii: e43879. (PMID: 30021836) (*Co-corresponding authorship)

6. Fabbri, G., Holmes, A., Viganotti, M., Scuoppo, C., Belver, L., Herranz, D., Yan, XJ., Kieso, Y., Rossi, D., Gaidano, G., Chiorazzi, N., Ferrando, AA., and Dalla-Favera, R. (2017) Common non-mutational NOTCH1 activation in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 114, E29110-E2919. (PMID: 28314854)

7. Sánchez-Martín, M., Ambesi-Impiombato, A., Quin, Y., Herranz, D., Bansal, M., Girardi, T., Paietta, E., Tallman, MS., Rowe, JM., De Keersmaecker, K., Califano, A., and Ferrando AA. (2017) Synergistic antileukemic therapies in NOTCH1-induced T-ALL. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 114, 2006-2011. (PMID: 28174276)

8. Herranz, D., Ambesi-Impiombato, A., Sudderth, J., Sánchez-Martín, M., Belver, L., Tosello, V., Xu, L., Wendorff, AA., Castillo, M., Haydu, JE., Márquez, J., Matés, JM., Kung, AW., Rayport, S., Cordon-Cardo, C., DeBerardinis RJ. and Ferrando, AA. (2015). Metabolic reprogramming induces resistance to anti-NOTCH1 therapies in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nat Med, 21: 1182-1189. (PMID: 26390244)

Preview comment in Cell metabolism (2015), 22: 759-760. (PMID: 26536486)
Research Watch comment in Cancer Discovery (2015), 11: 1123. (PMID: 26428986)

9. Herranz, D., Ambesi-Impiombato, A., Palomero, T., Schnell, SA., Belver, L., Wendorff, AA., Xu, L., Castillo-Martin, M., Llobet-Navás, D., Cordon-Cardo, C., Clappier, E., Soulier, J., and Ferrando, AA. (2014). A NOTCH1-driven MYC enhancer promotes T-cell development, transformation and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nat Med, 20: 1130-1137. (PMID: 25194570)

News&Views comment in Nature Medicine (2014), 20: 1096-1097. (PMID: 25295936)
Research Watch comment in Cancer Discovery (2014), 11: OF17. (PMID: 25367958)

10. Beiroa, D., Imbernon, M., Gallego, R., Senra, A., Herranz, D., Villaroya, F., Serrano, M., Fernø, J., Salvador, J., Escalada, J., Dieguez, C., Lopez, M., Frühbeck, G., and Nogueiras, R. (2014). GLP-1 agonism stimulates brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and browning through hypothalamic AMPK. Diabetes, 63: 3346-3358. (PMID: 24917578)

11. Piovan, E., Yu, J., Tosello, V., Herranz, D., Ambesi-Impiombato, A., Da Silva, AC., Sánchez-Martín, M., Pérez-García, A., Rigo, Castillo, M., Indracolo, S., Cross, JR., de Stanchina, E., Paietta, E., Racevskis, J., Rowe, JM., Tallman, MS., Basso, G., Meijerink, JP., Cordon-Cardo, C., Califano, A., and Ferrando, AA. (2013). Direct reversal of glucocorticoid resistance by AKT inhibition in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Cell, 29, 766-776. (PMID: 24291004)

12. García-Rodríguez, J., Barbier-Torres, L., Fernández-Álvarez, S., Gutiérrez-de Juan, V., Monte, MJ., Halilbasic, E., Herranz, D., Alvarez, L., Aspichueta, P., Marin, JJG., Trauner, M., Mato, JM., Serrano, M., Beraza, N., and Martínez-Chantar, ML. (2014). Sirt1 controls liver regeneration by regulating BA metabolism through FXR and mTOR signaling. Hepatology, 59, 1972-1983. (PMID: 24338587)

13. Wauters, E., Sanchez-Arevalo Lobo, VJ., Pinho, AV., Mawson, A., Herranz, D., Wu, J., Cowley, MJ., Colvin, EK., Ngawi Njicop, E., Sutherland, RL., Liu, T., Serrano, M., Bouwens, L., Real, FX., Biankin, AV., and Rooman, I. (2013). Sirtuin-1 regulates acinar to ductal metaplasia and supports cancer cell viability in pancreatic cancer. Cancer Res, 73, 2357-2367. (PMID: 23370328)

14. Herranz, D., Maraver, A., Cañamero, M., Gómez-López, G., Inglada-Pérez, L., Robledo, M., Castelbanco, E., Matias-Guiu, X., and Serrano, M. (2013). SIRT1 promotes thyroid carcinogenesis driven by PTEN deficiency. Oncogene, 32, 4052-56. (PMID: 22986535)

15. Maraver, A., Fernández-Marcos, PJ*., Herranz, D*., Muñoz-Martin, M., Gomez-Lopez, G., Cañamero, M., Mulero, F., Megías, D., Sanchez-Carbayo., M., Shen, J., Sanchez-Cespedes, M., Palomero, T., Ferrando, A., and Serrano, M. (2012). Therapeutic effect of -secretase inhibition in KrasG12V-driven non- small cell lung carcinoma through derepression of DUSP1 phosphatase and inhibition of ERK. Cancer Cell, 22, 222-34. (PMID: 22897852) (*Equal contribution)

16. Muñoz-Fontela, C., Gonzalez, D., Marcos-Villar, L., Campagna, M., Gallego, P., Gonzalez-Santamaria, J., Herranz, D., Gu, W., Serrano, M., Aaronson, SA., and Rivas, C. (2011). Acetylation is indeispensable for p53 antiviral ativity. Cell Cycle, 10, 3701-5. (PMID: 22033337)

17. Herranz, D., Iglesias, G., Muñoz-Martin, M., and Serrano, M. (2011). Limited role of Sirt1 in cancer protection by dietary restriction. Cell Cycle, 10, 2215-17. (PMID: 21606675)

18. Gambini, J., Gomez-Cabrera, MC., Borras, C., Valles, SL., Lopez-Grueso, R., Martinez-Bello, VE., Herranz, D., Pallardo, FV., Tresguerres, JA., Serrano, M., and Viña, J. (2011). Free [NADH]/[NAD+] regulates sirtuin expression. Arch Biochem Biophys, 512, 24-9. (PMID: 21575591)

19. Campagna, M., Herranz D., Garcia, MA., Marcos-Villar, L., González- Santamaría, J., Gallego, P., Gutierrez, S., Collado, M., Serrano, M., Esteban, M., and Rivas C. (2011). SIRT1 stabilizes PML promoting its sumoylation. Cell Death Differ, 18, 72-9. (PMID: 20577263)

20. Palacios, JA., Herranz, D., De Bonis, ML., Velasco, S., Serrano, M., Blasco MA. (2010). SIRT1 contributes to telomere maintenance in vivo and augments global homologous recombination. J Cell Biol, 191, 1299-13. (PMID: 21187328)

21. Calvanese, V., Lara, E., Suarez-Alvarez, B., Abu Dawud, R., Vazquez- Chantada, M., Martínez-Chantar, M., Embade, N., Horrillo, A., Hmadcha, A., Soria, B., Piazzolla, D., Herranz, D., Serrano, M., Mato, JM., Andrews, P., López-Larrea, C., Esteller, M., raga, MF. (2010). SIRT1 regulation of developmental genes during differentiation of stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107, 13736-41. (PMID: 20631301)

22. Herranz, D., Muñoz-Martin, M., Cañamero, M., Mulero, F., Martinez-Pastor, B., Fernandez-Capetillo, O., and Serrano, M. (2010). Sirt1 improves healthy ageing and protects from metabolic syndrome-associated cancer. Nat Commun, 1:3. (PMID: 20975665)
Evaluated in the F1000 website

23. Pfluger, P.T.*, Herranz D.*, Velasco-Miguel, S.*, Serrano, M. and Tschöp, M.H. (2008). Sirt1 protects against high-fat diet-induced metabolic damage. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,105,9793-8. (PMID: 18599449) (*Equal contribution, co-first authorship)

24. Efeyan, A., Ortega-Molina, A., Velasco-Miguel, S., Herranz, D., Vassilev, L.T. and Serrano, M. (2007). Induction of p53-dependent senescence by the MDM2 antagonist nutlin-3a in mouse cells of fibroblast origin. Cancer Res, 67, 7350-7357. (PMID: 17671205)

25. Efeyan, A., Garcia-Cao, I., Herranz, D., Velasco-Miguel, V. and Serrano, M. (2006). Policing of oncogene activity by p53. Nature, 443, 159. (PMID: 16971940)


1. Lancho, O., Herranz, D.* (2018). The MYC enhancer-ome: long-range transcriptional regulation of MYC in cancer. Trends Cancer, 4, 810-822. (PMID: 30470303). (*corresponding authorship)
2. Herranz, D. (2017). Glutaminolysis gets the spotlight in cancer. Oncotarget, 8, 10761-10762. (PMID: 28053289)
3. Herranz, D., Ferrando AA. (2016). Targeting NOTCH1 in T-ALL: Starving the dragon. Cell Cycle, 15, 483-484. (PMID: 26864725)
4. Herranz, D., Ferrando AA. (2015). An oncogenic enhancer enemy (N-Me) in T-ALL. Cell Cycle, 14, 167-168. (PMID: 25584678)
5. Herranz, D., Serrano, M. (2010). Sirt1: recent lessons from mouse models. Nat Rev Cancer, 10, 819-823. (PMID: 21102633)
6. Herranz, D., Serrano, M. (2010). Impact of Sirt1 on mammalian aging. Aging (Albany NY), 2, 315-316. (PMID: 20562473)


1. Reviewer for NIH R21/R03 grants:
*2020/05 ZCA1 SRB-P (M1) S Special Emphasis Panel
*2019/10 ZCA1 SRB-P (O1) S Special Emphasis Panel
*2019/05 ZCA1 SRB-P (M2) S Special Emphasis Panel
*2018/10 ZCA1 SRB-P (O1) S Special Emphasis Panel
*2018/01 ZCA1 SRB-P (J1) S Special Emphasis Panel

2. FWO (Research Foundation-Flanders, Belgium) Review College member (panels 2021-2023)

3. Ad Hoc grant reviewer for Bloodwise (UK’s largest blood cancer research charity; 2018, 2019)

4. Ad Hoc grant reviewer for FWO (Research Foundation-Flanders, Belgium; 2018)

5. Ad Hoc grant reviewer for ISF (Israel Science Foundation; 2019, 2020)

6. Ad Hoc grant reviewer for TV3 Marató on Cancer (Spanish Foundation, 2019)

7. Ad Hoc Reviewer for journals (2011 - present):
Nature Medicine, Science Translational Medicine, Science Advances, Nature Cancer, Nature Communications, Blood, Blood Cancer Discovery, Journal of Experimental Medicine, EMBO Molecular Medicine, Leukemia, Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research, Aging Cell, Haematologica, Translational Oncology, Communications Biology, Journal of Molecular Medicine, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, PLoS One, EBioMedicine, Hematology, IUBMB Life.

8. Editorial Board:
2020 - present: Translational Oncology (Elsevier; 2019 Impact Factor = 3.6)


1. 06/23/16: University of Florida Cancer Center, Gainesville, FL (USA)
2. 07/29/16: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, CHOP-UPenn, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
3. 09/05/16: Northwestern University, Chicago, IL (USA)
4. 09/12/16: Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ (USA)
5. 12/09/16: Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH (USA)
6. 01/23/17: SanfordBurnhamPrebys Medical Discovery Institute, San Diego, CA (USA)
7. 12/18/17: Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier, INSERM (France)
8. 12/20/17: IMDEA Food Institute, Madrid (Spain)
9. 06/04/18: Spanish National Cancer Center (CNIO), Madrid (Spain)
10. 06/17/19: National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, MD (USA)
11. 09/24/19: Hackensack Meridian Health-CDI, Nutley, NJ (USA)
12. 10/08/19: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY (USA)
13. 03/15/21: Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC), Barcelona (Spain)


1. 2020: American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting (AACR)
Virtual presentation due to Covid-19
Abstract: A tumor suppressor enhancer of PTEN in T-cell development and transformation
3. 2018: AACR Special Conference on Metabolism and Cancer
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Abstract: Therapeutic effects and metabolic rewiring upon glutaminase loss in T-ALL
4. 2016: Cancer as an Evolving and Systemic Disease (Nature Conference)
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Abstract: An oncogenic metabolic switch mediates resistance to NOTCH1 inhibition in T-ALL
5. 2014: 56th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting (ASH)
San Francisco, CA, USA
Abstract: N-Me, a Long Range T-Cell Specific Oncogenic Enhancer in T-ALL
6. 2014: American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting (AACR)
San Diego, CA, USA
Abstract: An oncogenic metabolic switch mediates resistance to NOTCH1 inhibition in T-ALL
7. 2012: 54th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting (ASH)
Atlanta, GA, USA
Abstract: An oncogenic metabolic switch mediates resistance to NOTCH1 inhibition in T-ALL
8. 2009: Idibell Cancer Conference (ICC) on Sirtuins
Barcelona, Spain
Abstract: Direct evidence for improved healthspan mediated by Sirt1
Oral presentation reviewed in: Mostoslavsky, R., Esteller, M., Vaquero, A. (2010). At the crossroad of lifespan, calorie restriction, chromatin and disease: Meeting on sirtuins. Cell Cycle, 9, 1907-1912.
9. 2009: Salk Institute Meeting on Mechanisms & Models of Cancer
La Jolla, CA, USA
Abstract: Sirt1 protects from spontaneous and chemically induced cancer development
10. 2008: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Molecular Genetics of Aging New York, NY, USA
Abstract: Sirt1 protects from metabolic damage by nutrient overload


1. 2020: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Epigenetics & Chromatin
Virtual Meeting
Abstract title: A tumor suppressor enhancer of PTEN in T-cell development and leukemia
2. 2020: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Mechanisms & Models of Cancer
Virtual Meeting
Abstract title: A tumor suppressor enhancer of PTEN in T-cell development and transformation
3. 2019: FASEB meeting on Hematopoietic Malignancies
Snowmass, CO, USA
Abstract: The Sirt1 deacetylase is a novel therapeutic target in T-ALL
4. 2019: Keystone Symposia on Tumor Metabolism
Keystone, CO, USA
Abstract: Therapeutic effects and metabolic rewiring upon glutaminase loss in T-ALL
5. 2018: AACR Special Conference on Metabolism and Cancer
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Abstract: Therapeutic effects and metabolic rewiring upon glutaminase loss in T-ALL
6. 2016: Cancer as an Evolving and Systemic Disease (Nature Conference)
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Abstract title: An oncogenic metabolic switch mediates resistance to NOTCH1 inhibition in T-ALL
7. 2013: FASEB meeting on Hematopoietic Malignancies
Saxton Rivers, VT, USA
Abstract title: An oncogenic metabolic switch mediates resistance to NOTCH1 inhibition in T-ALL.
8. 2013: Keystone Symposia on Tumor Metabolism
Keystone, CO, USA
Abstract title: An oncogenic metabolic switch mediates resistance to NOTCH1 inhibition in T-ALL.
9. 2010: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Mechanisms & Models of Cancer
New York, NY, USA
Abstract title: Sirt1 overexpression improves health and protects from liver cancer but does not affect p53-knockout associated tumorigenesis

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma