Claudia Olivieri is Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities, University of Catania, where she teaches Russian language and literature. She has been working on 19th century Russian literature (Dostoevsky, Somov), on the cinematographic relations between Russia/USSR and Italy, (on which she has recently co-edited with Olga Strada the volume Italia-Russia. Un secolo di cinema, ABCDesign, 2020), and Italian-Soviet film co-productions (in particular the film Italiani brava gente and the documentary Russia sotto inchiesta). Today she is interested in contemporary Russian literature, culture and society: she has examined the production of Vladimir Sorokin, she has dealt with the relationship between cinema and nostalgia in the monograph Cinema russo da oggi a ieri (Rome, Lithos, 2015), she studies contemporary Russian theatre (with particular reference to the theatre of “diversity”, the “Doc” theatre, and Chekhovian rewrites) and the phenomenon of the 1990s (Rubanov). Since 2014 she has been a member of the Italian Slavists Association; she is a member of the Editorial Board of the Series of “Studi Slavistici” and “Masterskaja20”, as well as of the journals “eSamizdat”, “Slavica Tergestina”, “AvtobiografiЯ”, “Fabrica Literarum”. She is one of the founders of the Inter-University “Centre for the Study of Post-Soviet Culture and Counterculture”.