11573/1336490 - 2019 -
Metabolic profile and pharmaco-toxicological effects of MPA in mouse model Camuto, Cristian; Bilel, Sabrine; Ossato, Andrea; Tirri, Micaela; Arfè, Raffaella; Fantinati, Anna; Foti, Federica; Neri, Margherita; De La Torre, Xavier; Mazzarino, Monica; Botre', Francesco; De-Giorgio, Fabio; Marti, Matteo - 04f Poster
conference: Sixth International Conference on Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Maastricht University (maastricht)
book: Research and Advances in Psychiatry - ()
11573/1336500 - 2019 -
The utility of in vitro metabolism studies coupled to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the selection of diagnostic markers of novel psychoactive substances: the case of 4,4’-DMAR Chieffi, Claudia; Botre', Francesco; Camuto, Cristian; De Giorgio, Fabio; De La Torre, Xavier; Marti, Matteo; Trapella, Claudio; Mazzarino, Monica - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
paper: RESEARCH AND ADVANCES IN PSYCHIATRY (Roma IT: CIC Edizioni Internazionali S.r.l.) pp. 14-14 - issn: - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
conference: Sixth International Conference on Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Maastricht University (maastricht)
11573/1336492 - 2019 -
In vitro characterization of the metabolic pathways of four new synthetic cannabinoids Mazzarino, Monica; Camuto, Cristian; De Giorgio, Fabio; De La Torre, Xavier; Marti, Matteo; Samperi, Sara; Botre', Francesco - 04f Poster
conference: Sixth International Conference on Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Maastricht University (Maastricht)
book: Reaserch and advances in psychiatry - ()
11573/1336376 - 2018 -
EVALUATION OF THE METABOLIC PROFILE OF 2-METHIOPROPAMINE BY LC-MS/MS IN MICE AND IN HUMAN LIVER MICROSOMES Camuto, Cristian; Pellegrini, Sheila; Mazzarino, Monica; De La Torre, Xavier; Botre', Francesco; Marti, Matteo; De Giorgio, Fabio - 04f Poster
book: IMSC 2018 Abstract book proofs 2 - (9788890738852)