PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Francesco Antonelli


Claudia Annovi is a PhD candidate in Social and Economic Sciences (Curriculum Sociology and Applied Social Research) at La Sapienza University of Rome with a project entitled "What lies behind? The role of conspiracy theories in populism in power."

Her research interests mainly focus on conspiracy theories, new forms of populism, violent extremism (in particular, jihadism and the far right extremism), and Tunisian politics.

Claudia Annovi is also currently a Fellow Analyst at Ce.S.I. (Center for International Studies), where she supervises European projects focusing on prevention of radicalization and counter-terrorism.

She received her Master's degree in 2020 with honors and honorable mention in International Sciences (MENA Studies) from the University of Turin with a thesis focused on the relations between moderate Islamism and Jihadism in post-revolutionary Tunisia. In 2017 she obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Languages, Cultures, Societies of Asia and Mediterranean Africa (major languages: Arabic and Persian) at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. During her academic years, she spent study periods abroad in Tunisia, Iran and France.

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