PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
phone: +33699706651
building: INGV

supervisor: Prof. Danilo Mauro Palladino
co-supervisor: Prof. Danilo Mauro Palladino
co-supervisor (2): Dr. Jacopo Taddeucci
joint PhD: Dr. Jacopo Taddeucci

Research: Linking styles of active magma degassing with fragmentation dynamics for mafic magmas: a multiparametric approach

Professionnal experiences : ◉ Three years as a research fellow | INGV Laboratory, Roma Studying the active degassing on basaltic eruptions by using a multisensorial and multispetral approach. Supervisor : Jacopo Taddeucci Improve Project research grant : the Marie Sklodowka-Curie European Training Network “Innovative Multi-disciplinary European Reasearch training network on Volcanoes” (MSCA-ETN Improve) ◉ (3 month) Fixed-term contract in remote sensing | MV Laboratory, Clermont-Ferrand Studying and processing ash fallout data acquired by 2 disdrometers on Palma Island (fieldwork) | Processing radar data acquired on Etna. Employer : F. Donnadieu ◉ (7 month) Professionnal internship remote sensing | MV Laboratory, Clermont-Ferrand Design and organization of a database on thermal lava, ash and SO2 data acquired by the Meteosat 11 satellite, on 9 volcanoes over the past ◉ (2 month) Internship in geomatic | GSR Laboratory, Reunion Island Map creation and analysis of Comoros archipelago’s volcanoes in the in order to theorize the islands development according to volcanoes layout and shapes. Tutor : L. ◉ (1 month) Internship in petrography | EPOC Laboratory, Bordeaux Andesite samples analysis from Taiwan to study the Shihtiping eruption as well as the pre-eruptive processes of this subduction zone. Tutor : J-L Schneider Educational path : ◉ Master’s degree in geomatics and remote sensing | University, Reunion Island Multidisciplinary training (volcanology, seismology, geophysics, remote sensing, geomatics, risk study, hydrogeology, climatology). With honors. ◉ Environmental Earth Science Undergraduate Degree | University, Bordeaux 6 month of study abroad with Erasmus | University of Sapienza, Italy ◉ Scientific High School Degree, with honors | Bordeaux Languages: Italian, Franch, English, Spanish

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