Research: "Resources, population and subsistence in Syria-Palestine during the Late Bronze Age"
PhD student in Near Eastern Archaeology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". The project aims to study the population of the Syrian-Palestinian region during the Late Bronze Age (1600/1550-1200 BC) through the case studies of Ugarit, Qatna and Megiddo. In order to reconstruct the main subsistence and exploitation strategies and to define the relationship between the city and the surrounding hinterland, this study will be integrated with an analysis of the resources available in the area.
- 2022, Master's Degree in Archaeology (Near Eastern Archaeology), University of Rome "La Sapienza", with a thesis entitled "Late Bronze Age urban models on the Levantine coast".
-2019, Bachelor's Degree in Archaeological Sciences (Near Eastern Archaeology) at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", with a thesis entitled "Middle and Late Bronze Age female clay figurines in Palestine".
Archaeological excavations
- Since 2023, member of the Archaeological Expedition to Khirbet el-Batrawy (Jordan). Excavation, drawing and processing of archaeological material.
- Since 2019 Member of the Archaeological Expedition to Tell es-Sultan/Ancient Jericho (Palestine). Excavation and restoration, documentation, drawing and processing of archaeological material.
- 2019, participation in the Archaeological Expedition to Bethlehem, the Khalet al-Jam'a Necropolis (Palestine). Excavation, drawing and processing of archaeological material.
- 2018-2023 Member of the Archaeological Expedition to Mozia (MAM). Excavation, drawing and documentation of archaeological material.
- 2017, participation in the Archaeological Excavation of Dragoncello, Acilia-Ostia Antica (Rome). Excavation activities.
Research activities
- 2023, participation in the Major Excavation Project: "Jericho from Pre-Pottery Neolithic to the Bronze and Iron Ages (12,500-332 BCE). Investigating a key-site of the ancient Near East - a multidisciplinary approach", directed by Prof. L. Nigro.
- Participation in the project PRIN2017 'People of the Middle Sea' with the contribution of an article, currently in press.
- 2023-2024, Collaboration in the AICS project 'Conservation and Management' at Tell es-Sultan.