PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
building: CU014
room: 026

supervisor: Prof.ssa Marianna Villano

Research: Microbial production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)

Claudia Vona was born in Rome on 22nd of July, 1998.
She obtained a bachelor degree in Industrial Chemistry in the year 2020, at Sapienza University of Rome.
In 2022 she earned a MSc in Industrial Chemistry at the same University, with the final score of 110/110 with honors, defending a thesis named "Development of a continuos-feeding process for the production and enrichment of polyhydroxyalkanoates from microbial mixed cultures" under the supervision of professor Mauro Majone.
Since November 2022, she is a PhD student in "Chemical Process for Industry and Environment" at Sapienza, University of Rome.

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